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We investigate in this work a generalization of the known CNF representation that we call General Normal Form (GNF) and extend the resolution rule of Robinson to design a new sound and complete resolution proof system for the GNF. We show that by using a cardinality operator in the GNF we obtain the new representation CGNF that allows a natural and efficient Boolean encoding for n-ary finite discrete extensional CSPs. We prove that the space complexity of a CSP encoded in the CGNF is identical to its space complexity when it is expressed in the classical CSP representation. We prove that the generalized resolution rule applies for the CGNF encoding and introduce a new inference rule whose application until saturation achieves arc-consistency in a linear time complexity for n-ary CSP expressed in the CGNF encoding. Two enumerative methods for solving CSP instances encoded in this Boolean framework are studied: the first one (equivalent to MAC in CSPs) maintains full arc-consistency at each node of the search tree while the second (equivalent to FC in CSPs) performs partial arc-consistency on each node. Both methods are experimented and compared on some instances of the Ramsey problem, randomly generated 3/4-ary CSPs and promising results are obtained. We also adapted the notion of clause learning defined in SAT for the CGNF encoding. Finally, we show how the proposed inference rule can be used to achieve Path-consistency in the case of binary CSPs encoded in CGNF, and how it can be used to enforce strong path consistency when it is combined with the generalized resolution rule.  相似文献   

Computing the minimal representation of a given set of constraints (a CSP) over the Point Algebra (PA) is a fundamental temporal reasoning problem. The main property of a minimal CSP over PA is that the strongest entailed relation between any pair of variables in the CSP can be derived in constant time. We study some new methods for solving this problem which exploit and extend two prominent graph-based representations of a CSP over PA: the timegraph and the series-parallel (SP) metagraph. Essentially, these are graphs partitioned into sets of chains and series-parallel subgraphs, respectively, on which the search is supported by a metagraph data structure. The proposed approach is based on computing the metagraph closure for these representations, which can be accomplished by some methods studied in the paper.In comparison with the known techniques based on enforcing path consistency, under certain conditions about the structure of the input CSP and the size of the generated metagraph, the proposed metagraph closure approach has better worst-case time and space complexity. Moreover, for every sparse CSP over the convex PA, the time complexity is reduced to O(n2) from O(n3), where n is the number of variables involved in the CSP.An extensive experimental analysis presented in the paper compares the proposed techniques and other known algorithms. These experimental results identify the best performing methods and show that, in practice, for CSPs exhibiting chain or SP-graph structure and randomly generated (both sparse and dense) CSPs, the metagraph closure approach is significantly faster than the approach based on enforcing path consistency.  相似文献   

Constraint satisfaction problems are ubiquitous in artificial intelligence and many algorithms have been developed for their solution. This paper provides a unified survey of some of these, in terms of three classes: (i) tree search, (ii) arc consistency (AC), and (iii) hybrid tree search/arc consistency algorithms. It is shown that several important algorithms, when slightly rearranged, are of the latter hybrid form, but with arc consistency components that do not necessarily achieve full arc consistency at the tree nodes. Accordingly, we define several new partial AC procedures, AC1/5, AC1/4, AC1/3, and AC½, analogous to the well-known full AC algorithms which Mackworth has called AC1, AC2, and AC3. The fractional suffixes on our AC algorithms are roughly proportional to the degree of partial arc consistency they achieve. Unlike traditional versions, our AC algorithms (full and partial) are presented in a parameterized form to allow them to be embedded efficiently at the nodes of a tree search process. Algorithm complexities are compared empirically, using the n-queens problem and a new version called confused n-queens. Gaschnig's Backmarking (a tree search algorithm) and Haralick's Forward Checking (a hybrid algorithm) are found to be the most efficient. For the hybrid algorithms, we find that it pays to do little arc consistency processing at the nodes, incurring more nodes, but sufficiently reducing the work per node so as to obtain less work over the whole tree. The unified view taken here suggests several new algorithms. Preliminary results show one of these to be the best algorithm so far.  相似文献   

