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为了延长采用电池供电的无线传感器网络的生命周期,提出了一种综合考虑单个节点能耗和节点传输信息至汇集节点所需总能耗的路由算法.该算法首先根据网络中节点到汇集节点从小到大的距离顺序选择待规划节点,然后计算各对应候选节点的评价参数,该参数由单节点能耗和节点传输信息至汇集节点所需总能耗加权得到,最后选择评价参数最小的候选节点作为待规划节点的中继节点.仿真结果表明,该算法的生命周期明显长于LEACH(Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hier-archy)算法.  相似文献   

在无线传感器网络中,分簇型路由在路由协议中占据重要的地位,该协议方便拓扑结构管理,能源利用率高,数据融合简单。文章从簇头生成、簇形成和簇路由3个角度对典型的分簇路由算法LEACH,HEED,EEUC,PEGASIS进行了系统描述,从网络生命周期和节点存活数量等方面,对比了其优缺点,结合该领域的研究现状,指出了未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

随着网络负载增加,经典的TPGF( Two-Phase geographic Greedy Forwarding)算法难以找到节点分离路径,会导致网络吞吐量、投递率以及端到端时延性能下降。此外,当网络拓扑变动不大时, TPGF中每条路径所包含节点要消耗比其他节点更多的能量,会导致其过快死亡,从而影响网络性能。为此,将联合网络编码技术引入 TPGF,提出一种编码与能量感知的 TPGF 路由算法( NE-TPGF)。该算法综合考虑节点的地理位置、编码机会、剩余能量等因素,同时利用联合网络编码技术进一步扩展编码结构,充分利用网络编码优势来建立相对最优的传输路径。仿真结果表明, NE-TPGF能够增加编码机会,提高网络吞吐量和投递率,降低端到端时延,并且还有利于减少和平衡节点的能量消耗。  相似文献   

Due to inherent issue of energy limitation in sensor nodes, the energy conservation is the primary concern for large‐scale wireless sensor networks. Cluster‐based routing has been found to be an effective mechanism to reduce the energy consumption of sensor nodes. In clustered wireless sensor networks, the network is divided into a set of clusters; each cluster has a coordinator, called cluster head (CH). Each node of a cluster transmits its collected information to its CH that in turn aggregates the received information and sends it to the base station directly or via other CHs. In multihop communication, the CHs closer to the base station are burdened with high relay load; as a result, their energy depletes much faster as compared with other CHs. This problem is termed as the hot spot problem. In this paper, a distributed fuzzy logic‐based unequal clustering approach and routing algorithm (DFCR) is proposed to solve this problem. Based on the cluster design, a multihop routing algorithm is also proposed, which is both energy efficient and energy balancing. The simulation results reinforce the efficiency of the proposed DFCR algorithm over the state‐of‐the‐art algorithms, ie, energy‐aware fuzzy approach to unequal clustering, energy‐aware distributed clustering, and energy‐aware routing algorithm, in terms of different performance parameters like energy efficiency and network lifetime.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the energy efficiency of data collection based on a concentric chain clustering topology for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). To conserve the energy dissipation of nodes spent in data routing, the paper attempts to take advantage of the two opportunities: (a) the impact of the relative positions of wireless nodes to the base station on the energy efficiency of the routing chain within each cluster; (b) the effect of the varying‐sized chains on the selection rule of cluster heads (CHs). To establish an energy‐efficient chain to connect all the nodes in a cluster, the paper proposes a principal vector projection approach, which takes into account both the position of each node and that of the base station, to determine the order to which a node can be linked into the chain in order to reduce the energy requirement of the chain. Since the CH selection rules in the concentric chains are mutually independent, solely based on their self‐cluster sizes, the multi‐hop path passing through all the CHs will consist of longer links and thus consume a significant fraction of the total energy. Thus, in order to suppress the effect of the unequal cluster sizes on decreasing the energy efficiency of the multi‐hop path of CHs, the paper offers an average‐cluster‐size‐based rule (ACSB) for each cluster in order to adapt the CH selection with both the number of active nodes in the current cluster and the average value of all cluster sizes. With these two proposed schemes, an adaptive concentric chain‐based routing algorithm is proposed which enables nodes to collaboratively reduce the energy dissipation incurred in gathering sensory data. By computer simulation, the results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs better than other similar protocols in terms of energy saved and lifetime increased capabilities for WSNs which deploy random sensor nodes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Maximizing the lifespan of wireless sensor networks is currently drawing a lot of attention in the research community. In order to reduce energy consumption, sensor nodes that are far from the base station avoid sending data directly. As a result, several disjoint clusters are formed, and nodes within a cluster send their data through the cluster head to avoid long transmissions. However, several parameters related to transmission cost need to be considered when selecting a cluster head. While most of the existing research work considers energy and distance as the most stringent parameters to reduce energy consumption, these approaches fail to create a fair and balanced cluster. Consequently, unbalanced clusters are formed, resulting in the degradation of overall performance. In this research work, a cluster head selection algorithm is proposed that covers all parts of the sensing area in a balanced manner, saving a significant amount of energy. Furthermore, a capture effect–based intracluster communication mechanism is proposed that efficiently utilizes the time slot under various traffic conditions. A Näive Bayes classifier is used to adapt the window size dynamically according to the traffic pattern. Finally, a simulation model using OMNeT++ is developed to compare the proposed approach with the pioneer clustering approach, LEACH, and the contemporary LEACH‐MAC protocol in terms of performance. The results of the simulation indicate that the proposed approach improves the overall performance in terms of network lifetime, energy efficiency, and throughput.  相似文献   

