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An important issue for video transmission over IP networks is the preservation of perceived video quality despite packet loss. Packet loss can be detrimental to compressed video. However, reducing packet loss to a very low level is difficult with current techniques. Furthermore, even a very low objective loss probability can still seriously distort perceived video quality. This paper presents a packet scheduling scheme at a router which addresses the loss issues of networked video. Experiments using real video data show that the proposed scheme can significantly improve the visual quality of video and network efficiency. Moreover, it can provide different classes of videos with different levels of loss guarantees, while maintaining service fairness among the same class of videos.  相似文献   

TCP-Peachtree: a multicast transport protocol for satellite IP networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, a reliable multicast transport protocol TCP-Peachtree is proposed for satellite Internet protocol (IP) networks. In addition to the acknowledgment implosion and scalability problems in terrestrial wirelined networks, satellite multicasting has additional problems, i.e., different multicast topology, different type of congestion control problems, and low bandwidth feedback link. In TCP-Peachtree, the modified B+ tree logical hierarchical structure is used to form dynamic multicast groups. Local error recovery and acknowledgment (ACK) aggregations are performed within each subgroup and also via logical subgroups. In order to avoid the overall performance degradation caused by some worst receivers, a local relay scheme is designed. Two new algorithms, jump start and quick recovery, which are based on the usage of a type of low-priority segments called NIL segments, are proposed for congestion control. NIL segments are used to probe the availability of network resources and also for error recovery. The delayed selective acknowledgment (SACK) scheme is adopted to address the bandwidth asymmetry problems and a hold state is developed to address persistent fades. The simulation results show that the congestion control algorithms of TCP-Peachtree outperform the TCP-NewReno when combined with our hierarchical groups and improve the throughput performance during rain fades. It is also shown that TCP-Peachtree achieves fairness and is very highly scalability.  相似文献   

随着技术的发展,宽带IP 综合信息网络除提供FTP、HTTP等业务外,越来越多地提供一些多媒体业务,如视频会议、远程教育、远程医疗、VOD点播等,这些业务都有自己的应用系统,与一般业务不同之处在于其对服务质量的要求相对较高,这就要求网络不能仅仅提供简单的连通性,还需提供非常有效的QoS(服务质量保证)机制。QoS是一个比较广泛的概念,它是对各类用户或应用服务水平特征的描述。例如,视频会议一般要求最高的服务等级(first class),数据传输一般要求商业级服务水平(businessclass),Web服务器浏览要求最低,只要满足经济级…  相似文献   

The General Packet Radio Service is the current enhancement in the GSM infrastructure, capable of handling Internet protocol traffic for mobile computing and communications. A major deficiency of the current GPRS specification is the lack of adequate IP quality of service support. Two schemes for enhancing the GPRS architecture with the existing IP QoS support architectures, IntServ and DiffServ, are proposed. Solutions are proposed to the problem of establishing QoS reservations across the GPRS core network, and the required signaling enhancements and modifications in the components of the GPRS architecture are identified. Of the two proposed schemes the IntServ one requires frequent refreshing of state information and extra signaling. To quantify the effect that signaling overhead has on GPRS operation and performance, a simulation model of the proposed IntServ architecture was developed, which includes models of the GPRS cellular infrastructure, network traffic, and user movement. The obtained simulation results show that the proposed IntServ architecture demonstrated good scalability, even for large user populations  相似文献   

Advanced QoS provisioning in IP networks: the European premium IP projects   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This article describes the current evolution of QoS architectures, mechanisms, and protocols in the Internet, as it is ongoing in the framework of the European Union funded research projects on premium IP networks. A short review of the proposed standard approaches to QoS (e.g., differentiated services, integrated services, and label switching technologies) is given. Then we focus on the state-of-the-art architectures, mainly based on DiffServ concepts. Several issues arise when trying to implement these architectures in the real world: QoS aspects, network monitoring of the offered QoS, and end-user control of received QoS. The article then discusses the existing results and the current direction of European research and development in these areas.  相似文献   

Programmable agents for flexible QoS management in IP networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Network programmability seems to be a promising solution to network management and quality of service (QoS) control. Software mobile-agents technology is boosting the evolution toward application-level control of network functionalities. Code may be deployed in the network dynamically and on demand for the benefit of applications or application classes. Agents support a dynamic distribution of control and management functions across networks, thus increasing flexibility and efficiency. We propose to use mobile-agent technology to overcome some of the problems inherent in current Internet technology. We focus our attention to QoS monitoring, being locally significant in network subdomains, and realize a QoS management strategy in response to variations of user, customer of application requirements, and of the network state. We describe our experience and the results obtained from our testbed, where software agents are instantiated, executed, migrated, and suspended in order to implement flexible QoS management in IP networks  相似文献   