XML keyword search is a user-friendly way to query XML data using only keywords. In XML keyword search, to achieve high precision without sacrificing recall, it is important to remove spurious results not intended by the user. Efforts to eliminate spurious results have enjoyed some success using the concepts of LCA or its variants, SLCA and MLCA. However, existing methods still could find many spurious results. The fundamental cause for the occurrence of spurious results is that the existing methods try to eliminate spurious results locally without global examination of all the query results and, accordingly, some spurious results are not consistently eliminated. In this paper, we propose a novel keyword search method that removes spurious results consistently by exploiting the new concept of structural consistency. We define structural consistency as a property that is preserved if there is no query result having an ancestor-descendant relationship at the schema level with any other query results. A naive solution to obtain structural consistency would be to compute all the LCAs (or variants) and then to remove spurious results according to structural consistency. Obviously, this approach would always be slower than existing LCA-based ones. To speed up structural consistency checking, we must be able to examine the query results at the schema level without generating all the LCAs. However, this is a challenging problem since the schema-level query results do not homomorphically map to the instance-level query results, causing serious false dismissal. We present a comprehensive and practical solution to this problem and formally prove that this solution preserves structural consistency at the schema level without incurring false dismissal. We also propose a relevance-feedback-based solution for the problem where our method has low recall, which occurs when it is not the user’s intention to find more specific results. This solution has been prototyped in a full-fledged object-relational DBMS Odysseus developed at KAIST. Experimental results using real and synthetic data sets show that, compared with the state-of-the-art methods, our solution significantly (1) improves precision while providing comparable recall for most queries and (2) enhances the query performance by removing spurious results early.  相似文献   

Max Restricted Path Consistency (maxRPC) is a local consistency for binary constraints that enforces a higher order of consistency than arc consistency. Despite the strong pruning that can be achieved, maxRPC is rarely used because existing maxRPC algorithms suffer from overheads and redundancies as they can repeatedly perform many constraint checks without triggering any value deletions. In this paper we propose and evaluate techniques that can boost the performance of maxRPC algorithms by eliminating many of these overheads and redundancies. These include the combined use of two data structures to avoid many redundant constraint checks, and the exploitation of residues to quickly verify the existence of supports. Based on these, we propose a number of closely related maxRPC algorithms. The first one, maxRPC3, has optimal O(end 3) time complexity, displays good performance when used stand-alone, but is expensive to apply during search. The second one, maxRPC3 rm , has O(en 2 d 4) time complexity, but a restricted version with O(end 4) complexity can be very efficient when used during search. The other algorithms are simple modifications of maxRPC3 rm . All algorithms have O(ed) space complexity when used stand-alone. However, maxRPC3 has O(end) space complexity when used during search, while the others retain the O(ed) complexity. Experimental results demonstrate that the resulting methods constantly outperform previous algorithms for maxRPC, often by large margins, and constitute a viable alternative to arc consistency on some problem classes.  相似文献   

Finding a solution to a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) is known to be an NP-hard task. Considerable effort has been spent on identifying tractable classes of CSP, in other words, classes of constraint satisfaction problems for which there are polynomial time recognition and resolution algorithms. In this article, we present a relational tractable class of binary CSP. Our key contribution is a new ternary operation that we name mjx. We first characterize mjx-closed relations which leads to an optimal algorithm to recognize such relations. To reduce space and time complexity, we define a new storage technique for these relations which reduces the complexity of establishing a form of strong directional path consistency, the consistency level that solves all instances of the proposed class (and, indeed, of all relational classes closed under a majority polymorphism).  相似文献   

Scheduling problems can be viewed as a set of temporal metric and disjunctive constraints and so they can be formulated in terms of CSP techniques. In the literature, there are CSP-based methods which sequentially interleave search efforts with the application of consistency enforcing mechanisms and variable/ordering heuristics. Therefore, the number of backtrackings needed to obtain a solution is reduced. In this paper, we propose a new method that effectively integrates the CSP process into a limited closure process: not by interleaving them but rather as a part of the same process. Such an integration allows us to define more informed heuristics. These heuristics are used to limit the complete closure process to a maximum number of disjunctions, thereby reducing its complexity while at the same time reducing the search space. Some open disjunctive solutions can be maintained in the CSP process, limiting the number of backtrackings necessary, and avoiding having to know all the problem constraints in advance. Our experiments with flow-shop and job-shop instances show that this approach obtains a feasible solution/optimal solution without having to use backtracking in most cases. We also analyze the behaviour of our algorithm when some constraints are known dynamically and we demonstrate that it can provide better results than a pure CSP process.  相似文献   

If we have two representations of a problem as constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) models, it has been shown that combining the models using channeling constraints can increase constraint propagation in tree search CSP solvers. Handcrafting two CSP models for a problem, however, is often time-consuming. In this paper, we propose model induction, a process which generates a second CSP model from an existing model using channeling constraints, and study its theoretical properties. The generated induced model is in a different viewpoint, i.e., set of variables. It is mutually redundant to and can be combined with the input model, so that the combined model contains more redundant information, which is useful to increase constraint propagation. We also propose two methods of combining CSP models, namely model intersection and model channeling. The two methods allow combining two mutually redundant models in the same and different viewpoints respectively. We exploit the applications of model induction, intersection, and channeling and identify three new classes of combined models, which contain different amounts of redundant information. We construct combined models of permutation CSPs and show in extensive benchmark results that the combined models are more robust and efficient to solve than the single models.  相似文献   

