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针对属性值为毕达哥拉斯二元语义数(P2TLN)的多属性决策问题,考虑到决策者的有限理性行为,提出基于前景理论的偏好顺序结构排序法(PROMETHEE)的决策方法。首先,介绍毕达哥拉斯二元语义集的相关概念,并对现有P2TLN的距离进行改进,提出一种基于得分函数和精确函数的P2TLN距离,并证明其性质;其次,为体现决策者在比较决策信息时的风险偏好,利用前景价值函数构造P2TLN的优先函数,并以此对方案进行两两比较,从而计算各方案的净流量,进而对各方案进行排序。最后,通过物流公司的评估实例说明所提方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we expand the generalised Heronian mean (GHM) operator, generalised weighted Heronian mean (GWHM), geometric Heronian mean (GHM) operator, and weighted geometric Heronian mean (WGHM) operator with 2-tuple linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy numbers (2TLPFNs) to propose generalised 2-tuple linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy Heronian mean (G2TLPFHM) operator, generalised 2-tuple linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy weighted Heronian mean (G2TLPFWHM) operator, 2-tuple linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy geometric Heronian mean (2TLPFGHM) operator, 2-tuple linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy weighted geometric Heronian mean (2TLPFWGHM) operator. Then, the MADM methods are proposed with these operators. In the end, we utilise an applicable example for green supplier selection to prove the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Multiple-attribute group decision making (MAGDM) under linguistic environment is an important part of modern decision sciences, and information aggregation operator plays an import role in solving MAGDM problems. In this paper, an approach for solving MAGDM problem with q-rung orthopair fuzzy 2-tuple linguistic information is developed. First, the q-rung orthopair fuzzy 2-tuple linguistic weighted averaging (q-ROFTLWA) operator and the q-rung orthopair fuzzy 2-tuple linguistic weighted geometric (q-ROFTLWG) operator are presented. Furthermore, the q-rung orthopair fuzzy 2-tuple linguistic Muirhead mean (q-ROFTLMM) operator and the q-rung orthopair fuzzy 2-tuple linguistic dual Muirhead mean (q-ROFTLDMM) operator are proposed on the basis of Muirhead mean (MM) operator and dual Muirhead mean (DMM) operator. Then, an approach is developed to deal with MAGDM problem under q-rung orthopair fuzzy 2-tuple linguistic environment based on the proposed operators. Finally, a numerical example for selecting desirable emergency alternative(s) in the process of designing emergency preplan is given to illustrate the application of the developed method and demonstrate its effectiveness.  相似文献   

针对直觉模糊信息解决动态多属性决策问题时存在的不足,将Pythagorean模糊语言信息引入到动态多属性决策问题,提出一种基于Pythagorean模糊语言信息集成算子的多准则妥协排序(VIKOR)决策方法。引入Pythagorean模糊语言得分函数、精确函数、距离计算公式等概念,提出动态 Pythagorean模糊语言加权平均(DPFLWA)算子,并研究DPFLWA算子的基本性质。最后,基于DPFLWA算子和VIKOR方法,构建一种动态 Pythagorean模糊语言多属性决策方法。通过第三方逆向物流服务商的选择实例,表明该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

