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阐述了海上风电场的分类,并对漂浮式风电场风电机组的浮式基础作了详细的介绍。随着风电开发技术的成熟,风机容量大型化、垂直轴风机的应用及建立非并网风电多元化应用系统将是以后漂浮式风电场发展的趋势。  相似文献   

In the context of this paper, ice rubbling is the term given to the process of ice interacting with itself and creating ice rubble. In nature, ice rubbling is most common in ridge-building in pack ice, but also occurs in the creation of stamukhi and ice pileups at shorelines. In ice interaction with platforms, the process of ice rubbling can have a significant influence on ice loads and other issues such as ice encroachment and platform access and egress. It is also well known that ridge-building in pack ice represents a limit to ice pressure within an ice field and has a significant influence on ice circulation models, ice forecasting and ship transits. In this paper, knowledge of ridge-building and pack ice pressures is briefly reviewed together with methods for applying this knowledge to ice interaction with platforms. The early work in investigating ridge-building forces by Parmerter and Coon is one of the starting points. The way rubbling limits can be used to assess Limit Force ice loads is well known, but uncertainties are implicit in the methodology which is largely based on empirical treatment of very limited measured data. Because of the limited measured data and ignorance of associated ice conditions, a factor of 5 (between lower and upper bounds) is included in the methodology for Limit Force ice loads in ISO 19906. This paper reports on new work to narrow this uncertainty by using ice mechanics theories originally developed for ice interacting with sloping platforms; and which (to a large extent) have been verified by field observations and measurements of ice loads on platforms.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the smallest level of buffering (LB), necessary to ensure the desired production rate in serial lines with unreliable machines. The reliability of machines is assumed to obey either exponential, or Erlang, or Rayleigh models. The LB is measured in units of the average downtime, T down . The dependence of LB on the reliability model, the number of machines, M , the average uptime, T up , and the efficiency, e = T up /( T up + T down ) is analysed. It is shown that reliability models with larger coefficient of variation require larger LB, and an empirical law that connects LB of the exponential model with those for other reliability models is established. It is shown that LB is an increasing function of M , but with an exponentially decreasing rate, saturating at around M = 10. Also, it is shown that LB does not depend explicitly on T up and is a decreasing function of e . Based on these results, rules-of-thumb are provided for selecting buffer capacity, which guarantee sufficiently high line efficiency.  相似文献   

为研究漂浮式风力机平台动态响应的优化措施,分别提出平台附加螺旋侧板和平板的方式。建立基于Spar平台的5MW风力机整机模型,利用有限元软件进行水动力计算,得到了结构运动和波浪力的幅频特性。并通过与附加螺旋侧板和平板情况下的频域和时域动态特性参数对比,探讨两种措施是否对结构的运动性能起到提升作用。结果表明:附加螺旋侧板后,结构在垂荡和纵摇上的运动幅值均得到了明显抑制;附加平板可以有效降低结构的垂荡频域响应峰值,但对纵荡和纵摇影响很小;在考虑实际风、浪、流载荷作用时,两种措施都能起到对结构运动性能的优化作用,附加螺旋侧板的优化作用更为优越。  相似文献   

On ships, tankers and similar vessels structural defects such as cracks and corrosion damage are typically repaired by welding. However, welding is unwanted hotwork on floating offshore units (FOUs) such as floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) and floating, storage and offloading (FSO) vessels because it requires shutdown of parts of the vessel thus resulting in expensive production delays. Bonded fibre composite material patch repairs can be used as an alternative to overcome the hazards of hotwork associated with welding. The patches are bonded over the defect and the integrity of the original structure is hence restored. The patch repair technology can also be utilised to provide upgrades, such as life extensions and higher design requirements.A recommended practice (RP) has been developed that describes requirements for patch repairs used in FOUs. To provide flexibility and to fit different repair needs, the RP defines a range of Repair Classes that can be used depending on the urgency of the repair and the need for optimisation. The qualification effort increases with the degree of optimisation. The requirements are based on an extensive test program carried out in the laboratory (reported elsewhere) as well as experience from full-scale repair demonstrators.Two full-scale repair demonstrators were carried out on actual FOUs to demonstrate the feasibility of the RP for bonded composite patch repair. In addition the demonstrators also showed the viability of using bonded composite repairs under harsh conditions encountered in oil and gas exploration and production environments. The first repair was carried out to arrest a fatigue crack that had developed from the corner of a door, while the second repair was carried out to restore material loss on a heavily pitted deck floor. Both repair cases are used as examples to demonstrate the proposed qualification procedures whilst at the same time discussing the challenges and potential applications of this patch repair technology for FOUs in the oil and gas industry.  相似文献   

The paper presents a method for the analysis and design of industrial production systems based on a joint assessment of the cost and the quality of service. The operation of a production system is seen as the accomplishment of a sequence of missions, each one corresponding to the cost-effective production and delivery of a specified quantity of products within a specified time frame. The paper shows that the probability of successfully accomplishing a mission is a non-linear function of the cumulative production downtime and that this time cannot be obtained using conventional Markov based techniques. The paper also introduces an analytical model and a procedure that allows the density function of the downtime to be obtained and shows how, using these tools, the production costs and the quality of service may be assessed and related to the internal design of the shop floor. The method seems to be particularly valuable in the analysis of production systems integrated in just-in-time supply chains, in which the reliability of the deliveries is an outstanding requirement.  相似文献   