D. A. Cohen 《Constraints》2004,9(3):219-229
A constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) instance has a set of variables, each of which can take values in some domain. It also has a set of constraints, each of which restricts the variables in its scope to take values limited by its constraint relation.The language of a constraint satisfaction problem instance is the set of different constraint relations used in its specification. For a given set of relations over some domain we define the problem CSP () to the set of CSP instances whose language is contained in .The decision problem for a set of CSP instances is, given an instance in the class, to decide whether a solution exists. The search problem is to find such a solution. Here we address the connection between the tractability of the decision and search problems. We prove that given a constraint language over a finite domain for which the decision problem for CSP () is tractable, the search problem is always tractable.We define a surjective language over a finite domain in a standard way. We also show that we can determine in polynomial time whether an instance over a surjective language with a tractable decision problem has fewer than k solutions, and that we can generate all of its solutions with polynomial delay.  相似文献   

Filtering algorithms are well accepted as a means of speeding up the solution of the consistent labeling problem (CLP). Despite the fact that path consistency does a better job of filtering than arc consistency, AC is still the preferred technique because it has a much lower time complexity. We are implementing parallel path consistency algorithms on multiprocessors and comparing their performance to the best sequential and parallel arc consistency algorithms.(1,2) (See also work by Kerethoet al. (3) and Kasif(4)) Preliminary work has shown linear performance increases for parallelized path consistency and also shown that in many cases performance is significantly better than the theoretical worst case. These two results lead us to believe that parallel path consistency may be a superior filtering technique. Finally, we have implemented path consistency as an outer product computation and have obtained good results (e.g., linear speedup on a 64K-node Connection Machine 2).  相似文献   

Mackworth and Freuder have analyzed the time complexity of several constraint satisfaction algorithms.(1) Mohr and Henderson have given new algorithms, AC-4 and PC-3, for arc and path consistency, respectively, and have shown that the arc consistency algorithm is optimal in time complexity and of the same order space complexity as the earlier algorithms.(2) In this paper, we give parallel algorithms for solving node and arc consistency. We show that any parallel algorithm for enforcing are consistency in the worst case must have O(na) sequential steps, wheren is number of nodes, anda is the number of labels per node. We give several parallel algorithms to do arc consistency. It is also shown that they all have optimal time complexity. The results of running the parallel algorithms on a BBN Butterfly multiprocessor are also presented.This work was partially supported by NSF Grants MCS-8221750, DCR-8506393, and DMC-8502115.  相似文献   

There are two main solving schemas for constraint satisfaction and optimization problems: i) search, whose basic step is branching over the values of a variables, and ii) dynamic programming, whose basic step is variable elimination. Variable elimination is time and space exponential in a graph parameter called induced width, which renders the approach infeasible for many problem classes. However, by restricting variable elimination so that only low arity constraints are processed and recorded, it can be effectively combined with search, because the elimination of variables may reduce drastically the search tree size.In this paper we introduce BE-BB(k), a hybrid general algorithm that combines search and variable elimination. The parameter k controls the tradeoff between the two strategies. The algorithm is space exponential in k. Regarding time, we show that its complexity is bounded by k and a structural parameter from the constraint graph. We provide experimental evidence that the hybrid algorithm can outperform state-of-the-art algorithms in constraint satisfaction, Max-CSP and Weighted CSP. Especially in optimization tasks, the advantage of our approach over plain search can be overwhelming.  相似文献   

The way the graph structure of the constraints influences the complexity of constraint satisfaction problems (CSP) is well understood for bounded-arity constraints. The situation is less clear if there is no bound on the arities. In this case the answer depends also on how the constraints are represented in the input. We study this question for the truth table representation of constraints. We introduce a new hypergraph measure adaptive width and show that CSP with truth tables is polynomial-time solvable if restricted to a class of hypergraphs with bounded adaptive width. Conversely, assuming a conjecture on the complexity of binary CSP, there is no other polynomial-time solvable case. Finally, we present a class of hypergraphs with bounded adaptive width and unbounded fractional hypertree width.  相似文献   

多值传播的相容性技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱兴军  张永刚  李莹  张长胜 《自动化学报》2009,35(10):1296-1301
相容性技术是求解约束满足问题的重要手段. 本文针对目前已有相容性算法的单值传播特点, 提出多值传播理论, 证明出k次单值传播与一次多值传播的等价性, 在此基础上, 给出多值传播的弧相容定理. 将该定理与目前流行的Singleton弧相容技术结合, 得到多值传播算法SAC-MP, 并证明其完备性和正确性. 通过对随机问题、N皇后、鸽巢问题及基准用例的测试表明, 算法SAC-MP的执行效率是已有算法SAC-SDS和SAC-3的2~3倍.  相似文献   