The power average (PA) operator and Maclaurin symmetric mean (MSM) operator are two important tools to handle the multiple attribute group decision‐making (MAGDM) problems, and the combination of two operators can eliminate the influence of unreasonable information from biased decision makers (DMs) and can capture the interrelationship among any number of arguments. The Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic set (PFLS) is parallel to the intuitionistic linguistic set (ILS), which is more powerful to convey the uncertainty and ambiguity of the DMs than ILS. In this paper, we propose some power MSM aggregation operators for Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic information, such as Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic power MSM operator and Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic power weighted MSM (PFLPWMSM) operator. At the same time, we further discuss the properties and special cases of these operators. Then, we propose a new method to solve the MAGDM problems with Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic information based on the PFLPWMSM operator. Finally, some illustrative examples are utilized to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Pythagorean fuzzy sets, as an extension of intuitionistic fuzzy sets to deal with uncertainty, have attracted much attention since their introduction, in both theory and application aspects. In this paper, we investigate multiple attribute decision-making (MADM) problems with Pythagorean linguistic information based on some new aggregation operators. To begin with, we present some new Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic Muirhead mean (PFLMM) operators to deal with MADM problems with Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic information, including the PFLMM operator, the Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic-weighted Muirhead mean operator, the Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic dual Muirhead mean operator and the Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic dual-weighted Muirhead mean operator. The main advantages of these aggregation operators are that they can capture the interrelationships of multiple attributes among any number of attributes by a parameter vector P and make the information aggregation process more flexible by the parameter vector P. In addition, some of the properties of these new aggregation operators are proved and some special cases are discussed where the parameter vector takes some different values. Moreover, we present two new methods to solve MADM problems with Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic information. Finally, an illustrative example is provided to show the feasibility and validity of the new methods, to investigate the influences of parameter vector P on decision-making results, and also to analyze the advantages of the proposed methods by comparing them with the other existing methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new type of fuzzy set, called Pythagorean linguistic sets (PLSs), to address the preferred and nonpreferred degrees of linguistic variables. Moreover, it allows decision makers to offer effectively handle uncertain information more flexible than intuitionistic linguistic sets (ILSs) when one compares two alternatives in the process of decision making. Some of the fundamental operational laws, score, accuracy, and aggregation operators are defined, and their properties are investigated. Preference relation (PR) is a useful and efficient tool for decision making that only requires the decision makers to compare two alternatives at one time. Taking the advantages of PLSs and PRs, this paper also introduces Pythagorean linguistic preference relations (PLPRs) and studies their application. We propose an approach for group decision making using group recommendations based on consistency matrices and feedback mechanism. First, the proposed method constructs the collective consistency matrix, the weight collective PRs, and the group collective PRs. Then, it constructs a consensus relation for each expert and determines the group consensus degree (GCD) for all experts. If the GCD is smaller than a predefined threshold value, then a feedback mechanism is activated to update the PLPRs. Finally, after the GCD is greater than or equal to the predefined threshold value, we calculate the arithmetic mathematical average values of the updated group collective PR to select the most appropriate alternative.  相似文献   

针对多属性群决策问题,采用能够方便专家参考语言集信息进行评价并且取值灵活的勾股模糊语言集进行了处理。首先,基于语言集和勾股模糊集的距离测度给出了勾股模糊语言数距离测度的定义与相关性质;然后,以勾股模糊语言数的距离测度作为幂均(PA)算子的距离度量,提出了勾股模糊语言幂加权平均(PFLPWA)算子用以对群决策过程中不同专家评价矩阵进行融合,并同时在融合过程中考虑专家评价的差异性;最后,基于PFLPWA算子构建了勾股模糊语言环境下的群体决策新方法,并通过案例分析检验了PFLPWA算子应用于群决策中的有效性和适用性。  相似文献   

基于下标以零为中心对称的语言评估标度,将区间不确定二元语言集与区间直觉模糊集结合,提出区间直觉二元语言集及变量的概念;讨论区间直觉二元语言变量的运算及可能度;提出区间直觉二元语言加权算术平均算子、区间直觉二元语言有序加权平均算子,并在此基础上,通过可能度矩阵对区间直觉二元语言变量进行排序提出区间直觉二元语言混合加权平均算子;最后基于这些算子构建了一种新的直觉模糊多属性群决策方法,并将其运用于供应商选择过程中。  相似文献   

考虑到Pythagorean模糊集(Pythagorean Fuzzy Set,PFS)具有的优势,提出了一个Pythagorean模糊环境下解决多准则决策(Multicriteria Decision Making,MCDM)问题的新方法。根据TOPSIS理论计算Pythagorean模糊环境下的正、负理想解,同时提出两个Pythagorean模糊集之间的交叉熵定义,并对其性质给予证明。计算每个方案各自和正、负理想解之间的交叉熵,再根据相对贴近度对所有方案进行排序。通过一个在绿色环境下的供应商选择的算例验证了有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

