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Reverse nearest neighbors in large graphs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A reverse nearest neighbor (RNN) query returns the data objects that have a query point as their nearest neighbor (NN). Although such queries have been studied quite extensively in Euclidean spaces, there is no previous work in the context of large graphs. In this paper, we provide a fundamental lemma, which can be used to prune the search space while traversing the graph in search for RNN. Based on it, we develop two RNN methods; an eager algorithm that attempts to prune network nodes as soon as they are visited and a lazy technique that prunes the search space when a data point is discovered. We study retrieval of an arbitrary number k of reverse nearest neighbors, investigate the benefits of materialization, cover several query types, and deal with cases where the queries and the data objects reside on nodes or edges of the graph. The proposed techniques are evaluated in various practical scenarios involving spatial maps, computer networks, and the DBLP coauthorship graph.  相似文献   

Reverse nearest neighbor (RNN) queries have a broad application base such as decision support, profile-based marketing, resource allocation, etc. Previous work on RNN search does not take obstacles into consideration. In the real world, however, there are many physical obstacles (e.g., buildings) and their presence may affect the visibility between objects. In this paper, we introduce a novel variant of RNN queries, namely, visible reverse nearest neighbor (VRNN) search, which considers the impact of obstacles on the visibility of objects. Given a data set P, an obstacle set O, and a query point q in a 2D space, a VRNN query retrieves the points in P that have q as their visible nearest neighbor. We propose an efficient algorithm for VRNN query processing, assuming that P and O are indexed by R-trees. Our techniques do not require any preprocessing and employ half-plane property and visibility check to prune the search space. In addition, we extend our solution to several variations of VRNN queries, including: 1) visible reverse k-nearest neighbor (VRkNN) search, which finds the points in P that have q as one of their k visible nearest neighbors; 2) delta-VRkNN search, which handles VRkNN retrieval with the maximum visible distance delta constraint; and 3) constrained VRkNN (CVRkNN) search, which tackles the VRkNN query with region constraint. Extensive experiments on both real and synthetic data sets have been conducted to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed algorithms under various experimental settings.  相似文献   

路网中双色数据集上连续反向k近邻查询处理的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
近年来,反向最近邻查询(RNN)算法研究得到了普遍的关注,成为了数据库领域的一个研究热点。欧氏空 间中提出了较多的高效算法,而路网中的反向最近邻处理方面所做的工作不够,有关这方面的成果较少。路网中查询 点和数据对象之间以及不同数据对象之间的距离受到路网连通性的影响,欧氏空间中的反向最近部方法在路网中不 适用。反向最近部查询有两种类型:单色反向最近部查询(Monochromatic RNN, MRNN)和双色反向最近部查询(13i- chromatic RNN,13RNN)。到目前为止,仍然没有有效的算法来处理路网中双色数据集上的连续反向k近部查询。因 此,研究路网中双色数据集上连续反向k近部查询是很有意义的。  相似文献   

An efficient technique for nearest-neighbor query processing on the SPY-TEC   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The SPY-TEC (spherical pyramid-technique) was proposed as a new indexing method for high-dimensional data spaces using a special partitioning strategy that divides a d-dimensional data space into 2d spherical pyramids. In the SPY-TEC, an efficient algorithm for processing hyperspherical range queries was introduced with a special partitioning strategy. However, the technique for processing k-nearest-neighbor queries, which are frequently used in similarity search, was not proposed. In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm for processing nearest-neighbor queries on the SPY-TEC by extending the incremental nearest-neighbor algorithm. We also introduce a metric that can be used to guide an ordered best-first traversal when finding nearest neighbors on the SPY-TEC. Finally, we show that our technique significantly outperforms the related techniques in processing k-nearest-neighbor queries by comparing it to the R*-tree, the X-tree, and the sequential scan through extensive experiments.  相似文献   

Given a multidimensional point q, a reverse k nearest neighbor (RkNN) query retrieves all the data points that have q as one of their k nearest neighbors. Existing methods for processing such queries have at least one of the following deficiencies: they (i) do not support arbitrary values of k, (ii) cannot deal efficiently with database updates, (iii) are applicable only to 2D data but not to higher dimensionality, and (iv) retrieve only approximate results. Motivated by these shortcomings, we develop algorithms for exact RkNN processing with arbitrary values of k on dynamic, multidimensional datasets. Our methods utilize a conventional data-partitioning index on the dataset and do not require any pre-computation. As a second step, we extend the proposed techniques to continuous RkNN search, which returns the RkNN results for every point on a line segment. We evaluate the effectiveness of our algorithms with extensive experiments using both real and synthetic datasets.  相似文献   

