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《Energy Conversion and Management》1999,40(15-16):1669-1678
In this work, a new Semi-Closed Gas Turbine Cycle (SCGT) configuration is presented, named Semi-Closed Gas Turbine/Regenerative Combined Cycle (SCGT/RCC). The SCGT/RCC is an hybrid combination of the SCGT/CC and SCGT/RE cycle concepts, including both partial regeneration of the gas turbine and coupling to a bottoming steam cycle by a small-size Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG). An energy and exergy analysis is carried out for several configurations and operating conditions. A preliminary analysis of the RHE size, CO2 absorption potential and related effects on the cycle performance is presented, at several operating conditions and investigating three possible plant operation modes. The performance of the SCGT/RCC is very interesting at optimized operating conditions (specific power exceeding 550 kJ/kg of compressor inlet flow rate, efficiencies close to 50% including a 80% CO2 removal). This plant is a promising solution that combines the positive features of semi-closed gas turbines, allowing a drastic reduction of size and capital costs for both HRSG and RHE and maintaining high values of performance.  相似文献   

《Applied Thermal Engineering》2003,23(17):2169-2182
This paper shows a possible way to achieve a thermoeconomic optimization of combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plants. The optimization has been done using a genetic algorithm, which has been tuned applying it to a single pressure CCGT power plant. Once tuned, the optimization algorithm has been used to evaluate more complex plants, with two and three pressure levels in the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG).The variables considered for the optimization were the thermodynamic parameters that establish the configuration of the HRSG.Two different objective functions are proposed: one minimizes the cost of production per unit of output and the other maximizes the annual cash flow. The results obtained with both functions are compared in order to find the better optimization strategy.The results show that it is possible to find an optimum for every design parameter. This optimum depends on the selected optimization strategy.  相似文献   

The analysis of the SCGT (Semi-Closed Gas Turbine cycle) is extended to the treatment of acid condensation (sulphur compounds) at the exit of the separator (SEP), with reference to different possible configurations already studied from the thermodynamic and environmental points of view. This detailed analysis was considered necessary because the natural gas fuel can contain a small amount of H2S which, reacting with air, can form SO2 and finally sulphuric acid. This can represent a problem (mainly from the economic point of view) because of the possibility of sulphuric acid condensation at the exit of the separator, where the temperature can reach values below the acid dew point of the mixture.

The data obtained from ENI publications were used for the natural gas composition, and a 0.005% H2S molar fraction was additionally hypothesized. With these assumptions, about 0.1% SO2 can be found in the exhaust gases at the separator inlet.

Aspen Plus was used in order to evaluate the chemical effects of the acidity of the condensate produced in the separator. An evaluation about costs of the devices to be used for condensation of the recirculated flue gas humidity has been performed, considering use of the special materials necessary for reducing the aggressive effects of acid water condensation.

A final evaluation of the overall conversion system plant is also produced, showing the economic balance in terms of resulting cost of the unit of electrical energy produced and of inlet power in terms of fuel.

The results are also evaluated in terms of CO2 emissions, considering the ratio between the global cost of the power generation plant and the global carbon dioxide emissions, compared to other types of energy conversion open cycle solutions.  相似文献   

The gas turbine power output and efficiency decrease with increasing ambient temperature. With compressor inlet air cooling, the air density and mass flow rate as well as the gas turbine net power output increase. The inlet cooling techniques include vapor or absorption refrigeration systems, evaporative cooling systems and thermal energy storage (TES) systems. In this paper the thermoeconomic analysis of ice (latent) thermal energy storage system for gas turbine inlet cooling application was performed. The optimum values of system design parameters were obtained using genetic algorithm optimization technique. The objective function included the capital and operational costs of the gas turbine, vapor compression refrigeration system, without (objective function I) and with (objective function II) corresponding cost due to the system exergy destruction. For gas turbines with net power output in the range of 25-100 MW, the inlet air cooling using a TES system increased the power output in the range of 3.9-25.7%, increased the efficiency in the range 2.1-5.2%, while increased the payback period from about 4 to 7.7 years.  相似文献   

The paper proposes an analysis of the feasibility of highly efficient combined plants. The aim of the paper is to discuss and analyze different strategies for the increase of the efficiency of the combined cycle power plants with respect to those usually proposed in the literature. Resorting to the optimization of the components, joined with the use of regeneration and postcombustion (reheat) in the topping cycle it is shown how the combined plant efficiency can rise well over the actually well known limit of 60%. The possibility of obtaining such a high efficiency value is confirmed also by the proposed thermoeconomic optimization, based on the minimization of the total cost of the plant per unit power, obtained referring to a common economic basis the cost of the exergy losses and the costs of the components. The feasibility of obtaining combined plant with efficiency higher than 62%, simply by best fitting the available technology and without waiting for meaningful technological improvement of the gas turbines, is demonstrated.  相似文献   