调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)能有效抑制海上浮式风力机的振动响应。风浪作用下,TMD将产生较大的振幅,和风机结构发生碰撞,严重影响风机结构安全,故必须对TMD进行限位设计。针对此问题,在Barge式风力机机舱中配置TMD,提出了3种TMD限位策略:阻尼限位策略、刚度限位策略及联合限位策略。采用拉格朗日方程,建立TMD行程受限的海上浮式风力机3自由度动力学模型,研究了不同限位策略下TMD的抑振效果。结果表明:采用联合限位策略,可以避免单一限位策略的缺陷,此时,TMD最大行程为7.85 m,对塔顶纵向位移和平台纵摇角标准差的抑制率分别为40.01%和61.78%。  相似文献   

The objective of the reported research is to develop a new design-model of distributed facilities, where production is integrated and operates under computer supported collaboration. The main innovation has been the exploitation of the analogy of the highly effective client-server computing environment for the benefit of production facilities design. As a variant of flexible manufacturing systems, the challenge is to manage the distributed material and information flow. The solution approach developed here is by protocols. The goal is to explain the design of the client-server production model and its coordination protocols, including functions of synchronization and resource allocation. An implementation of the model in an assembly and test facility and its application over the last three years serve to explain the model and illustrate its significance. Time-out and priority assignment protocols are defined and analysed in the context of the model to demonstrate its specific benefits.  相似文献   

Process operation is the most hazardous activity next to the transportation and drilling operation on an offshore oil and gas (OOG) platform. Past experiences of onshore and offshore oil and gas activities have revealed that a small mis-happening in the process operation might escalate to a catastrophe. This is of especial concern in the OOG platform due to the limited space and compact geometry of the process area, less ventilation, and difficult escape routes. On an OOG platform, each extra control measure, which is implemented, not only occupies space on the platform and increases congestion but also adds extra load to the platform. Eventualities in the OOG platform process operation can be avoided through incorporating the appropriate control measures at the early design stage. In this paper, the authors describe a methodology for risk-based process safety decision making for OOG activities. The methodology is applied to various offshore process units, that is, the compressor, separators, flash drum and driers of an OOG platform. Based on the risk potential, appropriate safety measures are designed for each unit. This paper also illustrates that implementation of the designed safety measures reduces the high Fatal accident rate (FAR) values to an acceptable level.  相似文献   

结合"十一五"期间海上油田开发生产所面临的挑战,介绍了采油工艺方面探索和取得的新成果。  相似文献   

透射电镜表面复型技术用于观察游离细胞表面的超微结构,其图像清晰,立体感强,方法简便,具有实用价值。  相似文献   


This paper presents lessons learned from own research studies and field experiments with drivetrains on floating wind turbines over the last ten years. Drivetrains on floating support structures are exposed to wave-induced motions in addition to wind loading and motions. This study investigates the drivetrain-floater interactions from two different viewpoints: how drivetrain impacts the sub-structure design; and how drivetrain responses and life are affected by the floater and support structure motion. The first one is linked to the drivetrain technology and layout, while the second question addresses the influence of the wave-induced motion. The results for both perspectives are presented and discussed. Notably, it is highlighted that the effect of wave induced motions may not be as significant as the wind loading on the drivetrain responses particularly in larger turbines. Given the limited experience with floating wind turbines, however, more research is needed. The main aim with this article is to synthesize and share own research findings on the subject in the period since 2009, the year that the first full-scale floating wind turbine, Hywind Demo, entered operation in Norway.


海上油田丛式井网整体加密调整技术研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以绥中36-1为代表的海上稠油油田已经进入开发中后期,逐步暴露出注采矛盾突出、层间和平面上储量动用差异大、单井控制储量过高、采油速度和采收率较低、综合含水上升快,产量递减快等问题,针对中国海油稠油开发面临的挑战,首次提出海上油田大规模综合调整研究,由于海上油田特殊的开发方式,陆地油田综合调整工作中成熟的研究思路和技术路线无法复制到海上油田,海上油田整体加密调整技术研究面临诸多技术难点,因此,本次研究结合绥中36-1油田I期自身特点和开发方式,针对油田开发存在的问题,创新性地提出一整套海上油田的整体挖潜和调整的技术思路和研究方法,完成绥中36-1油田I期整体加密调整方案,调整后油田井网由反九点面积注水井网转变成为行列注水井网,探索定向井+水平井开发模式,整体加密实施效果良好,油田水驱状况明显改善,水驱储量动用程度从调整前的80.5%提高到调整后的91.3%,采收率大幅度提高,预计提高采收率10.4%,整体加密调整技术必将在同类油田中推广应用。  相似文献   