Given a set of data points P and a query point q in a multidimensional space, reverse nearest neighbor (RNN) query finds data points in P whose nearest neighbors are q. Reverse k-nearest neighbor (RkNN) query (where k ges 1) generalizes RNN query to find data points whose kNNs include q. For RkNN query semantics, q is said to have influence to all those answer data points. The degree of q's influence on a data point p (isin P) is denoted by kappap where q is the kappap-th NN of p. We introduce a new variant of RNN query, namely, ranked reverse nearest neighbor (RRNN) query, that retrieves t data points most influenced by q, i.e., the t data points having the smallest kappa's with respect to q. To answer this RRNN query efficiently, we propose two novel algorithms, kappa-counting and kappa-browsing that are applicable to both monochromatic and bichromatic scenarios and are able to deliver results progressively. Through an extensive performance evaluation, we validate that the two proposed RRNN algorithms are superior to solutions derived from algorithms designed for RkNN query.  相似文献   

This article presents a novel type of queries in spatial databases, called the direction-aware bichromatic reverse k nearest neighbor(DBRkNN) queries, which extend the bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor queries. Given two disjoint sets, P and S, of spatial objects, and a query object q in S, the DBRkNN query returns a subset P′ of P such that k nearest neighbors of each object in P′ include q and each object in P′ has a direction toward q within a pre-defined distance. We formally define the DBRkNN query, and then propose an efficient algorithm, called DART, for processing the DBRkNN query. Our method utilizes a grid-based index to cluster the spatial objects, and the B+-tree to index the direction angle. We adopt a filter-refinement framework that is widely used in many algorithms for reverse nearest neighbor queries. In the filtering step, DART eliminates all the objects that are away from the query object more than a pre-defined distance, or have an invalid direction angle. In the refinement step, remaining objects are verified whether the query object is actually one of the k nearest neighbors of them. As a major extension of DART, we also present an improved algorithm, called DART+, for DBRkNN queries. From extensive experiments with several datasets, we show that DART outperforms an R-tree-based naive algorithm in both indexing time and query processing time. In addition, our extension algorithm, DART+, also shows significantly better performance than DART.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of the Multi-Type Reverse Nearest Neighbor (MTRNN) query problem. Traditionally, a reverse nearest neighbor (RNN) query finds all the objects that have the query point as their nearest neighbor. In contrast, an MTRNN query finds all the objects that have the query point in their multi-type nearest neighbors. Existing RNN queries find an influence set by considering only one feature type. However, the influence from multiple feature types is often critical for strategic decision making in many business scenarios, such as site selection for a new shopping center. To that end, we first formalize the notion of the MTRNN query by considering the influence of multiple feature types. We also propose R-tree based algorithms to find the influence set for a given query point and multiple feature types. Finally, experimental results are provided to show the strength of the proposed algorithms as well as design decisions related to performance tuning.  相似文献   

Reverse Nearest Neighbors Search in Ad Hoc Subspaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Given an object q, modeled by a multidimensional point, a reverse nearest neighbors (RNN) query returns the set of objects in the database that have q as their nearest neighbor. In this paper, we study an interesting generalization of the RNN query, where not all dimensions are considered, but only an ad hoc subset thereof. The rationale is that 1) the dimensionality might be too high for the result of a regular RNN query to be useful, 2) missing values may implicitly define a meaningful subspace for RNN retrieval, and 3) analysts may be interested in the query results only for a set of (ad hoc) problem dimensions (i.e., object attributes). We consider a suitable storage scheme and develop appropriate algorithms for projected RNN queries, without relying on multidimensional indexes. Given the significant cost difference between random and sequential data accesses, our algorithms are based on applying sequential accesses only on the projected atomic values of the data at each dimension, to progressively derive a set of RNN candidates. Whether these candidates are actual RNN results is then validated via an optimized refinement step. In addition, we study variants of the projected RNN problem, including RkNN search, bichromatic RNN, and RNN retrieval for the case where sequential accesses are not possible. Our methods are experimentally evaluated with real and synthetic data  相似文献   

This paper presents “Round-Eye”, a system for tracking nearest surrounding objects (or nearest surrounders) in moving object environments. This system provides a platform for surveillance applications. The core part of this system is continuous nearest surrounder (NS) query that maintains views of the nearest objects at distinct angles from query points. This query differs from conventional spatial queries such as range queries and nearest neighbor queries as NS query considers both distance and angular aspects of objects with respect to a query point at the same time. In our system framework, a centralized server is dedicated (1) to collect location updates of both objects and queries, (2) to determine which NS queries are invalidated in presence of object/query location changes and corresponding result changes if any, and (3) to refresh the affected query answers. To enhance the system performance in terms of processing time and network bandwidth consumption, we propose various techniques, namely, safe region, partial query reevaluation, and incremental query result update. Through simulations, we evaluate our system with the proposed techniques over a wide range of settings.  相似文献   

