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The dopamine D4 receptor is a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) that belongs to the dopamine D2-like receptor family. Functionally, the D2-like receptors are characterized by their ability to inhibit adenylyl cyclase. The dopamine D4 receptor as well as many other catecholaminergic receptors contain several putative SH3 binding domains. Most of these sites in the D4 receptor are located in a polymorphic repeat sequence and flanking sequences in the third intracellular loop. Here we demonstrate that this region of the D4 receptor can interact with a large variety of SH3 domains of different origin. The strongest interactions were seen with the SH2-SH3 adapter proteins Grb2 and Nck. The repeat sequence itself is not essential in this interaction. The data presented indicate that the different SH3 domains in the adapter proteins interact in a cooperative fashion with two distinct sites immediately upstream and downstream from the repeat sequence. Removal of all the putative SH3 binding domains in the third intracellular loop of the dopamine D4 receptor resulted in a receptor that could still bind spiperone and dopamine. Dopamine could not modulate the coupling of these mutant receptors to adenylyl cyclase and MAPK, although dopamine modulated receptor-G protein interaction appeared normal. The receptor deletion mutants show strong constitutive internalization that may account for the deficiency in functional activation of second messengers. The data indicates that the D4 receptor contains SH3 binding sites and that these sites fall within a region involved in the control of receptor internalization.  相似文献   

There is evidence that dopamine transmission is involved in reinforcement processes and the present study investigated the relative involvement of D3 versus D2 dopamine receptors in the effects of dopamine ligands on the reinforcing action of ethanol. Rats were trained to self-administer ethanol (10% v/v) orally in a free-choice two-lever operant task using a saccharin-fading procedure. When preference in responding for ethanol over water had developed the rats were tested with several dopamine agonists and antagonists. Pretreatment with the non-selective dopamine agonist, apomorphine (0.01-0.1 mg/kg), the preferential D2 agonist, bromocriptine (1-10 mg/kg) and the selective D3 agonists, 7-OH-DPAT (0.003-0.1 mg/kg), PD 128907 (0.1-3 mg/kg), (+)3PPP (0.3-3 mg/kg), quinelorane (0.0001-0.003 mg/kg) and quinpirole (0.003-0.03 mg/kg), resulted in dose-dependent decreases in responding for ethanol. The relative potencies of the dopamine agonists to decrease ethanol self-administration were highly correlated with their published potencies to produce in vitro functional D3 but not D2 responses. Active doses could be considered as those selectively stimulating receptors involved in the control of dopamine release, suggesting that reduction of dopamine transmission was associated with a decrease in ethanol-reinforced responding. This conclusion was further supported by the finding that pretreatment with the D2/D3 dopamine antagonists, haloperidol (0.1-0.4 mg/kg) and tiapride (10-60 mg/kg), decreased responding for ethanol at doses which have been shown previously to block dopamine transmission.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare turning by an oscillating bed to standard 2-hour turning. Outcomes were survival, length of stay (LOS), duration of mechanical ventilation, and incidence of pneumonia. METHODS: One hundred and three intensive care patients were randomly assigned to standard turning or turning by an oscillating bed. Data, collected at baseline, daily for 7 days, and then three times weekly until study discharge, included demographics, initial Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE II) score, ventilatory/gas exchange parameters, indicators of pneumonia, nursing measures, and chest roentgenograph. RESULTS: There were no significant differences for LOS, duration of ventilation, nor incidence of pneumonia. Higher survival for subjects on the oscillating bed reached borderline significance (P = .056) for subjects with APACHE II greater than or equal to 20. Longitudinal data were analyzed using the random effects model. No differences in ventilatory or gas exchange parameters were identified. Among subjects who developed pneumonia there was a significantly higher respiratory score (nursing acuity scale) for subjects on the oscillating bed. CONCLUSIONS: In selected critically ill patients oscillating therapy may improve survival and improve airway clearance. The frequency and degree of turning needed to prevent complications and improve outcome remains unclear. These newer beds should be used with discrimination so as to not increase hospital costs unnecessarily.  相似文献   

