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纺织产品碳足迹研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
碳足迹作为核算和评价产品的生产活动造成的温室气体负荷量的一种重要方法,受到广泛的研究和示范。回顾了碳足迹的概念,综述了当前纺织产品碳足迹的研究进展,对纺织产品碳足迹核算和评价中的核算边界、各类投入的碳排放系数、公共投入的拆分原则、核算结果比较评价的质量基准等关键问题进行了思考和探讨。结合中国纺织工业在纺织产品工业化规模生产方面的特点和优势,提出了重点开展纺织产品在工业生产阶段的碳足迹研究和示范的建议,为进一步开展纺织产品碳足迹研究提供参考。  相似文献   

结合我国纺织服装行业的发展现状,提出了工业碳足迹和工业水足迹概念,探讨了其在纺织产品上应用的可行性,并对七种棉针织印染布进行了工业碳足迹和工业水足迹实例分析.结果表明,在从纱线到成品布料加工阶段,染色阶段的工业碳足迹和工业水足迹最大;染色、洗水、漂白、热定形和定坯等工序的工业碳足迹之和占工业碳足迹的80%以上,染色、漂白和洗水等工序的工业水足迹之和占工业水足迹的85%以上.  相似文献   

在《PAS2050规范》使用指南——如何评价商品和服务的碳足迹的基础上,应用生命周期过程分析法,绘制和分析纯棉纺织品的过程图,分析其碳足迹所需要收集的数据类别和计算方法,为棉纺织品的碳足迹评估提供参考。  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and their potential effect on the environment has become an important national and international issue. Dairy production, along with all other types of animal agriculture, is a recognized source of GHG emissions, but little information exists on the net emissions from dairy farms. Component models for predicting all important sources and sinks of CH4, N2O, and CO2 from primary and secondary sources in dairy production were integrated in a software tool called the Dairy Greenhouse Gas model, or DairyGHG. This tool calculates the carbon footprint of a dairy production system as the net exchange of all GHG in CO2 equivalent units per unit of energy-corrected milk produced. Primary emission sources include enteric fermentation, manure, cropland used in feed production, and the combustion of fuel in machinery used to produce feed and handle manure. Secondary emissions are those occurring during the production of resources used on the farm, which can include fuel, electricity, machinery, fertilizer, pesticides, plastic, and purchased replacement animals. A long-term C balance is assumed for the production system, which does not account for potential depletion or sequestration of soil carbon. An evaluation of dairy farms of various sizes and production strategies gave carbon footprints of 0.37 to 0.69 kg of CO2 equivalent units/kg of energy-corrected milk, depending upon milk production level and the feeding and manure handling strategies used. In a comparison with previous studies, DairyGHG predicted C footprints similar to those reported when similar assumptions were made for feeding strategy, milk production, allocation method between milk and animal coproducts, and sources of CO2 and secondary emissions. DairyGHG provides a relatively simple tool for evaluating management effects on net GHG emissions and the overall carbon footprint of dairy production systems.  相似文献   

Most market products are offered to consumers in a wide range of packaging alternatives and the proportion of municipal solid waste attributed to packaging increases year after year. This study assesses the environmental impact of the commonest packaging options on the Spanish market for juice, beer and water. The production of different packaging materials and sizes was evaluated along with their method of final disposal (landfilling, incineration and recycling). Recycling was found to be the most environmentally friendly disposal option for all the packaging alternatives compared, and either incineration or landfilling was considered the second best option depending on the packaging material. The packaging options with the lowest environmental impacts were aseptic carton and plastic packaging (for sizes greater than 1 l). The environmental profile of the whole beverage life cycle was evaluated. The results of the evaluation of the entire life cycle show that the impact of beer packaging is similar to the impact of beer production and these are the highest impact stages in the life cycle of beer. Packaging was found to have the highest environmental impact in the life cycles of water and juice.  相似文献   

Effects of land use changes are starting to be included in estimates of life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, so-called carbon footprints (CFs), from food production. Their omission can lead to serious underestimates, particularly for meat. Here we estimate emissions from the conversion of forest to pasture in the Legal Amazon Region (LAR) of Brazil and present a model to distribute the emissions from deforestation over products and time subsequent to the land use change. Expansion of cattle ranching for beef production is a major cause of deforestation in the LAR. The carbon footprint of beef produced on newly deforested land is estimated at more than 700 kg CO(2)-equivalents per kg carcass weight if direct land use emissions are annualized over 20 years. This is orders of magnitude larger than the figure for beef production on established pasture on non-deforested land. While Brazilian beef exports have originated mainly from areas outside the LAR, i.e. from regions not subject to recent deforestation, we argue that increased production for export has been the key driver of the pasture expansion and deforestation in the LAR during the past decade and this should be reflected in the carbon footprint attributed to beef exports. We conclude that carbon footprint standards must include the more extended effects of land use changes to avoid giving misleading information to policy makers, retailers, and consumers.  相似文献   