通常的无线传感器分簇网络存在节点负载不均衡的问题。为均衡各节点能量消耗,延长网络生存周期,将K均值算法与遗传算法相结合,提出一种负载均衡的无线传感器网络路由算法,算法利用遗传算法的全局寻优能力以克服传统K均值算法的局部性和对初始中心的敏感性,实现了传感器网络节点自适应成簇与各节点负载均衡。仿真实验表明,该算法显著延长了网络寿命,相对于其他分簇路由算法,其网络生存时间延长了约43%。  相似文献   

通常的无线传感器分簇网络存在节点负载不均衡的问题。为均衡各节点能量消耗,延长网络生存周期,将K均值算法与遗传算法相结合,提出一种负载均衡的无线传感器网络路由算法,算法利用遗传算法的全局寻优能力以克服传统K均值算法的局部性和对初始中心的敏感性,实现了传感器网络节点自适应成簇与各节点负载均衡。仿真实验表明,该算法显著延长了网络寿命,相对于其他分簇路由算法,其网络生存时间延长了约43%。  相似文献   

Recently, underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) have attracted much research attention to support various applications for pollution monitoring, tsunami warnings, offshore exploration, tactical surveillance, etc. However, because of the peculiar characteristics of UWSNs, designing communication protocols for UWSNs is a challenging task. Particularly, designing a routing protocol is of the most importance for successful data transmissions between sensors and the sink. In this paper, we propose a reliable and energy‐efficient routing protocol, named R‐ERP2R (Reliable Energy‐efficient Routing Protocol based on physical distance and residual energy). The main idea behind R‐ERP2R is to utilize physical distance as a routing metric and to balance energy consumption among sensors. Furthermore, during the selection of forwarding nodes, link quality towards the forwarding nodes is also considered to provide reliability and the residual energy of the forwarding nodes to prolong network lifetime. Using the NS‐2 simulator, R‐ERP2R is compared against a well‐known routing protocol (i.e. depth‐based routing) in terms of network lifetime, energy consumption, end‐to‐end delay and delivery ratio. The simulation results proved that R‐ERP2R performs better in UWSNs.Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Introducing mobile sinks into a wireless sensor network can effectively improve the network performance. However, sink mobility can bring excessive protocol overhead for route maintenance and may offset the benefit from using mobile sinks. In this paper, we propose a dynamic layered routing protocol to address this problem. The proposed protocol integrates dynamic layered Voronoi scoping and dynamic anchor selection to effectively reduce the dissemination scopes and frequencies of routing updates as the sinks move in the network. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol can effectively reduce the protocol overhead while ensuring high packet delivery ratio as compared with existing work. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Introduction of mobile sinks into a wireless sensor network can largely improve the network performance. However, sink mobility can cause unexpected changes of network topology, which may bring excessive protocol overhead for route maintenance and may offset the benefit from using mobile sinks. In this paper, we propose an efficient data‐driven routing protocol (DDRP) to address this problem. The design objective is to effectively reduce the protocol overhead for data gathering in wireless sensor networks with mobile sinks. DDRP exploits the