The anxiolytic-like properties of dopamine agonists and antagonists with different receptor profiles were investigated in the ultrasonic vocalization test in rats after subcutaneous administration. Only dopamine D2 receptor agonists inhibited ultrasonic vocalization with the following ED50 values: apomorphine (0.07 mg/kg), quinelorane (0.01 mg/kg), quinpirole (0.04 mg/kg), pramipexole (0.09 mg/kg), roxindole (0.04 mg/kg), talipexole (0.04 mg/kg), (+/-)-7-OH-DPAT (0.05 mg/kg), (+/-)-PPHT (0.03 mg/kg), (-)-TNPA (0.06 mg/kg), PD128907 (0.13 mg/kg). The D2 antagonists haloperidol, mazapertine, raclopride, remoxipride, L745870, U99194A, U101958 and S(-)-DS121, the partial agonists PD143188 and preclamol, the selective D1 agonist R(+)-SKF38393 and the D1 antagonist SCH23390, and the uptake inhibitors GBR12909, GBR12935 and indatraline lacked significant inhibitory effects on ultrasonic vocalization. Because at least some of the D2 receptor agonists investigated have selectivity for dopamine autoreceptors, it is speculated that the dopamine autoreceptor may be a target for the development of new antianxiety drugs.  相似文献   

Dopaminergic compounds affect gastric secretion and response to experimental gastric mucosal injury. We showed previously that the novel dopamine D4 receptor antagonist, clozapine, significantly reduces gastric acid secretion and restraint stress-induced gastric lesions. Because the selectivity of clozapine for D4 receptors has recently been questioned, we tested the ability of a known D1 receptor blocker, SCH23390, to affect clozapine-induced reduction in gastric acid secretion. SCH23390 given i.p. or i.c.v., at doses that did not affect gastric acid secretion, significantly blocked the anti-secretory effect of clozapine, administered either peripherally or centrally. These data suggest that neither clozapine nor SCH23390 exhibit as high a degree of selectivity for the dopamine D4 and D1 receptor, respectively, as previously believed.  相似文献   

Different approaches were utilized to investigate the mechanism by which fusicoccin (FC) induces the activation of the H(+)-ATPase in plasma membrane (PM) isolated from radish (Raphanus sativus L.) seedlings treated in vivo with (FC-PM) or without (C-PM) FC. Treatment of FC-PM with different detergents indicated that PM H(+)-ATPase and the FC-FC-binding-protein (FCBP) complex were solubilized to a similar extent. Fractionation of solubilized FC-PM proteins by a linear sucrose-density gradient showed that the two proteins comigrated and that PM H(+)-ATPase retained the activated state induced by FC. Solubilized PM proteins were also fractionated by a fast-protein liquid chromatography anion-exchange column. Comparison between C-PM and FC-PM indicated that in vivo treatment of the seedlings with FC caused different elution profiles; PM H(+)-ATPase from FC-PM was only partially separated from the FC-FCBP complex and eluted at a higher NaCl concentration than did PM H(+)-ATPase from C-PM. Western analysis of fast-protein liquid chromatography fractions probed with an anti-N terminus PM H(+)-ATPase antiserum and with an anti-14-3-3 antiserum indicated an FC-induced association of FCBP with the PM H(+)-ATPase. Analysis of the activation state of PM H(+)-ATPase in fractions in which the enzyme was partially separated from FCBP suggested that the establishment of an association between the two proteins was necessary to maintain the FC-induced activation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Starting from a series of 2-aminotetralins 1, a novel series of N-[4-(4-phenylbenzoylamino)butyl]-octahydrobenzoquinolines and hexahydrobenzoindoles with high potency and selectivity for the dopamine D3 receptor has been designed. The effect of ligand chirality on binding affinity has been established. Selected derivatives (e.g. 2o, 2p) show high functional selectivity and enhanced in vivo properties compared to 1.  相似文献   

Only five cases of paraganglioma of the prostate have been reported hitherto. The tumours may be functional (phaeochromocytomas) or non-functional and benign or malignant. We present a sixth case--a non-functional, benign paraganglioma of the prostate--with a review of the literature.  相似文献   

Capture of rats by digging their cavities, identification of rat strains, sex and age, examination of their skin cut or damage, and detection of antigen and antibody of epidemic hemorrhagic fever virus (EHFV) were conducted in epidemic areas of epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF) in Jinaghan Plain, Hubei Province, to study prevalence of EHFV infection in rats. Results showed that Apodemus agarius and Rattus norvegius accounted for 69.7% and 23.6% of the total rats captured, respectively, their infection rates of EHFV were 21.8% and 30.9%, respectively. Infection rate of EHFV was significantly higher in adult rats than in sub-adult and young ones, with prevalence of 40.8%, 17.0% and 12.4%, respectively. Infection rate of EHFV was 45.9% in rats with skin cut, significantly higher than in those without it (13.9%). There was an obvious litter-clustering phenomenon in infected rats, but their litters distributed in space randomly. Serotyping of infected rats showed that Apodemus agarius mainly was in a wild rat pattern, Rattus norvegius in a domestic rat pattern, and a small number of rats were in undefined patterns. It indicated that Jinaghan Plain was a mixed epidemic area of EHF with domestic and wild rat patterns and with Apodemus agarius and Rattus norvegius as main reservoir host, and age, skin cut, and close contact with them were important factors contributing to transmit it.  相似文献   

