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梳状一维位置敏感探测器是一种高精度的位置敏感探测器 PSD(Position Sensi-tive Detector)。反向击穿电压是 PSD器件的关键性能参数之一 ,目前国内的此类产品普遍存在反向击穿电压较低。为了改善 PSD的技术性能 ,详细分析了梳状一维 PSD反向击穿电压低的原因 ,并提出了几条有效的改进措施  相似文献   

梳状一维位置敏感探测器是一种高精度的位置敏感探测器PSD(Position Sensitive Detector).反向击穿电压是PSD器件的关键性能参数之一,目前国内的此类产品普遍存在反向击穿电压较低.为了改善PSD的技术性能,详细分析了梳状一维PSD反向击穿电压低的原因,并提出了几条有效的改进措施.  相似文献   

综述了一维位置敏感探测器(PSD)的工作原理,提出一种基于PSD的液位检测装置.采用激光三角形检测方法,非接触地精密测量液位变化.给出了信号处理电路,并对信号处理电路进行讨论,包含液位变化适用范围、背景光和暗电流影响的电路解决方法,并对检测系统进行了标定.  相似文献   

PSD的性能分析及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一维PSD和二维PSD的结构,并对PSD的特性进行了分析;研究了PSD在火炮射击性能测试中的应用及其系统方案;最后分析了系统中影响测量精度的各种因素。  相似文献   

提高四边形电极结构二维PSD线性度的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在对单表面分流四边形电极结构二维 PSD的非线性及失真进行理论分析的基础上 [1 ] ,从理论上计算得到了这种结构 PSD的位置修正因子 ,并提出了一种对这种结构 PSD的位置非线性进行修正的方法。初步实验取得了非常满意的结果 :经过修正后 ,在较大尺寸 (13mm× 13mm)器件上实现了 6 0 %光敏面范围内的位置非线性均方根误差 0 .15 % ,位置检测均方根误差从原来的±10 10μm减小到± 2 0μm。最大误差从± 15 0 0μm下降到± 5 0μm。由于进行了归一化处理 ,该方法适用于这种结构不同尺寸的 PSD,特别具有实用意义。  相似文献   

PSD抗杂光干扰措施的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光电位置敏感器件(PSD)是一种可直接对其光敏面上光斑位置进行检测的光电器件,基于光电位置敏感器件可以构成多种非接触的高精度动态位移监测仪器.介绍了位置敏感探测器(PSD)的工作原理及其性能,分析了PSD工作时杂散光对其测量的影响,提出其相应解决方案.  相似文献   

研制了一种基于PSD的激光三角法非接触式光电转轴测量系统。阐述了系统的工作原理和结构设计,进行了转速和偏心度的测量实验。结果表明,该系统能够在测量转速的同时,准确地得到转子的偏心度,理论分辨力可达14μm,测量相对误差均不大于5%。该系统具有结构简单、精度高、可靠性好等优点,可实现在线实时测量。  相似文献   

介绍了二维枕型位置敏感探测器(PSD)的工作原理和非线性的成因.根据PSD的非线性特点提出了双边线性插值补偿法对PSD的非线性进行补偿.在不增加硬件成本的前提下大幅度提高了PSD的线性度,扩大了PSD的有效使用面积.实验表明:补偿后PSD获得了很好的线性度.  相似文献   

位置敏感探测器(PSD)的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
回顾了位置敏感传感器(PSD)的发展历史,介绍了各种光敏面结构的PSD。并结合研究成果,阐述了单晶硅、氢化非晶硅、有机材料、大面积挠性薄膜、CMOS型,一维及二维阵列PSD等采用各种组成材料和工艺制作的PSD的发展现状,并对今后的发展和研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

基于PSD的孔径测量系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了适应现代化生产和在线检测,提出了应用位置敏感探测器及激光三角法原理实现非接触内径测量的测量系统设计方案。分析了位置敏感探测器工作原理,系统测量原理,及电路原理和电路元件参数,实现了微弱电流的提取、放大、转换。整个测量系统的测量范围为1mm,采用加工精度为1μm、直径为90mm的内径标准件对测量系统进行精度校验,实验表明,在1mm测量范围内系统测量精度高于5%。  相似文献   

针对快速、大批量自动图像采集的问题,对一种硬件聚焦方法进行了研究。结合光学原理,通过光电位置敏感探测器(Position Sensitive Detector,PSD)进行了位置检测,将测量位置量转换为电量。对PSD的转换电路进行了设计,根据聚焦提出的精度,对所用电子元器件进行了选型,达到了控制要求。然后由MCU对实验数据进行了线性化处理,从而得到了位移变化量和PSD转换电路的输出数据之间较好的对应关系,最终获得了精准的焦点位置。研究结果表明,该硬件自动聚焦系统在聚焦精度和聚焦速度方面都有明显的优势。  相似文献   

