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Since the acceptance of the electrochemical rusting mechanism, oxygen reduction has been considered the main cathodic process, while H+ reduction has been overlooked for the past four decades because oxygen can be readily renewed due to the thin layer of solution film formed during atmospheric corrosion. This study shows that measurable hydrogen can be detected at the surface opposite to the corroding side of the specimen during wet-dry cycles, and a clear correlation exists between the quantities of hydrogen permeated through iron sheet and weight loss. Results suggest the intrinsic importance of H+ reduction that merits further investigation.  相似文献   

Although the corrosion of outdoor bronzes has been extensively studied for the last decades, there is no quantitative correlation of corrosion products to microclimatic factors. The present work aims to demonstrate how Principal Component Analysis (PCA) can serve this purpose. Thirty corrosion product samples were collected from the bronze monument of Theodoros Kolokotronis (Nafplio, Greece) and analysed using X-Ray Diffractometry (XRD). The quantitative XRD data together with data on surface orientation and exposure to rain or wind were treated by PCA and three distinct groups were found. Each group includes samples of similar composition and microclimate characteristics showing that PCA may give useful information on corrosion mechanisms.  相似文献   

A thin layer electrochemical cell was successfully developed to study the atmospheric corrosion behavior of copper film in printed circuit board (PCB-Cu) under thin electrolyte layer (TEL) and direct current electric field (DCEF) by electrochemical impedance and electrochemical noise analysis. The electrochemical measurements and SEM morphologies after corrosion test indicate that DCEF decreases the corrosion of PCB-Cu under TEL. The corrosion rate and probability of pitting corrosion of PCB-Cu under DCEF decrease due to the electric migration of aggressive Cl ion out of working electrode surface.  相似文献   

The effects of Cl ion concentration and relative humidity on atmospheric corrosion behaviour of PCB-Cu under adsorbed thin electrolyte layer were investigated by cathodic polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Results indicated that the cathodic process of PCB-Cu corrosion was dominated by the reduction of oxygen and corrosion products. The cathodic current density increased with increasing relative humidity and Cl ion concentration. The corrosion rate was initially dominated by oxygen reduction, but at the later stage of corrosion, the anodic process began to affect the corrosion rate due to the accumulation of corrosion products.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined how aluminium corrosion in Al-Cu/PANI galvanic couples in a marine environment is influenced by deposition of polyaniline (PANI) on copper. Polarization curves and immersion assays in 0.1 M NaCl were performed. The morphologies of etched Al and corrosion products were observed by SEM, and the Al ions in solution were quantified by atomic absorption spectroscopy. A reduction in aluminium damage due to galvanic corrosion was observed as a result of decreased effective area for the oxygen reduction reaction on Cu/PANI electrode. Furthermore, an electrochemical reduction of PANI from leucoemeraldine to emeraldine base is proposed.  相似文献   

An in-situ time-lapse optical microscopy study, using a novel dual-compartment cell is used to gain mechanistic understanding of filiform corrosion (FFC) affecting an organic-coated iron surface. The apparatus allows independent control of environments surrounding the filament head and tail regions. When oxygen-containing environments surround the filament head, an anterior cathodic arc is formed, constraining the filament head electrolyte. When oxygen is removed from the vicinity of the head, FFC propagation rates remain unchanged, although the constraining arc is not present. Maximum propagation is observed when oxygen is available for transport through the filament tail to the rear of the head.  相似文献   

A field study on the first flush effect of copper roof runoff   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The runoff of four copper roof surfaces with different aspects were monitored in a field study in order to identify the existence of the first flush effect and to determine the influences. It was found that almost 40% of all sampled precipitation events exhibited a moderate first flush effect regarding the distribution of copper mass in the roof runoff. There was a significant impact of the roof aspect on the presence and on the magnitude of the first flush. No correlation was found between the first flush effect and weather parameters, such as rain height, rain intensity, and antecedent dry weather period.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of silicate ions on the formation of goethite converted from hydroxysulphate green rust, which was synthesized by neutralizing mixted solution of Fe2(SO4)3 and FeSO4 with NaOH solution, by O2 in an aqueous solution. The pH and oxidation-reduction potential of the suspension and the Fe and Si concentrations in supernatant solutions were analyzed. X-ray diffraction results for the solid particles formed during the conversion were consistent with the results of the solution analyses. The results indicated that silicate ions suppressed the conversion from green rust to α-FeOOH and distorted the linkages of FeO6 octahedral units in the α-FeOOH structure.  相似文献   