The dopamine 3 (D3) subtype receptor has been implicated in several neurological conditions, and potent and selective D3 ligands may have therapeutic potential for the treatment of drug addiction, Parkinson's disease, and schizophrenia. In this paper, we report computational homology modeling of the D3 receptor based upon the high-resolution X-ray structure of rhodopsin, extensive structural refinement in the presence of explicit lipid bilayer and water environment, and validation of the refined D3 structural models using experimental data. We further describe the development, validation, and application of a hybrid computational screening approach for the discovery of several classes of novel and potent D3 ligands. This computational approach employs stepwise pharmacophore and structure-based searching of a large three-dimensional chemical database for the identification of potential D3 ligands. The obtained hits are then subjected to structural novelty screening, and the most promising compounds are tested in a D3 binding assay. Using this approach we identified four compounds with K(i) values better than 100 nM and eight compounds with K(i) values better than 1 microM out of 20 compounds selected for testing in the D3 receptor binding assay. Our results suggest that the D3 structural models obtained from this study may be useful for the discovery and design of novel and potent D3 ligands. Furthermore, the employed hybrid approach may be more effective for lead discovery from a large chemical database than either pharmacophore-based or structure-based database screening alone.  相似文献   

Chimeric D1/D2 receptors were constructed to identify structural determinants of drug affinity and efficacy. We previously reported that chimeras that had D1 receptor transmembrane domain VII together with amino-terminal sequence from the D2 receptor were nonfunctional. D2/D1 chimeras were constructed that contained D2 receptor sequence at the amino- and carboxyl-terminal ends and D1 receptor sequence in the intervening region. Chimeric receptors with D2 sequence from transmembrane domain 7 to the carboxyl terminus together with D2 receptor sequence from the amino terminus through transmembrane helix 4 (D2[1-4,7]) and 5 (D2[1-5,7]) bound [3H]spiperone with high affinity, consistent with the hypothesis that D2 receptor transmembrane domain I or II is incompatible with D1 receptor transmembrane domain VII. D2[1-4,7] and D2[1-5,7] had affinities similar to D1 and D2 receptors for most nonselective dopamine antagonists and had affinities for most of the selective antagonists that were intermediate between those of the parent receptors. D2[1-4,7] and D2[1-5,7] mediated dopamine receptor agonist-induced stimulation and inhibition, respectively, of cAMP accumulation. The more efficient coupling of D2[1-5,7] to inhibition of cAMP accumulation, compared with the coupling of D2[5-7] and D2[3-7], supports the view that multiple D2 receptor cytoplasmic domains acting in concert are necessary for receptor activation of Gi. In contrast, D2[1-4,7], which contains only one cytoplasmic loop (the third) from the D1 receptor, is capable of activating Gs. D2[1-4,7] exhibited several characteristics of a constitutively active receptor, including enhanced basal (unliganded) stimulation of cAMP accumulation, high affinity for agonists even in the presence of GTP, and blunted agonist-stimulated cAMP accumulation. A number of dopamine receptor antagonists were inverse agonists at D2[1-4,7], inhibiting basal cAMP accumulation. Some of these drugs were also inverse agonists at the D1 receptor. Interestingly, several antagonists also potentiated forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation via D2[1-5,7] and via the D2 receptor, which could reflect inverse agonist inhibition of native constitutive activity of this receptor.  相似文献   

