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The volatile chemicals, detectable by coupled capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, in the nest cell linings of four species in the bee generaColletes, Andrena, andLasioglossum are identical with, and limited to, the volatile components present in the Dufour's gland of females, suggesting this source for some of their cell-lining constituents. The extractable material that lines the cells ofTrachusa byssina, in contrast, is derived fromPinus resin, to which it can be chemically traced.Contribution number 1738 from the Department of Entomology, University of Kansas, Lawrence.  相似文献   

Uinalool was identified as the main component of the mandibular gland secretion in females and males of four species ofColletes bees, viz.,C. cunicularius, C. daviesanus, C. impunctatus andC. succinctus. It was also shown to be the dominant volatile compound in the same gland in maleC. floralis (the female of this species has not yet been investigated). Further, in another species,C. similis, linalool is present in the mandibular gland secretions of females and males, but the dominant volatile component in these secretions is geranial, together with neral. Females of the speciesC. fodiens seem to lack monoterpenes altogether; nonadecane is the dominant volatile compound of the cephalic secretion (based on analysis of a single individual). When linalool is put out in the area of nest aggregation ofC. cunicularius, where the males are patrolling, a distinct increase in flight activity is noted. The function of linalool is discussed on the basis of field observations.This report forms part XXI in the series Studies on Natural Odoriferous Compounds.  相似文献   

The volatile components of the Dufour's gland secretions were examined in 22 Nearctic species of andrenid bees representing 10 subgenera. Farnesyl hexanoate was the dominant component in the secretion of 17 species. In others, various terpenoid esters such as geranyl octanoate, farnesyl octanoate and geranylgeranyl octanoate were the major components. Approximately 30 compounds have been identified in the secretions; many are newly identified in andrenid bees. Three different groups of secretions are discerned with exceptions. A discussion of the possible function of the Dufour's gland secretion in the biology of, and its use in, the systematics of these bees is presented.  相似文献   

The volatile components of the Dufour's gland secretion of female halictid bees have been examined in 18 Nearctic species belonging toAgapostemon, Augochlora, Augochlorella, Augochloropsis, Dialictus, Evylaeus, Halictus, andLasioglossum. Nine saturated and unsaturated macrocyclic lactones ranging from C18 to C26 have been identified. Four of these compounds, the saturated C26 and the unsaturated C20, C22, and C24 lactones, are new natural products reported for halictine bees. A series of eight esters containing branched C5-alkenols and fatty acids has been identified in several species. The cell linings and pollen ball inAugochlora pura pura contain the same major lactones as the Dufour's gland. A discussion of the significance of the Dufour's gland secretion for apoid systematics and its function in the Halictidae is presented.  相似文献   

The compositions of Dufour's gland secretions of four sympatric halictine bee species were chemically studied by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The secretion is composed of C16-C24 macrocyclic lactones, isopentenyl esters, and hydrocarbons. Comparative analyses have revealed that the blends of compounds are species specific. Studies of individual glands belonging to bees of the speciesEvylaeus malachurum have demonstrated that each bee exhibits a specific blend in its Dufour's gland. Nestmate bees (considered as sister bees), however, are more similar to each other than nonrelated bees. The relative importance of species specificity, individual specificity, and similarities between kins are discussed.  相似文献   

Males of the vernal ground nesting bee,Colletes cunicularius, actively search their nesting aggregations for emerging virgin females. Males often detect and unearth preemergent virgin males and females which have not yet dug up to the soil surface. Field experiments indicate that the odors from one unmated individual are sufficient to both excite males and direct their excavation of the virgin bee. A volatile component of this species' mandibular gland secretion, linalool, increases flight activity and directs local search behavior in aerially patrolling males. Linalool is detectable by coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in association with the digging activities of either sex.  相似文献   

Species ofPsithyrus (Hymenoptera; Apidae) are obligate bumble bee social parasites. In this study, females ofP. vestalis andP. ashtoni were presented with pentane extracts prepared from different body parts of queens of their respective host species,Bombus terrestris andB. terricola. Parasites of both species were capable of distinguishing host bees from other bumble bee species using chemical cues contained within extracts. Among extracts of several body parts presented to parasites, the abdomen produced the greatest behavioral response, with Dufour's gland and terminal tergal segments eliciting the greatest response among abdominal regions. Extracts of these two body parts obtained fromB. terrestris queens shared a number of compounds, identified by GC-MS. Among the identified compounds are a number that have been reported to be of importance in bee sociochemistry.  相似文献   

The Dufour's gland of the parasitic waspNemeritis (= Venturia) canescens (Grav.) was shown by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry to contain a mixture of C21, C23, and C25 saturated and monounsaturated hydrocarbons. The main component (62%) was (Z)-10-tricosene. The biological activity of the components is discussed.  相似文献   

