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Fast Hybrid Approach for Texturing Point Models 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We present three methods for texturing point models from sample textures. The first method, the point parameterization method, uses a fast distortion‐bounded parameterization algorithm to flatten the point model's surface into one or more 2D patches. The sample texture is mapped onto these patches and alpha blending is used to minimize the discontinuity in the gaps between the patches. The second method is based on neighborhood matching where a color is assigned to each point by searching the best match within an irregular neighborhood. The hybrid method combines the former two methods, capitalizing on the advantages of both. The point parameterization method is used first to color most of the points, and the point neighborhood‐matching method is then applied to the points belonging to the gaps between the parameterized patches to minimize the discontinuity. We opt for fast texture generation, while some discontinuities may appear in the gaps of anisotropic textures. 相似文献
Synthesis of transition textures is essential for displaying visually acceptable appearances on a terrain. This investigation presents a modified method for synthesizing the transition texture to be tiled on a terrain. All transition pattern types are recognized for a number of input textures. The proposed modified patch-based sampling texture synthesis approach, using the extra feature map of the input source and target textures for patch matching, can synthesize any transition texture on a succession pattern by initializing the output texture using a portion of the source texture enclosed in a transition cut. The transition boundary is further enhanced to improve the visual effect by tracing out the integral texture elements. Either the Game of Life model or Wang tiles method are exploited to present a good-looking profile of successions on a terrain for tiling transition textures. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method requires few input textures, yet synthesizes numerous tileable transition textures, which are useful for obtaining a vivid appearance of a terrain. 相似文献
纹理混合与纹理传输 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
基于样本的纹理合成方法是继纹理映射、过程纹理合成等方法后发展起来的一种纹理拼贴方法 ,而在已有的算法中 ,绝大多数只能处理单纹理样本的合成 .提出一种新颖的可处理两个纹理样本的纹理混合方法 ,通过调整参数可以控制纹理在合成结果中所占的比例 ,利用之字形双向扫描提高合成纹理的质量 ,即第一行先按扫描线顺序 ,第二行从行尾点开始按反方向进行扫描 ,第三行又按扫描线顺序 ,如此往复 ,直至图像结尾 ;还提出一种简单的纹理传输方法 ,用户可以根据实际需求进行设计和调整 ,获得各种结果 .计算一幅 3 0 0× 3 0 0的图片可在几秒内完成 . 相似文献
基于样图的纹理合成方法是继纹理映射、过程纹理合成等方法后发展起来的一种新的纹理拼接技术。其中块拼贴的纹理合成算法由于合成速度快,效果良好,受到极大关注。对采用块拼接技术的纹理合成方法进行综述,运用图像切割方法较好解决了块拼贴算法中的最佳分割路径获取问题,并对合成的结果进行平滑优化。 相似文献
基于三角块的曲面纹理合成 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
根据曲面网格上的切向矢量场,采用广度优先搜索策略从样本纹理空间中为每个三角面片映射纹理面片,直至完全覆盖整个网格.在搜索和映射过程中,首先使网格上相邻三角面片的纹理有最小的匹配误差;然后对相邻的三角面片纹理使用图的分割方法拼接纹理,得到曲面上连续的合成纹理;最后压缩存储合成的三角面片纹理.该算法适用于多种类型的样本纹理和任意的三角化曲面. 相似文献
在局部纹理映射加速曲面纹理合成的算法的基础上,提出通过方向经验模型分解算法对其进行改进.方向经验模型分解算法利用纹理固有方向,在局部纹理的合成区和映射区实现了无缝接的纹理合成。实验结果表明,该算法合成质量高、算法简单、运行快速,能够达到令人满意的合成效果。 相似文献
基于样图的纹理合成技术研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
陈云飞 《计算机工程与应用》2004,40(9):42-45
基于样图的纹理合成方法是继纹理映射、过程纹理合成方法后发展起来的一种纹理技术,用于解决传统方法中出现的缝隙、扭曲、变形和参数调整等问题。在大规模场景的生成以及真实感图形绘制和非真实感绘制、计算机动画等方面具有广泛的应用前景;同时对图像编辑、数据压缩、网络数据的快速传输也有一定的指导意义。该文首先简要回顾了纹理技术的发展历程,总结出基于样图的纹理合成技术的基本原理,从基于Markov模型、侧重逼真显示、任意曲面等几个方面,对基于样图的纹理合成技术进行了较全面的总结和分析,对该领域未来的研究和应用前景做出了有益的探讨。 相似文献
In the context of 3D reconstruction, we present a static multi‐texturing system yielding a seamless texture atlas calculated by combining the colour information from several photos from the same subject covering most of its surface. These pictures can be provided by shooting just one camera several times when reconstructing a static object, or a set of synchronized cameras, when dealing with a human or any other moving object. We suppress the colour seams due to image misalignments and irregular lighting conditions that multi‐texturing approaches typically suffer from, while minimizing the blurring effect introduced by colour blending techniques. Our system is robust enough to compensate for the almost inevitable inaccuracies of 3D meshes obtained with visual hull–based techniques: errors in silhouette segmentation, inherently bad handling of concavities, etc. 相似文献
Texture Particles 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