A novel solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)/gas turbine (GT) hybrid cycle system with CO2 capture is proposed based on a typical topping cycle SOFC/GT hybrid system. The H2 gas is separated from the outlet mixture gas of SOFC1 anode by employing the advanced ceramic proton membrane technology, and then, it is injected into SOFC2 to continue a new electrochemical reaction. The outlet gas of SOFC1 cathode and the exhaust gas from SOFC2 burn in the afterburner 1. The combustion gas production of the afterburner1 expands in the turbine 1. The outlet gas of SOFC1 anode employs the oxy‐fuel combustion mode in the afterburner 2 after H2 gas is separated. Then, the combustion gas production expands in the turbine 2. To ensure that the flue gas temperature does not exceed the maximum allowed turbine inlet temperature, steam is injected into the afterburner 2. The outlet gas of the afterburner 2 contains all the CO2 gas of the system. When the steam is removed by condensation, the CO2 gas can be captured. The steam generated by the waste heat boiler is used to drive a refrigerator and make CO2 gas liquefied at a lower temperature. The performance of the novel quasi‐zero CO2 emission SOFC/GT hybrid cycle system is analyzed with a case study. The effects of key parameters, such as CO2 liquefaction temperature, hydrogen separation rate, and the unit oxygen production energy consumption on the new system performance, are investigated. Compared with the other quasi‐zero CO2 emission power systems, the new system has the highest efficiency of around 64.13%. The research achievements will provide the valuable reference for further study of quasi‐zero CO2 emission power system with high efficiency. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During the last decades, gas turbines (GT) have been widely used to produce electricity power. Despite their numerous applications, one of the most important shortcomings affecting GT behaviour is their power output decrease at higher air ambient temperatures. This problem is frequently solved by installing air cooling systems at GT inlet as a proper alternative in order to stabilise GT power output.Although maximising power output has been usually considered as the main objective of the cooling system, economical profits should also be considered, replacing the usual power increase as the main strategy to select the most suitable temperature. Moreover, especially when electricity markets tend to a deregulated scenario and its prices are settled by a pool system. Hence, an accurate methodology needs to be developed to analyse and compare the different alternatives, including the time-dependent variables involved in the technical and economical system behaviour. These variables include: ambient temperature, relative humidity, hourly electricity prices and natural gas tariff.The proposed methodology takes into account the performance simulation at the combined cycle, the air cooling system, ambient conditions, equipment maintenance and investment, and electricity and natural gas prices, in order to obtain cash flows and another relevant economical variables that maximise the profit of the integrated system. In this paper, this method has been applied as an example to a three-level-pressure combined cycle model with different GT inlet air cooling systems in a certain location and economical framework. The proposed method allows a better results interpretation, showing that some cooling systems, appearing as a proper alternative from a historical point of view, are not necessarily the most profitable option. Consequently, the proposed methodology for the economic evaluation of the cooling systems offers more straightforward information that allows the cooling equipment technology to be sized or selected.  相似文献   

Gas turbine inlet air cooling technologies (GTIAC), mainly including chilling with LiBr/water absorption chiller and fogging as well, are being used during hot seasons to augment the power output. To evaluate the general applicability of inlet air cooling for gas–steam combined cycle power plant (GTCCIAC), parameters such as efficiency ratio, profit ratio and relative payback period were defined and analyzed through off-design performances of both gas turbine and inlet air cooling systems. An analytical method for applicability evaluation of GTCCIAC with absorption chiller (inlet chilling) and saturated evaporative cooler (inlet fogging) was presented. The applicability study based on typical off-design performances of the components in GTCCIAC shows that, the applicability of GTCCIAC with chilling and fogging depends on the design economic efficiency of GTCC power plant. In addition, it relies heavily on the climatic data and the design capacity of inlet air cooling systems. Generally, GTCCIAC is preferable in the zones with high ambient air temperature and low humidity. Furthermore, it is more appropriate for those GTCC units with lower design economic efficiency. Comparison of the applicability between chilling and fogging shows that, inlet fogging is superior in power efficiency at ta = 15–20 °C though it gains smaller profit margin than inlet chilling. GTCC inlet chilling with absorption chiller is preferable in the zones with ta > 25 °C and RH > 0.4.  相似文献   

