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A graph is distance-hereditary if the distance stays the same between any of two vertices in every connected induced subgraph containing both. Two well-known classes of graphs, trees and cographs, both belong to distance-hereditary graphs. In this paper, we first show that the perfect domination problem can be solved in sequential linear-time on distance-hereditary graphs. By sketching some regular property of the problem, we also show that it can be easily parallelized on distance-hereditary graphs.  相似文献   

In the literature, there are quite a few sequential and parallel algorithms for solving problems on distance-hereditary graphs. With an n-vertex and m-edge distance-hereditary graph G, we show that the efficient domination problem on G can be solved in O(log/sup 2/ n) time using O(n + m) processors on a CREW PRAM. Moreover, if a binary tree representation of G is given, the problem can be optimally solved in O(log n) time using O(n/log n) processors on an EREW PRAM.  相似文献   

A certifying algorithm for a problem is an algorithm that provides a certificate with each answer that it produces. The certificate is an evidence that can be used to authenticate the correctness of the answer. A Hamiltonian cycle in a graph is a simple cycle in which each vertex of the graph appears exactly once. The Hamiltonian cycle problem is to determine whether or not a graph contains a Hamiltonian cycle. The best result for the Hamiltonian cycle problem on circular-arc graphs is an O(n2logn)-time algorithm, where n is the number of vertices of the input graph. In fact, the O(n2logn)-time algorithm can be modified as a certifying algorithm although it was published before the term certifying algorithms appeared in the literature. However, whether there exists an algorithm whose time complexity is better than O(n2logn) for solving the Hamiltonian cycle problem on circular-arc graphs has been opened for two decades. In this paper, we present an O(Δn)-time certifying algorithm to solve this problem, where Δ represents the maximum degree of the input graph. The certificates provided by our algorithm can be authenticated in O(n) time.  相似文献   

The longest path problem is the problem of finding a simple path with the maximum number of vertices in a given graph, and so far it has been solved polynomially only for a few classes of graphs. This problem generalizes the well-known Hamiltonian path problem, hence it is NP-hard in general graphs. In this paper, first we give a sequential linear-time algorithm for the longest path problem in meshes. Then based on this algorithm, we present a constant-time parallel algorithm for the problem, which can be run on every parallel machine.  相似文献   

In the literature, there are quite a few sequential and parallel algorithms to solve problems on distance-hereditary graphs. Two well-known classes of graphs, which contain trees and cographs, belong to distance-hereditary graphs. We consider the vertex-coloring problem on distance-hereditary graphs. Let T/sub d/(|V|, |E|) and P/sub d/d(|V|, |E|) denote the time and processor complexities, respectively, required to construct a decomposition tree representation of a distance-hereditary graph G=(V,E) on a PRAM model M/sub d/. Our algorithm runs in O(T/sub d/(|V|, |E|)+log|V|) time using O(P/sub d/(|V|, |E|)+|V|/log|V|) processors on M/sub d/. The best known result for constructing a decomposition tree needs O(log/sup 2/ |V|) time using O(|V|+|E|) processors on a CREW PRAM. If a decomposition tree is provided as input, we solve the problem in O(log |V|) time using O(|V|/log |V|) processors on an EREW PRAM. To the best of our knowledge, there is no parallel algorithm for this problem on distance-hereditary graphs.  相似文献   

This paper concerns a domination problem in graphs with parity constraints. The task is to find a subset of the vertices with minimum cost such that for every vertex the number of chosen vertices in its neighbourhood has a prespecified parity. This problem is known to be ${\mathcal NP}$ -hard for general graphs. A linear time algorithm was developed for series-parallel graphs and trees with unit cost and restricted to closed neighbourhoods. We present a linear time algorithm for the parity domination problem with open and closed neighbourhoods and arbitrary cost functions on graphs with bounded treewidth and distance-hereditary graphs.  相似文献   

We present a parallel recognition algorithm for bipartite-permutation graphs. The algorithm can be executed in O(log n) time on the CRCW PRAM if O(n3/log n) processors are used, or O(log2 n) time on the CREW PRAM if O(n3/log2 n) processors are used. Chen and Yesha (1993) have presented another CRCW PRAM algorithm that takes O(log2n) time if O(n 3) processors are used. Compared with Chen and Yesha's algorithm, our algorithm requires either less time and fewer processors on the same machine model, or fewer processors on a weaker machine model. Our algorithm can also be applied to determine if two bipartite-permutation graphs are isomorphic  相似文献   

The Journal of Supercomputing - The prefix computation strategy is a fundamental technique used to solve many problems in computer science such as sorting, clustering, and computer vision. A large...  相似文献   

We present in this paper an efficient algorithm for solving the integral Knapsack problem on hypercube. The main idea is to represent the computations of the dynamic programming formulation as a precedence graph (which has the structure of an irregular mesh). Then, we propose a time optimal scheduling algorithm for computing the irregular meshes on hypercube.  相似文献   

Shortest path finding has a variety of applications in transportation and communication. In this paper, we propose a fault-containing self-stabilizing algorithm for the shortest path problem in a distributed system. The improvement made by the proposed algorithm in stabilization times for single-fault situations can demonstrate the desirability of an efficient fault-containing self-stabilizing algorithm. For single-fault situations, the worst-case stabilization time of the proposed algorithm is O(Δ), where Δ is the maximum node degree in the system, and the contamination number of the proposed algorithm is 1.  相似文献   