This paper presents an analytical extension of texture synthesis techniques based on the distribution of elementary texture components. Our approach is similar to the bombing, cellular, macrostructured and lapped textures techniques, but provides the user with more control on both the texture analysis and synthesis phases. Therefore, high quality results can be obtained for a large number of structured or stochastic textures (bricks, marble, lawn, etc.). The analysis consists in decomposing textures into elementary components — that we call ``texture particles'' — and for which we analyze their specific spatial arrangements. The synthesis then consists in recomposing similar textures directly on arbitrary surfaces by taking into account the previously computed arrangements, extended to 3D surfaces. Compared to ``pixel‐based'' analysis and synthesis methods, which have been recently generalized to arbitrary surfaces, our approach has three major advantages: (1) it is fast, which allows the user to interactively control the synthesis process. This further allows us to propose a large number of tools, granting a high degree of artistic freedom to the user. (2) It avoids the visual deterioration of the texture components by preserving their shapes as well as their spatial arrangements. (3) The texture particles can be not only images, but also 3D geometric elements, which extends significantly the domain of application. 相似文献
根据模型上各相邻三角面的法向,采用广度优先策略将模型划分。在划分中采用正向投影映射将各模型块参数化并对其进行评价,对于具有较大扭曲的模型块,将其再次细分直到扭曲值满足给定的阀值。对于各模型块的接缝采用Alpha-Blend技术将纹理拼接成一个连续的整体。该算法适用于任意曲面和多种纹理。 相似文献
Fu-LiWu Chun-HuiMei Jiao-YingShi 《计算机科学技术学报》2004,19(5):0-0
A direct texture synthesis method on arbitrary surfaces is proposed in this paper. The idea is to recursively map triangles on surface to texture space until the surface is completely mapped. First, the surface is simplified and a tangential vector field is created over the simplified mesh. Then, mapping process searches for the most optimal texture coordinates in texture sample for each triangle, and the textures of neighboring triangles are blended on the mesh. All synthesized texture triangles are compressed to an atlas. Finally, the simplified mesh is subdivided to approach the initial surface. The algorithm has several advantages over former methods: it synthesizes texture on surface without local parameterization; it does not need partitioning surface to patches; and it does not need a particular texture sample. The results demonstrate that the new algorithm is applicable to a wide variety of texture samples and any triangulated surfaces. 相似文献
根据模型上相邻三角面的关系,采用广度优先策略依次为每个三角面指定纹理坐标。对于具有约束面的搜索与映射过程,首先使相邻面有最小的纹理误差,最后采用图的分割技术将纹理拼接成一个连续的整体。该算法适用于任意曲面和多种纹理。 相似文献
虚拟手术中器官纹理能够给用户直观反映,加强临场感和操作感。研究在虚拟肝脏手术中纹理的表现技术,先合成体纹理空间,把二维情况下基于复用计算的纹理合成技术进行改进,扩展至三维空间中进行体纹理块分布并着色;同时计算每个三角面片内部点集并着色,以此增加纹理的真实感;切割肝脏体能看到内部纹理。实验结果表明,该方法能够生成具有高度真实感以及同样本体纹理相似的三维纹理,且合成速度能够满足虚拟手术要求。 相似文献
运用局部纹理映射加速曲面纹理合成 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
基于样图的纹理合成方法能够在网格曲面上合成高质量纹理,但合成速度有待进一步提高,对此提出一种运用局部纹理映射加速曲面纹理合成的算法.首先以三角形法向量、切向矢量与纹理尺度为约束,将三角网格曲面分割为一系列映射区与合成区;然后用基于块的平面纹理合成方法生成大面积样图,用调和映射方法对映射区进行纹理映射;最后采用基于三角块的合成方法生成合成区纹理.实验结果表明,该算法对一般的随机性纹理与半结构性纹理具有很高的合成质量,能够控制纹理方向与尺度的变化.由于大部分三角形的纹理通过局部纹理映射得到,仅需要合成少数三角形的纹理,纹理合成过程得到大幅度地加速. 相似文献
We devise a technique designed to remove the texturing artefacts that are typical of 3D models representing real-world objects, acquired by photogrammetric techniques. Our technique leverages the recent advancements in inpainting of natural colour images, adapting them to the specific context. A neural network, modified and trained for our purposes, replaces the texture areas containing the defects, substituting them with new plausible patches of texels, reconstructed from the surrounding surface texture. We train and apply the network model on locally reparametrized texture patches, so to provide an input that simplifies the learning process, because it avoids any texture seams, unused texture areas, background, depth jumps and so on. We automatically extract appropriate training data from real-world datasets. We show two applications of the resulting method: one, as a fully automatic tool, addressing all problems that can be detected by analysing the UV-map of the input model; and another, as an interactive semi-automatic tool, presented to the user as a 3D ‘fixing’ brush that has the effect of removing artefacts from any zone the users paints on. We demonstrate our method on a variety of real-world inputs and provide a reference usable implementation. 相似文献
Ran Gal Yonatan Wexler Eyal Ofek Hugues Hoppe Daniel Cohen‐Or 《Computer Graphics Forum》2010,29(2):479-486
We present an automatic method to recover high‐resolution texture over an object by mapping detailed photographs onto its surface. Such high‐resolution detail often reveals inaccuracies in geometry and registration, as well as lighting variations and surface reflections. Simple image projection results in visible seams on the surface. We minimize such seams using a global optimization that assigns compatible texture to adjacent triangles. The key idea is to search not only combinatorially over the source images, but also over a set of local image transformations that compensate for geometric misalignment. This broad search space is traversed using a discrete labeling algorithm, aided by a coarse‐to‐fine strategy. Our approach significantly improves resilience to acquisition errors, thereby allowing simple and easy creation of textured models for use in computer graphics. 相似文献