9FA型燃气轮机联合循环性能研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1引言西气东输工程促进了沿线燃气轮机联合循环电厂的建设,减轻了中东部地区的环境排放压力。燃气轮机联合循环发电系统高效低污染、启停迅速、调峰能力强。西气东输管道沿线有25台F级燃气轮机联合循环机组,其中GE公司9FA型燃气轮机联合循环发电机组13台。如何保证系统的稳定安  相似文献   

Post-combustion carbon capture is a valuable technology, capable of being deployed to meet global CO2 emissions targets. The technology is mature and can be retrofitted easily with existing carbon emitting energy generation sources, such as natural gas combined cycles. This study investigates the effect of operating a natural gas combined cycle plant coupled with carbon capture and storage while using varying fuel compositions, with a strong focus on the influence of the CO2 concentration in the fuel. The novelty of this study lies in exploring the technical and economic performance of the integrated system, whilst operating with different fuel compositions. The study reports the design of a natural gas combined cycle gas turbine and CO2 capture plant (with 30 wt% monoethanolamine), which were modelled using the gCCS process modelling application. The fuel compositions analysed were varied, with focus on the CO2 content increasing from 1% to 5%, 7.5% and 10%. The operation of the CO2 capture plant is also investigated with focus on the CO2 capture efficiency, specific reboiler duty and the flooding point. The economic analysis highlights the effect of the varying fuel compositions on the cost of electricity as well as the cost of CO2 avoided. The study revealed that increased CO2 concentrations in the fuel cause a decrease in the efficiency of the natural gas combined cycle gas turbine; however, rising the CO2 concentration and flowrate of the flue gas improves the operation of the capture plant at the risk of an increase in the flooding velocity in the column. The economic analysis shows a slight increase in cost of electricity for fuels with higher CO2 contents; however, the results also show a reduction in the cost of CO2 avoided by larger margins.  相似文献   

为保障电网安全,电网提出当省网220kV回路故障时,由联合循环电厂独立承担局部地区供电任务。本文是对联合循环机组正常运行时,如果电网系统突发故障,联合循环电厂如何调节,才能使局部供电稳定,在技术方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

利用燃气-蒸汽联合循环对老电厂进行改造,能够提高能源的综合使用率,降低能耗,并有效利用老电厂的现有设备,可以减少投资并见效快,文章对利用燃气-蒸汽联合循环对老电厂进行改造的主要方式和热效率进行了分析。  相似文献   

This paper aims to evaluate part-load operation of a natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plant with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and a CO2 capture plant. Several studies have demonstrated the feasibility and the advantages of EGR at full load, but operation at part load is also important because it is a common condition when NGCC power plants are being used as backup for renewables. The results of this study show that the number of absorber trains is reduced from 4 to 3 with EGR. The efficiency of the NGCC plant with EGR was 0.5% points higher than a conventional NGCC at full load as a result of a higher CO2 concentration in the flue gas. However, this efficiency advantage decreased as the load was reduced from 100% to 50%, with both cases presenting the same efficiency at 50% load. This means that there was no benefit from the effect of EGR at lower loads. The efficiency of a NGCC plant with EGR and CO2 capture configuration decreased from 52.6% to 45.9% when the load was reduced from 100% to 50% compared with a conventional NGCC where the efficiency changed from 52.1% to 45.9%. It was concluded that a NGCC plant with EGR and CO2 capture is viable, results in lower capital costs due to the smaller number of absorber trains and yields slightly higher efficiencies, for operation at part-load down to 50%.  相似文献   

The performances of a combined cycle driven by the liquid hydrogen are discussed. The cycle consists of a gas turbine with a pre-cooler system and a steam turbine heated by the exhaust energy of gas turbine. The liquid hydrogen has not only chemical but cryogenic exergy. The latter is about 10% of the total exergy and is converted to the useful work through the pre-cooling system and an auxiliary hydrogen turbine. The specific output and thermal efficiency of the combined cycle are much higher than those of a simple cycle gas turbine, but in order to operate the combined cycle successfully, it is necessary to check the pinch point which may take place in the boiling process which is heated by the exhaust energy of the gas turbine.  相似文献   