Reverse nearest neighbor (RNN) search is very crucial in many real applications. In particular, given a database and a query object, an RNN query retrieves all the data objects in the database that have the query object as their nearest neighbors. Often, due to limitation of measurement devices, environmental disturbance, or characteristics of applications (for example, monitoring moving objects), data obtained from the real world are uncertain (imprecise). Therefore, previous approaches proposed for answering an RNN query over exact (precise) database cannot be directly applied to the uncertain scenario. In this paper, we re-define the RNN query in the context of uncertain databases, namely probabilistic reverse nearest neighbor (PRNN) query, which obtains data objects with probabilities of being RNNs greater than or equal to a user-specified threshold. Since the retrieval of a PRNN query requires accessing all the objects in the database, which is quite costly, we also propose an effective pruning method, called geometric pruning (GP), that significantly reduces the PRNN search space yet without introducing any false dismissals. Furthermore, we present an efficient PRNN query procedure that seamlessly integrates our pruning method. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed GP-based PRNN query processing approach, under various experimental settings.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a fundamental approach to perform the class of Range and Nearest Neighbor (NN) queries, the core class of spatial queries used in location-based services, without revealing any location information about the query in order to preserve users’ private location information. The idea behind our approach is to utilize the power of one-way transformations to map the space of all objects and queries to another space and resolve spatial queries blindly in the transformed space. Traditional encryption based techniques, solutions based on the theory of private information retrieval, or the recently proposed anonymity and cloaking based approaches cannot provide stringent privacy guarantees without incurring costly computation and/or communication overhead. In contrast, we propose efficient algorithms to evaluate KNN and range queries privately in the Hilbert transformed space. We also propose a dual curve query resolution technique which further reduces the costs of performing range and KNN queries using a single Hilbert curve. We experimentally evaluate the performance of our proposed range and KNN query processing techniques and verify the strong level of privacy achieved with acceptable computation and communication overhead.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the problem of continuous monitoring of reverse k nearest neighbors queries in Euclidean space as well as in spatial networks. Existing techniques are sensitive toward objects and queries movement. For example, the results of a query are to be recomputed whenever the query changes its location. We present a framework for continuous reverse k nearest neighbor (RkNN) queries by assigning each object and query with a safe region such that the expensive recomputation is not required as long as the query and objects remain in their respective safe regions. This significantly improves the computation cost. As a byproduct, our framework also reduces the communication cost in client–server architectures because an object does not report its location to the server unless it leaves its safe region or the server sends a location update request. We also conduct a rigid cost analysis for our Euclidean space RkNN algorithm. We show that our techniques can also be applied to answer bichromatic RkNN queries in Euclidean space as well as in spatial networks. Furthermore, we show that our techniques can be extended for the spatial networks that are represented by directed graphs. The extensive experiments demonstrate that our techniques outperform the existing techniques by an order of magnitude in terms of computation cost and communication cost.  相似文献   

The increasing use of mobile communications has raised many issues of decision support and resource allocation. A crucial problem is how to solve queries of Reverse Nearest Neighbour (RNN). An RNN query returns all objects that consider the query object as their nearest neighbour. Existing methods mostly rely on a centralised base station. However, mobile P2P systems offer many benefits, including self-organisation, fault-tolerance and load-balancing. In this study, we propose and evaluate 3 distinct P2P algorithms focusing on bichromatic RNN queries, in which mobile query peers and static objects of interest are of two different categories, based on a time-out mechanism and a boundary polygon around the mobile query peers. The Brute-Force Search Algorithm provides a naive approach to exploit shared information among peers whereas two other Boundary Search Algorithms filter a number of peers involved in query processing. The algorithms are evaluated in the MiXiM simulation framework with both real and synthetic datasets. The results show the practical feasibility of the P2P approach for solving bichromatic RNN queries for mobile networks.  相似文献   

The moving k nearest neighbor (MkNN) query continuously finds the k nearest neighbors of a moving query point. MkNN queries can be efficiently processed through the use of safe regions. In general, a safe region is a region within which the query point can move without changing the query answer. This paper presents an incremental safe-region-based technique for answering MkNN queries, called the V*-Diagram, as well as analysis and evaluation of its associated algorithm, V*-kNN. Traditional safe-region approaches compute a safe region based on the data objects but independent of the query location. Our approach exploits the knowledge of the query location and the boundary of the search space in addition to the data objects. As a result, V*-kNN has much smaller I/O and computation costs than existing methods. We further provide cost models to estimate the number of data accesses for V*-kNN and a competitive technique, RIS-kNN. The V*-Diagram and V*-kNN are also applicable to the domain of spatial networks and we present algorithms to construct a spatial-network V*-Diagram. Our experimental results show that V*-kNN significantly outperforms the competitive technique. The results also verify the accuracy of the cost models.  相似文献   

