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The hypercube has been widely used as the interconnection network in parallel computers. The n-dimensional hypercube Qn is a graph having n2 vertices each labeled with a distinct n-bit binary strings. Two vertices are linked by an edge if and only if their addresses differ exactly in the one bit position. Let fv denote the number of faulty vertices in Qn. For n?3, in this paper, we prove that every fault-free edge and fault-free vertex of Qn lies on a fault-free cycle of every even length from 4 to n2−2fv inclusive even if fv?n−2. Our results are optimal.  相似文献   

The hypercube Qn is one of the most popular networks. In this paper, we first prove that the n-dimensional hypercube is 2n  5 conditional fault-bipancyclic. That is, an injured hypercube with up to 2n  5 faulty links has a cycle of length l for every even 4  l  2n when each node of the hypercube is incident with at least two healthy links. In addition, if a certain node is incident with less than two healthy links, we show that an injured hypercube contains cycles of all even lengths except hamiltonian cycles with up to 2n  3 faulty links. Furthermore, the above two results are optimal. In conclusion, we find cycles of all possible lengths in injured hypercubes with up to 2n  5 faulty links under all possible fault distributions.  相似文献   

Che-Nan Kuo 《Information Sciences》2010,180(15):2904-3675
A graph is said to be pancyclic if it contains cycles of every length from its girth to its order inclusive; and a bipartite graph is said to be bipancyclic if it contains cycles of every even length from its girth to its order. The pancyclicity or the bipancyclicity of a given network is an important factor in determining whether the network’s topology can simulate rings of various lengths. An n-dimensional folded hypercube FQn is an attractive variant of an n-dimensional hypercube Qn that is obtained by establishing some extra edges between the vertices of Qn. FQn for any odd n is known to be bipartite. In this paper, we explore the pancyclicity and bipancyclicity of FQn. For any FQn (n ? 2) with at most 2n − 3 faulty edges, where each vertex is incident to at least two fault-free edges, we prove that there exists a fault-free cycle of every even length from 4 to 2n; and when n ? 2 is even, we prove there also exists a fault-free cycle of every odd length from n + 1 to 2n − 1. The result is optimal with respect to the number of faulty edges tolerated.  相似文献   

Ji?í Fink 《Information Sciences》2009,179(20):3634-2905
A fault-free path in the n-dimensional hypercube Qn with f faulty vertices is said to be long if it has length at least 2n-2f-2. Similarly, a fault-free cycle in Qn is long if it has length at least 2n-2f. If all faulty vertices are from the same bipartite class of Qn, such length is the best possible. We show that for every set of at most 2n-4 faulty vertices in Qn and every two fault-free vertices u and v satisfying a simple necessary condition on neighbors of u and v, there exists a long fault-free path between u and v. This number of faulty vertices is tight and improves the previously known results. Furthermore, we show for every set of at most n2/10+n/2+1 faulty vertices in Qn where n?15 that Qn has a long fault-free cycle. This is a first quadratic bound, which is known to be asymptotically optimal.  相似文献   

It is known that every hypercube Qn is a bipartite graph. Assume that n?2 and F is a subset of edges with |F|?n−2. We prove that there exists a hamiltonian path in QnF between any two vertices of different partite sets. Moreover, there exists a path of length 2n−2 between any two vertices of the same partite set. Assume that n?3 and F is a subset of edges with |F|?n−3. We prove that there exists a hamiltonian path in Qn−{v}−F between any two vertices in the partite set without v. Furthermore, all bounds are tight.  相似文献   

The twisted cube TQn, is derived by changing some connection of hypercube Qn according to specific rules. Recently, many topological properties of this variation cube are studied. In this paper, we consider a faulty twisted n-cube with both edge and/or node faults. Let F be a subset of V(TQn)∩E(TQn), we prove that TQnF remains hamiltonian if |F|⩽n−2. Moreover, we prove that there exists a hamiltonian path in TQnF joining any two vertices uv in V(TQn)−F if |F|⩽n−3. The result is optimum in the sense that the fault-tolerant hamiltonicity (fault-tolerant hamiltonian connectivity respectively) of TQn is at most n−2 (n−3 respectively).  相似文献   