In vivo administration of an antisense oligonucleotide targeted toward the D2 dopamine (DA) receptor mRNA (D2 AS) markedly inhibited D2 receptor-mediated behaviors but produced only a relatively small reduction in the levels of D2 DA receptors in mouse striatum. This apparent dissociation between DA receptor-mediated behaviors and the levels of D2 DA receptors was addressed by inhibiting the total number of D2 DA receptors by intraperitoneal administration of the selective, irreversibly acting D2 DA receptor antagonist fluphenazine-N-mustard (FNM) and then determining the effects of D2 AS, administered intracerebroventricularly, on the rate of synthesis of D2 DA receptors and on the recovery of D2 receptor-mediated behaviors. FNM inactivated approximately 90% of D2 DA receptors within 4 hr of treatment, after which the receptors returned to normal levels by approximately 8 days. D2 AS treatment significantly inhibited the rate of recovery of D2 DA receptors in striatum of FNM-treated mice. FNM treatment also produced a number of behavioral alterations, including catalepsy, and the inhibition of stereotypic behavior induced by the D2/D3 DA receptor agonist quinpirole. Both of these behaviors returned to normal within 8 days after FNM treatment. D2 AS treatment delayed the restoration of these FNM-induced behaviors. Thus, it reduced the rate of disappearance of the cataleptic behavior induced by FNM and significantly delayed the restoration of the stereotypic behavior induced by quinpirole. The changes induced by D2 AS on D2 receptor-mediated behaviors were reversed on cessation of D2 AS treatment. A random oligomer given in the same amount and for the same length of time as that of the D2 AS had no significant effects on either D2 DA receptor synthesis or DA receptor-mediated behaviors. These studies demonstrate that in vivo administration of D2 AS decreased the rate of recovery of D2 DA receptors and inhibited the recovery of D2 DA receptor-mediated behaviors after irreversible receptor inactivation and suggest that D2 AS treatment inhibits the synthesis of a functional pool of D2 DA receptors.  相似文献   

The D3 dopamine receptor, a D2-like receptor, is selectively expressed in the ventral striatum, particularly in the shell of nucleus accumbens and islands of Calleja, where it is found in medium sized substance P neurons. The latter co-express the D1 receptor whose interaction with the D3 receptor was studied by treating rats with selective agonists and antagonists. In agreement with the opposite cAMP response, they mediate in cultured neuroblastoma cells, the D1 and D3 receptors exerted opposite influences on c-fos expression in islands of Calleja. However, in agreement with the synergistic influence of cAMP on D3 receptor-mediated mitogenesis on the same cultured cells, D1 and D3 receptor stimulation in vivo synergistically enhanced preprotachykinin mRNA in the shell of accumbens. This indicates that the two receptor subtypes may affect neurons in either synergy or opposition according to the cell or signal generated. Levodopa-induced behavioral sensitization in hemiparkinsonian rats is another example of D1/D3 receptor interaction. Hence repeated levodopa administration induces the ectopic appearance of the D3 receptor in substance P/dynorphin, striatonigral neurons of the dorsal striatum. This induction is secondary to D1 receptor stimulation in neurons of the denervated side and fully accounts for the sensitization, i.e. the increased behavioral responsiveness to levodopa. During brain development, a similar process could operate to control the late appearance of the D3 receptor in D1-receptor bearing neurons of the ventral striatum at a time at which they start to be innervated by dopamine neurons. Finally, taking into account a variety of genetic, developmental, neuroimaging and pharmacological data, we postulate that imbalances between the levels of D1 and D3 receptors in the same neurons could be responsible for schizophrenic disorders.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) autoreceptors expressed along the somatodendritic extent of midbrain DA neurons modulate impulse activity, whereas those expressed at DA nerve terminals regulate both DA synthesis and release. Considerable evidence has indicated that these DA autoreceptors are of the D2 subtype of DA receptors. However, many pharmacological studies have suggested an autoreceptor role for the DA D3 receptor. This possibility was tested with mice lacking the D3 receptor as a result of gene targeting. The basal firing rates of DA neurons within both the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area were not different in D3 receptor mutant and wild-type mice. The putative D3 receptor-selective agonist R(+)-trans-3,4,4a, 10b-tetrahydro-4-propyl-2H,5H-(1)benzopyrano(4,3-b)-1,4-oxazin+ ++-9-ol (PD 128907) was equipotent at inhibiting the activity of both populations of midbrain DA neurons in the two groups of mice. In the gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) model of DA autoreceptor function, mutant and wild-type mice were identical with respect to striatal DA synthesis and its suppression by PD 128907. In vivo microdialysis studies of DA release in ventral striatum revealed higher basal levels of extracellular DA in mutant mice but similar inhibitory effects of PD 128907 in mutant and wild-type mice. These results suggest that the effects of PD 128907 on dopamine cell function reflect stimulation of D2 as opposed to D3 receptors. Although D3 receptors do not seem to be significantly involved in DA autoreceptor function, they may participate in postsynaptically activated short-loop feedback modulation of DA release.  相似文献   

