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离子回旋波加热(ICRH)是EAST超导托卡马克核聚变实验装置加热等离子体的重要手段之一,而离子回旋加热天线电流带之间的相位关系影响到天线的加热效果。论文提出了一种基于FPGA的ICRH天线相位测量方案,采用双AD8302模块以及新的算法解决了相位测量的二值性和非线性误差问题,测量精度高。同时利用FPGA可编程的特点,使得系统的设计变得简洁灵活,便于后期功能的扩展。 相似文献
利用软X射线、中子注量检测诊断系统和偏振干涉仪(Polarimeter-interferometer,POINT)约束下的平衡反演算法(Equilibrium Fitting Algorithm,EFIT),对东方超环(Experimental Superconducting Tokamak,EAST)等离子体在离子回旋共振频率波(Ion Cyclotron Resonance Frequency wave,ICRF)在轴沉积加热下的锯齿周期,锯齿幅度,q=1面处等离子体压强梯度,q=1面的半径的变化情形进行了研究。研究发现,在轴沉积情况下,加入ICRF可以对锯齿起致稳作用(延长锯齿周期),锯齿周期与ICRF功率呈正相关;锯齿周期随着ICRF的加入或者ICRF功率的变化趋势,与锯齿幅度和q=1面处等离子体压强梯度变化趋势大体上一致;要改变q=1面半径,ICRF的功率可能需要到0.8 MW以上;在ICRF功率占比更高的加热条件下,锯齿周期和q=1面半径随着ICRF功率变化更敏感;EAST中ICRF产生的快离子和导致的q=1面半径的变化可能对锯齿行为有一定的影响。 相似文献
EAST超导托卡马克是我国开展受控核聚变研究的新一代实验装置,离子回旋波加热(ICRH)是在该装置中加热等离子体的重要手段之一。离子回旋加热系统中的发射机和天线两者各有一个地电平,两个地电平会存在严重的相互干扰。高功率同轴隔直器的作用是用来隔断两者之间的直流通路,从而把两端的地电平分开,保证发射机和天线系统的正常运行。论文介绍了隔直器的原理、工程结构和设计指标,分析了S参数、端口驻波比的计算和仿真,最后给出了实际的隔直器参数曲线。 相似文献
EAST(Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak)是我国开展受控核聚变研究的新一代实验装置,离子回旋波加热(ICRH)是在该装置中加热等离子体的重要手段之一。论文介绍了离子回旋发射机中阻抗匹配网络的原理及实现方法,并采用LabVIEW软件和PLC相结合的方式开发了一套阻抗匹配网络调节系统。 相似文献
在全超导托卡马克核聚变实验装置(EAST)上进行核聚变试验时,离子回旋共振加热(ICRF)是该试验过程中加热等离子体的主要方法之一,而对发射机、传输线、真空室以及天线中的重要参数进行实时监测是托卡马克装置中ICRF对等离子体进行功率耦合的重要保障。提供了一种采用FPGA的ICRF实时监控系统设计方案、AD9252芯片以及SN74LS14型号施密特触发器进行数据采样,实现对各故障信号的实时显示、报警以及信号源的及时切断,同时利用FPGA可重复编程的特点,便于后期对系统进行维护和升级。 相似文献
为了测量托卡马克放电期间离子回旋加热系统的传输线电流值,利用电流探针搭建了传输线电流测量系统。对传输线电流测量原理进行简单介绍,并对电流探针的特性进行分析研究,确保电流探针的性能。将实验中用电流探针测得的传输线电流值与电压探针拟合计算得到的传输线电流值进行了对比,验证了传输线电流测量系统的可靠性。 相似文献
为满足离子回旋加热系统对同轴开关网络的需求,设计了同轴开关的控制系统。该控制系统的硬件电路以FPGA为控制核心,设计了相关的输入输出接口,通过上位机程序对下位机进行实时控制和监测。上位机软件由Lab VIEW编写完成并安装在PC上,PC与同轴开关网络中的11个本地硬件电路通过一个16路485集线器相连。上位机与下位机之间的通信方式为RS485,严格遵守Modbus协议。实验表明,该控制系统稳定可靠。 相似文献
It is well accepted that lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) is the most efficient method for non-inductive current drive in fusion devices and the effect of the current drive is dependent on not only microwave power but also its grill phase shift. This paper presents a new kind of feedback control system for antenna phase difference in LHCD experiments. In this highspeed control system, a lot of new technologies and methods are incorporated. The results of the experiments show a very good agreement with the system design. 相似文献
Bond C. D. Reich H. A. McWalters P. F. Eisele J. A. 《IEEE transactions on nuclear science》1965,12(3):54-57
The beam handling apparatus and its associated remote control arrangements are described for the NRL Cyclotron Beam Transport System. The need for reducing duplication of controls and power supplies for such a multi-beam-path facility resulted in the development of a rapid master selector system which can be programmed to accommodate the different beam path requirements. All ion optics and beam sensing components along any particular beam path can be activated from a single selector panel, and then individually controlled. The beam transport display, vacuum control display, and control console, are laid out in graphic form wherever feasible in an effort to present readout and control information concisely and continuously. Precision, versatility, modular construction, and ease of maintenance guided the mechanical and electrical design criteria. Design details and prototypes of beam stops, scanners, viewers, collimators, probes, and pumping stations, are discussed. 相似文献
HL-2A will be equipped with a 75 GHz/1 MW/ls electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) system. The paper describes the design of the transmission system, which is made up of a transmission line, an equatorial launcher and a measureing system. The paper describes in detail the design of main components of the system such as, waveguides, ellipsoidal surface mirrors, chemical vapor (CVD) diamond window, steering mirror, and new directional coupler with a k-spectrometer. The newly-designed launcher can make the beam steer poloidally to deposit energy in different locations. 相似文献