Ex-situ X-ray diffraction measurements of a small amount of samples extracted from wet corrosion products freshly formed on a pure iron and iron-2 mass% silicon surfaces have been conducted using synchrotron radiation for clarifying the formation process of corrosion products. The results showed that γ-FeOOH was formed on the outer side of wet corrosion products formed on the surface of the pure iron by sodium chloride solution, while γ-FeOOH, α-FeOOH, Fe3O4, and green rusts were formed on the inner side. On the other hand, in comparison to the case of the pure iron, a significant formation of β-FeOOH was observed in the iron-silicon alloy. Influences of silicon alloying on corrosion products formed by aqueous solution containing sulfate ions were also observed. Furthermore, in-situ diffraction measurements by a conventional X-ray source were conducted for analyzing corrosion products formed on the pure iron and iron-silicon alloy surfaces by cyclic exposure to wet and dry atmospheres. The results obtained by the in-situ diffraction and ex-situ diffraction measurements on the corrosion products were consistent.  相似文献   

Outdoor-indoor corrosion of metals in tropical coastal atmospheres   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Results of indoor and outdoor atmospheric corrosion tests conducted during a long period of time at Cuba and Campeche (Mexico) indicated very high corrosion rates at both sites which have humid-tropical marine climate. We found that the outdoor corrosivity ranges from C3 to >C5 according to ISO 9223 nevertheless metals exposed to sheltered conditions presented higher corrosion rates compared to outdoors, whereas in closed (indoor) environments the corrosion rate significantly decreased. It is recommended to define an additional level of corrosivity for tropical coastal atmospheres in outdoor and sheltered conditions as corrosion depends on the geographical position and exposure conditions.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of Fe-Zn alloy layer that is formed during galvanizing process on the corrosion behavior of galvanized steel has been investigated. The galvanostatic dissolution of galvanized steel was carried out in 0.5 M NaCl solution to obtain the Fe-Zn alloy layer on the base steel. The alloy layer was characterized to be composed of FeZn13, FeZn7 and Fe3Zn10 intermetallic phases, which constitute the zeta, delta1 and gamma layers of galvanized steel, respectively. It was observed that the alloy layer has similar cathodic polarization behavior but different anodic polarization behavior compared to galvanized steel. The anodic current plateau of alloy layer was up to 100 times lower than that of galvanized coating. Corrosion test performed in wet-dry cyclic condition has shown that the alloy layer has lower corrosion rate as compared to galvanized steel. From the results of corrosion test of alloy layer and base steel, it was concluded that Zn2+ has positive effect on the protectiveness of the zinc corrosion products. The measurement of surface potential over the alloy/steel galvanic couple has confirmed the galvanic ability of alloy layer to protect both the alloy layer itself and the base iron during initial stage of atmospheric corrosion.  相似文献   

We analyzed the copper corrosion products that formed during a month in summer and a month in winter at three sites in Tokyo using several analytical techniques. The X-ray diffraction patterns revealed that cuprite Cu2O and posnjakite Cu4SO4(OH)6·H2O formed on copper exposed in summer. By contrast, only cuprite was found in winter exposed copper. The X-ray fluorescence results indicated that the amounts of sulfur and chlorine on the copper plates exposed in summer were much greater than those in winter. This could be explained by the change in particulate sulfate and sea salt concentrations. Depth profiling analysis by Auger electron spectroscopy revealed that the oxide layer formed in summer was thicker than that in winter. This difference in oxide layer thickness could have been due to the differences in temperature, relative humidity, and the amount of sulfur and chlorine on the copper plate.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and electric field on atmospheric corrosion behaviour of PCB-Cu under absorbed thin electrolyte layers were investigated by cathodic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Results indicate that the cathodic current density increases with increasing temperature, but decreases with increasing intensity of electric field. Electric field reduces the corrosion rate of PCB-Cu due to the aggressive ions migrating out from PCB-Cu electrode surface under the effect of electric field. When the ions can not freely migrate out from PCB-Cu electrode surface, local enrichment of aggressive ions under the electric field will cause serious localized corrosion of PCB-Cu.  相似文献   