Cooperative water network system to reduce carbon footprint   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Much effort has been made in reducing the carbon footprint to mitigate climate change. However, water network synthesis has been focused on reducing the consumption and cost of freshwater within each industrial plant. The objective of this study is to illustrate the necessity of the cooperation of industrial plants to reduce the total carbon footprint of their water supply systems. A mathematical optimization model to minimize global warming potentials is developed to synthesize (1) a cooperative water network system (WNS) integrated over two plants and (2) an individual WNS consisting of two WNSs separated for each plant. The cooperative WNS is compared to the individual WNS. The cooperation reduces their carbon footprint and is economically feasible and profitable. A strategy for implementing the cooperation is suggested for the fair distribution of costs and benefits. As a consequence, industrial plants should cooperate with their neighbor plants to further reduce the carbon footprint.  相似文献   

依照现有的碳足迹核算方法,核算了从白毛条到精纺毛织物的工业碳足迹。结果显示高支纯毛面料在该阶段的碳足迹为7.31 kg CO2e/m布,其中电和蒸汽产生的碳足迹占比最大,超过85%。在毛条染色和纺纱阶段的碳足迹最大。除此之外,还计算出在各个阶段的碳足迹值:毛条生产过程碳足迹为4.54 kg CO2e/kg毛条,纺纱过程中的碳足迹为7.78 kg CO2e/kg纱线,织造过程中的碳足迹为0.08 kg CO2e/m布,后整阶段的碳足迹为2.53 kg CO2e/m布,包装阶段的碳足迹为0.27 kg CO2e/m布。结果对于后期的比较研究有所借鉴,且完善了羊毛产品碳足迹的研究。  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas accountings, commonly referred to with the popular term carbon footprints (CFP), are a widely used metric of climate change impacts and the main focus of many sustainability policies among companies and authorities. However, environmental sustainability concerns not just climate change but also other environmental problems, like chemical pollution or depletion of natural resources, and the focus on CFP brings the risk of problem shifting when reductions in CFP are obtained at the expense of increase in other environmental impacts. But how real is this risk? Here, we model and analyze the life cycle impacts from about 4000 different products, technologies, and services taken from several sectors, including energy generation, transportation, material production, infrastructure, and waste management. By investigating the correlations between the CFP and 13 other impact scores, we show that some environmental impacts, notably those related to emissions of toxic substances, often do not covary with climate change impacts. In such situations, carbon footprint is a poor representative of the environmental burden of products, and environmental management focused exclusively on CFP runs the risk of inadvertently shifting the problem to other environmental impacts when products are optimized to become more "green". These findings call for the use of more broadly encompassing tools to assess and manage environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

陈荣圻 《印染助剂》2022,(2):1-8,36
发达国家自工业革命后的100余年中释放了大量温室气体使地球气候变暖,造成海平面上升,极端天气频现,危害人类生命安全.联合国为此多次召开气候大会,其中具有里程碑意义的有2次:(1)1997年气候会议签署《京都议定书》,确定6种温室气体,开启低碳可持续发展道路并建立碳足迹制度;(2)2015年气候会议中大部分国家签署《巴黎...  相似文献   

随着全球气候环境的日趋恶化,人们已经认识到传统的高耗能、高污染、高排放、低附加值的经济发展模式已经不可持续了,必须通过新的技术革命,培育新兴产业,淘汰落后产能,使经济发展向低碳或零碳模式方向转变,实现经济、社会、人文的和谐发展。然而,在发展低碳经济、研发低碳产品、倡导低碳生活的同时,产品低碳标准如何衡量界定,产品(服务)生产消费过程的碳排放计量及其对气候变化的影响如何,世界各国尚未形成统一规范。文章对世界上第一个衡量产品碳足迹的标准PAS2050进行了分析,并就其在产品碳足迹测量中的实践应用作了详细阐述。  相似文献   

碳足迹作为评价温室气体排放的量化方法,受到了国际社会的广泛关注,系统回顾了碳足迹的起源、发展与应用现状,在总结国内外最新进展与研究方法的基础上,阐述了碳足迹评价对我国纺织业的重要意义,并从政策面、执行面、技术面3个层面提出了碳足迹在纺织业的实现路径。  相似文献   

蒋婷  陈泽勇  姚婷婷  陈欢  杨志敏 《印染》2012,38(8):39-41
介绍了传统纺织面料香云纱全生命周期内的碳足迹评价方法,包括各生产阶段温室气体的排放计算方法和依据。结果表明,1米黑色桑蚕丝香云纱面料的碳足迹为1.88 kg CO2e,温室气体排放主要集中在蚕茧养殖到缫丝的原材料阶段。  相似文献   

