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A radiochemical method has been used to determine the absolute yields for a number of fragments in the fission of U233 and Pu239 by 14.5 Mev neutrons and fission-spectrum neutrons. Some regularities in changes in the fragment mass distribution are discussed. The dependence of the difference m between the average masses of the heavy and light fragments on the mass number A of the dividing nucleus is considered.In conclusion, the authors wish to express their deep gratitude to A. A. Malinkin, Yu. A. Vasil'ev, and V. I. Shamarukhin for the irradiation of the specimens, to P. N. Moskalev, N. V. Shuvanova, A. A. Egorova, and K. N. Borozdina for carrying out some of the chemical work, and also to V. V. Zakatilov and L. N. Sorokina for assistance in the physical measurements.  相似文献   

The fission cross sections for fission of U233 and U235 by neutrons with energies between 3 and 800 Kev have been measured. The neutrons were obtained from a van de Graaff generator using the reaction T(p,n)He3. When the neutron energy is varied between 3.4 and 780 Kev the fission cross section drops from 7.5 to 1.9 barns for U233 and from 4.8 to 1.05 barns for U235.This paper is based on the results of work carried out in 1953–1954.  相似文献   

The measurement of the interaction cross sections between resonance neutrons and fissionable isotopes are of definite importance both for reactor calculations and for the construction of various nuclear models. In this work we present the results of measurements of the U233, U235, and Pu239 total cross sections, as well as the fission cross section of U235. The measurements were performed on a mechanical neutron spectrometer (neutron chopper) with a resolution of 0.1–0.2 sec/m in the neutron energy region from 3–5 to about 500 ev. The resonance parameters are calculated to energies of about 30–50 ev, for which the levels may still be considered resolved. For these resonances the neutron widths gn are determined; the total widths are determined for sufficiently excited levels when the uncertainty in this determination is no greater than about 50%. For U235 resonance in the energy region from 2.5 to 20 ev, in addition to the above parameters, the ratio of the fission width f to the total width is found.  相似文献   

The ratios of the mean number of neutrons () emitted in the fission of U233, U235 and Pu239 by thermal neutrons and by neutrons characteristic of a fission spectra have been measured. A method was employed in which the number of fission events was counted simultaneously with the number of coincidences between fragments and fission neutrons. It is found that the quantity increases by approximately 10% in all isotopes which were investigated.In conclusion the authors wish to thank P. E. Nemirovsky for the interest which he has taken in this work.  相似文献   

Measurements have been made of the absolute values of the effective fission cross sections in U233, U235, Pu239 and Pu240, using as photoneutron sources Sb + Be ( 30 kev), Na + D2O ( 250 kev), Na + Be ( 900 kev), a source with a simulated fission-neutron spectrum and Po--Be. The fission cross sections for 30 kev-neutrons are 3.06 ± 0.16, 2.21 ± 0.12 and 1.79 ± 0.11 barns for U233, U235 and Pu239, respectively. As the neutron energy Is increased from 30 kev to 250 kev the cross sections in U233 and U235 fall off by approximately 35% and then remain almost constant while the cross section in Pu239 falls off by 12% and then increases. The effective cross sections for fission in Pu240 for 900-kev and 5-Mev neutrons is 1.4 barns and the threshold for fission in Pu240 lies within the limits 250 and 900 kev.In conclusion the authors wish to express their gratitude to P. E. Spivak for help in formulating the problem and a discussion of the results.  相似文献   

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