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DNB(中性束诊断)电源监控系统是DNB装置的重要组成部分,对整个装置的安全、可靠运行起自动化工程学院,安徽合肥 230009;3.美国得克萨斯大学聚变研究中心)着关键中用.介绍了DNB装置的原理及结构,特别是DNB装置的电源系统,重点对DNB电源监控系统的设计思想、体系结构和控制功能作了详细探讨.最后对该监控系统的电磁兼容性问题作了简要叙述.  相似文献   

In normal experimental operation, a diagnostic neutral beam (DNB) can produce 6 A of extracted beam current in hydrogen at an energy of 49 keV with a pulse length of 100 ms. Hydrogen and deuterium beams can be produced as well. The diagnostic neutral beam has been added to the diagnostic set so that charge-exchange recombination spectroscopy (CXRS) can be used to acquire ion temperature and rotation. The beam power and beam profile distribution of the DNB injection can be obtained with a thermocouple probe measurement system on the HT-7 superconducting tokamak. The thermocouple probe measurement system with 13 thermocouples crossly distributed on the probe plate was used to measure the temperature rise of each coppery target, so the profile distribution of the ion/neutral beam was obtained by calculation. In this paper, the structure of the probe plate on the DNB for HT-7 tokamak and some measurement results are presented.  相似文献   

重离子加速器通过一定周期的磁场对带电粒子进行约束,磁铁电源是产生所需磁场的关键部件,因此,要求磁铁电源控制系统具备高效性、稳定性、精确性。磁铁电源需按加速器运行周期进行响应运行。重离子加速器磁铁电源的时序必须严格按重离子加速器控制系统的控制时序进行控制。本工作研制了重离子加速器磁铁电源控制系统,通过磁铁电源控制器与同步时钟系统的通信进行控制时序的运行;通过与中央数据库的数据通信获取磁铁电源控制器所需的全部数据(如同步事例数据、波形数据等)。同步时钟信号一旦触发,磁铁电源控制器进行相应的数据获取并进行插值运算输出至磁铁电源进行控制。重离子加速器磁铁电源控制系统同步精度为1μs,实验平台测试控制器平台纹波精度为100ppm,能满足重离子加速器实验运行的要求。  相似文献   

带电粒子放射治疗中3D主动治疗方式需要不同的束流能量照射不同的病灶切面,这就需要同步加速器控制系统能实现多级束流能量的自动切换控制并提供接口对接治疗计划进行自动变能控制。本文开发了同步加速器束流能量切换控制系统,同步加速器的前端服务器中存储着执行1个同步加速器加速周期所需的全部控制数据集,其中控制数据通过索引标号对其进行区分,同步事例信息是同步加速器多级束流能量切换的触发信号。当前端控制器被同步时间系统的同步事例触发激活后,从DSP波形发生器的SDRAM空间中读出磁铁电源、高频等控制数据进行数据切换。同步事例信号包含同步触发信息、束流能量控制数据的索引信息和控制数据的更新操作信息。多级束流能量自动切换控制系统能实现255级束流能量间自动切换控制(碳束能量在50~500 MeV间切换,步长可控制在1.77 MeV),完全能满足实际中碳束能量在50~500 MeV间以10 MeV为步长的自动切换控制。  相似文献   

Diagnostic Neutral Beam (DNB) has been used for measuring plasma parameters of tokamaks such as ion and electron temperature, safety factor, impurity concentration and etc. Ion source and electrical power supply specification are the main part of DNB. Arc discharge current value is affected by filament current and anode voltage. Beam current changes with arc current signal in our experiment that agree with theoretical relations. Sixty milli-ampere (60 mA) pulse beam current is because of arc current of about 40 A and extraction voltage of about 20 kV. The increase of beam current with arc current has been reported experimentally and effect of arc current on beam current has been investigated for several high extraction voltages. Optimum condition, which means having a telescopic beam (minimum divergence) for specific parameters of duoplasmatron, has been simulated and verified with experimental test. The best extraction voltage for these parameters has been found to be about 16-kV. The ratio of the perpendicular velocity to parallel velocity has been calculated to be about 0.012. It has been shown experimentally with optical emission spectroscopy that increase in arc current and magnetic current increase proton content of beam.  相似文献   

The long-pulse power-supply system equipped for the 4 MW beam-power ion source is comprised of three units at ASIPP (Institute of Plasma Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences):one for the neutralbeam test stand and two for the EAST neutral-beam injectors (NBI-1 and NBI-2,respectively).Each power supply system consists of two low voltage and high current DC power supplies for plasma generation of the ion source,and two high voltage and high current DC power supplies for the accelerator grid system.The operation range of the NB power supply is about 80 percent of the design value,which is the safe and stable operation range.At the neutral-beam test stand,a hydrogen ion beam with a beam pulse of 150 s,beam power of 1.5 MW and beam energy of 50 keV was achieved during the long-pulse testing experiments.The result shows that the power-supply system meets the requirements of the EAST-NBIs fully and lays a basis for achieving plasma heating.  相似文献   

