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公路环评噪声预测的交通量换算方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据工程可研提供的交通量,先将此交通量换算为预测年的交通量,再结合车型比、日昼比等相关参数,运用数学方法计算出预测模式所需交通量,希望能对公路环评交通噪声预测有所帮助.  相似文献   

《国际建筑规范》(IBC)将以前版本的重要改进结合在一起,包括限制无防火措施的不燃烧体建造的低中危险等级的商用仓储建筑为2层(有自动喷水灭火系统时为3层)。先前版本允许这类建筑为4层(有自动喷水灭火系统时为5层)。这种变化并不是对生命和财产损失经验的响应,而是试图使2009年版IBC与其最初三个传统典型建筑规范中最严格的要求协调一致。  相似文献   

应用PDCA法整治道路交通   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
指出在道路交通中,人为因素在诱发交通事故的诸因素中占主要地位,通过深入分析道路交通参与者的心理,应用PDCA循环法从根本上解决道路交通违法行为的存在,以减少交通事故的发生,创造和谐交通环境。  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2002,37(11):1173-1180
The aim of this paper is to introduce a methodology which enables to revise the limit values of the heat transfer coefficient in accordance with the building form with respect to thermal comfort and energy conservation. In this study, the building form is represented by the ratio of the total façade area to building volume (A/V). As the building form and the heat transfer coefficient (U value) of a building are the most important parameters affecting indoor climate, they have been taken into consideration in detail. The proposed methodology enables to determine the limit values of the building envelope heat transfer coefficients on the basis of A/V ratios and other design parameters affecting indoor thermal comfort and energy conservation such as orientation, window type, optical and thermophysical properties of the building envelope. The methodology has been applied for temperate and cold zones of Turkey and the results of the application are given by sample graphics in the paper.  相似文献   

A need for innovation in building envelope technologies forms a key element of technology roadmaps focusing on improvements in building energy efficiency. Many new products are being proposed and developed, but often, a lack of insights into building integration issues is an obstacle in typical product development processes.The main objective of this paper is to demonstrate the potential of expanding the application area of whole-building performance simulation and analysis towards decision-making support in the domain of research and development of such innovative building products. We propose a simulation-based approach that can help overcome several of the existing limitations.The methodology combines building performance simulation together with sensitivity analysis and structured parametric studies to provide multi-scale, multi-disciplinary information about the performance of different product variants. The strength of this computational approach lies in increased opportunity for analysis and informed decision-making on the basis of whole-building performance information, and therefore less dependence on trial and error procedures.This methodology is illustrated in an application example of a new type of switchable glazing where we give recommended directions for improved product specifications.  相似文献   

公路交通噪声污染分析与防治   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨轶  蒋翼  王婷 《山西建筑》2009,35(27):351-352
通过对公路交通噪声的来源及危害等进行分析,从噪声源、噪声传播途径及接受者三方面出发,提出了防治公路交通噪声污染的相关措施,以减少公路交通噪声污染造成的危害.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that road traffic noise exposure is associated with hypertension in European, but the associations related to traffic sources and in other population are unclear. This study investigated the association between road traffic noise exposure and the prevalence of diagnosed hypertension among 321 male and 499 female resided near main roads in Taichung, Taiwan. Road traffic noise levels and traffic flow rates were measured simultaneously during 0900-1700 on weekdays in 2008. Multivariate logistic regressions were applied to estimate odds ratios (ORs) for hypertension by adjusting for potential confounders. Road traffic noise levels were significantly associated with traffic flow rates of motorcycles, light-duty gasoline vehicles, light-duty diesel trucks and heavy-duty diesel trucks and had the highest correlation with motorcycles. Per one unit (vehicle per hour) increase in the log-transformed traffic flow rate of motorcycles was significantly related to the increment of 7.20 ± 1.40 A-weighted decibels (dBA) in the traffic noise exposure. The high-exposure group (82.2 ± 1.7 dBA, n = 358) had the significantly higher prevalence of hypertension (adjusted OR = 2.15, 95% CI = 1.08-4.26) than the low-exposure group (77.2 ± 1.6 dBA, n = 462). There was an increasing trend (p = 0.023) between the prevalence of hypertension and residents exposed to < 77 dBA, 77-80 dBA, 80-83 dBA and ≥ 83 dBA, respectively. Such an association was pronounced after adjusting for the total traffic flow rate. The study findings suggest that road traffic noise exposure may be associated with hypertension and the dominant source of traffic noise is motorcycles in central Taiwan.  相似文献   

通过对几种特殊结构进行适当处理,得到了相应的铰接链杆体系,从而可运用换铰法确定结构体系的振动自由度,扩大了换铰法的适用范围。  相似文献   

A simple gravimetric method for determination of moisture diffusivity which is able to give a moisture diffusivity vs. moisture relation point-wise is presented in this paper. The method can be employed in determining moisture diffusivity of anisotropic materials also in the case if one spatial dimension of the specimen is significantly smaller than the other two, which is the case of the most of lining materials, for instance. Practical application of the method is demonstrated for two fiber containing plate building materials produced in the Czech Republic, Dekalux and Dekalit P. Experimental results show that while for lighter Dekalit P, an order of magnitude difference in the moisture diffusivities κ for the two basic orientations, i.e. along and through the plate, is observed, for the heavier Dekalux the differences in κ are within the error bar of the experimental method. The method is tested by its application to rod samples, and a comparison with two commonly used methods is done with both mentioned lining materials and also with an extruded porcelain mixture which can be considered as a well homogeneous material. The results of this comparison show a reasonable agreement, taking into account the approximate character of the method.  相似文献   