Let F be a set of f?2n-5 faulty nodes in an n-cube Qn such that every node of Qn still has at least two fault-free neighbors. Then we show that Qn-F contains a path of length at least 2n-2f-1 (respectively, 2n-2f-2) between any two nodes of odd (respectively, even) distance. Since the n-cube is bipartite, the path of length 2n-2f-1 (or 2n-2f-2) turns out to be the longest if all faulty nodes belong to the same partite set. As a contribution, our study improves upon the previous result presented by [J.-S. Fu, Longest fault-free paths in hypercubes with vertex faults, Information Sciences 176 (2006) 759-771] where only n-2 faulty nodes are considered.  相似文献   

The n-dimensional locally twisted cube LTQn is a new variant of the hypercube, which possesses some properties superior to the hypercube. This paper investigates the fault-tolerant edge-pancyclicity of LTQn, and shows that if LTQn (n ? 3) contains at most n − 3 faulty vertices and/or edges then, for any fault-free edge e and any integer ? with 6 ? ? ? 2n − fv, there is a fault-free cycle of length ? containing the edge e, where fv is the number of faulty vertices. The result is optimal in some senses. The proof is based on the recursive structure of LTQn.  相似文献   

A bipartite graph is vertex-bipancyclic (respectively, edge-bipancyclic) if every vertex (respectively, edge) lies in a cycle of every even length from 4 to |V(G)| inclusive. It is easy to see that every connected edge-bipancyclic graph is vertex-bipancyclic. An n-dimensional hypercube, or n-cube denoted by Qn, is well known as bipartite and one of the most efficient networks for parallel computation. In this paper, we study a stronger bipancyclicity of hypercubes. We prove that every n-dimensional hypercube is (2n−4)-path-bipancyclic for n?3. That is, for any path P of length k with 1?k?2n−4 and any integer l with max{2,k}?l?2n−1, an even cycle C of length 2l can be found in Qn such that the path P is included in C for n?3.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem embedding a cycle into the hypercube Qn with existence of faulty edges and show that for any edge subset F of Qn with |F|?n−1 every edge of QnF lies on a cycle of every even length from 6 to n2 inclusive provided n?4 and all edges in F are not incident with the same vertex. This result improves some known results.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of many-to-many disjoint paths in the hypercube Qn with fv faulty vertices and fe faulty edges, and obtains the following result. For any integer k with 1?k?n-1, any two sets S and T of k fault-free vertices in different parts, if fv+fe?n-k-1, then there exist k disjoint fault-free (S,T)-paths in Qn which contains at least 2n-2fv vertices. This result is optimal in the worst case.  相似文献   

Faults in a network may take various forms such as hardware failures while a node or a link stops functioning, software errors, or even missing of transmitted packets. In this paper, we study the link-fault-tolerant capability of an n-dimensional hypercube (n-cube for short) with respect to path embedding of variable lengths in the range from the shortest to the longest. Let F be a set consisting of faulty links in a wounded n-cube Qn, in which every node is still incident to at least two fault-free links. Then we show that Qn-F has a path of any odd (resp. even) length in the range from the distance to 2n-1 (resp. 2n-2) between two arbitrary nodes even if |F|=2n-5. In order to tackle this problem, we also investigate the fault diameter of an n-cube with hybrid node and link faults.  相似文献   

The class of k-ary n-cubes represents the most commonly used interconnection topology for distributed-memory parallel systems. In this paper, we study the problem of embedding paths of various lengths into faulty 3-ary n-cubes and prove that a faulty 3-ary n-cube with f?2n-3 faulty vertices admits a path of every length from 2n-1 to 3n-f-1 connecting any two distinct healthy vertices. This result is optimal with respect to the number of vertex faults tolerated.  相似文献   

A bipartite graph is bipancyclic if it contains a cycle of every even length from 4 to |V(G)| inclusive. It has been shown that Qn is bipancyclic if and only if n?2. In this paper, we improve this result by showing that every edge of QnE′ lies on a cycle of every even length from 4 to |V(G)| inclusive where E′ is a subset of E(Qn) with |E′|?n−2. The result is proved to be optimal. To get this result, we also prove that there exists a path of length l joining any two different vertices x and y of Qn when h(x,y)?l?|V(G)|−1 and lh(x,y) is even where h(x,y) is the Hamming distance between x and y.  相似文献   

