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Beijing's Old and Dilapidated Housing RenewalProgram has already been in effect for three years.Thereare many problems from the perspective of the city's masterplan.Among these are population migration and accommo-dation of relocated residents.This is the most sensitiveissue.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.Introduction Since the start of the program in 1990,Beijing's Oldand Dilapidated Housing Renewal has received considera-ble attention from all areas of society-from government of-ficials and professionals as well as ordinary citizens.The re-newal program has not only exerted a major impact on theold city areas of Beijing like the demolition of the old CityWall and the Pai Lou(Memorial Archways),but has alsobeen a sensitive issue related to housing problems whichmay affect hundreds of thousands of residents both in theold city and in other parts of Beijing.Furthermore,the pres-ervation of architectural relics and the historic core of Beij-ing Old City is now receiving more and more attention.Asa result,research on Beijing's housing renewal program in-volves a broad range of issues covering city development,housing construction and Old City preservation. The work of our group has involved lookingcomprehensively at all aspects of residential area renewal inold city areas-the economic,social and enviro  相似文献   

The Integral Preservation ofBeijing's Historic City For the first time in the history of Beijing's MasterPlan,the recent revision for the 1990s clearly raises the ne-ed to preserve this eminent historical and cultuarl city as a  相似文献   

This article summarizes a study of eight neighbor-hood renewal projects implemented in the old city of Beij-ing The survey aimed to review the actual constructionand inhabitation emerging from Beijing’s housing renew-al program.The selection of project case studies was bas-ed on their being partially or fully completed and occu-pied,thus allowing signeficant observation of the envi-ronment as actually used and discussed by the residents.They include examples of early experimental pilot proj-ects completed before 1991 as well as large projects builtunder Phase I of the broadened renewal program.Inmost cases,later phases of the projects are still underconstruction.Despite the early and incomplete status ofthe program,certain trends have emerged.This articledraws attention to some critical differences between theinitial expersmental approach and the more recent,larg-er—scale approach reflected in the Phase I projects com-pleted so far.  相似文献   

In the past 41 years after the foundingof the People's Repubilc, many buildings,with a total floor space of more than80,000,000 square meters, have been erected  相似文献   

EnvironmentalAspectsofBeijing'sOldandDilapidatedHousingRenewal(PartⅦ)¥LiuYang(DoctoralCandidate)TsinghuaUniversity,SchoolofAr...  相似文献   

Correlative links between poor housing and poor health have been well known for many years. A problem for urban studies, however, is that the supposed causal relationships underlying this correlation are ill-understood and only weakly established. Hence the expectation that housing improvement will lead to a corresponding change in the health of the community (and therefore of individuals) has little causal support and remains an assumption. Studies of renewal schemes have rarely operated at the micro process level which would allow this assumption to be tested. Moreover, significant changes in health are likely to occur only over a relatively long period; hence measurement is difficult and ascribing causation problematic. One way of approaching this research problem is to examine what impact the uninvited, and frequently dramatic, renewal process itself has on the health of the individual. In this research an interpretive biographical interview method was used to elicit tenants' understanding of their situation, of the experience of housing renewal and how it impacted upon their health and well-being. In some cases the process itself was indeed stressful and damaging while in others enjoyable and rewarding. This pointed to a complex web of factors but predominant and influential was that of personal control, its degree of importance to the individual and, crucially, its negotiability. This paper looks at the connections between control and health and re-introduces into the housing policy arena the importance of the individual whose interests are currently submerged in the 'imperatives' of community involvement and consultation. The research contributes to a housing-health linkages model (Easterlow et al., 2000) by introducing, as an important factor affecting health and well-being, the nature of the tenant/landlord relationship itself in the social rented sector and examining the potential for a new partnership at this 'micro' level.  相似文献   

Estate renewal programs can have positive and negative impacts on the health and wellbeing of public housing residents. We aimed to investigate the potential health impacts of relocating residents as part of the redevelopment of a public housing estate in South Western Sydney, New South Wales. In-depth interviews were undertaken with public housing residents as well as with informants from local health and housing authorities. We found that a range of current and potential health impacts were linked to individual residents’ responses to the processes of estate redevelopment and relocation, housing and neighbourhood quality, residents’ social networks and access to social and health care services. Improved housing quality and maintenance, a personalised approach to relocation and equitable access to services were identified to contribute to positive health outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relevance of recently floated policy ideas for extending homeownership to remote Aboriginal Australians. It argues that while the housing tenure system in more densely settled Australia is dominated by homeownership, this is not, and cannot realistically be expected to be, the case in remote areas. The paper uses data from the 2001 Census, organized by remoteness geography, to demonstrate the different character of the housing tenure system in remote Australia. The paper argues that homeownership in remote Aboriginal communities is a somewhat unrealistic policy goal, given the underlying income and employment status of Indigenous people in these communities. The paper also argues that there are better measures of Indigenous housing need and disadvantage in Australia than low homeownership rates. It briefly reports on one past failed experiment in Queensland to introduce homeownership to a remote Aboriginal community.  相似文献   