broadcast feature of wireless medium for route learning. Specifically, each data packet carries an additional option recording the known distance from the sender of the packet to target mobile sink. The overhearing of transmission of such a data packet will gratuitously provide each listener a route to a mobile sink. Continuous such route‐learning among nodes will provide fresh route information to more and more nodes in the network. When no route to mobile sink is known, random walk routing simply is adopted for data packet forwarding. Simulation results show that DDRP can achieve much lower protocol overhead and longer network lifetime as compared with existing work while preserving high packet delivery ratio. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络节点资源有限,所以需要采用有效的路由算法与数据融合机制来节省资源,延长网络寿命,提升数据采集效率。LEACH是经典分簇路由协议,针对其在簇头选择机制、数据融合以及簇头与基站通信的路由方面的不足,提出了几点改进方法,在簇头选择的算法中加入了能量控制条件,簇头与基站的路由改为更适合数据融合的多跳反向组播树,并基于信息熵提出了有效数据融合机制。仿真实验表明,改进之后的算法比原LEACH算法更有效地利用了节点资源,延长了网络生存时间。  相似文献   

WSN中能量有效分簇多跳路由算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对现有无线传感器网络(WSN)分簇路由算法存在的能耗不均衡问题,提出一种能量有效分簇多跳路由算法,该算法包括两个方面:一是选举簇首时引入簇内平均剩余能量因子,根据上一轮结束后簇内各节点剩余能量和簇内节点的平均剩余能量的比值更新簇首在所有节点中所占的百分比;二是要求簇首根据MTE多跳路由协议与基站通信,从而均衡WSN整...  相似文献   

为提高无线传感器网络故障容错性和传输稳定性,实现网络负载均衡,提出了一种仿血管路径的无线传感器网络故障容错路由算法.研究了人体血管路径特性及属性关联,对网络节点分区域等级标定并以不同概率值进行静态分簇,运用改进的蚁群算法BWAS(最优最差蚂蚁系统)生成节点路径,以路径信息素值作为传输路径的选择概率建立仿血管拓扑结构路由...  相似文献   

Minimising energy consumption has always been an issue of crucial importance in sensor networks. Most of the energy is consumed in data transmission from sensor nodes to the base station due to the long distance of nodes from the base station. In the recent past, a number of researchers have proposed that clustering is an efficient way of reducing the energy consumption during data transmission and enhancing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks. Many algorithms have been already proposed for cluster head selection. In this work, we analyse and compare the lifetime of the network with three different fuzzy-based approaches of cluster head selection. The three strong parameters which play an important role in lifetime enhancement – energy, centrality and node density – are considered for cluster head selection in our proposed fuzzy approaches. In the first approach, energy and centrality are considered simultaneously in a fuzzy system to select the cluster heads. In the second approach, energy and node density have been taken in a fuzzy system to select the cluster heads. In the third approach, node density and centrality are considered simultaneously by a fuzzy system to select the cluster heads. Simulation results of these fuzzy logic-based approaches show that all the three approaches are superior to the Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH). Simulation results also show that the energy-centrality-based fuzzy clustering scheme gives best performance among all the three fuzzy-based algorithms and it enhances the lifetime of wireless sensor networks by a significant amount.  相似文献   