The cephalic secretion of females of the cleptoparasitic beeHolcopasites calliopsidis contains two main volatiles, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one and geranyl acetone. The mandibular gland secretion of its host,Calliopsis andreniformis, on the other hand, contains the two isomeric forms of citral (neral and geranial). Neral and geranial are also produced by mandibular glands of two other species ofCalliopsis and one species in the related genusNomadopsis. The Dufour's gland ofC. andreniformis contains an oily secretion composed of hydrocarbons that are deposited on the brood cell walls and pollen balls providing a waterproof lining for both.  相似文献   

The Cape harvester ant,Messor capensis (Mayr), is widespread in the more arid regions of southern Africa, where it forms trails many meters long and harvests considerable quantities of seeds. The poison gland contains primarily the alkaloid, anabaseine, with minor amounts of the related alkaloid, anabasine, and an unidentified compound. The Dufour's gland contains predominantly alkanes and alkenes of carbon chain length 12–23.n-Pentadecane is the major component, with lesser amounts ofn-pentadecene,n-tridecane,n-heptadecane,n-tetradecane,n-heneicosene, andn-tricosene. The dienes,n-heneicosadiene andn-tricosadiene are rather unusual components of the Dufour's gland of ants.  相似文献   

The nest of the stingless bee,Trigona (Tetragonisca) angustula, is guarded by bees positioned in the nest entrance and others hovering in front of it. Hovering guard bees track returning foragers sideways along the last 10 cm in front of the nest, but intercept and incapacitate nest intruders by clinging with mandibles to wings and legs. When attacked by the cleptobiotic stingless beeLestrimelitta limao, the colony strengthens its aerial defense with hundreds of additional hoverers. To test our hypothesis that this reaction is due to interspecific chemical communication based on kairomone effects, we presented synthetic cephalic volatiles of both species at the nest entrance and counted the number of bees leaving the nest and taking up hovering positions. We conclude that guard bees recognizeL. limao by the major terpenoids of their volatile cephalic secretions, geranial, neral (=citral) and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one; other components may fine-tune this recognition. The effect of chemical stimuli is not significantly enhanced by combination with a dummy ofL. limao. Guard bees, we hypothesize, respond to this kairomone by secreting a species specific alarm pheromone; a major component of this pheromone, benzaldehyde, recruits additional bees to defend the nest.  相似文献   

Dufour's gland is the origin of the trail pheromone of Gnamptogenys striatula. Chemical analysis of the glandular extracts revealed a series of new natural products, especially esters of (2E)-3,4,7-trimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol (4-methylgeraniol), and (2E)-3,4,7-trimethyl-2,6-nonadien-1-ol (a bishomogeraniol isomer) with medium-chain fatty acids. Bioassays with synthetic racemates of the esters revealed that the 4-methylgeranyl esters are highly active as trail pheromones, while the bishomogeranyl esters are either marginally active or not active at all. Assays with the individual 4-methylgeranyl esters showed each of them to be inferior to the glandular secretion in eliciting trail following. However, the mixture of racemic 4-methylgeranyl octanoate and the corresponding decanoate and dodecanoate, the main Dufour's volatile constituents, is as active as the natural secretion at similar concentration. We conclude that the trail pheromone constitutes a mixture of at least the 4-methylgeranyl esters identified in the gland. Since G. striatula generally preys on small arthropods rather than monopolizing large resources, we assume that trails are rarely used during foraging, but more often during nest migration. Production of new societies in this species is generally performed by budding, a period of considerable predation risk. Utilizing trails for efficient displacement in this context is, therefore, highly adaptive. This behavioral repertoire may also provide the ants with additional means of food resource exploitation.  相似文献   

Extracts of Dufour's gland of the ponerine ant, Gnamptogenys striatula, were analyzed by using the combination of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Series of esters of the new homoterpenoids (2E,6)-3,4,7-trimethyl-2,6-octadiene-1-ol (4-methylgeraniol) and (2E,6)-3,4,7-trimethyl-2, 6-nonadiene-1-ol (bishomogeraniol) with unbranched medium-chain fatty acids were identified. Transformation of the chiral natural products into 1,4-di(trifluoroacetoxy)-3-methylpentane and comparison of its gas chromatographic retention time on a modified cyclodextrin phase with that of synthetic optically active reference samples proved the stereogenic center to keep (S)-configuration. (2E,4S,6)-3,4,7-Trimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-yl decanoate and the corresponding dodecanoate are the main volatiles in the extracts.  相似文献   

