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This paper solves the attitude synchronization and tracking problem for a group of flexible spacecraft without flexible‐mode variable measurement. The spacecraft formation is studied in a leader‐following synchronization scheme with a dynamic virtual leader. With the application of adaptive sliding‐mode control technique, a distributed modified Rodriguez parameters‐based dynamic controller is proposed for flexible spacecraft without requiring modal variable measurement. It is proved that the attitude synchronization and tracking can be achieved asymptotically under the control strategy through the Lyapunov's stability analysis. Furthermore, a distributed robust continuous control algorithm is designed to guarantee the ultimate boundedness of both the attitude tracking error and the modal variable observation error when bounded external disturbances exist. Some numerical simulation examples for multiple flexible spacecraft formation are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a class of non-model2based position controllers for a kind of flexible spacecraft. With the controllers, one can achieve not only the closed-loop stability of the original distributed parameter system, but also the asymptotic stability of the truncated system, which is obtained through representing the deflection of the appendage by an arbitrary finite number of flexible modes. The system dynamics are not explicitly involved in the controller design and stability proof. Instead, only a very basic system energy rehtionship of the flexible spacecraft is utilized. The controllers possess several remarkable advantages over the traditional model-based ones. Numerical simulations are carried out on a kind of spacecraft with one flexible appendage and satisfactory results are obtained.  相似文献   

针对挠性航天器姿态跟踪及振动抑制问题,提出一种双回路鲁棒控制方法.首先,采用滑模控制与后步法设,计了姿态跟踪控制器,基于Lyapunov方法分析系统的渐近稳定性,并从实际应用角度考虑了反作用飞轮的动态特性;其次,为抑制挠性结构的振动,采用压电智能材料作为敏感器和作动器,设计了应变速率反馈补偿器.仿真结果表明,所提方法在保证完成姿态跟踪任务的同时,能有效抑制挠性附件的振动.  相似文献   

Output attitude tracking for flexible spacecraft   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this work a class of nonlinear controllers has been derived for spacecraft with flexible appendages. The control aim is to track a given desired attitude. First, a static controller based on the measure of the whole state is determined. Then, a dynamic controller is designed; this controller does not use measures from the modal variables, and the variables measured are the parameters describing the attitude and the spacecraft angular velocity. Finally, it is shown that a relaxed version of the tracking problem can be solved when the only measured variable is the spacecraft angular velocity. Simulations show the performances of such control schemes.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of attitude synchronization for systems of rigid body agents with directed topologies. Two different scenarios for the rotation matrices of the agents are considered. In the first scenario, the rotations are contained in a convex subset of SO(3), which is a ball of radius less than π/2, whereas in the second scenario the agents are contained in a subset of SO(3), which is a ball of radius less than π. Using a control law based on backstepping and sliding mode control, we provide distributed, semi-global, torque control laws for the agents so that the rotations asymptotically synchronize. The control laws for the agents in the first scenario only depend on the relative rotations between neighboring agents, whereas the control laws in the second scenario depend on rotations defined in a global coordinate frame. Illustrative examples are provided where the synchronization is shown for both scenarios.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new technique is proposed for trajectory tracking of a flexible spacecraft subject to angular velocity constraints. The problem is addressed using an output to input saturation transformation (OIST) which converts the prescribed bounds into state-dependent saturations on the control input signals. It is shown that an interval observer can be used in combination with the OIST technique to ensure that the constraints remain satisfied despite unmeasured flexible modes and torque disturbances. Some realistic simulations conclude the paper and validate our approach.  相似文献   

This paper studies adaptive attitude synchronization of spacecraft formation with possible time delay. By introducing a novel adaptive control architecture, decentralized controllers are developed, which allow for parameter uncertainties and unknown external disturbances. Based upon graph theory, Lyapunov stability theory and time-delay control theory, analytical tools are also provided. A distinctive feature of this work is to address the adaptive attitude synchronization with unknown parameters and coupling time delay in a unified theoretical framework, with general directed information flow. It is shown that arbitrary desired attitude tracking and synchronization with respect to a given reference can be attained. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the obtained results.  相似文献   

