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We examine the suitability of three heuristic search algorithms (Greedy Constructive Scheme, Best First Search and A*) for use as routing strategies on a faulty multiprocessor network. Our search space is a simulated 5 × 5 × 5 (125-node) multiprocessor mesh network. Each virtual node comprises a processor and a communications switch supporting explicit message backtracking. Their performances are compared for up to 20% of randomly generated faulty links. The results show that heuristic search algorithms can be implemented as fault-tolerant routing strategies and that the modified Best First Search routing strategy performed consistently better with significantly less degradation than the Greedy Constructive Scheme and the A* strategies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose heuristic approaches for solving master planning problems that arise in semiconductor manufacturing networks. The considered problem consists of determining appropriate wafer quantities for several products, facilities, and time periods by taking demand fulfillment (i.e., confirmed orders and forecasts) and capacity constraints into account. In addition, fixed costs are used to reduce production partitioning. A mixed-integer programming (MIP) formulation is presented and the problem is shown to be NP-hard. As a consequence, two heuristic procedures are proposed: a product based decomposition scheme and a genetic algorithm. The performance of both heuristics is assessed using randomly generated test instances. It turns out that the decomposition scheme is able to produce high-quality solutions, while the genetic algorithm achieves results with reasonable quality in a short amount of time.  相似文献   

This paper documents our investigation into various heuristic methods to solve the vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW) to near optimal solutions. The objective of the VRPTW is to serve a number of customers within predefined time windows at minimum cost (in terms of distance travelled), without violating the capacity and total trip time constraints for each vehicle. Combinatorial optimisation problems of this kind are non-polynomial-hard (NP-hard) and are best solved by heuristics. The heuristics we are exploring here are mainly third-generation artificial intelligent (AI) algorithms, namely simulated annealing (SA), Tabu search (TS) and genetic algorithm (GA). Based on the original SA theory proposed by Kirkpatrick and the work by Thangiah, we update the cooling scheme and develop a fast and efficient SA heuristic. One of the variants of Glover's TS, strict Tabu, is evaluated and first used for VRPTW, with the help of both recency and frequency measures. Our GA implementation, unlike Thangiah's genetic sectoring heuristic, uses intuitive integer string representation and incorporates several new crossover operations and other advanced techniques such as hybrid hill-climbing and adaptive mutation scheme. We applied each of the heuristics developed to Solomon's 56 VRPTW 100-customer instances, and yielded 18 solutions better than or equivalent to the best solution ever published for these problems. This paper is also among the first to document the implementation of all the three advanced AI methods for VRPTW, together with their comprehensive results.  相似文献   

Manufacturing enterprises are being forced into greater collaboration with customers and suppliers in order to produce quality products in smaller batches, shorter lead times and with greater variety. Consequently, the design-for-manufacturing task must be conducted in these virtual and distributed enterprises across traditional organizational boundaries. This paper proposes the use of standard information models to support the product realization process. While extensive work has been performed in developing product data models little effort has been performed in developing a manufacturing model. The design-for-manufacturing stages are identified with their requisite information requirements. Different approaches used to model various aspects of manufacturing processes are reviewed and found inadequate for supporting the entire design-for-manufacturing task. The development of a standard manufacturing systems information model written in EXPRESS and based upon the modelling me thodology adhered to by standard for the exchange of product (STEP) is proposed to fill the void. Initial developments in this area are discussed, the model is illustrated with an example, and the potential benefits to manufacturing are reviewed.  相似文献   

Facility layout design (FLD) has a very important effect on the performance of a manufacturing system. The concept of FLD is usually considered as a multiobjective problem. For this reason, a layout generation and its evaluation are often challenging and time consuming due to their inherent multiple objectives in nature and their data collection process. In addition, an effective facility layout evaluation procedure necessitates the consideration of qualitative criteria, e.g., flexibility in volume and variety and quality related to the product and production, as well as quantitative criteria such as material handling cost, adjacency score, shape ratio, and material handling vehicle utilization in the decision process. This paper presents a decision-making methodology based on data envelopment analysis (DEA), which uses both quantitative and qualitative criteria, for evaluating FLD. The criteria that are to be minimized are viewed as inputs whereas the criteria to be maximized are considered as outputs. A computer-aided layout-planning tool, VisFactory, is adopted to facilitate the layout alternative design process as well as to collect quantitative data by using exact and vague data by means of fuzzy set theory. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is then applied to collect qualitative data related to quality and flexibility. The DEA methodology is used to solve the layout design problem by simultaneously considering both the quantitative and qualitative data. The purposed integrated procedure is applied to a real data set of a case study, which consists of 19 FLDs provided of the plastic profile production system.  相似文献   

多目标不等面积设施布局问题(UA-FLP)是将一些不等面积设施放置在车间内进行布局,要求优化多个目标并满足一定的限制条件。以物料搬运成本最小和非物流关系强度最大来建立生产车间的多目标优化模型,并提出一种启发式算法进行求解。算法采用启发式布局更新策略更新构型,通过结合基于自适应步长梯度法的局部搜索机制和启发式设施变形策略来处理设施之间的干涉性约束。为了得到问题的Pareto最优解集,提出了基于Pareto优化的局部搜索和基于小生境技术的全局优化方法。通过两个典型算例对算法性能进行测试,实验结果表明,所提出的启发式算法是求解多目标UA-FLP的有效方法。  相似文献   