In this article, a new linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy set (LPFS) is presented by combining the concepts of a Pythagorean fuzzy set and linguistic fuzzy set. LPFS is a better way to deal with the uncertain and imprecise information in decision making, which is characterized by linguistic membership and nonmembership degrees. Some of the basic operational laws, score, and accuracy functions are defined to compare the two or more linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy numbers and their properties are investigated in detail. Based on the norm operations, some series of the linguistic Pythagorean weighted averaging and geometric aggregation operators, named as linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy weighted average and geometric, ordered weighted average and geometric with linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy information are proposed. Furthermore, a multiattribute decision‐making method is established based on these operators. Finally, an illustrative example is used to illustrate the applicability and validity of the proposed approach and compare the results with the existing methods to show the effectiveness of it.  相似文献   

This essay designs an innovate approach to work out linguistic multiattribute group decision-making (MAGDM) issues with complex q-rung orthopair fuzzy 2-tuple linguistic (Cq-ROF2TL) evaluation information. To begin with, the conception of Cq-ROF2TL set is propounded to express uncertain and fuzzy assessment information. Meanwhile, the score and accuracy function, a comparison approach, Cq-ROF2TL weighted averaging, and Cq-ROF2TL weighted geometric operator are put forward. Furthermore, to take into consideration the correlation among multiple input data, the Cq-ROF2TL Maclaurin symmetric mean (MSM) operator, the Cq-ROF2TL dual MSM operator and their weighted forms are presented. Several attractive characteristics and particular instances of the developed operators are also explored at length. Later, an innovative MAGDM methodology is designed based upon the propounded operators to settle the emergency program evaluation issue under the Cq-ROF2TL circumstance. Consequently, the efficiency and outstanding superiority of the created approach are severally substantiated by parameter exploration and detailed comparative analysis.  相似文献   

针对专家给出的属性值为Pythagorean模糊语言且专家权重与属性权重均未知的多属性决策问题进行了研究,提出一种基于云模型的多属性决策方法。首先,根据Pythagorean模糊语言决策信息的距离熵计算得到属性权重;其次,计算决策矩阵间的距离从而得到各决策专家权重;再次,构建Pythagorean模糊云模型决策矩阵并利用专家权重和属性权重进行信息集结;最后,基于TOPSIS方法求取正、负理想解,依据理想解计算各方案贴近度并据此对各备选方案进行排序选择。案例分析表明,该方法优化了复杂环境下的决策,避免了决策信息的丢失,能够较好解决决策信息的不确定性和决策过程的随机性,具有一定的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

针对毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊多属性决策中,集成算子的重要作用以及集成算子不完善的情况,较为系统地研究了毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊集成算子。为此,在毕达哥拉斯模糊数的运算和运算法则基础上,定义了毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊有序加权平均算子(PHFOWA)、广义有序加权平均算子(GPHFOWA)和混合平均算子(PHFHA),以及毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊有序加权几何平均算子(PHFOWG)、广义有序加权几何平均算子(GPHFOWG)和混合几何平均算子(PHFHG),并结合数学归纳法,分别给出了它们的计算公式,讨论了它们的有界性、单调性和置换不变性等性质。建立了基于毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊集成算子的多属性决策方法,并应用算例和相关方法比较说明了决策方法的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

区间二元语义值是一种常用的不确定环境下决策信息表达形式。考虑到决策信息的交叉影响作用,定义了区间二元语义值的Bonferroni平均算子以及相应的加权形式,在此基础上,给出了组合形式的区间二元语义值的加权Bonferroni平均算子的概念,并研究了算子的幂等性、单调性等数学性质,给出了基于C-I2TLWBA算子区间二元语义值的集成模型和决策应用。实例表明了该模型具有较好的有效性。  相似文献   

魏俐华  陈刚 《计算机应用研究》2021,38(10):2954-2960
针对属性值为Pythagorean模糊语言,属性权重未知且考虑群体一致性和决策者属性偏好不确定性的决策问题,探讨了一种考虑信任度的两阶段交互多属性群决策方法.首先,考虑决策者偏好,将属性集分为必选属性集和可选属性集;其次,构建两阶段交互机制以确保必选属性集的群体一致性达到阈值,第一阶段以提升群体共识水平为目标进行交互,第二阶段以降低冲突水平为目标进行交互;再次,同时考虑交互的积累稳定性和积累影响因子以确定必选属性集下的决策者权重,并依据信任度确定可选属性集下的决策者权重;最后,用距离熵确定属性权重,并用VIKOR法选出最优方案.算例分析表明,该方法能够较好地解决考虑共识和冲突水平的多属性群决策问题.  相似文献   

