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优化小学数学课堂改革是提高教学质量的重要条件,同时又是提高学生的整体素质不可缺少的组成部分。教师应该摆脱传统死板的教学观念,提高自己的教学创新意识,提高课堂教学效果,进而提高学生们的数学素养、数学成绩。  相似文献   

定位试验的结果表明,施肥能显著提高作物产量,产量水平和稳定性以NPKM为最好.仅施NPK土壤有机质、胡敏酸提高甚少,有提高Kos和降低HA/FA的趋势;稻草还田和增施猪厩肥,有机质含量明显提高,Kos下降,HA/FA提高,有机质品质得以改善.  相似文献   

基于WinCC污水处理集散控制系统的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,随着我国工业化程度不断提高和城市人口密度的不断增加,污水处理厂规模不断扩大,污水处理厂的管理和设备的控制面临严峻的考验。集散控制系统运用于污水处理厂可以最大限度提高污水处理厂运行可靠性,提高出水水质,降低能耗和上人劳动强度,达到提高经济效益的目的。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展进步,计算机信息技术的应用水平日趋提高,很多企事业单位将计算机信息管理应用到日常的经营管理活动中,有效提高了现代办公的管理水平.本文通过对提高技术安吉信息管理能力的方法进行深入的研究,分析影响其管理能力提高的客观因素,并提出有效的提高其管理能力的可行方法,以促进计算机信息管理的实际应用水平.  相似文献   

综合提高图书馆资源服务器的访问速度是提高图书馆服务质量的重要一环,提高图书馆资源服务器的访问速度不仅是服务器本身的问题,而是一个整体优化的问题,只有从综合的角度考虑才能根本提高访问速度。  相似文献   

为提高污水处理厂的信息化程度,提高设备管理和运营管理,开发了一套基于IT信息系统集成控制技术的系统,并运行在实际工程中。本文重点阐述了这套系统开发的背景、系统组成、主要功能等,并在提高自动化程度、柔性化程度,提高系统稳定性,提高自控设备利用率,避免自动化"孤岛"方面得到了验证。  相似文献   

农民是农村改革发展的主体,农民素质的高低直接影响到农村改革发展的成败.通过研究认为,当前河南省农民文化素质有待提高,科技素质偏低;农村医疗保健体系落后,农民身体素质不容乐观;农民的思想观念落后,农民的法律意识、生态意识淡薄.河南省提高农民素质的关键在于完善农村教育体系,提高农民的文化水平和科技素质;发展农村医疗卫生事业,提高广大农民的身体素质;探索农村道德教育的有效载体,提高农民的道德水准和文明程度;加强法制教育和基层民主管理,提高农民的法律意识和民主意识;落实生态文明要求,提高农民的卫生保健水平和环保意识.  相似文献   

技工学校的办学宗旨是面向社会需要、提高学生素质、一切为学生就业服务。技工学校教育要想办的有生机,提高社会满意度,就必须一直致力于提高学生的就业率。只有通过紧密的跟着时代的步伐改革教学模式,提高教学水平,增强学生素质,才能不断的提高就业率,从而提高全社会对职业学校的满意度。笔者对技工学校毕业生的就业率做了跟踪调查,从就业情况入手进行了较深入的分析。对技工学校有针对性的教学模式改革提出几点意见,以通过教学模式改革促进学生就业。  相似文献   

课堂教学是高等教育教学中最重要的环节,学生的学科系统知识、专业知识主要来源课堂,提高课堂教学质量,是提高教学质量的主要途径,搞好课堂教学是提高教学质量的必要条件。由于目前生源发生了很大变化,分析基础课程课堂教学中存在的主要问题,提出基础课程课堂教学改革方法和措施,有利于提高基础课程课堂教学的效率,提高教学质量,为学校建设工程技术型大学发挥本职作用。  相似文献   

新疆地区光热资源丰富,地形平坦、地广人稀,适合机械化统一作业,发展以农业为主的产业,提高土地的利用率,从而提高新疆地区的经济效益。采用家庭农场的经营模式,可提高粮食产量、完善家庭农场制度,妥善利用资源,共同促进经济的发展和农业生产技术水平的提高。  相似文献   