A novel synchronization motion control method is proposed in this paper for the system in which two manipulators are constrained by a flexible beam. Different from the general synchronization control method, the coupling dynamics among various actuators is considered as the shear force, which results from the synchronization errors. Then a simple boundary control is introduced to realize the synchronization motion of actuators by suppressing the shear force. In order to avoid the drawbacks of assumed modes model, the dynamic model of flexible beam is described by a distributed parameter model in this paper. A Riesz basis method is used to prove that the proposed control law can guarantee the synchronization system to be exponential stability. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively improve the performance of synchronization motion compared with other methods.  相似文献   

本文采用滑动模态控制方法对挠性航天器设计了姿态镇定控制律.首先,建立了挠性航天器的数学模型.其中,挠性航天器的运动学方程采用姿态四元数描述.然后,通过引入动态切换函数,设计挠性航天器的动态滑模姿态控制律.该控制律能对滑模姿态控制律中由符号函数项引起的抖振进行抑制.采用Lyapunov方法证明了所设计的动态滑模姿态控制律能使闭环航天器姿态系统稳定.最后,通过数值仿真例子验证了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对空间臂捕获未知目标航天器后的控制问题, 本文提出了一种新方案. 基于动量的估计方法和递推最小二乘 算法在线估计组合式航天器的惯性参数, 并通过一种基于比例微分反馈的直接参数方法处理组合姿态控制系统, 此方法 给出了完整的参数化双反馈增益. 考虑到推力器的配置和配置矩阵的测量误差, 提出了具有多面体和多胞体形式摄动的 鲁棒控制分配方法. 最后, 数值仿真结果验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel velocity-free nonlinear proportional-integral (PI) control allocation scheme for fault-tolerant attitude control of flexible spacecraft under thruster redundancy. More specifically, the nonlinear PI controller for attitude stabilisation without using body angular velocity measurements is first designed as a virtual control of the control allocator to produce the three-axis moments, and can ultimately guarantee uniform boundedness of the closed-loop system in the presence of external disturbances and possible faults. The associated stability proof is constructive and accomplished by the development of passivity filter formulations together with the choice of a Lyapunov function containing mixed terms involving the various states. Then, a robust least-squares-based control allocation is employed to deal with the problem of distributing the three-axis moments over the available thrusters under redundancy, in which the focus of this control allocation is to find the optimal control vector of the actuator by minimising the worst-case residual, under the condition of thruster faults and control constraints like saturation. Simulation results using the orbiting flexible spacecraft model show good performance under external disturbances and even in different thruster fault scenarios, which validates the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

含有参数不确定性的挠性航天器姿态跟踪滑模控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对有不确定参数的挠性航天器姿态跟踪控制, 提出了一种基于滑模控制的姿态跟踪控制律. 挠性航天器动力学采用混合坐标法进行建模; 构造挠性模态观测器对挠性模态变量进行观测. 基于Lyapunov稳定性原理得到含有挠性模态观测器的滑模控制律, 并给出了全局渐近稳定性的证明. 对各个仿真结果进行比较, 显示出本文提出的滑模控制律针对航天器惯量阵不确定性具有良好的鲁棒性, 而且具有较强的扰动抑制能力.  相似文献   

