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燃煤电厂烟气脱硫浆液管道的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石灰石-石膏湿法烟气脱硫工艺已经非常成熟,国内涌现了很多脱硫总包公司及专业脱硫设计公司。浆液(石灰石浆液和石膏浆液)管道设计工作量在湿法烟气脱硫工艺设计中至少占60%的比例,浆液管道与火电厂一般汽水管道的设计有很大的区别,浆液管道具有易磨损、易腐蚀及易堵塞等特点,在管道选材及布置设计时既要满足一般流体管道设计的各种规范及通用要求,同时更要考虑到浆液管道在流程设计、布置设计、选材、流速计算、坡度设计、阀门及管件选型、支吊架选型等方面的特殊性。  相似文献   

A software package is described which provides a PC-based single data model environment for storing, retrieving, and analyzing electrical power system data. The implementation of the system for an operating nuclear power generating station is discussed. Lessons learned in integrating the system in a plant configuration management plan are described. The implementation reduced the amount of redundant information, organized the data in a form that was easily accessible to authorized personnel, and reduced data-handling operations through automated data, graphics, and analysis links  相似文献   

针对某发电厂实施的机组经济运行管理系统项目,总结了实施的重要阶段,详细介绍了机组经济运行管理系统,可为此类项目在国内的实施提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

This study presents a decision-making method for maintenance policy selection of power plants equipment. The method is based on risk analysis concepts. The method first step consists in identifying critical equipment both for power plant operational performance and availability based on risk concepts. The second step involves the proposal of a potential maintenance policy that could be applied to critical equipment in order to increase its availability. The costs associated with each potential maintenance policy must be estimated, including the maintenance costs and the cost of failure that measures the critical equipment failure consequences for the power plant operation. Once the failure probabilities and the costs of failures are estimated, a decision-making procedure is applied to select the best maintenance policy. The decision criterion is to minimize the equipment cost of failure, considering the costs and likelihood of occurrence of failure scenarios. The method is applied to the analysis of a lubrication oil system used in gas turbines journal bearings. The turbine has more than 150 MW nominal output, installed in an open cycle thermoelectric power plant. A design modification with the installation of a redundant oil pump is proposed for lubricating oil system availability improvement.  相似文献   

Wall thinning, oxides phase(s) identification, and oxide morphology characterization of nine high-pressure turbine extraction pipes (as-found thickness for pipes A through F) received from Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (CPNPP) located at Glen Rose, Texas, were studied in this investigation. Phase identification performed using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry (FTIR) showed that maghemite (γ-Fe2O3), magnetite (Fe3O4), and trace amounts of Lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH) were present in the oxide layer on the inside surface of these small-bore carbon steel pipes. Scallop formation and severe pitting were observed. The scallop pattern was observed utilizing an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) and is attributed to removal of the protective film in a Flow-Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) process. The most severe wall thinning was observed in the vicinity of welds.  相似文献   

电厂规模庞大,工作流程复杂,对发电设备进行信息管理对电厂安全生产有着重要意义。通过对传统设备管理模式的研究,开发了基于C/S结构的电厂设备信息管理系统的九个主要功能模块,包括可靠性管理、设备管理、运行管理、两票管理、打卡管理、资产管理、OA系统、缺陷管理、点检管理。从而可以进行运行状态的评价,各个功能模块的有机结合为提高设备的可靠性提供强有力的支持。  相似文献   

Corrosion assisted cracking becomes important for ageing plant components which are subjected to loading while in contact with an aggressive environment. Fracture mechanics test techniques and data reduction methods have been shown to be useful to predict component behaviour; nevertheless, it is necessary to further investigate the validity of such methods when environmental effects are present. In this case, in particular for low-allow steels used in power generation plants, time-dependent effects are important and strain rate is a key parameter. This paper, making reference to the results of a cooperation between CISE and ENEL to study the behaviour of materials for power generation plants, presents a procedure recommended for preventing and controlling environmentally assisted cracking in ageing components. Results of research programmes will be shown, where a contribution to the solution of actual problems is given.  相似文献   

A CEC-funded project has been performed to tackle the problem of producing an advanced Life Monitoring System (LMS) which would calculate the creep and fatigue damage experienced by high temperature pipework components. Four areas were identified where existing Life Monitoring System technology could be improved:
1. 1. the inclusion of creep relaxation
2. 2. the inclusion of external loads on components
3. 3. a more accurate method of calculating thermal stresses due to temperature transients
4. 4. the inclusion of high cycle fatigue terms.