The radical restructure of hybrid and online learning course delivery methods at university-level held in Second Life has been widely and positively acknowledged from a large academic literature body. However, it is still absent the clarification of students’ socio-cognitive factors that predict their choice to attend at least in one of these course delivery methods. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relation between several personal factors and students’ choice to participate in these contemporary methods. A targeted sample of 325 voluntary students (170 who participated in hybrid sessions and 155 who participated in online sessions) completed a survey to assess socio-cognitive factors (self-efficacy, metacognitive self-regulation and task value), achievement-related emotions (pride, anger, relief and shame) in academic settings (before and after finishing various learning activities) and satisfaction levels of each method with also final grades from their examination processes to be included. Logistic regression confirmed higher levels of students’ self-efficacy and satisfaction in learning outcomes for those who took part in (fully) online rather than those who enrolled in hybrid courses. The study results revealed that students would prefer to take further courses in the online course delivery method. Conclusive remarks may provide meaningful information to the educational community in order to understand better how the socio-cognitive constructs of motivation are related to the students’ participation in future-driven educational activities held in Second Life by using the online or hybrid course delivery methods.  相似文献   

In this study, prior online course outcomes and pre-course enrollment G.P.A. were used as predictors of subsequent online course outcomes, and the interaction between these two factors was assessed in order to determine the extent to which students with similar G.P.A.'s but with different prior online course outcomes may differ in their likelihood of successfully completing a subsequent online course. This study used a sample of 962 students who took an online course at a large urban community college from 2004 to 2010. Results indicate that prior online course experience is a very significant predictor of successful completion of subsequent online courses, even more so than G.P.A. For students with no prior online course experience, G.P.A. was a good predictor of future online course outcomes; but for students with previous online course experience prior online course outcomes was a more significant predictor of future online course grades and retention than G.P.A.  相似文献   

针对目前研究生"模式识别"课程教学中所呈现的问题,并结合课程自身的特点,分析了构建"模式识别"虚拟教学平台应解决的主要问题,借助计算机技术和网络技术进行平台的构建。此平台主要由课程介绍、成员管理、在线学习、项目开发、在线测试和在线交流等功能模块构成。该虚拟教学平台极大地扩展了教学空间,丰富了教学方法,提高了教学效率,为师生提供了一个便捷、有效的网上教学环境。  相似文献   

《Computers & Education》2013,60(4):1215-1223
Colleges offering 2-year diplomas to high-school graduates were among the forefront leaders in online learning however studies illustrating appropriate course construction for such student populations are scarce. Pharmacy Math (MATH16532) is a core course for students enrolled in the Practical Nursing (PN) and Pharmacy Technician (PT) programs at Sheridan Institute. PT and PN students enrolled in MATH16532 during their first term were surveyed to determine student attitudes and skills gained from participating in an online course. Students were then followed up during their second term studies to determine transferability of skills gained. Initially, students did not exhibit a positive attitude towards the online version of Math16532. Participation in the online version of MATH16532 however allowed students to enhance their written ability and critical appraisal skills, gain time management skills, and become independent learners. PT and PN students preferred an orientation session at the beginning of the course and a well organized, easy-to-navigate course. Even though considered as predominantly digital native students, both student groups remained anxious throughout the course regarding the online delivery and preferred a hybrid mode of delivery. Despite the initial resistance to an online math course, students indicated that they would retake the course again in an online format towards the end of the course and there appeared to be a trend to enrol in another online course. Several recommendations regarding the design and construct of online courses in a 2-year college program are provided to facilitate acceptance of online learning for students enrolled in such programs.  相似文献   