An important query for spatio-temporal databases is to find nearest trajectories of moving objects. Existing work on this topic focuses on the closest trajectories in the whole data space. In this paper, we introduce and solve constrained k-nearest neighbor (CkNN) queries and historical continuous CkNN (HCCkNN) queries on R-tree-like structures storing historical information about moving object trajectories. Given a trajectory set D, a query object (point or trajectory) q, a temporal extent T, and a constrained region CR, (i) a CkNN query over trajectories retrieves from D within T, the k (≥ 1) trajectories that lie closest to q and intersect (or are enclosed by) CR; and (ii) an HCCkNN query on trajectories retrieves the constrained k nearest neighbors (CkNNs) of q at any time instance of T. We propose a suite of algorithms for processing CkNN queries and HCCkNN queries respectively, with different properties and advantages. In particular, we thoroughly investigate two types of CkNN queries, i.e., CkNNP and CkNNT, which are defined with respect to stationary query points and moving query trajectories, respectively; and two types of HCCkNN queries, namely, HCCkNNP and HCCkNNT, which are continuous counterparts of CkNNP and CkNNT, respectively. Our methods utilize an existing data-partitioning index for trajectory data (i.e., TB-tree) to achieve low I/O and CPU cost. Extensive experiments with both real and synthetic datasets demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms in terms of efficiency and scalability.  相似文献   

An efficient method for privacy preserving location queries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, the issue of privacy preserving location queries has attracted much research. However, there are few works focusing on the tradeoff between location privacy preservation and location query information collection. To tackle this kind of tradeoff, we propose the privacy persevering location query (PLQ), an efficient privacy preserving location query processing framework. This framework can enable the location-based query without revealing user location information. The framework can also facilitate location-based service providers to collect some information about the location based query, which is useful in practice. PLQ consists of three key components, namely, the location anonymizer at the client side, the privacy query processor at the server side, and an additional trusted third party connecting the client and server. The location anonymizer blurs the user location into a cloaked area based on a map-hierarchy. The map-hierarchy contains accurate regions that are partitioned according to real landforms. The privacy query processor deals with the requested nearest-neighbor (NN) location based query. A new convex hull of polygon (CHP) algorithm is proposed for nearest-neighbor queries using a polygon cloaked area. The experimental results show that our algorithms can efficiently process location based queries.  相似文献   

Recently, Reverse k Nearest Neighbors (RkNN) queries, returning every answer for which the query is one of its k nearest neighbors, have been extensively studied on the database research community. But the RkNN query cannot retrieve spatio-textual objects which are described by their spatial location and a set of keywords. Therefore, researchers proposed a RSTkNN query to find these objects, taking both spatial and textual similarity into consideration. However, the RSTkNN query cannot control the size of answer set and to be sorted according to the degree of influence on the query. In this paper, we propose a new problem Ranked Reverse Boolean Spatial Keyword Nearest Neighbors query called Ranked-RBSKNN query, which considers both spatial similarity and textual relevance, and returns t answers with most degree of influence. We propose a separate index and a hybrid index to process such queries efficiently. Experimental results on different real-world and synthetic datasets show that our approaches achieve better performance.  相似文献   

Similarity search in multimedia databases requires an efficient support of nearest-neighbor search on a large set of high-dimensional points as a basic operation for query processing. As recent theoretical results show, state of the art approaches to nearest-neighbor search are not efficient in higher dimensions. In our new approach, we therefore precompute the result of any nearest-neighbor search which corresponds to a computation of the Voronoi cell of each data point. In a second step, we store conservative approximations of the Voronoi cells in an index structure efficient for high-dimensional data spaces. As a result, nearest neighbor search corresponds to a simple point query on the index structure. Although our technique is based on a precomputation of the solution space, it is dynamic, i.e., it supports insertions of new data points. An extensive experimental evaluation of our technique demonstrates the high efficiency for uniformly distributed as well as real data. We obtained a significant reduction of the search time compared to nearest neighbor search in other index structures such as the X-tree  相似文献   

The use of Voronoi diagram has traditionally been applied to computational geometry and multimedia problems. In this paper, we will show how Voronoi diagram can be applied to spatial query processing, and in particular to Reverse Nearest Neighbor (RNN) queries. Spatial and geographical query processing, in general, and RNN in particular, are becoming more important, as online maps are now widely available. In this paper, using the concept of Voronoi diagram, we classify RNN into four types depending on whether the query point and the interest objects are the generator points of the Voronoi Polygon or not. Our approach is based on manipulating Network Voronoi Diagram properties and applying a progressive incremental network expansion for finding the polygon inner network distances required to solve RNN queries. Our experimentation results show that our approaches have good response times in answering RNN queries.  相似文献   

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