对9FA燃机联合循环性能试验中的一些问题进行了分析,如性能的修正、余热锅炉的性能考核、责任分摊等,并给出了作者的看法,供同行参考。  相似文献   

In this work the thermoeconomic features of two different combined cycles using air “open loop” and steam “closed loop” cooled gas turbines are presented and compared in depth. In order to properly estimate both thermodynamic and thermoeconomic performance of the different combined cycles an analytical model of the blade cooling system has been developed in details and outlined in the paper. Internal Thermoeconomic functional analysis is not performed here, as only economic results are shown and discussed. The blade cooling detailed model, originally developed by TPG researchers, has been integrated into the web based modular code WTEMP, already validated for GT based cycles, developed in the last ten years by TPG. It is shown that the closed loop blade cooling configuration has the greatest potential in terms of thermodynamic efficiency and economic competitivity in the mid-term.  相似文献   

《Applied Thermal Engineering》2001,21(11):1149-1159
The heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) is one of the few components of combined cycle gas turbine power plants tailored for each specific application. Any change in its design would directly affect all the variables of the cycle and therefore the availability of tools for its optimization is of the greatest relevance. This paper presents a method for the optimization of the HRSG based on the application of influence coefficients. The influence coefficients are a useful mathematical tool in design optimization problems. They are obtained after solving the equations of the system through the Newton–Raphson method. The main advantage of the proposed method is that it permits a better understanding of the influence of the design parameters on the cycle performance. The study of the optimization of the distribution of the boiler area between its different components is presented as an example of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

Test and evaluation of a solar powered gas turbine system   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
This paper describes the test and the results of a first prototype solar powered gas turbine system, installed during 2002 in the CESA-1 tower facility at Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA) in Spain. The main goals of the project were to develop a solar receiver cluster able to provide pressurized air of 1000 °C and solve the problems arising from the coupling of the receivers with a conventional gas turbine to demonstrate the operability of the system. The test set-up consists of the heliostat field of the CESA-1 facility providing the concentrated solar power, a pressurized solar receiver cluster of three modules of 400 kWth each which convert the solar power into heat, and a modified helicopter engine (OST3) with a generator coupled to the grid. The first test phase at PSA started in December 2002 with the goal to reach a temperature level of 800 °C at the combustor air inlet by the integration of solar energy. This objective was achieved by the end of this test phase in March 2003, and the system could be operated at 230 kWe power to grid without major problems. In the second test phase from June 2003 to August 2003 the temperature level was increased to almost 1000 °C. The paper describes the system configuration, the component efficiencies and the operation experiences of the first 100 h of solar operation of this very successful first test of a solar operated Brayton gas turbine system.  相似文献   

The integration of the gas turbine cycle and organic Rankine cycle with the solid oxide fuel cell for power generation is quite prevalent. However, the need is also felt for systems capable of providing power with cooling. Therefore, it is proposed to integrate solid oxide fuel cell with gas turbine cycle, vapour absorption refrigeration system and organic Rankine cycle through the heat available with fluid in the cycle. Here intercooled and reheat gas turbine cycle is integrated with solid oxide fuel cell. Heat rejected in intercooling is used in vapour absorption refrigeration system for cooling. This paper presents thermoeconomic analysis. Results show that the combination of solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine-vapour absorption refrigeration system-organic Rankine cycle yields increase in efficiency to 68.79% as compared to 58.88% from combined solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine cycle. The cost of electricity per unit power output is found as 1939.93 $/kW.  相似文献   

The techno-economic evaluation of the evaporative gas turbine (EvGT) cycle with two different CO2 capture options has been carried out. Three studied systems include a reference system: the EvGT system without CO2 capture (System I), the EvGT system with chemical absorption capture (System II), and the EvGT system with oxyfuel combustion capture (System III). The cycle simulation results show that the system with chemical absorption has a higher electrical efficiency (41.6% of NG LHV) and a lower efficiency penalty caused by CO2 capture (10.5% of NG LHV) compared with the system with oxyfuel combustion capture. Based on a gas turbine of 13.78 MW, the estimated costs of electricity are 46.1 $/MW h for System I, while 70.1 $/MW h and 74.1 $/MW h for Systems II and III, respectively. It shows that the cost of electricity increment of chemical absorption is 8.7% points lower than that of the option of oxyfuel combustion. In addition, the cost of CO2 avoidance of System II which is 71.8 $/tonne CO2 is also lower than that of System III, which is 73.2 $/tonne CO2. The impacts of plant size have been analyzed as well. Results show that cost of CO2 avoidance of System III may be less than that of System II when a plant size is larger than 60 MW.  相似文献   

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