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采用固相法制备Al/Y_2W_3O_(12)复合材料,研究了Al与Y_2W_3O_(12)以不同质量比合成样品的特性。X射线衍射表明:样品只含有Al和Y_2W_3O_(12),不存在Al对Y的取代。SEM和EDS分析表明:小颗粒Y_2W_3O_(12)嵌入在块状Al基底中,为嵌入式复合结构。热膨胀性能和电导率测试分析表明:当Al与Y_2W_3O_(12)的质量比7∶3时,Al/Y_2W_3O_(12)样品的线膨胀系数14.76×10-6/K(RT~600℃)约为Al的一半,呈现良好的导电性,其导电率为18.2 S/m可达Al的电导率的1/2,且Al/Y_2W_3O_(12)样品几乎不表现出吸水性。研究认为,该复合材料具有低膨胀和较高导电性是由于其特有的嵌入式结构所致。  相似文献   

用酸蒸汽水热-相转变法合成了异价取代W位置的立方ZrW1.8V0.2O7.9固溶体.测定了立方ZrW1.8V0.2O7.9和ZrW2O8在不同温度的晶胞参数和有序度,讨论了ZrW1.8V0.2O7.9和ZrW2O8有序度与保温时间和外界压力之间的关系.结果表明,立方ZrW1.8V0.2O7.9表现出负热膨胀的性质.ZrW1.8V0.2O7.9和ZrW2O8的有序度随保温时间的增长而逐渐变大,真空条件下的有序度高于常压下的有序度.  相似文献   

采用直接熔融共混的方法制备了尼龙11/热膨胀石墨纳米复合材料,用X射线衍射(XRD)、热重分析(TGA)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、拉伸和电导率测试等手段研究了尼龙11/热膨胀石墨(PA11/TEG)纳米复合材料的微观结构和性能.结果表明,石墨的高温热处理能有效剥离石墨片层,单独的石墨片层厚度...  相似文献   

采用固相反应法制备了Yb2O3-Y2O3-Ta2O5-ZrO2陶瓷材料(简称YbTYSZ).分别利用X-ray衍射(XRD)仪、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和高温综合热膨胀仪对陶瓷材料的物相组成及相稳定性、显微结构和热膨胀性进行了分析.XRD结果表明:1 873 K烧结6 h的YbTYSZ陶瓷材料由单一的四方相组成,且经1 573 K等温热处理250 h后仍表现为单一的四方相结构,说明该陶瓷材料在高温下具有良好的相稳定性.随着Yb3+掺杂量增多,晶粒尺寸增大且变的均匀.此外,在室温至1 573 K,YbTYSZ陶瓷材料的平均热膨胀系数呈现先减小后增大的规律.  相似文献   

采用固相化学反应的方法 ,成功合成了立方结构的Zr1 -xHfxW2 O8(x =0 ,0 .3,0 .5 ,0 .7,0 .8,1 .0 )系列材料 .高、低温X射线衍射分析表明 ,Hf4+替代Zr4+对Zr1 -xHfxW2 O8的负热膨胀系数影响不大 .在 373K~ 973K温度范围 ,Zr1 -xHfxW2 O8线膨胀系数αl 约为 - 6× 1 0 - 6K- 1 ;在83K~ 2 98K温度范围Zr0 .5Hf0 .5W2 O8的αl =- 9.6× 1 0 - 6K- 1 .  相似文献   