The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) for interdomain routing is designed to allow autonomous systems (ASes) to express policy preferences over alternative routes. We model these preferences as arising from an AS’s underlying utility for each route and study the problem of finding a set of routes that maximizes the overall welfare (ie, the sum of all ASes’ utilities for their selected routes). We show that, if the utility functions are unrestricted, this problem is NP-hard even to approximate closely. We then study a natural class of restricted utilities that we call next-hop preferences. We present a strategyproof, polynomial-time computable mechanism for welfare-maximizing routing over this restricted domain. However, we show that, in contrast to earlier work on lowest-cost routing mechanism design, this mechanism appears to be incompatible with BGP and hence difficult to implement in the context of the current Internet. Our contributions include a new complexity measure for Internet algorithms, dynamic stability, which may be useful in other problem domains. Supported in part by ONR grant N00014-01-1-0795 and NSF grantITR-0219018.Supported by ONR grant N00014-01-1-0795 and NSF grant ITR-0219018. Most of this work was done while the author was at Yale University. Supported in part by NSF grants ITR-0121555 and ANI-0207399. This work was supported by the DoD University Research Initiative (URI) program administered by the Office of Naval Research under Grant N00014-01-1-0795. It was presented in preliminary form at the 2004 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing [7]. Portions of this work appeared in preliminary form in the second author’s PhD Thesis [16].  相似文献   

An interactive graphic extension of a continuous systems simulation language is discussed aimed at providing a general purpose support for animation. The interactive commands available to the user are described together with an explanation of how the basic set of commands can be extended using commands suitable for the particular design problem. A selection of applications are described.  相似文献   

The vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pick-up and delivery is the problem of optimally integrating goods distribution and waste collection, when no precedence constraints are imposed on the order in which the operations must be performed. The purpose of this paper is to present heuristic algorithms to solve this problem approximately in a small amount of computing time. We present and compare constructive algorithms, local search algorithms and tabu search algorithms, reporting on our computational experience with all of them. In particular we address the issue of applying the tabu search paradigm to algorithms based on complex and variable neighborhoods. For this purpose we combine arc-exchange-based and node-exchange-based neighborhoods, employing different and interacting tabu lists. All the algorithms presented in this paper are applicable to problems in which each customer may have either a pick-up demand or a delivery demand as well as to problems in which each customer may require both kinds of operation.  相似文献   

为了使移动Ad hoc网络中的节点在寻找路径时能获得较高的可用性和更低的开销,提出了一个新的路由算法,应用全球定位系统(GPS)提供的信息作为启发式信息,节点使用不同的概率转发路由信息,从而大大减少网络维护路由信息的总量,算法选择一个或两个路径记录在本地路由表中以提高其鲁棒性,当遇到连接断开,采取修复机制创建新的路径以提高数据包传输的成功率。仿真结果表明,该算法取得了较好的数据包传输成功率与较低的通信延迟。  相似文献   

Location-routing is a branch of locational analysis that takes into account distribution aspects. The location-arc routing problem (LARP) considers scenarios where the demand is on the edges rather than being on the nodes of a network (usually a road network is assumed). Examples of such scenarios include locating facilities for postal delivery, garbage collection, road maintenance, winter gritting and street sweeping. This paper presents some heuristic approaches to tackle the LARP, as well as some proposals for benchmark instances (and corresponding results). New constructive and improvement methods are presented and used within different metaheuristic frameworks. Test instances were obtained from the capacitated arc routing problem (CARP) literature and adapted to address the LARP.  相似文献   

随着集成密度的增大以及工作电压的降低,基于SRAM的FPGA芯片更加容易受到单粒子翻转的影响。提出了一种基于通用布局布线工具VPR的抗辐射布线算法,通过改变相关布线资源节点的成本函数,来减少因单粒子翻转引起的桥接错误,并与VPR比较下板测试结果。实验结果表明,该布线算法可以使芯片的容错性能提升20%左右,并且不需要增加额外的硬件资源或引入电路冗余。  相似文献   

A methodology using heuristic search methods is proposed for optimizing cancer chemotherapies with drugs acting on a specific phase of the cell cycle. Specifically, two evolutionary algorithms, and a simulated annealing method are considered. The methodology relies on an underlying mathematical model for tumor growth that includes cycle phase specificity, and multiple applications of a single cytotoxic agent. The goal is to determine effective protocols for administering the agent, so that the tumor is eradicated, while the immune system remains above a given threshold. Results confirm that modern heuristic methods are a good choice for optimizing complex systems. The three algorithms considered produced effective solutions, and provided drug schedules suitable for practice, although some methods excelled others in performance. A discussion of comparative results is presented.  相似文献   