同步定时触发系统是重离子同步加速器的控制核心,控制磁场电源对带电离子束进行同步加速,其对可靠性和定时精度要求高。在重离子治癌、材料辐照等领域的发展中,为了满足这些领域对重离子同步加速器小型化的需求,本文以NIOSII为核心处理器,结合FPGA上的可编程片上系统(SOPC),实现了一种基于可编程硬件的同步定时触发系统。该系统可控制延时精度,且使用灵活、可靠,易升级,向小型化的同步加速器及重离子治癌等应用工程提供了切实可行的方案。  相似文献   

大多数环型加速器引出束流方向受冲击磁铁的磁场控制,引出冲击磁铁脉冲电源输出的脉冲励磁电流抖动和漂移过大会降低束流引出效率,主要来源于触发系统、闸流管、环境温度变化等[1]。国内抑制引出脉冲电源输出电流相位偏移的相位检测及反馈系统尚属空白。针对中国散裂中子源(CSNS)快循环同步加速器(RCS)引出脉冲电源的需求,设计一种TDC芯片+FPGA结构的输出脉冲电流相位检测及反馈系统,通过研究TDC芯片和FPGA间的数据传输方式、基于FPGA的串口通信及反馈控制算法,实现电源输出电流相位ps级精度实时检测及偏移量反馈,反馈调整步长5 ns,为脉冲电流高精度相位检测与锁定提供了新方法。  相似文献   

A new calculation method is introduced for convergence beam intensity. The program based on this method is prepared for beam intensity distribution and beam power calculation. Taking the HT-7 DNB as a reference, the beam profile calculated by program is similar with that of Gaussian fit of experimental data.  相似文献   

基于EPICS的注入凸轨脉冲电源控制样机研制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
中国散裂中子源(CSNS)快循环同步加速器(RCS)是一台高束流功率质子加速器,凸轨磁铁脉冲(BUMP)电源是CSNS注入系统的重要设备。根据CSNS工程建设的要求,需在预研阶段研制一套凸轨电源控制样机,用于研究和解决控制系统建造中的一些关键技术。注入凸轨电源样机通过横河公司生产的WE7000测量系统实现对脉冲电源的控制,根据物理设计需要可完成对电源的任意波形给定输出并实现对电源输出波形的回采显示。本文主要介绍了基于EPICS系统的WE7000设备驱动的开发,以及在此基础上研制的注入凸轨脉冲电源控制样机的应用。通过联机测试的结果表明,该样机满足对注入凸轨脉冲电源的控制要求,达到了预研目的。  相似文献   

The Power Supply System of Ion Source for NBI   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The power supply system of ion source for the Neutral Beam Injector (NBI) in the HT-7 superconducting tokamak is based on a single injector with one ion source that can deliver 700 kW of neutral beam power. Experiments and a discharges test on the ion source were successfully performed. In this paper, the circuit structures and features of every power supply are described and the results of the discharges test are presented.  相似文献   

Kicker磁铁电源控制系统设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环包含多个注入和引出环节,其中较为关键的是CSRm的引出和CSRe的注入系统,其时间控制精度直接影响束流的注入引出效率。本文采用先进的ARM+FPGA技术实现对踢轨电源系统的精确控制,其时间控制精度达ns量级。ARM主要实现控制数据的下载与上传,踢轨系统的控制时序主要通过FPGA编程完成。远程时序控制信号均通过光纤传输,同时对踢轨电源的电压给定采用数字电位器技术实现,给定精度达0.1%。  相似文献   

兰州重离子加速器放射性次级束分离线一号线(Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou-Radioactive Ion Beam Line 1,HIRFL-RIBLL1)已运行多年,其电源控制系统因建设初期条件所限设计较为简单,加之近年来系统部件老化,已不能很好满足物理实验要求,迫切需要进行升级改造。新的电源控制系统针对现有问题,采用分布式架构,每台电源用一台高精度控制器就近控制。同时集成了二极磁铁磁场强度和所有电源输出电流的监控,并且利用滞环控制策略,实现了根据预设磁刚度自动调试电源的功能。新电源控制系统经过一年多来的几次实验调束验证,在调试精度、抗干扰性、易用性等方面满足了RIBLL1物理需求,大幅度提高了调束效率。  相似文献   

由于控制棒抽出引起堆芯内反应性失控增加,从而导致核功率剧增的事故定义为一组控制棒组件抽出事故。这种瞬态可能是反应堆控制系统或棒控系统失灵引起的。多普勒负反应性反馈效应能在保护动作延迟的时间内将功率限制在可接受的水平。该事故中,燃料棒表面可能发生偏离泡核沸腾(departure from nucleate boiling,简称DNB),导致燃料元件包壳烧毁;燃料芯块也可能发生熔化,对包壳产生不利影响。文章对岭澳混合堆芯和提高富集度论证次临界或低功率启动工况下提棒事故进行了分析。分析结果表明,事故瞬态中不会发生燃料芯块熔化或燃料元件包壳烧毁,可以保证燃料元件的完整性,燃料设计满足限制准则。  相似文献   