This paper describes a signalling environment for Quality of Service (QoS) negotiation and advance resource reservation in mobile IP networks. This environment is built in conformance with the generic signalling environment, which is standardized by the NSIS IETF working group. The advanced resource reservation protocol, called MQoS NSLP, is based on the QoS NSLP signalling application. It provides to mobile terminals the QoS required based on the user's mobility and QoS profile. In this work, we investigate the use of some techniques of the AI (Artificial Intelligence) domain to implement a user interface called NIA (Negotiation Individual Assistant) in order to determine the QoS profile and negotiate the QoS parameters in the new domain after the handover. Therefore, we use connectionist learning in the management of the negotiation profiles and agent technology to help the user choose the best service provider, dynamically negotiate the QoS on the user's behalf, and follow the user's behaviour to be able to anticipate the negotiation and manage renegotiation. The advance resource reservation is based on an object MSpec (Mobility Specification) which determines the future location of the mobile terminal. The MSpec object is a part of the mobility and QoS profile and is determined by the NIA in the mobile terminal. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Real‐time traffic such as voice and video, when transported over the Internet, demand stringent quality of service (QoS) requirements. The current Internet as of today is still used as a best effort environment with no quality guarantees. An IP‐based Internet that supports different QoS requirements for different applications has been evolving for the past few years. Video streams are bursty in nature due to the instant variability of the video content being encoded. To help mitigate the transport of bursty video streams with minimal loss of information, rate‐adaptive shapers (RASs) are usually being used to reduce the burstiness and therefore help preserve the desired quality. When transporting video over a QoS IP network, each stream is classified under a specific traffic profile to which it must conform, to avoid packet loss and picture quality degradation. In this paper we study, evaluate and propose RASs for the transport of video over a QoS IP network. We utilize the encoding video parameters for choosing the appropriate configuration needed to support the real‐time transport of Variable Bit Rate (VBR) encoded video streams. The performance evaluation of the different RASs is based on the transport of MPEG‐4 video streams encoded as VBR. The performance is studied based on looking at the effect of various parameters associated with the RASs on the effectiveness of smoothing out the burstiness of video and minimizing the probability of packet loss. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Constraint-based routing gradually becomes an essential enabling mechanism for a variety of emerging network services such as virtual private networking and QoS support. A number of previous works have recognized its significance and investigated many aspects of the operation of constraint-based routing and in particular its variant concerned with determining paths for requests with specific QoS requirements, known as QoS routing. In this work we build on previous results on the cost of QoS routing and investigate the performance/cost trade-offs involved in the operation of a representative QoS routing architecture, elaborate on the constituents of this cost, and identify the main methods for containing the cost that QoS routing incurs on routers. Our results show that the cost of QoS routing is not excessive and that there indeed exist operational configurations, which can achieve reasonable performance gains with only a minimal increase in processing cost when compared to conventional best-effort routing  相似文献   

To provide a multicasting service, several multicast protocols for mobile hosts (MHs) have been proposed. However, all of these protocols have faults, such as non‐optimal delivery routes and data loss when hosts move to another network, resulting in insecure multicast data transmissions. Thus, this paper presents a new reliable and efficient multicast routing protocol for mobile IP networks. The proposed protocol provides a reliable multicast transmission by compensating the data loss from the previous mobile agent when a MH moves to another network. In addition, an additional function allows for direct connection to the multicast tree according to the status of agents, thereby providing a more efficient and optimal multicast path. The performance of the proposed protocol is confirmed based on simulations under various conditions. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Power management is an important issue in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) because wireless sensor nodes are usually battery powered, and an efficient use of the available battery power becomes an important concern specially for those applications where the system is expected to operate for long durations. This necessity for energy efficient operation of a WSN has prompted the development of new protocols in all layers of the communication stack. If the radio transceiver is the most power consuming component of a typical sensor node, large gains can be achieved at the link layer where the medium access control (MAC) protocol controls the usage of the radio transceiver unit.  相似文献   