Clustering provides an effective way to prolong the lifetime of wireless sensor networks.One of the major issues of a clustering protocol is selecting an optimal group of sensor nodes as the cluster heads to divide the network.Another is the mode of inter-cluster communication.In this paper,an energy-balanced unequal clustering(EBUC)protocol is proposed and evaluated.By using the particle swarm optimization(PSO)algorithm,EBUC partitions all nodes into clusters of unequal size,in which the clusters closer to the base station have smaller size.The cluster heads of these clusters can preserve some more energy for the inter-cluster relay traffic and the 'hot-spots' problem can be avoided.For inter-cluster communication,EBUC adopts an energy-aware multihop routing to reduce the energy consumption of the cluster heads.Simulation results demonstrate that the protocol can efficiently decrease the dead speed of the nodes and prolong the network lifetime.  相似文献   

基于认知的无线传感器网络抗干扰路由算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘斌新  蒋挺 《数字通信》2010,37(1):66-70
针对无线传感器网络受Wi—Fi等异构系统干扰日益严重的问题,在引入基于簇的动态多信道组网策略的基础上,综合考虑频谱受干扰程度、信道切换代价、节点剩余能量等因素,提出了一种认知频谱干扰的能量有效的路由(CSIEE)算法。仿真结果表明,该路由与EEPA,AODV,AODV—EA路由相比,有效地节约了传感器节点能量,延长了网络生命周期。  相似文献   

Considering severe resources constraints and security threat hierarchical routing protocol algorithm. The proposed routing of wireless sensor networks (WSN), the article proposed a novel protocol algorithm can adopt suitable routing technology for the nodes according to the distance of nodes to the base station, density of nodes distribution, and residual energy of nodes. Comparing the proposed routing protocol algorithm with simple direction diffusion routing technology, cluster-based routing mechanisms, and simple hierarchical routing protocol algorithm through comprehensive analysis and simulation in terms of the energy usage, packet latency, and security in the presence of node protocol algorithm is more efficient for wireless sensor networks. compromise attacks, the results show that the proposed routing  相似文献   

Energy allocation problems and routing problems are both important research issues in the wireless sensor network (WSN) field. The former usually aims at considering how to allocate a certain number of sensor devices in a sensing region to form a WSN so that the objective function value (e.g., the network connectivity or the network lifetime) of the constructed network is optimized. For the message routing problem in WSNs, researchers tend to consider how to find an energy conservable message transmission routing scheme for notifying the supervisor of the WSN when an event occurs. Till now, many solutions have been proposed for the above two categories of optimization problems. However, unifying the above two network optimization problems to maximize the network lifetime, to the best of our knowledge, still lacks related research. This paper considers a joint optimization problem for energy allocation and energy‐aware routing called the joint optimization of energy allocation and routing problem (JOEARP) for a hierarchical cluster‐based WSN. We propose an exact algorithm to provide the optimum solution for the JOEARP. The simulation results show that this solution performed better in prolonging the network lifetime of a WSN in a real situation, compared to other compositions of conventional energy allocation schemes with some known routing algorithms. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, an optimal method of clustering homogeneous wireless sensor networks using a multi‐objective two‐nested genetic algorithm is presented. The top level algorithm is a multi‐objective genetic algorithm (GA) whose goal is to obtain clustering schemes in which the network lifetime is optimized for different delay values. The low level GA is used in each cluster in order to get the most efficient topology for data transmission from sensor nodes to the cluster head. The presented clustering method is not restrictive, whereas existing intelligent clustering methods impose certain conditions such as performing two‐tiered clustering. A random deployed model is used to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. In addition, a comparison is made between the presented algorithm other GA‐based clustering methods and the Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy protocol. The results obtained indicate that using the proposed method, the network's lifetime would be extended much more than it would be when using the other methods. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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