This paper uses census data for 1986 and 1996 to estimate the shortage of low cost private rental stock in Australia. During this period there was a 34 per cent increase in the number of households in private rental, with a disproportionate growth in households with either low or high incomes. At the same time, however, the private rental stock affordable for these households declined significantly. This combination of increased need and decreased supply has resulted in an overall shortage of low cost stock. This shortage is exacerbated by a 'misallocation' of existing low cost stock, arising from its use by high income households.  相似文献   

(Continued from volume 6 Number 2 June 1990)74.“Architecture and Environment”Shixing BaoChina City Planning Reviewvol.3,no.2December 1986,pp.56-63Uses Beijing as an example to discusspreservation problems generally.Two usefulmaps with height control areas for inner cityand city as a whole.75.“Awaiting That Bus”Beijing Reviewvol.29,no.3January 20,1986,p.7  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIN:This bibliography is the companionvolume to an earlier bibliography preparedfor HUD by Laurence J.C.Ma.That compi-lation,Cities and City Planning in the Peo-ple's Republic of China:An Annotated Bib-liography(1980),covered sources in Englishup to and including part of 1980.The pres-ent work begins with sources from 1980 andcontinues through the end of 1987.Empha-sis is on sources concerning post-liberationChina;however,some sources do include in-formation on conditions prior to 1949.Thebiblography is divided into three main sec-tions:(1)Housing,(2)Urban Planning andDesign,and(3)Urban Economic Develop-ment Trends and Policies.Altogether it con-tains 340 items.In a number of ways,this is a very per-  相似文献   

226.“Modernization and China's UrbanDevelopment”Sen-dou ChangAnnals of the Association of AmericanGeographersVol.71,No.21981,pp.202-219227.“Urbanization and economicReadjustment in China”Sen-dou ChangIn Chi-Keung Leung and Ssteve S.K.  相似文献   

(Continued from Volume 6 Number 1 March 1990)Film review.Provides excellent infor-mal introduction to the urban housing prob-lem.Discusses room trading,allocation ofbuilding materials,problems created by lackof kitchens,use of“back door”to obtainhousing,etc.Film revolves around six fami-lies living on a hallway of housing providedby a construction institute for its faculty andstaff.If you can't get to China,seeing thefilm itself would be an excellent way tovicariously experience urban life.  相似文献   

(Continued from Volume 6 Number 3 September1990)169.“The 6th Five-Year Plan(1981-85) of the People's Republic of Chinafor Economic and Social Development”Beijing Reviewvol.26,no.22May 30,1983,pp.Ⅰ-ⅩⅥChapter ⅩⅩⅩⅡ contains sections onurban and rural construction,urban resi-dents housing,and urban public utilities.  相似文献   

本文介绍了美国建筑钢结构设计规范LRFD(Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification for Structural Steel Buildings)第十章的主要内容,包括连接、节点和紧固件。  相似文献   

编者语“将开放性技术进行到底”技术主题自4月份开始组织策划以来,得到了广大读者的一致认可,也得到了智能化设备厂家、系统集成商及专家学者的大力支持。通过这几期的专题策划,我们深深感到开放性技术已成为了产品的重要核心,工程的主要因素,用户的必要首选!因此,本刊在7月专门邀请了东北、华东、华北等地区的设计院、高等院校及系统集成商的专家和学者,进一步加深对智能建筑开放性技术的理解,同时对这几期“将开放性技术进行到底”技术专题作一个小小的总结。“将开放性技术进行到底”不知不觉与广大读者朋友们一起走过了春末暖风习习,又…  相似文献   

导读在上一篇本系列文章(见2009年第3期)中,读者已经对装饰混凝土的基本组成及混凝土的着色有了初步了解.除了混凝土的色彩,其表面纹理及造型是混凝土装饰性的另一个重要表达方式.与混凝土的着色相比,其表面处理的工艺更为多样、复杂.  相似文献   

By April 1989,the total population inChina had been up to 1,100 millions.Underthe circumstances of such a heavypoputation,backward economy,and eco-nomic and social differences from one re-gion to another,how to solve the housing  相似文献   

No. 第一作者 期:页码 No. 第一作者 期:页码 56 王思敬 6:867~871 66 臧德胜 7:1 099~1 103 57 陈帅宇 7:1 047~1 053 67 刘萌成 7:1 104~1 111 58 华安增 7:1 054~1 059 68 胡云进 7:1 112~1 116 59 李连崇 7:1 060~1 066 69 姜清辉 7:1 121~1 125 60 唐礼忠 7:1 067~1 071 70 陈剑平 7:1 126~1 131 61 王建军 7:1 072~1 077 71 范留明 7:1 132~1 136 62 李兴高 7:1 078~1 082 72 蔡金昌 7:1 137~1 140 63 戴华阳 7:1 083~1 087 73 赵明阶 7:1 146~1 150 64 高 峰 7:1 088~1 092 74 何满潮 7:1 151~1 155 65 胡小荣 7…  相似文献   

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