In this study, a multi-attribute group decision making (MAGDM) problem is investigated, in which decision makers provide their preferences over alternatives by using linguistic 2-tuple. In the process of decision making, we introduce the idea of a specific structure in the attribute set. We assume that attributes are partitioned into several classes and members of intra-partition are interrelated while no interrelationship exists among inter partition. We emphasize the importance of having an aggregation operator, to capture the expressed inter-relationship structure among the attributes, which we will refer to as partition Bonferroni mean (PBM). We also investigate the behavior of the proposed PBM operator. Further to aggregate the given linguistic information to get overall performance value of each alternative in MAGDM, we analyze PBM operator in linguistic 2-tuple environment and develop three new linguistic aggregation operators: 2-tuple linguistic PBM (2TLPBM), weighted 2-tuple linguistic PBM (W2TLPBM) and linguistic weighted 2-tuple linguistic PBM (LW-2TLPBM). Based on the idea that total linguistic deviation between individual decision maker's opinions and group opinion should be minimized, we develop an approach to determine weight of the decision makers. Finally, a practical example is presented to illustrate the proposed method and comparison analysis demonstrates applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this article, we define two new exponential operational laws about the interval‐valued Pythagorean fuzzy set (IVPFS) and their corresponding aggregation operators. However, the exponential parameters (weights) of all the existing operational laws of IVPFSs are crisp values in IVPFS decision‐making problems. As a supplement, this paper first introduces new exponential operational laws of IVPFS, where bases are crisp values or interval numbers and exponents are interval‐valued Pythagorean fuzzy numbers. The prominent characteristic of these proposed operations is studied. Based on these laws, we develop some new weighted aggregation operators, namely the interval‐valued Pythagorean fuzzy weighted exponential averaging operator and the dual interval‐valued Pythagorean fuzzy weighted exponential averaging. Finally, a decision‐making approach is presented based on these operators and illustrated with some numerical examples to validate the developed approach.  相似文献   

The main feature of Pythagorean fuzzy sets is that it is characterized by five parameters, namely membership degree, nonmembership degree, hesitancy degree, strength of commitment about membership, and direction of commitment. In this paper, we first investigate four existing comparison methods for ranking Pythagorean fuzzy sets and point out by examples that the method proposed by Yager, which considers the influence fully of the five parameters, is more efficient than the other ones. Later, we propose a variety of distance measures for Pythagorean fuzzy sets and Pythagorean fuzzy numbers, which take into account the five parameters of Pythagorean fuzzy sets. Based on the proposed distance measures, we present some similarity measures of Pythagorean fuzzy sets. Furthermore, a multiple criteria Pythagorean fuzzy group decision‐making approach is proposed. Finally, a numerical example is provided to illustrate the validity and applicability of the presented group decision‐making method.  相似文献   

In this article, a new decision‐making model with probabilistic information and using the concept of immediate probabilities has been developed to aggregate the information under the Pythagorean fuzzy set environment. In it, the existing probabilities have been modified by introducing the attitudinal character of the decision maker by using an ordered weighted average operator. Based on it, we have developed some new probabilistic aggregation operator with Pythagorean fuzzy information, namely probabilistic Pythagorean fuzzy weighted average operator, immediate probability Pythagorean fuzzy ordered weighted average operator, probabilistic Pythagorean fuzzy ordered weighted average, probabilistic Pythagorean fuzzy weighted geometric operator, immediate probability Pythagorean fuzzy ordered weighted geometric operator, probabilistic Pythagorean fuzzy ordered weighted geometric, etc. Furthermore, we extended these operators by taking interval‐valued Pythagorean fuzzy information and developed their corresponding aggregation operators. Few properties of these operators have also been investigated. Finally, an illustrative example about the selection of the optimal production strategy has been given to show the utility of the developed method.  相似文献   

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