The problem of finite-time attitude consensus for multiple rigid spacecraft with a leader–follower architecture is investigated in this paper. To achieve the finite-time attitude consensus, at the first step, a distributed finite-time convergent observer is proposed for each follower to estimate the leader's attitude in a finite time. Then based on the terminal sliding mode control method, a new finite-time attitude tracking controller is designed such that the leader's attitude can be tracked in a finite time. Finally, a finite-time observer-based distributed control strategy is proposed. It is shown that the attitude consensus can be achieved in a finite time under the proposed controller. Simulation results are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The dynamics of rotational motion of a spinning orbiting spacecraft consisting of two rigid bodies connected by a flexible joint and arbitrary number of flexible appendages (two of which are flexible massless booms having masses on their tips) is analyzed. Active attitude control is provided by momentum exchange devices (e.g. control moment gyroscopes) or a mass expulsion system. The linearized equations of motion describing the vehicle are presented, and a large scale digital simulation that has been developed at the Marshall Space Flight Center is presented. A simplified model of the geometrically complex vehicle is selected to make it analytically tractable. The simplified model consists of a single rigid core body with two attached flexible massless booms having tip masses. The states of the vehicle are defined as small perturbations about its steady-state spin. An analysis is performed to determine the domain of stability.  相似文献   

针对地球静止轨道空间碎片清除需求,开展了服务星通过绳索拖拽空间碎片离轨多体动力学与控制仿真研究.分析了在轨拖拽期间系统拓扑构型,采用递推方法推导了考虑地球J2摄动的服务星和空间碎片柔性多体动力学方程组,建立了基于集中参数法的绳索动力学模型,通过约束方程将绳索与服务星和空间碎片相连接,建立了服务星姿态控制力矩方程,最后形成了服务星在轨拖拽空间碎片期间柔性多体系统多体动力学方程.通过悬链线模型与本文采用的集中参数模型的比较验证了本文采用的柔性绳索模型的正确性,然后通过数值仿真分析了与服务星质量接近的空间碎片被拖动期间动力学特性,为这类航天器总体设计及空间碎片清除策略制定提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

在转动惯量存在不确定性时,采用滑动模态控制方法对挠性航天器设计了姿态镇定控制律.由于挠性模态是不可量测的,首先设计了部分状态观测器对挠性模态进行估计.进而结合滑模控制方法,提出了基于观测器的滑模姿态控制律.采用Lyapunov方法证明了在存在转动惯量不确定性时,所设计的滑模姿态控制律能使闭环航天器姿态系统稳定.最后,通过数值仿真例子验证了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

A new attitude control strategy for rotational manoeuvre of an elastic spacecraft is presented. Adaptive sliding mode control with hybrid sliding surface (HSS) is used to minimize the effects of uncertainties, disturbances and the difficulties arising from measurement of flexible dynamic co‐ordinates. The model of the spacecraft considered as rigid central hub and two elastic appendages. Collocated actuators and sensors are placed on the rigid central hub. Stability proof of the overall closed‐loop system is given via Lyapunov analysis. Numerical simulations show that the attitude manoeuvres can be performed precisely and the elastic deformations of the flexible substructures are suppressed as well. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对存在未知时变惯量不确定性、执行机构衰退故障和外部干扰力矩的非刚体航天器系统,研究了航天器自适应姿态跟踪容错控制问题,结合非线性鲁棒控制方法、自适应方法、容错控制理论和参数估计方法,提出了一种鲁棒自适应姿态跟踪容错控制器。所设计的控制器克服了执行器故障、惯量不确定性以及外界干扰对系统稳定性的影响,保证了航天器姿态及角速度能够跟踪上时变的期望状态,实现了跟踪误差系统最终一致有界稳定。最后通过数字仿真验证了所提方法的有效性,并且与已有方法进行了对比,说明了所提方法的优越性。  相似文献   

考虑一类带液体燃料的航天器,由于航天器控制自身姿态的同时,还需要抑制液体燃料的晃动,使得系统整体表现为一个欠驱动系统.针对给出的物理模型,将其转化为一定形式的标准型,并对模型的特性进行了分析验证,最后采用一种适用于一类欠驱动系统的滑模控制方法来进行控制器的设计.由系统的稳定性分析可以看出,设计的控制器可以使系统的一些状态量达到平衡点,而剩下的状态量在系统自身特性的作用下,也能够达到平衡点,进而使整个航天器系统渐近稳定.仿真结果证明了控制器的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

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