The creep relaxation problem was solved using stress reduction factors in an analytical in-elastic stress calculation. The stress reduction factors were produced for a number of common geometries and materials by means of non-linear finite element analysis. External loads were catered for by producing influence coefficients from in-elastic analysis of the particular piping system and using them to calculate bending moments at critical positions on the pipework from load and displacement measurements made at the convenient points at the pipework. The thermal stress problem was solved by producing a completely new solution based on Green's Function and Fast Fourier transforms. This allowed the thermal stress in a complex component to be calculated from simple non-intrusive thermocouple measurements made on the outside of the component. The high-cycle fatigue problem was dealt with precalculating the fatigue damage associated with standard transients and adding this damage to cumulative total when a transient occurred.

The site testing provided good practical experience and showed up problems which would not otherwise have been detected.  相似文献   

4MW级生物质气化发电示范工程的设计研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
介绍了我国4MW级的生物质气化整体联合循环发电示范工程的设计特点。该工艺中使用了中温静电除尘、焦油裂解装置和显热回收系统,预计投运后,将会使生物质的气化效率提高、可燃气中焦油含量减少以及系统效率得以提高,为我国生物质能的开发与运用开辟了广阔的前景。  相似文献   

The authors focus on the integrated operation and management system of the combined power generating equipment, with emphasis on new technologies incorporated. Yanai Power Plant uses the latest technology for liquid natural gas (LNG) fueled combined cycle power plants. Operation and management systems have been improved over previous versions by integration. Operations performed independently in conventional power plants, such as monitoring operations, maintenance work, general business, management work, etc., have been combined and systematized using the latest computer and digital control/communication technology. Such operations as calculation, record keeping, storing of large volumes of data, and high-speed transmission of information are under computer control. Aiding the operators is an artificial intelligence inference system and an extensive database  相似文献   

8月28日,上海首个"兆瓦级"太阳能并网发电系统示范工程——上海太阳能工程技术研究中心在上海紫竹科学园区正式动工,预计该工程将于2009年年中全面竣工并投入使用。据了解,研究中心整个建筑群占地26668平方米,由5幢主建筑组成,分别为办公区域和实验区  相似文献   

The high cost of importing heavy fuel oil from neighbouring countries of Jordan stimulated the need to consider renewable energy as an alternative to imported power. The paper describes a systematic experimental study on the pilot solar updraft tower power plant model system. Particular attention is given to measurements of air velocity, temperature, solar radiation and voltage difference. This is the first pilot solar updraft power plant that has been built in Jordan to evaluate such technology in Mutah Area. In this paper, all the experimental data were taken from a very small pilot project (compared with other prototypes that we constructed which were placed in the backyard of our faculty). For the experimental part, the solar updraft power plant was a pilot project with an updraft power plant height H=4(m), updraft power plant radius R c=0.29(m), plastic solar collector area A coll=36(m2), collector roof height=1(m), wind turbine that was a compensation of the suction fan with a diameter D fan=0.5(m), and a small generator (6 V) The experimental results in this paper show that the maximum height (H max) gradually increases with the solar irradiation (G). Also, in the same way, with the pressure difference (Δ p) increases with solar irradiation.  相似文献   

研究了垃圾电站并入配网后的无功优化问题,提出了基于垃圾热值的发电数学模型,分为焚烧发电和沼气燃料电池发电两类.据此模型提出了一种新的配电网无功优化模型,该模型把垃圾处理量作为附加控制变量,把垃圾处理能力作为新的约束条件.在求解方法上,采用小生境粒子群算法进行求解,得到了含有垃圾发电的配网无功优化方案.算例表明,提出的垃圾发电模型和无功优化模型具有较好的准确性和实用性,对垃圾电站的进一步研究具有一定的参考价值,且垃圾发电较燃煤发电具有更好的经济性和环保性,也为垃圾发电在其它方面的应用提供了一些理论依据.  相似文献   