To reduce the environmental impact of a product efficiently, it is crucial to consider the entire value chain of the product; that is, to apply life cycle thinking, to avoid suboptimization and identify the areas where the largest potential improvements can be made. This study analyzed the carbon footprint (CF) of butter and dairy blend products, with the focus on fat content and size and type of packaging (including product waste at the consumer level). The products analyzed were butter with 80% fat in 250-g wrap, 250-g tub, and 10-g mini tub, and blends with 80% and 60% fat in 250-g tubs. Life cycle assessment was used to account for all greenhouse gas emissions from cow to consumer. A critical aspect when calculating the CF is how emissions are allocated between different products. Here, allocation of raw milk between products was based on a weighted fat and protein content (1:1.7), based on the price paid for raw milk to dairy farmers. The CF (expressed as carbon dioxide equivalents, CO2e) for 1 kg of butter or blend (assuming no product waste at consumer) ranged from 5.2 kg (blend with 60% fat content) to 9.3 kg of CO2e (butter in 250-g tub). When including product waste at the consumer level, the CF ranged from 5.5 kg of CO2e (blend with 60% fat content) to 14.7 kg of CO2e (butter in mini tub). Fat content and the proportion of vegetable oil in products had the greatest effect on CF of the products, with lower fat content and a higher proportion of vegetable oil resulting in lower CF. Hence, if the same functionality as butter could be retained while shifting to lower fat and higher proportions of vegetable oil, the CF of the product would be decreased. Size and type of packaging were less important, but it is crucial to have the correct size and type of packaging to avoid product losses at the consumer. The greatest share of greenhouse gas emissions associated with butter production occurred at the farm level; thus, minimizing product losses in the whole value chain—from cow to consumer—is essential for efficient production.  相似文献   

在回顾国内外纺织服装产品碳足迹研究进展的基础上,结合纺织服装工业生产特点,重点探讨了纺织服装产品工业碳足迹核算中亟待解决的核算边界不清、设备实际工作时间难以计量、公用能耗及物料碳足迹数据拆分不易、能源及物料的碳排放系数及计算方法不统一、产品分类质量基准庞杂、生产环境差异影响显著等几类基础性问题,为纺织服装产品工业碳足迹核算研究提供了新思路。  相似文献   

The recent increase in the production of natural gas from shale deposits has significantly changed energy outlooks in both the US and world. Shale gas may have important climate benefits if it displaces more carbon-intensive oil or coal, but recent attention has discussed the potential for upstream methane emissions to counteract this reduced combustion greenhouse gas emissions. We examine six recent studies to produce a Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis of the carbon footprint of both shale and conventional natural gas production. The results show that the most likely upstream carbon footprints of these types of natural gas production are largely similar, with overlapping 95% uncertainty ranges of 11.0-21.0 g CO(2)e/MJ(LHV) for shale gas and 12.4-19.5 g CO(2)e/MJ(LHV) for conventional gas. However, because this upstream footprint represents less than 25% of the total carbon footprint of gas, the efficiency of producing heat, electricity, transportation services, or other function is of equal or greater importance when identifying emission reduction opportunities. Better data are needed to reduce the uncertainty in natural gas's carbon footprint, but understanding system-level climate impacts of shale gas, through shifts in national and global energy markets, may be more important and requires more detailed energy and economic systems assessments.  相似文献   

Growing concern over the environmental impacts and other credence characteristics of food has resulted in increasing interest in the quality attributes of meat products in Finland. The aim of this study was to provide information on the relative preferences of consumers for minced meat attributes. Using a choice experiment, we examined whether the meat type, method of production, fat content, price and presence of carbon footprint information have an impact on consumer choice. A low fat content was found to have a particularly positive effect on the choice of a minced meat product. The carbon footprint information had a significant impact on the meat type-specific consumer preferences: the popularity of beef products decreased and of pork products increased when the footprint information was presented to the consumers. Six heterogeneous consumer classes were identified with latent class analysis: price-conscious (23% of the respondents), fat content-conscious (23%), ideological but passive (17%), content with conventional (14%), beef-preferring (12%) and method of production -conscious consumers (11%). Consumers were generally willing to pay more for a low fat content, but the relative willingness to pay estimates were largely dependent on the consumer groups: premiums for organic and animal welfare-oriented production methods also existed. These attributes could thus represent good means for differentiating minced meat products. The impact of carbon footprint information on the willingness to pay estimates was relatively low.  相似文献   

李昕  吴雄英  丁雪梅 《印染》2013,39(12):35-38
针对纺织服装工业的生产特点,重点探讨纺织服装产品工业碳足迹核算中亟待解决的核算边界不清、设备实际工作时间难以计量、公用能耗及物料碳足迹数据拆分不易、能源及物料的碳排放系数及计算方法不统一、产品分类质量基准庞杂、生产环境差异影响显著等几类基本问题,认为需从纺织服装工程、机械设备工程、信息工程和生产管理等多学科全面深入地探索碳足迹核算方法,确保核算方法有理可依。  相似文献   

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