为研究稀土元素Ce、Y对非晶储氢合金催化及其性能的影响,采用快淬法制备Mg70(A0.25Ni0.75)30(A=Ce,Y)合金,使用Sievert’s气体吸附技术和差示热扫描技术研究其储氢性能和热力学稳定性。XRD衍射分析显示,快淬制备的合金为非晶合金,但在573K、2MPa的氢压下,氢化后的Mg70(Y0.25Ni0.75)30会产生MgH2、Mg2NiH4和2相,Mg70(Ce0.25Ni0.75)30会产生Mg2NiH4、CeNi5和MgH2相。不同温度的动力学测试结果表明,快淬法制备的Mg70-(Ce0.25Ni0.75)30和Mg70(Y0.25Ni0.75)30合金分别获得的最大吸氢量为质量分数4.42%和3.09%,Mg70(Ce0.25Ni0.75)30和Mg70(Y0.25Ni0.75)30合金前100s吸氢量分别达到各自最大吸氢量的97%和87%。通过对DSC曲线的分析发现,Mg70(A0.25Ni0.75)30的脱氢活化能较低,分别为111.025±2.790kJ/mol(A=Ce)、84.843±2.057kJ/mol(A=Y)和152.207±6.764kJ/mol(A=Y)。实验结果表明,Y元素对Mg70(A0.25Ni0.75)30合金催化及储氢性能的改善要优于Ce元素。  相似文献   

用共沉淀法合成了Al2-xYxW3O12(x=0~2)系列氧化物材料.实验结果表明,通过调整稀土钇(Y)的含量,可以使氧化物的本征热膨胀系数和宏观热膨胀系数逐渐由正到负变化.但是由于其结构的各向异性,多晶陶瓷内部存在的微裂纹使热膨胀曲线出现较大的滞后环.  相似文献   

通过静态和动态吸附试验研究强碱性凝胶型阴离子交换树脂N201负载Fe(Ⅲ)复合材料对水中Sb(Ⅲ)的吸附性能及其再生方法。结果表明:N201-Fe(Ⅲ)对Sb(Ⅲ)的最大静态吸附容量为610μg/g,最佳pH值为7,在有SO_4~(2-)、Cl~-等竞争离子共存条件下,N201-Fe(Ⅲ)仍然对Sb(Ⅲ)具有高效的选择性吸附能力;动态吸附容量为94.05 mg/L;EDTA为最佳再生剂,在动态条件下再生度达到85%。  相似文献   

电弧熔炼制备的铸态La(Fe0.94Co0.06)11.8Si1.2合金在1 373 K(120 h)热处理之后冰水快淬得到了NaZn13相金属间化合物.将材料应用于自制磁热循环装置中,在其居里点Tc附近进行磁化-去磁化循环处理.经过绝热循环磁化5千次后,通过扫描隧道显微镜观察到化合物La(Fe0.94Co0.06)11.8Si1.2的磁畴细化;通过HRTEM观察到化合物晶粒内部出现了应变区,在[001]方向聚集了大量的位错线.循环磁化8千次后,晶粒内部出现了亚晶界、微观裂缝结构等不可逆结构演变.磁畴结构与微观结构的演变是相互联系、相互影响的,经过不断的循环磁化去磁化处理,材料将会出现磁热性能和结构的同时衰变.  相似文献   

以Na3V2(PO4)3(NVP)为基础材料,以海藻酸钠为碳源,采用化学合成方法,对NVP材料进行碳复合、非金属离子掺杂,合成了具有优异电化学性能的NVP/C复合正极材料。探究了材料组成、合成温度、微观结构等对NVP复合材料电化学性能的影响。研究结果表明,海藻酸钠形成的碳骨架结构拥有良好的机械强度,将其在高电流密度下进行充放电时,碳骨架能够保持稳定不坍塌,提高材料的循环性能和倍率性能;当加入50 mL的海藻酸钠水溶液并经800℃烧时,NVP/C复合材料的电化学性能最佳,在0.5 C的低倍率下其首次放电比容量为110.3 mAh·g-1,当倍率增加到50 C时,其放电比容量为78.1 mAh·g-1,当循环2 000圈之后其放电比容量保持率高达80.4%,其库伦效率基本保持在100%,远优于已报道的研究结果。  相似文献   