Scheduling large-scale application in heterogeneous grid systems is a fundamental NP-complete problem that is critical to obtain good performance and execution cost. To achieve high performance in a grid system it requires effective task partitioning, resource management and load balancing. The heterogeneous and dynamic nature of a grid, as well as the diverse demands of applications running on the grid, makes grid scheduling a major task. Existing schedulers in wide-area heterogeneous systems require a large amount of information about the application and the grid environment to produce reasonable schedules. However, this required information may not be available, may be too expensive to collect, or may increase the runtime overhead of the scheduler such that the scheduler is rendered ineffective. We believe that no one scheduler is appropriate for all grid systems and applications. This is because while data parallel applications in which further data partitioning is possible can be further improved by efficient management of resources, smart selection of resources and load balancing can be possible, in functional/not-dividable-task parallel applications such partitioning is either not possible or difficult or expensive in term of performance. In this paper, we propose a scheduler for data parallel applications (SDPA) which offers an efficient task partitioning and load balancing strategy for data parallel applications in grid environment. The proposed SDPA offers two major features: maintaining job priority even if insufficient number of free resources is available and pre-task assignment to cut the idle time of nodes. The SDPA selects nodes smartly according to the nature of task and the nodes’ resources availability. Simulation results conducted reveal that SDPA achieves performance improvement over reported strategies in the reviewed literature in terms of execution time, throughput and waiting time.  相似文献   

哈密尔顿回路问题的DNA表面计算模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
首次提出用DNA表面计算模型来解决无向图哈密尔顿回路问题。该模型基于哈密尔顿回路问题的解空间,将问题解空间的DNA分子固定在固体载体上,对其进行荧光标记,然后通过相应的生化反应筛选出哈密尔顿回路问题的所有解。与已有的哈密尔顿路径问题的其它模型相比,新模型具有错误率低,编码简易,读取方便等更好的性能。  相似文献   

Xin He 《Algorithmica》1995,13(6):553-572
We present an efficient parallel algorithm for constructing rectangular duals of plane triangular graphs. This problem finds applications in VLSI design and floor-planning problems. No NC algorithm for solving this problem was previously known. The algorithm takesO(log2 n) time withO(n) processors on a CRCW PRAM, wheren is the number of vertices of the graph.This research was supported by NSF Grants CCR-9011214 and CCR-9205982.  相似文献   

N-hop neighborhoods information is very useful in analytic tasks on large-scale graphs, like finding clique in a social network, recommending friends or advertising links according to one’s interests, predicting links among websites and etc. To get the N-hop neighborhoods information on a large graph, such as a web graph, a twitter social graph, the most straightforward method is to conduct a breadth first search (BFS) on a parallel distributed graph processing framework, such as Pregel and GraphLab. However, due to the massive volume of message transfer, the BFS method results in high communication cost and has low efficiency. In this work, we propose a key/value based method, namely KVB, which perfectly fits into the prevailing parallel graph processing framework and computes N-hop neighborhoods on a large scale graph efficiently. Unlike the BFS method, our method need not transfer large amount of neighborhoods information, thus, significantly reduces the overhead on both the communication and intermediate results in the distributed framework.We formalize the N-hop neighborhoods query processing as an optimization problem based on a set of quantitative cost metrics of parallel graph processing. Moreover, we propose a solution to efficiently load only the relevant neighborhoods for computation. Specially, we prove the optimal partial neighborhoods load problem is NP-hard and carefully design a heuristic strategy. We have implemented our algorithm on a distributed graph framework- Spark GraphX and validated our solution with extensive experiments over a number of real world and synthetic large graphs on a modest indoor cluster. Experiments show that our solution generally gains an order of magnitude speedup comparing to the state-of-art BFS implementation.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a technique for finding efficient parallel algorithms for problems on directed graphs that involve checking the existence of certain kinds of paths in the graph. This technique provides efficient algorithms for finding dominators in flow graphs, performing interval and loop analysis on reducible flow graphs, and finding the feedback vertices of a digraph. Each of these algorithms takesO(log2 n) time using the same number of processors needed for fast matrix multiplication. All of these bounds are for an EREW PRAM.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a technique for finding efficient parallel algorithms for problems on directed graphs that involve checking the existence of certain kinds of paths in the graph. This technique provides efficient algorithms for finding dominators in flow graphs, performing interval and loop analysis on reducible flow graphs, and finding the feedback vertices of a digraph. Each of these algorithms takesO(log2 n) time using the same number of processors needed for fast matrix multiplication. All of these bounds are for an EREW PRAM.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe how to apply fine grain parallelism to augmenting path algorithms for the dense linear assignment problem. We prove by doing that the technique we suggest, can be efficiently implemented on commercial available, massively parallel computers. Using n processors, our method reduces the computational complexity from the sequentialO(n 3) to the parallel complexity ofO(n 2). Exhaustive experiments are performed on a Maspar MP-2 in order to determine which of the algorithmic flavors that fits best onto this kind of architecture.  相似文献   

Solving the Hamiltonian path problem with a light-based computer   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper we propose a special computational device which uses light rays for solving the Hamiltonian path problem on a directed graph. The device has a graph-like representation and the light is traversing it by following the routes given by the connections between nodes. In each node the rays are uniquely marked so that they can be easily identified. At the destination node we will search only for particular rays that have passed only once through each node. We show that the proposed device can solve small and medium instances of the problem in reasonable time.  相似文献   

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