Colleges offering 2-year diplomas to high-school graduates were among the forefront leaders in online learning however studies illustrating appropriate course construction for such student populations are scarce. Pharmacy Math (MATH16532) is a core course for students enrolled in the Practical Nursing (PN) and Pharmacy Technician (PT) programs at Sheridan Institute. PT and PN students enrolled in MATH16532 during their first term were surveyed to determine student attitudes and skills gained from participating in an online course. Students were then followed up during their second term studies to determine transferability of skills gained. Initially, students did not exhibit a positive attitude towards the online version of Math16532. Participation in the online version of MATH16532 however allowed students to enhance their written ability and critical appraisal skills, gain time management skills, and become independent learners. PT and PN students preferred an orientation session at the beginning of the course and a well organized, easy-to-navigate course. Even though considered as predominantly digital native students, both student groups remained anxious throughout the course regarding the online delivery and preferred a hybrid mode of delivery. Despite the initial resistance to an online math course, students indicated that they would retake the course again in an online format towards the end of the course and there appeared to be a trend to enrol in another online course. Several recommendations regarding the design and construct of online courses in a 2-year college program are provided to facilitate acceptance of online learning for students enrolled in such programs.  相似文献   

To what extent a blended learning configuration of face-to-face lectures, online on-demand video recordings of the face-to-face lectures and the offering of online quizzes with appropriate feedback has an additional positive impact on the performance of these students compared to the traditional face-to-face course approach? In a between-subjects design in which students were randomly assigned to a group having access to the online lectures including multiple choice quizzes and appropriate feedback or to a group having access to the online lectures only, 474 students (161 men and 313 women) of a course on European Law agreed to participate in the experiment. By using regression analysis we found that the course grade of the students was predicted by their grade point average, their study discipline, their grade goal for the course, the expected difficulty-level of the course, the number of online lectures they viewed, the number of lectures the students attended in person and the interaction between the lectures they viewed online and attended in person. Students who attended few lectures had more benefit from viewing online lectures than students who attended many lectures. In contrast to our expectations, the regression analysis did not show a significant effect of automated feedback on student performance. Offering recordings of face-to-face lectures is an easy extension of a traditional course and is of practical importance, because it enables students who are often absent from the regular face-to-face lectures to be able to improve their course grade by viewing the lectures online.  相似文献   

In response to the growing presence of online first-year writing courses, this paper describes a case study of two online first-year writing courses and addresses the questions: What do students in an online first-year writing course perceive as good study habits, and what helps them succeed? Data includes surveys, online discussions, course management statistics, and selected interviews. The study is supported by social cognitive theory described by psychologist Albert Bandura; this methodology allows for examination of internal, external, and behavioral characteristics of participating students. Results of the study indicate that students who rated themselves as making good use of study time also succeeded in the course. Insights from students include information about study activities, management of study time, access to technology, and attitudes about online courses. A surprising result of the study was that students did not consider communication with peers as a productive study activity, despite a deliberate attempt by instructors to build peer interaction into the course. Yet students also reported high levels of engagement and positive attitudes about online learning. The social cognitive lens provides helpful insights about these complex findings by examining the external, internal, and behavioral aspects of online first-year writing students in this study.  相似文献   

为了充分利用网络教学的优势,提高学生的学习积极性和学习效率,开发了基于B/S模式的《智能交通系统》课程网上教学系统。本系统可以实现课程教学信息和教学资源的发布,教学资源的浏览、查询与下载,学生和教师在线互动答疑、后台数据管理等功能,为课程的教学提供了一种灵活、方便、高效的教学方式。  相似文献   

This exploratory study tests the assertion that instructional strategies that match field-dependence status of students are most effective. The study conducted with 12 graduate students registered in a graduate level online course. An online version of the Psychological Differentiation Inventory was used to measure the field-dependence status of students. Students’ perceived learning outcomes, their effort and involvement, and level of interaction that they perceived in online course module were measured through an online questionnaire. Results suggested that matches between students’ learning styles and instructional strategies did not affect learner perception of their own learning outcomes, level of effort and involvement, and level of interactions in the course. Data also indicated that no single instructional strategy, among three instructional strategies tested, emerged as superior for high and low field-dependent online students.  相似文献   

Computer technologies develop at a challenging fast pace. Formal education should not only teach students basic computer skills to meet current computer needs, but also foster student development of informal learning ability for a lifelong learning process. On the other hand, students growing up in the digital world are often more skilled with computer technologies than their teachers. We describe an online course design project in which a group of students designed an online health course for their middle school, and teachers played the roles of facilitators and learners. We suggest fostering an informal learning community of computer technologies at school as a supplemental method of formal computer education to address the shift in educational context and as a place offering opportunities for students to work on real-life projects and solve real-life problems.  相似文献   

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