We study the computational complexity of auditing finite attributes in databases allowing statistical queries. Given a database that supports statistical queries, the auditing problem is to check whether an attribute can be completely determined or not from a given set of statistical information. Some restricted cases of this problem have been investigated earlier, e.g. the complexity of statistical sum queries is known by the work of Kleinberg et al. (J. Comput. System Sci. 66 (2003) 244–253). We characterize all classes of statistical queries such that the auditing problem is polynomial-time solvable. We also prove that the problem is coNP-complete in all other cases under a plausible conjecture on the complexity of constraint satisfaction problems (CSP). The characterization is based on the complexity of certain CSP problems; the exact complexity for such problems is known in many cases. This result is obtained by exploiting connections between auditing and constraint satisfaction, and using certain algebraic techniques. We also study a generalization of the auditing problem where one asks if a set of statistical information imply that an attribute is restricted to K or less different values. We characterize all classes of polynomial-time solvable problems in this case, too.  相似文献   

A finite binary Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSPs) is defined as consisting of a set of n problem variables, a domain of d potential values for each variable and a set of m binary constraints involving only two variables at a time. A solution to such a CSP is specified by assignment of a value to each variable that does not violate any of the constraints. The CSPs belong to the class of NP-Complete Problems. Backtracking and its variants have been generally used for solving CSPs. The class of Partial Constraint Satisfaction Problems (PCSPs) is a subclass of CSPs that are either too difficult to solve or are unsolvable. Near optimal solutions are always desired to these problems.

In this article, we have considered only finite binary CSPs or PCSPs and developed a method of time complexity O(n 2 d 2) to obtain a near optimal solution for them. The performance of the method in terms of the average number of consistency checks and the average number of constraint violations is measured on various randomly generated binary CSPs and compared with the Branch and Bound (BB) method used to obtain the same solution. The BB method is a widely used optimization technique that may be viewed as a variation of backtracking. Thus, it was a natural choice in seeking an analog of backtracking to find optimal partial solutions for PCSPs. The proposed method moves much faster to the solution. The performance results indicate that in terms of the number of consistency checks, the proposed method has much less consistency checks than BB whereas in terms of average number of constraint violations both methods are same. An upper bound on the distance of the solution from the optimal solution is obtained analytically as ?n(n???2)(d???2)/(d???1)?.  相似文献   

Y. C. Law  J. H. M. Lee 《Constraints》2006,11(2-3):221-267
Constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) sometimes contain both variable symmetries and value symmetries, causing adverse effects on CSP solvers based on tree search. As a remedy, symmetry breaking constraints are commonly used. While variable symmetry breaking constraints can be expressed easily and propagated efficiently using lexicographic ordering, value symmetry breaking constraints are often difficult to formulate. In this paper, we propose two methods of using symmetry breaking constraints to tackle value symmetries. First, we show theoretically when value symmetries in one CSP correspond to variable symmetries in another CSP of the same problem. We also show when variable symmetry breaking constraints in the two CSPs, combined using channeling constraints, are consistent. Such results allow us to tackle value symmetries efficiently using additional CSP variables and channeling constraints. Second, we introduce value precedence, a notion which can be used to break a common class of value symmetries, namely symmetries of indistinguishable values. While value precedence can be expressed using inefficient if-then constraints in existing CSP solvers, we propose efficient propagation algorithms for implementing global value precedence constraints. We also characterize several theoretical properties of the value precedence constraints. Extensive experiments are conducted to verify the feasibility and efficiency of the two proposals.  相似文献   

约束满足问题是人工智能领域的重要研究方向,其求解方法有三种,搜索、一致性算法和约束传播,其中一致性算法通常通过缩减问题域来提高搜索算法的效率.着重介绍了几种常用的一致性算法,并对几种常用算法进行了分析、比较和研究.  相似文献   

A CSP search algorithm, like FC or MAC, explores a search tree during its run. Every node of the search tree can be associated with a CSP created by the refined domains of unassigned variables. If the algorithm detects that the CSP associated with a node is insoluble, the node becomes a dead-end. A strategy of pruning “by analogy” states that the current node of the search tree can be discarded if the CSP associated with it is “more constrained” than a CSP associated with some dead-end node. In this paper we present a method of pruning based on the above strategy. The information about the CSPs associated with dead-end nodes is kept in the structures called responsibility sets and kernels. We term the method that uses these structures for pruning RKP, which is abbreviation of Responsibility set, Kernel, Propagation. We combine the pruning method with algorithms FC and MAC. We call the resulting solvers FC-RKP and MAC-RKP, respectively. Experimental evaluation shows that MAC-RKP outperforms MAC-CBJ on random CSPs and on random graph coloring problems. The RKP-method also has theoretical interest. We show that under certain restrictions FC-RKP simulates FC-CBJ. It follows from the fact that intelligent backtracking implicitly uses the strategy of pruning “by analogy.”  相似文献   

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