Current quality of service (QoS) routing schemes for low earth orbit (LEO) satellites IP networks either neglect the varying population density or fail to guarantee end-to-end delay. As a remedy, QoS routing protocol based on mobile agent (QoSRP-MA) is proposed. QoSRP-MA is a source-based routing protocol. Once connection requests arrive, QoS mobile agents are dispatched from ingress satellite to explore routes, which migrate using satellite routing tables. Upon arriving in egress satellite, QoS mobile agents migrate back towards ingress satellite to reserve bandwidth. To construct satellite routing tables, load balancing routing algorithm based on mobile agent (LBRA-MA) is presented. In LBRP-MA, at regular intervals mobile agents launched on all satellites migrate autonomously to evaluate path cost and update routing tables. Moreover, path cost between source and destination is evaluated considering satellite geographical position as well as inter-satellite link (ISL) cost. Furthermore, ISL congestion index is considered to update routing table. Through simulations on a Courier-like constellation, it shows that QoSRP-MA can achieve guaranteed end-to-end delay bound with higher throughput, lower connection failing ratio and signaling overhead compared to high performance satellite routing (HPSR) scheme.  相似文献   

While each IP domain can deploy its own strategy to manage network resources, multimedia traffic needs end-to-end QoS management to obtain an overall service level. The provision of end-to-end QoS over a heterogeneous environment implies the negotiation of a mutually acceptable SLA. This article presents the use of the COPS-SLS protocol as a generic protocol for automatic service-level negotiation and the integration of this protocol in an overall QoS management architecture to manage service levels over multiple domains deploying different QoS technologies.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了基于IP技术的CDMA系统,然后说明了系统中话音分组的QoS(Quality of Service服务质量)要求和目标,根据其要求分析了BSC部分的软件层次结构,提出了针对相应问题的解决策略.  相似文献   

一种高效的具有用户匿名性的无线认证协议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种高效的具有用户匿名性的无线认证协议。利用Hash函数和Smart卡实现了协议的用户匿名性。协议充分考虑了无线网络自身的限制和移动设备存储资源及计算资源的局限性,在认证过程中移动用户只需要进行一次对称加密和解密运算,用户与访问网络、本地网络与访问网络都只进行一次信息交换,而且所有对称加密都使用一次性密钥。本协议具有实用、安全、高效的特点。  相似文献   

The rapid advance of communication and satellite technology pushes broadband satellite networks to carry on multimedia traffic. However, the function of onboard routing cannot be provided in existing satellite networks with inter‐satellite links, and quality of service (QoS) of satellite networks cannot be reliably guaranteed because of great difficulties in processing of long distance‐dependent traffic. In this paper, a two‐layered low‐Earth orbit and medium‐Earth orbit satellite network (LMSN) is presented. A novel hierarchical and distributed QoS routing protocol (HDRP) is investigated, and an adaptive bandwidth‐constrained minimum‐delay path algorithm is developed to calculate routing tables efficiently using the QoS metric information composed of delays and bandwidth. The performance of LMSN and HDRP is also evaluated through simulations and theoretical analysis. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

综合考虑了突发包所经历跳数和突发包的长度等因素,文章给出了一种新型的支持服务质量(QoS)的光突发交换(OBS)数据信道调度协议--考虑跳数的改进型JET模式下的优先级抢占(H-PPJET)协议.文章在OBS网络环境中对H-PPJET协议进行了仿真,并与JET模式下的优先级抢占(PPJET)协议进行了对比,仿真结果表明,H-PPJET协议改善了网络的吞吐量和丢包率性能.  相似文献   

李荣森  窦文华 《通信学报》2013,34(Z1):15-125
参考IP Sec的核心思想,并结合MANET的具体实际,提出了一种安全的IP协议SIM(secure IP protocol for manet)。通过在网络层和数据链路层之间添加一个无连接的安全层,对进出协议栈的数据报文进行安全处理。通过将IP Sec的安全协定SA简化为轻量级的适合MANET的SSA,在保持IP安全性的同时降低了协议开销和部署复杂度。进行了基于Linux的协议栈设计和原型系统实现。  相似文献   

Jiang  Zhuqing  Liu  Chonghua  He  Shanbao  Li  Chao  Lu  Qishuo 《Wireless Networks》2018,24(1):295-307
Wireless Networks - We present a fuzzy satellite routing strategy (FSRS) for NGEO satellite IP networks to meet multi-class QoS demands. A set of fuzzy rules is established to map the congestion...  相似文献   

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