These studies compared the effects of the 5-HT1B/1D receptor agonists sumatriptan, CP-122 288 ((R)-N-methyl-[3-(1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinylmethyl)-1H-indol-5-yl] methanesulphonamide succinate) and CP-93 129 (3-(1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyrid-4-yl)pyrrolo[3,2-b]pyrid-5-one dihydrochloride) on neurogenic dural extra-vasation and vasodilation in anaesthetized rats. Dural extravasation, evoked by high intensity (1.2 mA) stimulation of the trigeminal ganglion, was measured using the radioactive plasma marker 125I-labelled bovine serum albumin. Dural vasodilation produced by lower intensity (50-300 microA) stimulation of trigeminal fibres, was measured through a closed cranial window using intravital microscopy. All compounds inhibited dural extravasation (rank order of potency: CP-122 288 > > sumatriptan > CP-93 129) and dural vasodilation (rank order of potency: CP-93 129 > > sumatriptan = CP-122 288). Comparison of the potency of these compounds with their potencies in an in vitro functional model, agonist-induced [35S]GTP gamma S binding, suggests that blockade of dural extravasation was consistent with an action at rat 5-HT1D receptors, but activity at another, unknown, "extravasation receptor" could also be involved. In contrast, inhibition of dural vasodilation was consistent with an action at rat 5-HT1B receptors. We suggest that in our preparations, production of dural vasodilation involves activation of trigeminal A delta-fibres whereas production of dural extravasation involves activation of trigeminal C-fibres. The differential effects of compounds on dural extravasation and vasodilation may therefore be due to the different receptor subtypes involved and to the selective localization of these subtypes on different populations of trigeminal sensory fibre.  相似文献   

Dopamine is present in the human placenta. The major function of dopamine is the inhibition of human placental lactogen (hPL) release from human trophoblastic cells. This effect is mediated by cAMP through dopamine D2 receptors. However, studies on the effects of cAMP in the control of hPL release have yielded conflicting results. The purpose of this study is to explore the distribution of dopamine receptors in the rat placenta. Dopamine D1 and D2 receptor mRNAs were colocalized in the rat placenta by in situ hybridization histochemistry using radiolabeled cRNA probes. Dopamine D1 and D2 receptor mRNAs were detected in large cells of the endometrium of the uterus on day 10 of gestation. On days 12-16 of gestation, hybridization signals were localized mainly in the spongiotrophoblast and giant cells of the junctional zone of the placenta. With the development of the placenta, signals were moving from the junctional zone to the labyrinth zone. Pit-1 mRNA was detected in the placental lactotrophs and was also colocalized in neighboring placental sections. Our results clearly showed that dopamine D1 and D2 receptor mRNAs were coexpressed in the placental lactotrophs that express Pit-1 mRNA.  相似文献   

This study evaluated whether there are genetic subgroups of depressed individuals who are more or less predisposed to engage in self-medication smoking practices. Smokers (N?=?231) completed self-report questionnaires of depression and smoking practices and were genotyped for the dopamine D4 (DRD4) gene. A significant interaction (DRD4 Genotype?×?Depression) was found for stimulation smoking and negative-affect reduction smoking. Specifically, these smoking practices were significantly heightened in depressed smokers homozygous for the short alleles of DRD4 but not in those heterozygous or homozygous for the long alleles of DRD4. These preliminary results suggest that the rewarding effects of smoking and the beneficial effects of nicotine replacement therapy for depressed smokers may depend, in part, on genetic factors involved in dopamine transmission. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

sigma Receptors have been the focus of extensive studies because of their potential functional role in several important physiological and biochemical processes. To further evaluate the properties of sigma receptors, especially sigma-1 and sigma-2 subtypes, we have synthesized a series of N,N'-disubstituted piperazine compounds (1-32). The design of these compounds was based upon the early structure-activity relationship (SAR) studies of the minimum structural requirements of a molecule necessary to elicit sigma receptor binding activity. In the N-(3-phenylpropyl)piperazine series, compounds with the ethylenediamine moiety (8-11, 15-17) showed 6-20-fold higher affinity for sigma-1 and 2-40-fold higher affinity for sigma-2 relative to their corresponding amides (1-7). The (m-nitrophenethyl)piperazine 10 exhibits a subnanomolar affinity for the sigma-1 site, whereas the corresponding o-nitro compound 9 shows the highest affinity for the sigma-2 site (Ki = 4.9 nM). Compounds with a free amino terminus were designed as precursors for use as bioconjugated affinity compounds. Some of these compounds displayed high affinity for sigma-1 and moderate affinity for sigma-2 sites and are currently used for the purification and characterization of the receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

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