Dufour's gland, which is present in worker ants ofFormica polyctena as a tiny gland emptying into the short duct from the poison reservoir, was found to be very enlarged in virgin females. In egg-laying queens the gland lobes were reduced in size to slender tubes. The glandular secretion was analyzed by capillary gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Seventy-four percent of the gland secretion from virgin females consisted of undecane, but this compound was less than 1% in queens. Decane and nonane, making up 3.5% in virgin females, were not found in queens. About 74% of their secretion consisted of the lower hydrocarbons: tridecane, pentadecane, heptadecane, and a nonadecene with tridecane dominating to 50%. Apart from these characteristic differences, almost the same compounds were present in virgin females and queens. Thirty-three compounds were identified from the secretion of virgin females and 38 from queens. An additional compound present in trace amounts in the secretion from queens has not been identified. All the compounds were hydro-carbons with the exception of dodecanol, present in trace amounts in virgin females. The compounds are homologous series of saturated, aliphatic hydrocarbons from nonane to tricosane and corresponding series of monounsaturated and methyl-branched hydrocarbons. Geranylgeraniol and geranyl-geranyl acetate, present in worker ants together with some other alcohols and acetates, were absent in females.  相似文献   

Males of several species ofMyrmecocystus produce mandibular gland secretions that contain 2,4-dimethyl-2-hexenoic acid and a variety of monoterpenes that include neral, geranial, citronellol, limonene, and 2,6-dimethyl-5-hepten-1-ol. Other components identified include methyl anthranilate, octanal, octanol, octyl octanoate, and 2-hexyl-2-decenal. Methyl salicylate has been identified as a mandibular gland constituent of workers of several species in addition to mellein and monoterpenes such as cymene, limonene, and the isomers of citral. The Dufour's gland secretions of workers and females of 14 species contain typical formicine alkanes (e.g., undecane), 2-alkanols (e.g., 2-tridecanol), and 2-alkanones (e.g., 2-tridecanone). Two species in the subgenusEremnocystus produce secretions that are distinguished by the presence of significant quantities of tridecyl esters. The functions of these compounds as well as their possible chemosystematic significance in the genusMyrmecocystus are discussed.  相似文献   

Both males and females of the primitively eusocial beeLasioglossum zephyrum can distinguish among female conspecifics with regard to genealogical relationship. Closely related females covary with respect to Dufour's gland pheromone products which are believed to function in individual or kin recognition. This is the first report of a population-wide parallel between similarity of communicative glandular product and genetic similarity.  相似文献   

The Dufour's gland secretion ofXylocopa virginica texana possesses short-term repellency for conspecifics when applied to passion flowers. This secretion contains a number of straight-chain hydrocarbons. The two major components are the methyl esters of palmitic and myristic acid. A mixture of the two esters and two of the available hydrocarbons were as effective as the Dufour's gland extract in eliciting a response in females to the passion flower,Passiflora incarnata, to which the extract was applied.Approved as TA13387 by the Director, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and conducted in cooperation with the USDA. Supported in part by NSF-DEB-76-03963.  相似文献   

Bees of the genusTrigona and subgenusTrigona possess volatile materials in their mandibular glands, used as alarm substances and as marking pheromones. Heads of workers ofTrigona fulviventris were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The two major volatile components were nerol ( 50%), and octyl caproate ( 20%). Relative to other substances tested at a Costa Rican nest, treatments containing 20 g of nerol attractedT. fulviventris, depressed numbers of bees leaving the nest by about 50%, and elicited wing vibration and biting. The responses were similar to those obtained with the contents of one worker head. Attraction and biting were also seen in response to captures of colony members by assassin bugs (Apiomerus pictipes) outside a nest entrance; one bee responded in about 15% of the captures. This alarm behavior, although weak, is of interest since it was thought thatT. fulviventris was unusual for its subgenus in its lack of nest defense behaviors.  相似文献   

The workers of the leaf-cutting antAtta laevigata were found to mark a territory around their nest and along trunk trails. Elsewhere, we reported that the territorial mark had orientation and agonistic functions. The presence of this mark induced an alarm behavior in intruder workers and stimulated the residents' aggressiveness. Of the parts of the body tested, only the extracts from gaster or Dufour gland were able to induce the same agonistic behavior. The compoundsn-heptadecane, (Z)-9-nonadecene, 8,11-nonadecadiene, and (Z)-9-tricosene, secreted by Dufour gland were identified on foraging trails in the field as components of the territorial odor.  相似文献   

The larval defensive secretion of the mountain ash sawfly,Pristiphora geniculata, contains seven volatile components. They include benz-aldehyde, borneol, bornyl acetate, mandelonitrile, and C14, C16, and C18 acetates.  相似文献   

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