Risk-based maintenance of ethylene oxide production facilities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper discusses a methodology for the design of an optimum inspection and maintenance program. The methodology, called risk-based maintenance (RBM) is based on integrating a reliability approach and a risk assessment strategy to obtain an optimum maintenance schedule. First, the likely equipment failure scenarios are formulated. Out of many likely failure scenarios, the ones, which are most probable, are subjected to a detailed study. Detailed consequence analysis is done for the selected scenarios. Subsequently, these failure scenarios are subjected to a fault tree analysis to determine their probabilities. Finally, risk is computed by combining the results of the consequence and the probability analyses. The calculated risk is compared against known acceptable criteria. The frequencies of the maintenance tasks are obtained by minimizing the estimated risk. A case study involving an ethylene oxide production facility is presented. Out of the five most hazardous units considered, the pipeline used for the transportation of the ethylene is found to have the highest risk. Using available failure data and a lognormal reliability distribution function human health risk factors are calculated. Both societal risk factors and individual risk factors exceeded the acceptable risk criteria. To determine an optimal maintenance interval, a reverse fault tree analysis was used. The maintenance interval was determined such that the original high risk is brought down to an acceptable level. A sensitivity analysis is also undertaken to study the impact of changing the distribution of the reliability model as well as the error in the distribution parameters on the maintenance interval.  相似文献   


This paper presents a multi-degree of freedom torsional model of drivetrain system as the digital twin model for monitoring the remaining useful lifetime of the drivetrain components. An algorithm is proposed for the model identification, which receives the torsional response and estimated values of rotor and generator torques, and calculates the drivetrain dynamic properties, e.g. eigenvalues, and torsional model parameters. The applications of this model in prediction of gearbox remaining useful lifetime is discussed. The proposed method is computationally fast, and can be implemented by integrating with the current turbine control and monitoring system without a need for a new system and sensors installation. A test case, using 5 MW reference drivetrain, has been demonstrated.


浮式风机是深远海域风力发电的关键结构,分析其在复杂海况下的动力学响应特征对保障远海风能开发具有重要意义。在初步设计和方案比选阶段,需要开发能够定量把握浮式风机动力学主要特征、且分析高效的一体化分析模型。为此,针对大型Spar式海上浮式风机,建立了多刚体动力学全耦合分析模型。基于Lagrange方程,推导了考虑桨叶转动与桨距控制的8自由度刚体运动方程。结合所建议的多刚体模型,基于Spar式浮式风机1∶50缩尺模型试验实测数据,建立了与试验物理模型相应的一体化多刚体数值模型,并进行了静力、纯风、纯浪以及风?浪联合条件下数值分析结果与试验观测结果的对比分析。采用本文建模理论,建立了OC3?Spar式浮式风机足尺结构数值分析模型,并与常用的风机结构分析软件FAST的计算结果进行了对比分析。通过与上述缩尺物理模型试验和足尺数值模型软件分析对比,验证了浮式风机多刚体动力学分析模型的有效性。  相似文献   

在海上探井试油中,由于稠油粘度高、流动性差,常规试油工艺技术及评价方法无法满足需要,针对稠油资源中储层的真实产能的评价问题,开展多元热流体热采技术在海上探井试油中应用研究。通过对多元热流体产生原理、多元热流体设备、多元热流体热采测试工艺流程及工艺参数优化的研究应用,证明多元热流体热采测试的日产油量可达常规冷采测试产油量的两倍以上,为海上稠油储量的勘探提供新的试油技术手段。  相似文献   

海上油田高效开发技术探索与实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在我国渤海湾相继发现40多亿t地质储量的原油,但这些原油多为稠油和重油,难以开发,在陆上油田开发经验不能用于海上,又无国际先例可借鉴的情况下,基于海上稠油开发历程及现状,深入分析了海上稠油油田开发面临的主要问题与挑战,有针对性地集成、创新了适合于海上稠油开采的先进技术,逐步建立完善了海上稠油高效开发思路和技术体系.该技术有效降低了油田开发成本,并成功地开发了被国际石油公司称为"21世纪挑战"的海上最大稠油油田.成功研发了开发海上边际油田的"三一模式"和"蜜蜂模式",应用于渤海边际油田开发实践,并探索出一套适用于海上油田开发的优快钻完井技术.在此基础上,为了实现渤海油田产量进一步增长和大幅度提高采收率,经过长期技术探索与矿场实践,大胆提出了海上稠油高效开发新模式,即模糊一、二、三次采油界限,通过技术创新和创新技术集成,使油田在投产初期迅速达到高峰产量并高速开采,始终保持旺盛生产能力;采取多枝导流、控制适度出砂、早期注水、注水即注聚、注水注聚相结合等技术;通过以聚合物驱为主的提高采收率技术、多枝导流技术、电潜螺杆泵举升技术和地面除砂工艺等技术体系,在最短的时间内采出更多的原油,达到最大采收率.基于高效开发新模式思想,成功开发了迄今为止世界海上最稠的渤海南堡35-2油田,并已在多个油田进行应用.这一创新的认识与实践,不仅为我国海上油田开发探索出一条新路,也为世界海上油田,特别是稠油油田的开发提供了新思路的思考.  相似文献   

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