The hypercube is one of the most versatile and efficient interconnection networks (networks for short) so far discovered for parallel computation. Let f denote the number of faulty vertices in an n-cube. This study demonstrates that when f ? n − 2, the n-cube contains a fault-free path with length at least 2n − 2f − 1 (or 2n − 2f − 2) between two arbitrary vertices of odd (or even) distance. Since an n-cube is a bipartite graph with two partite sets of equal size, the path is longest in the worst-case. Furthermore, since the connectivity of an n-cube is n, the n-cube cannot tolerate n − 1 faulty vertices. Hence, our result is optimal.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study fault-tolerant routing in bijective connection networks with restricted faulty edges. First, we prove that the probability that all the incident edges of an arbitrary node become faulty in an n-dimensional bijective connection network, denoted by Xn, is extremely low when n becomes sufficient large. Then, we give an O(n) algorithm to find a fault-free path of length at most n+3⌈log2F∣⌉+1 between any two different nodes in Xn if each node of Xn has at least one fault-free incident edge and the number of faulty edges is not more than 2n−3. In fact, we also for the first time provide an upper bound of the fault diameter of all the bijective connection networks with the restricted faulty edges. Since the family of BC networks contains hypercubes, crossed cubes, Möbius cubes, etc., all the results are appropriate for these cubes.  相似文献   

Assume that P is any path in a bipartite graph G of length k with 2?k?h, G is said to be h-path bipancyclic if there exists a cycle C in G of every even length from 2k to |V(G)| such that P lies in C. In this paper, the following result is obtained: The n-dimensional hypercube Qn with n?3 is (2n−3)-path bipancyclic but is not (2n−2)-path bipancyclic, moreover, a path P of length k with 2?k?2n−3 lies in a cycle of length 2k−2 if and only if P contains two edges of the same dimension. In order to prove the above result we first show that any path of length at most 2n−1 is a subpath of a Hamiltonian path in Qn with n?2, moreover, the upper bound 2n−1 is sharp when n?4.  相似文献   

[k]元[n]立方体(记为[Qkn])是优于超立方体的可进行高效信息传输的互连网络之一。[Qkn]是一个二部图当且仅当[k]为偶数。令[G[V0,V1]]是一个二部图,若(1)任意一对分别在不同部的顶点之间存在一条哈密顿路,且(2)对于任意一点[v∈Vi],其中[i∈{0,1}],[V1-i]中任意一对顶点可以被[G[V0,V1]-v]中的一条哈密顿路相连,则图[G[V0,V1]]被称为是超级哈密顿交织的。因为网络中的元件发生故障是不可避免的,所以研究网络的容错性就尤为重要。针对含有边故障的[Qkn],其中[k4]是偶数且[n2],证明了当其故障边数至多为[2n-3]时,该故障[Qkn]是超级哈密顿交织图,且故障边数目的上界[2n-3]是最优的。  相似文献   

The design of large dependable multiprocessor systems requires quick and precise mechanisms for detecting the faulty nodes. The system-level fault diagnosis is the process of identifying faulty processors in a system through testing. This paper shows that the largest connected component of the survival graph contains almost all remaining vertices in the hierarchical hypercube HHC n when the number of faulty vertices is up to two or three times of the traditional connectivity. Based on this fault resiliency, we establish that the conditional diagnosability of HHC n (n=2 m +m, m≥2) under the comparison model is 3m?2, which is about three times of the traditional diagnosability.  相似文献   

A path between distinct vertices u and v of the n-dimensional hypercube Qn avoiding a given set of f faulty vertices is called long if its length is at least 2n-2f-2. We present a function (n)=Θ(n2) such that if f(n) then there is a long fault-free path between every pair of distinct vertices of the largest fault-free block of Qn. Moreover, the bound provided by (n) is asymptotically optimal. Furthermore, we show that assuming f(n), the existence of a long fault-free path between an arbitrary pair of vertices may be verified in polynomial time with respect to n and, if the path exists, its construction performed in linear time with respect to its length.  相似文献   

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