The mechanical, electrical, and thermal expansion properties of carbon nanotube(CNT)-based silver and silver–palladium(10:1, w/w) alloy nanocomposites are reported. To tailor the properties of silver, CNTs were incorporated into a silver matrix by a modified molecular level-mixing process. CNTs interact weakly with silver because of their non-reactive nature and lack of mutual solubility. Therefore, palladium was utilized as an alloying element to improve interfacial adhesion. Comparative microstructural characterizations and property evaluations of the nanocomposites were performed. The structural characterizations revealed that decorated type-CNTs were dispersed, embedded, and anchored into the silver matrix. The experimental results indicated that the modification of the silver and silver–palladium nanocomposite with CNT resulted in increases in the hardness and Young's modulus along with concomitant decreases in the electrical conductivity and the coefficient of thermal expansion(CTE). The hardness and Young's modulus of the nanocomposites were increased by 30%?40% whereas the CTE was decreased to 50%-60% of the CTE of silver. The significantly improved CTE and the mechanical properties of the CNT-reinforced silver and silver–palladium nanocomposites are correlated with the intriguing properties of CNTs and with good interfacial adhesion between the CNTs and silver as a result of the fabrication process and the contact action of palladium as an alloying element.  相似文献   

为了增进对Al2O3抗热震陶瓷发展动态的了解,为Al2O3抗热震陶瓷的制备提供设计依据,针对Al2O3抗热震陶瓷的常用抗热震性测试方法,Al2O3陶瓷微观结构、表面条件、尺寸对抗热震性的影响,利用第二相法提高Al2O3陶瓷抗热震性的可行性,以及多孔Al2O3抗热震陶瓷的研究进展等方面进行了评述.在Al2O3陶瓷中添加ZrO2、稀土化合物、低热膨胀系数组元或高热导率组元等可以改善Al2O3陶瓷的抗弯强度、断裂韧性、弹性模量等力学性能和(或)热膨胀系数、热导率等热学性能,从而起到提高Al2O3陶瓷抗热震性能的作用.叠层Al2O3复合抗热震陶瓷将成为今后的一个研究方向.  相似文献   

The basic glass of Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2 system using P2O5 as nucleator was prepared by means of conventional melt quenching technology, and the heat-treatment process was determined by using differential thermal analysis. The crystalline phases and the microstructure of the glass-ceramics were investigated by using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results show that the glass based on Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2 oxides using P2O5 as nucleator can be prepared at lower melt temperature of 1450°C and the glass-ceramics with lower thermal expansion coefficient of 21.6 × 10−7°C−1 can also be obtained at 750°C. The glass-ceramics contain a few crystal phases in which the main crystal phase is β-quartz solid solution and the second crystal phase is β-spodumene solid solution. When the heat treatment temperature is not higher than 650°C, the transparent glass-ceramics containing β-quartz solid solution can be prepared. β-quartz solid solution changes into β-spodumene solid solution at about 750°C. And the appearance of the glass-ceramics changes from translucent, part opaque to complete opaque with increasing temperature.  相似文献   

采用修饰的 Pechini方法制备了纯相混合氧离子导体 Ba Co0 .2 Fe0 .6Ti0 .2 O3 -δ(BCFT)样品。 X射线衍射(XRD)证明了该方法制备的陶瓷粉体及烧结样品为单一的六方钙钛矿相结构。扫描电镜 (SEM)观察显示BCFT烧结样品具有均匀的微结构。电导测量显示 :在 5 70℃以下具有电阻负温度系数 (NTC)特征 ,而在 5 70~ 1 0 0 0℃则呈电阻正温度系数 (PTC)特征。结合 BCFT烧结样品的氧非化学计量碘滴定结果分析认为 :高温晶格氧在 5 0 0~ 60 0℃的大量析出使空穴载流子浓度降低是导致电导率出现极值的原因 ,这同时也说明了BCFT在 45 0~ 80 0℃物理热膨胀系数的峰值现象。  相似文献   