The advent of Leak-Before-Break (LBB) concept has now replaced the traditional design basis event of the Double-Ended-Guillotine-Break (DEGB) to design the Primary Heat Transport (PHT) system piping of the Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) and Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR). This approach is being adopted to design the PHT system piping of 500 MWe Indian PHWR to be built at Tarapur (Tarapur Atomic Power Plant 3 and 4). The LBB concept basically demonstrates through fracture mechanics analysis that there is negligible chance of any catastrophic break of PHT pipes without prior indication of leakage. There are several steps in this work of LBB qualification, namely, evaluation of loads on the piping components, generation of tensile and fracture properties of PHT pipe base and weld material, determination of leakage size crack (LSC) and the elastic–plastic fracture mechanics (EPFM) and limit load analysis of the piping components with postulated LSC to evaluate the critical load at unstable ductile tearing and the limit load, respectively. The paper deals with the fracture analysis of the straight pipes and elbows of three pipe lines in the PHT system of TAPP 3 and 4. Three crack configurations are considered in the analysis. These are throughwall circumferential crack at the weld location of straight pipe and extrados of the elbow and throughwall axial crack at the elbow crown. In all the cases, necessary factor of safety with respect to the anticipated safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) load and LSC are shown to be more than the minimum required values for LBB qualification.  相似文献   

The Spanish plant described in this study is a 982 MWe PWR plant with a three-loop primary circuit of piping made from centrifugally-cast stainless steel SA351 CF8A.

The licensee requested an exemption to GDC-4, from CSN, so as to avoid the postulation of guillotine rupture of the primary loop piping. The request was based on the generic work performed for a US PWR plant group to have such exemption to GDC-4. As the piping material in the Spanish plant is different from that in the plants included in the generic work, CSN performed a review of the applicability of the generic results to the Spanish plant. Also, aspects such as fatigue evaluation, net section collapse, crack growth and leak detection, specifically analyzed for the Spanish plant, were reviewed.

CSN found that fracture toughness test results from generic work are applicable to the Spanish plant; sufficient margin exists against unstable crack extension, and adequate leak detection capability exists with the leakage detection systems available in the plant.

Exemption to GDC-4 was approved and CSN authorized the licensee to remove protection devices against dynamic loads from guillotine breaks in the primary coolant loops.  相似文献   

电厂汽水管道水锤分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用水锤波速度及水锤升压计算方法,对300MW亚临界机组、600MW亚临界机组、1000 MW超超临界机组的给水系统、凝结水系统和循环水系统发生水锤时的水锤升压值进行了计算,对水锤升压值进行对比分析,并提出了相应的预防和消除水锤的有效措施,为现役电厂处理水锤事故及新建电厂的汽水管道设计在预防水锤发生方面提供了一定参考.  相似文献   

电厂制粉系统调整试验及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过详细的特性试验,了解每台磨煤机一次风管的煤粉均匀性情况,在不同的制粉出力下,得出对应的最佳通风量条件下磨煤机出口折向挡板的调节特性、磨煤机辊轴弹簧加载力特性,保证制粉系统安全经济地运行。  相似文献   

<正>财建[2010]662号各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)、科技厅(委、局)、建设厅(委、局)、能源主管部门,新疆生产建设兵团财务局、科技局、建设局、发展改革委,国家电网公司、南方电网公司:金太阳示范工程和太阳能光电建筑应用示范工程(以下简称示范工程)实施以来,各地财政、科技、  相似文献   

秸秆焚烧发电项目的技术经济分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
秸秆焚烧发电作为可再生能源利用的一种形式,近来在我国得到大力发展.以典型机组配置的秸秆焚烧发电项目为例进行技术经济分析,指出影响秸秆焚烧发电项目经济的主要因素有两方面:一是原料的收购价格和上网电价,其中上网电价因受国家政策指导,区别不很大,而燃料价格受地域、季节和其他相关因素的影响,价格波动比较明显,这一点投资者应该重点关注;二是锅炉的蒸汽参数,蒸汽参数影响热效率,从而影响发电成本.文中结合国家宏观政策,提出降低发电成本、提高经济效益的有效措施,供秸秆焚烧发电投资者参考借鉴.  相似文献   

This paper describes a review of recent Japanese activities on probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) analyses. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA: previously JAERI) had sponsored research committees on PFM organized by Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) and Japan Welding Engineering Society (JWES) for more than a decade. This work still continues with the same members in JWES. The purpose of the continuous activity is to provide probabilistic approaches in several fields of integrity problems of nuclear power plant. This paper shows some of the newest results of the JWES research committee. First topic is evaluation of the new JSME code case with rules of Fitness-For-Service from the view of PFM, including reactor pressure vessel subject to pressurized thermal shock loading, piping with a crack of the allowable size and effect of sizing accuracy for piping integrity. The next one is development of new PFM techniques including reliability assessment of piping with domestic (Japanese) SCC data and maintenance optimization of LWRs based on risk and economic models. The last topic is the international round robin program just starting from 2008.  相似文献   

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