基于光电位置传感器的激光液位检测系统研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对光固化快速成形液位检测的精度要求,提出了一种基于光电位置传感器(PSD)的新型激光液位检测方法,该方法采用激光三角测量原理,非接触精密测量液位变化。在此基础上建立的液位检测系统采用专门的信号处理集成电路,并由计算机完成数据采集、处理、分析和显示,实现了液位的在线自动检测,检测精度达到0.01mm.  相似文献   

在单神经元PSD控制器中引入了二次型性能指标,使其成为具有神经元自适应PSD的最优控制器,提出了改进后的新的学习算法,分析了其稳定性和收敛性,仿真结果表明,改进后的控制器在稳定性和快速性方面较原控制器都有很大的改善.  相似文献   

Imaging of the surface of materials by atomic force microscopy under tapping and phase imaging mode, with use of modified probes is addressed. In this study, the circularly shaped holes located in varying distance from the probe base, were cut out by focused ion beam. Such modification was a consequence of the results of the previous experiments (probe tip sharpening and cantilever thinning) where significant improvement of image quality in tapping and phase imaging mode has been revealed. The solution proposed herein gives similar results, but is much simpler from the technological point of view. Shorter exposition time of the tip onto gallium ions during FIB processing allows to reduce material degradation. The aim of this modification was to change harmonic oscillators’ properties in the simplest and fastest way, to obtain stronger signal for higher resonant frequencies, which can be advantageous for improving the quality of imaging in PI mode. Probes shaped in that way were used for AFM investigations with Bruker AFM nanoscope 8. As a testing material, titanium roughness standard sample, supplied by Bruker, was used. The results have shown that the modifications performed within these studies influence the oscillation of the probes, which in some cases may result in deterioration of the imaging quality under tapping mode for one or both self‐resonant frequencies. However, phase imaging results obtained using modified probes are of higher quality. The numerical simulations performed by application of finite element method were used to explain the results obtained experimentally. Phenomenon described within this study allows to apply developed modelling methodology for prediction of effects of various modifications on the probes' tip, and as a result, to predict how proposed modifications will affect AFM imaging quality.  相似文献   

基于PSD的电振动台特性检测系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细介绍了基于位置敏感传感器的电振动台特性检测系统的研究。该系统采用自准直光路原理,利用PSD对位置的高分辨能力特性,对电振动台微小角扭动进行精密测量。数据经高速AD采样后送入计算机,通过分析即可获得电振动台在各种振动模式下角速率时域频域特性。对系统存在的各误差分析得出,该系统200H z频率处角速率分辨力为19.8×1-0 3(°/s)。  相似文献   

A computational study has been performed to determine the effects of divergent trailing edge (DTE) modification to a supercritical airfoil in transonic flow field. For this, the computational result with the original DLBA 186 supercritical airfoil was compared to that of the modified DLBA 283. A Navier-Stokes code, Fluent 5. 1, was used with Spalart-Allmaras’s one-equation turbulence model. Results in this study showed that the reduction in drag due to the DTE modification is associated with weakened shock and delayed shock appearance. The decrease in drag due to the DTE modification is greater than the increase in base drag. The effect of the recirculating flow region on lift increase was also observed. An airfoil with DTE modification achieved the same lift coefficient at a lower angle of attack while giving a lower drag coefficient. Thus, the lift-to-drag ratio increases in transonic flow conditions compared to the original airfoil. The lift coefficient increases considerably whereas the lift slope increases just a little due to DTE modification.  相似文献   

The performance of an oscillating water column (OWC) device, obtained from computations, was validated with experimental results. The current numerical code showed good agreement with experimental data and also with mathematical models. The base model which recorded rotor power of 0.17 W and efficiency of 8.28 % was then modified–the OWC chamber geometry and the rotor geometry were modified. The best model recorded rotor power and efficiency of 0.34 W and 16.1 %, respectively. Comparing this with the base model, the improvement in rotor efficiency was approximately 94 %. The flow conditions in the current numerical work were fixed and rotor speed was also kept constant. The work highlights that the performance of the rotor at fixed condition can be improved by optimizing the OWC chamber geometry and the rotor design. Furthermore, the current work also highlights that the design of the rotor is strongly influenced by the OWC chamber it is employed in.  相似文献   

基于光强调制和数字拟合的PSD位置检测方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了实现对微小位置信号的精密测量,建立了PSD位置检测系统。对该系统的光强调制方法、测量原理、位置测量算法及误差评估进行了研究。实验发现当信号光强微弱时,位置敏感器件(PSD)受背景光强影响很大。采用正弦调制光强,通过带通放大的方式,克服背景光强的影响,极大地提高了测量系统的信噪比。针对所提取的PSD光强差与和信号均为调制频率信号,且幅值与相差由光斑位置决定的特点,提出应用同步A/D与椭圆拟合法计算光斑位置的方法,并对相关计算公式进行了理论推导。实验结果表明:在测量范围达到9 mm的条件下,测量精度可达到0.01 mm.基本满足PSD位置检测方法的稳定可靠、测量精度高、抗干扰能力强等要求。  相似文献   

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