The effects of contents of AlF3 and Al2O3, and temperature on electrical conductivity of (Na3AlF6-40%K3AlF6)- AlF3-Al2O3 were studied by continuously varying cell censtant (CVCC) technique. The results show that the conductivities of melts increase with the increase of temperature, but by different extents. Every increasing 10 ℃ results in an increase of 1.85 × 10^-2, 1.86× 10^-2, 1.89 × 10^-2 and 2.20 × 10^-2 S/cm in conductivity for the (Na3AlF6-40%K3AlF6)-AlF3 melts containing 0%, 20%, 24%, and 30% AlF3, respectively. An increase of every 10 ℃ in temperature results an increase about 1.89× 10^-2, 1.94 × 10^-2, 1.95 × 10^-2, 1.99× 10^-2 and 2.10× 10^-2 S/cm for (Na3AlF6-40%K3AlF6)-AlF3-Al2O3 melts containing 0%, 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% Al2O3, respectively. The activation energy of conductance was calculated based on Arrhenius equation. Every increasing 1% of AlF3 results in a decrease of 0.019 and 0.020 S/cm in conductivity for (Na3AlF6-40%K3AlF6)-AlF3 melts at 900 and 1 000 ℃, respectively. Every increase of 1% Al2O3 results in a decrease of 0.07 S/cm in conductivity for (Na3AlF6-40%K3AlF6)-AlF3-Al2O3 melts. The activation energy of conductance increases with the increase in content of AlF3 and Al2O3.  相似文献   

A novel class of solid solutions of Y2-xSmxW3O12 (x = 0.0-0.4) were synthesized and studied by means of powder X-ray diffraction. All samples crystallize in an orthorhombic space group Pnca. The lattice parameters a, b and c of Y2-xSmxW3O12 increase with increasing Sm content. Since the compounds of this series hydrate at room temperature, thermogravimetric (TG) analysis was carried out. The result shows that the compound stores less water with increasing Sm content. The thermal expansion properties of Y2-xSmxW3O12 (x = 0.1, 0.3 and 0.4) were investigated with high temperature X-ray diffraction. Negative thermal expansion coefficient -α becomes less negative from -6.644×10-6 to -6.211×10-6℃-1 when x changes from 0.1 to 0.4.  相似文献   

Ln0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.2O3 (Ln=La, Pr, Nd, Sm) perovskite-type complex oxides were synthesized using a glycine-nitrate process, and the structure, electrical conducting and thermal expansion properties of the resulting ceramics were examined with regard to the nature of the lanthanide cations. The results indicated that the La, Pr and Nd specimens had a rhombohedral symmetry, while an orthorhombic structure was determined for the Sm specimen. The pseudo-cubic lattice constant decreased with smaller lanthanide cations. It was found that the electrical conducting properties declined with decreasing lanthanide cation size. Fortunately, all the compositions remained rather high electrical conductivities exceeding 650 Ω ^-1m·cm^-1 in the intermediate temperature range (600-800 ℃). An appreciable thermal expansion increase at high temperatures was detected for all the compositions. Decreasing the size of the lanthanide cations resulted in an increase of thermal expansion. With respect to the high electrical conductivities, the Ln0.6Sr0.4Co0.8Fe0.2O3 oxides are considered to be acceptable as mixed conducting component in composite cathode designs together with doped ceria electrolytes.  相似文献   

采用通过磷酸盐直接共沉淀法制备的K0.6Sr0.7Zr4P6O24(KSZP)纳米粉末作为原料,烧结成致密KSZP陶瓷,研究了KSZP陶瓷的烧结特性、膨胀特性及力学性能,分析烧结条件对各种性能的影响机制.结果表明,KSZP纳米粉末的适宜烧结工艺条件为:烧结助剂Nb2O52%,1 380℃下烧结2 h.获得的KSZP陶瓷相对密度为94.61%,0~600℃平均线膨胀系数为1.4×10-6/℃,抗弯强度为91.83 MPa.研究发现,粉末的烧结速度很快,在烧结后期,晶粒并未迅速长大.  相似文献   

Ablationthermalprotectivecompositesarethekeystructureofspacevehiclesprotectingthemfromaerody namicheatingduringtheirreentryintotheaerosphere.Thecarbonmatrixcompositesarethemostpromisingablationmaterialsusedinthisenvironmentduetotheirpotentiallyfavorablepr…  相似文献   

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