围护结构动态负荷传递函数模型合成的系统辨识法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为求得稳定、低价、高精度的围护结构动态负荷合成传递函数模型,提出了基于系统辨识理论的传递函数模型合成方法,通过对有限个传递函数叠加成的线性系统进行最小二乘法辨识,获得该系统的等价传递函数模型。对6个10阶以上的传递函数进行合成,得到5阶的合成传递函数,并采用阶跃扰量和正弦波扰量检验其稳定性和精度,效果良好。  相似文献   

李志 《山西建筑》2014,(26):157-159
介绍了城市道路交叉口间距的类型,对国内外道路平面交叉口间距的控制标准作了分析,并探讨了交叉口间距对城市道路行车的影响,针对平面交叉口间距的不合理现象,提出了一些改进的措施与建议。  相似文献   

The collapse of tall buildings in a densely populated urban setting is a scenario too terrible to contemplate. Buildings are routinely designed to resist this limit state under the extreme loading conditions of high winds and earthquakes etc. However the potential of multiple floor fires to cause such a disaster remains unrecognised in the profession as no current building codes require the consideration of this type of extreme loading. Previous work by the author and his students has demonstrated that the collapse of tall buildings in multiple floor fires is a distinct possibility as the mechanisms that can cause this are easily reproduced using a non-linear finite element analysis programme. This work has been extended by the author and his students to develop a simple analytical method for systematically assessing the collapse of exterior columns of tall buildings for any given fire scenarios. This paper considerably simplifies the method developed previously to the extent that the limit state of collapse under multiple floor fires can be checked even without the need to consider any particular “design” fire and with calculations that can be performed in minutes. This is based on the assumption that in major fires that affect multiple floors, it is quite likely that a number of floors will reach a state of deflection and reduced stiffness that the main load carrying mechanism will be that of catenary action leading to destabilising pull-in forces to be exerted on exterior columns. The paper will outline all the steps that must be carried out to check if the remaining structure (columns, floors, connections etc.) will remain stable under the action of the pull-in forces. It will also provide theoretical justification and discussion for all the steps and assumptions made in the assessment. Furthermore the method will be applied to a number of examples, including that of the WTC towers to check if those buildings were safe under major fires involving multiple floors.  相似文献   

孝感市道路交通管理指挥中心大楼于2006年7月进行空调设计。2008年1月正式投入使用。设计选用美国麦克维尔数码多联机系统,夏季制冷,冬季供暖。空调主机选用谷轮数码变容涡旋压缩机。与常规中央空调系统相比,具有明显的节能优势。  相似文献   

The European Directive 2002/91 will enforce the Member State to promote the implementation of new measures, instruments and calculation methodology to improve the buildings energy performances. The thermal performance and quality of the Italian residential buildings is generally poor, depending on the age of the building stock and the lack of application of the existing energy regulations. This study aims at demonstrating the global benefits of good insulated building envelopes. Energy benefits are easy to understand, meanwhile the economic issues are critical, since the final users see them as an additional useless extra cost for the dwelling at the purchase phase, with small attention to the future managing costs. The study demonstrates that significant economic advantages come out from high–performance building envelope. The study also shows that environmental extra loads due to a bigger use of the insulating material is paid back in few years, with consistent social benefits, if the life cycle of the building is taken into account.  相似文献   

彭金栓  邵毅明  倪健 《山西建筑》2007,33(35):12-13
在分析道路交通安全形势的基础上提出了交通安全评价的意义,介绍了四元评价方法(DHGF)及其基本步骤,并把此方法应用于南岸区学府大道的交通安全等级评价,客观反映了被评价对象的交通安全状况,以推广DHGF方法的应用。  相似文献   

为研究建筑围护结构属性对同一热工分区不同城市节能建筑负荷影响的敏感性,以同属于寒冷地区的兰州和郑州为研究目标所在城市,在节能65%的前提下将4种外墙、3种外窗和4种窗墙比进行组合得到了48个可能的办公建筑围护结构计算房间。分别计算了这些房间的冷负荷、热负荷和全年总负荷并分析了各热工参数对负荷的影响。通过与基准房间负荷对比,获得了具有不同热工性能的计算房间的节能率及最优的办公建筑围护结构。  相似文献   

张乐法 《暖通空调》2003,33(3):43-46
质疑该文对得热与冷负荷两者关系的处理,认为文题不宜使用“动态负荷”一词。指出该文未能明确区分z—传递函数与z—传递函数系数,导致传递函数表达式的讹误,且传递函数系数计算阶数高达10一12,ASHRAE手册及30多年来工程实用领域,似无此高阶实例。  相似文献   

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