The corrosion behaviour of copper under chloride-containing thin electrolyte layers (TEL) was investigated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), cathodic polarization, linear polarization, SEM/EDS and XRD. The results indicate that the copper corrosion rate increases as TEL thickness decreases during the initial stages. After 192 h of immersion, the corrosion rate of copper under TEL in this order: 300 > 402 > 199 > bulk solution > 101 μm. The corrosion behaviour is uniform under TEL, and pitting is the primary corrosion type in the bulk solution. A corrosion model of the behaviour of copper under chloride-containing TEL is proposed.  相似文献   

Quantitative X-ray structural analysis coupled with reverse Monte-Carlo (RMC) simulation and infrared spectroscopy have been used for characterizing the atomic scale structure in α-FeOOH particles with and without anions consisting mainly of carbonate. The results showed that these α-FeOOH particles fundamentally have the α-FeOOH structure, but the linkages of FeO6 octahedral structural units in the α-FeOOH particles with the anions are significantly distorted, and the distortion appears to be related with the anions in the α-FeOOH particles. As α-FeOOH are formed through olation and oxolation of iron complexes described by FeO6 structural units with hydrogen in aqueous solution, the atomic scale structure in the α-FeOOH particles may be influenced by anions.  相似文献   

The corrosion behaviour of a quaternary bronze UNS C83600 exposed to stagnant acid rain was examined through wet-dry tests. During the tests, parallel monitoring was performed to determine the evolution of both the bronze surface and the weathering solution composition. The results show that the kinetics of bronze oxidation is governed by diffusion through a two-layer patina: an inner Sn-rich layer and an external Cu and Pb-rich layer. The corrosion rate of the alloy decreases with time, but the dissolution of individual metals (Cu, Zn and Pb) in the environment increases with different trends, showing progressive patina destabilisation.  相似文献   

The role of metallic microstructure in 0.5 μl seawater droplet corrosion of aluminium alloy 2024 (AA2024) has been investigated. Focussed ion beam/scanning electron microscopy (FIB/SEM) was used to determine the relationships between the corrosion products formed at specific sites at the surface and the underlying attack mechanisms. Dealloying of S-phase particles, matrix/particle interfacial attack and grain boundary attack were the predominant attack modes. Cooperative behaviour between IM particles was made possible by networks of etched grain boundaries, which provided a connecting path.  相似文献   

This study compares the precipitation rates of air-borne salts analyzed by the dry gauze method (JIS Z2382) and the Doken (Public Works Research Institute) tank method. Because of the difference of calculation method, direction of prevailing wind causes the difference of salt precipitation rates by these methods. In addition, the Doken tank method has lower capture ability for air-born salt than the dry gauze method under the condition of low supply of air-born salt. While, air-born salt with wet deposition potentially increases salt precipitation of the Doken tank method. As a result, these methods yield different salt precipitation rates.  相似文献   

Atmospheric corrosion is one of the leading causes of structural damage to aircraft. Of particular importance is pitting and intergranular corrosion, which can develop into fatigue cracks, stress corrosion cracks, or exfoliation. Therefore it is of interest to the Australian Defence Force (ADF) to understand how corrosion ensues in susceptible aircraft aluminium alloys, such as AA2024-T351 and 7050-T7451. However, there are many difficulties in measuring the extent of intergranular corrosion, since it is predominantly hidden below the surface. Traditionally, cross-sectioning has been used to view and measure the depth of attack. In the present work, 2 mm diameter pin specimens were contaminated with a droplet of 3.5% NaCl and exposed to constant humidity that resulted in intergranular corrosion. X-ray computed tomography was then used to non-destructively assess the depth and volume of corrosion both as a function of time in 97% relative humidity, and as a function of relative humidity after 168 h exposure. Both corrosion depth and volume increased with time, but there was evidence for a limiting depth in AA2024. Depth and volume also increased with relative humidity of the environment, for which the time-of-wetness and oxygen concentration of the droplets were considered the important factors in driving the corrosion process.  相似文献   

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