In this work, we investigate a vehicle routing problem where not all clients need to be visited and the goal is to minimize the longest vehicle route. We propose two exact solution approaches for solving the problem: a Branch-and-cut (BC) algorithm and a Local Branching (LB) method that uses BC as its inner solver. Our computational experience indicates that, in practice, the problem is difficult to solve, mainly when the number of vehicles grows. In addition to the exact methods, we present a heuristic that relies on GRASP and on the resolution of a restricted integer program based on a set covering reformulation for the problem. The heuristic was capable of significantly improving the best solutions provided by BC and LB, in one tenth of the times taken by them to achieve their best upper bounds.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present heuristic algorithms for a three-dimensional loading capacitated vehicle routing problem arising in a real-world situation. In this problem, customers make requests of goods, which are packed in a sortment of boxes. The objective is to find minimum cost delivery routes for a set of identical vehicles that, departing from a depot, visit all customers only once and return to the depot. Apart of the usual 3D container loading constraints which ensure that the boxes are packed completely inside the vehicles and that the boxes do not overlap each other in each vehicle, the problem also takes into account constraints related to the vertical stability of the cargo and multi-drop situations. The algorithms are based on the combination of classical heuristics from both vehicle routing and container loading literatures, as well as two metaheuristic strategies, and their use in more elaborate procedures. Although these approaches cannot assure optimal solutions for the respective problems, they are relatively simple, fast enough to solve real instances, flexible enough to include other practical considerations, and normally assure relatively good solutions in acceptable computational times in practice. The approaches are also sufficiently generic to be embedded with algorithms other than those considered in this study, as well as they can be easily adapted to consider other practical constraints, such as the load bearing strength of the boxes, time windows and pickups and deliveries. Computational tests were performed with these methods considering instances based on the vehicle routing literature and actual customers’ orders, as well as instances based on a real-world situation of a Brazilian carrier. The results show that the heuristics are able to produce relatively good solutions for real instances with hundreds of customers and thousands of boxes.  相似文献   

For scheduling flexible manufacturing systems efficiently, we propose new heuristic functions for A* algorithm that is based on the T-timed Petri net. In minimizing makespan, the proposed heuristic functions are usually more efficient than the previous functions in the required number of states and computation time. We prove that these heuristic functions are all admissible and one of them is more informed than that using resource cost reachability matrix. We also propose improved versions of these heuristic functions that find a first near-optimal solution faster. In addition, we modify the heuristic function of Yu, Reyes, Cang, and Lloyd (2003b) and propose an admissible version in all states. The experimental results using a random problem generator show that the proposed heuristic functions perform better as we expected.  相似文献   

Knowledge-based systems are proving to be a powerful tool with great potential for developing intelligent design support environments to improve quality of products and reduce product development costs by eliminating or minimizing many of the trial-and-error iterations involved in product development. This article describes an approach towards the development of intelligent design support environments for mechanical transmission systems, along with implementation details of a distributed knowledge-based gearing design and manufacturing system that is deployed over the Internet. The system embodies the various tasks of the design process, with modules that address: performance evaluation, process optimization, manufacturability analysis, and provides reasoning and decision-making capabilities for reducing the time between gear tooth creation, detailed design and final production. This methodology is highly desirable in that it is able to simulate real working conditions, evaluate and optimize the design effectively, prevent designers from time-consuming iterations and reduce long and expensive test phases.  相似文献   

For scheduling flexible manufacturing systems efficiently, we propose new heuristic functions for A* algorithm that is based on the T-timed Petri net. In minimizing makespan, the proposed heuristic functions are usually more efficient than the previous functions in the required number of states and computation time. We prove that these heuristic functions are all admissible and one of them is more informed than that using resource cost reachability matrix. We also propose improved versions of these heuristic functions that find a first near-optimal solution faster. In addition, we modify the heuristic function of Yu, Reyes, Cang, and Lloyd (2003b) and propose an admissible version in all states. The experimental results using a random problem generator show that the proposed heuristic functions perform better as we expected.  相似文献   

Consider a flexible manufacturing system (FMS), with several parallel production lines. Each line is statistically balanced. Due to process time and yield variations, some workstations may be temporarily starved of parts during the FMS operation, while others may have too many. The purpose of the dynamic routing algorithm described here is to achieve real-time load balancing in a stochastic processing environment and thus to increase the performance of the system in throughput, workload balance and reduced work-in-process queues. We formulate the problem and develop an optimal stationary policy (for two lines that have a material handling transport between them) based on the input buffer state of each station.  相似文献   

Most of the routing algorithms devised for sensor networks considered either energy constraints or bandwidth constraints to maximize the network lifetime. In the real scenario, both energy and bandwidth are the scarcest resource for sensor networks. The energy constraints affect only sensor routing, whereas the link bandwidth affects both routing topology and data rate on each link. Therefore, a heuristic technique that combines both energy and bandwidth constraints for better routing in the wireless sensor networks is proposed. The link bandwidth is allocated based on the remaining energy making the routing solution feasible under bandwidth constraints. This scheme uses an energy efficient algorithm called nearest neighbor tree (NNT) for routing. The data gathered from the neighboring nodes are also aggregated based on averaging technique in order to reduce the number of data transmissions. Experimental results show that this technique yields good solutions to increase the sensor network lifetime. The proposed work is also tested for wildfire application.  相似文献   

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