储存环校正铁电源系统的稳定性是进行同步辐射光源束流轨道校正的重要前提。本文描述了新的校正铁数字控制电源系统硬件结构、软件设计及调试结果,其中,重点介绍了数字化控制器的硬件结构和软件工作流程。数字化控制器包括DSP卡和ADC卡,采用了DSP和FPGA作为控制核心,通过光纤与远程IOC进行实时通讯,通过本地PC机串行口可设置电源回路参数。运行结果表明,新的数字控制开关电源系统很好地满足了轨道稳定性对其的要求。  相似文献   

The diagnostic neutral beam (DNB) line shall be used to diagnose the He ash content in the D–T phase of the ITER machine using the charge exchange recombination spectroscopy (CXRS). Implementation of a successful DNB at ITER requires several challenges related to the production, neutralization and transport of the neutral beam over path lengths of 20.665 m, to be overcome. The delivery is aided if the above effects are tested prior to onsite commissioning. As DNB is a procurement package for INDIA, an ITER approved Indian test facility, INTF, is under construction at Institute for Plasma Research (IPR), India and is envisaged to be operational in 2015. The timeline for this facility is synchronized with the RADI, ELISE (IPP, Garching), SPIDER (RFX, Padova) in a manner that best utilization of configurational inputs available from them are incorporated in the design. This paper describes the facility in detail and discusses the experiments planned to optimise the beam transmission and testing of the beam line components using various diagnostics.  相似文献   

A neutral beam injector (NBI) test stand was constructed to develop a multi-megawatt prototype ion source as an auxiliary heating system on experimental advanced superconducting tokamak. A power supply system for the NBI test stand components such as a set of dc power supplies for plasma generator, a dc high voltage power supply of a tetrode accelerator, a transmission line and a surge energy suppressor. Stable arc discharges of the plasma generator with hydrogen gases for 100 s long pulse have been produced by six Langmuir probes feedback loop regulation mode to control the arc power supply. The 4 MW hydrogen ion beam of 1 s is extracted with beam energy of 80 keV and the beam current of 52 A. The dc high voltage power supply for the plasma grid of the prototype ion source was designed to contribute maximum voltage of 100 kV and current of 100 A. The high voltage power output is continuously adjustable to satisfy with plasma physics experiment in operation frequency of 10 Hz. To prevent damage of the beam source at high voltage breakdown, core snubber using deltamax soft magnetic materials have been adopted to satisfy the input energy into the accelerator from the power supply can be reduced to about 5 J in the case of breakdown at 80 kV. For the transmission line, a disc shape multi cable coaxial configuration was adopted and which the dimension of the diameter is 140 mm at the core snubber. The major issues of discharge characteristics with long pulse and beam extraction with high power for the prototype ion source were investigated on the NBI test stand.  相似文献   

The acceleration grid power supply (AGPS) rated 200 kV/25 A is a key component devoted to supply the acceleration grids of the China fusion engineering test reactor negative-ion-based neutral beam injector (N-NBI) prototype system. This paper focused on the design and control of the AGPS conversion system (AGPS-CS), with emphasis on the requirement of the wide range output voltage and rise time. A voltage regulation switch at the front of step-down transformer is applied to optimize the grid current and DC-link voltage. Moreover, a new feedforward control strategy with piecewise PI compensator is proposed to improve the characteristics of AGPS. The simulation results of the proposed AGPS-CS are presented, proving the performance of the power supply to achieve the desired requirements.  相似文献   

A 16 kV/20 A power supply was developed for the extraction grid of prototype radio frequency (RF) ion source of neutral beam injector.To acquire the state signals of extraction grid power supply (EGPS) and control the operation of the EGPS,a data acquisition and control system has been developed.This system mainly consists of interlock protection circuit board,photoelectric conversion circuit,optical fibers,industrial compact peripheral component interconnect (CPCI) computer and host computer.The human machine interface of host computer delivers commands and data to program of the CPCI computer,as well as offers a convenient client for setting parameters and displaying EGPS status.The CPCI computer acquires the status of the power supply.The system can turn-off the EGPS quickly when the faults of EGPS occur.The system has been applied to the EGPS of prototype RF ion source.Test results show that the data acquisition and control system for the EGPS can meet the requirements of the operation of prototype RF ion source.  相似文献   

研制了大功率宽带快速扫频射频系统,其用于中国散裂中子源(CSNS)快循环同步加速器(RCS)中,主要包括铁氧体加载谐振腔、射频功率源、偏流源和低电平控制系统。射频系统工作重复频率为25 Hz,扫频范围为1.022~2.444 MHz,单个腔体(双加速间隙)可提供最大30 kV加速电压。两级的调谐控制能解决快速扫频过程中的系统失谐问题,采用束流前馈、直接反馈等多种技术手段可对束流负载效应进行补偿。  相似文献   

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