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We have fabricated a periodically poled ridge waveguide using a liquid phase epitaxy (LPE)-grown Zn:LiNbO/sub 3/ substrate. The waveguide can confine both the transverse electric and transverse magnetic mode. Its strong resistance to photorefractive damage enables stable parametric amplification. We demonstrate polarization-independent wavelength conversion using polarization diversity in a single waveguide.  相似文献   

Wavelength conversion with a 12 dB parametric gain is demonstrated using a picosecond pulse-to-pulse interaction in a periodically poled Zn:LiNbO3 waveguide. The reduced photorefractive damage enabled intense pumping at a relatively low temperature (~50°C)  相似文献   

比较分析了MgO:LiNbO3(MLN)与KTiOAsO4(KTA)晶体中超短中红外光参量放大的角度调谐、有效非线性系数、群速度失配、晶体长度以及参量放大的转换效率等。结果表明,MgO:LiNbO3晶体的有效非线性系数较大,可用非共线相位匹配方式补偿三波群速度失配,在一定泵浦光强下有利于转换效率的提高。而KTA晶体的有效非线性系数较小,群速度失配严重且不能用非共线相位匹配方式补偿,达到饱和放大所需要的泵浦光功率密度高。在超短中红外光参量放大上,MgO:LiNbO3晶体具有较优的参量耦合性能。  相似文献   

A polarization-dependent loss measurement of Zn indiffusion (ZI) waveguide on a Y-cut LiNbO3 substrate is firstly reported. The measured results show that the waveguides support either a single extraordinary polarization or both extraordinary and ordinary polarizations depending on the fabrication process parameters. For the single extraordinary polarization waveguide, the measured propagation loss at 1.32-μm wavelength is 0.9 dB/cm and the best measured polarization extinction ratio is 44 dB at a distance of 1.5 cm from the input end, which are quite good for being a waveguide polarizer. Moreover, the voltage-length product measured for the ZI Mach-Zehnder modulator shows that the substrate electrooptic coefficient is not degraded  相似文献   

Widely tunable multichannel wavelength conversion using a multiple wavelength quasi-phase-matched LiNbO/sub 3/ waveguide is proposed. Simultaneous conversion of four-channel signals with a tunable range of more than 35 nm is successfully demonstrate for the first time.  相似文献   

《Electronics letters》2009,45(10):519-521
A multiple quasi-phase matched LiNbO3 device in a four-port fibre-pigtail module for variable difference frequency generation (DFG) is described. The module structure realises DFG pumped by second-harmonic light that results in wavelength conversion with low crosstalk. The module is also used to demonstrate polarisationinsensitive conversion. This device technology will be useful for future photonic networks that employ a grouped wavelength path.  相似文献   

The authors report quasi-phase matched second-harmonic generation by frequency doubling of a laser diode in LiTaO3 having a first-order periodically domain-inverted region and proton-exchanged channel waveguide. A deep domain-inverted region and a low-loss channel waveguide with strong confinement are formed by using proton-exchange and quick heat treatment techniques. Utilizing this structure, a high normalized conversion efficiency of 157%/W is obtained with a Ti:Al2O3 laser. Using a temperature-controlled laser diode and AR coating on the input and output facet of the waveguide, the laser diode maintains single-mode oscillation without any mode hopping. Consequently, 1.1 mW of blue light is obtained at a wavelength of 436.5 nm  相似文献   

Multikilowatt mid infrared emission with high pump photon conversion efficiency (∼ 15 percent) has been obtained by difference frequency generation in CdGeAs2utilizing the double wavelength output from a grating tuned twin-cavity TEA CO2system, one signal of which is frequency doubled to provide efficient synchronized sources for both pump and idler. Tuning over a spectral range8-14 mum can be achieved and further extended to 17 μm using 12.8 μm emission from an efficient TEA CO2pumped NH3laser.  相似文献   

The authors report third-order quasi-matched (QPM) second harmonic generation (SHG) in a LiTaO3 channel waveguide. A deep domain-inverted region is first fabricated by a proton-exchange and heat treatment technique. Then a uniform and low-pass channel waveguide is fabricated by pyrophosphoric acid proton exchange. Consequently, 12 mW of blue light is obtained at 424 nm wavelength with a conversion efficiency of 6%. The observed FWHM (full-width half maximum) temperature acceptance width for SHG power is 3.2°C and FWHM wavelength acceptance bandwidth for that is 0.2 nm. It is also shown that diffraction limited focusing of the generated blue light may be obtained  相似文献   

We report the demonstration of dimensional noncritical phase matching, a phase-matched interaction length exceeding 10 mm, and an internal conversion efficiency of 204%/W for second harmonic generation of 976 nm radiation in a periodically poled, annealed proton-exchanged LiNbO3 waveguide. Using models for the linear and nonlinear optical properties of annealed proton-exchanged LiNbO3 waveguides and the observed ferroelectric domain grating, the phase-matching wavelength was predicted to within several nm and the conversion efficiency to within ≈20% of the measured values. Optimization of waveguide second harmonic generation devices is discussed  相似文献   

基于LiIO_3晶体的Sellmeier方程,计算了晶体中1.0795μm和1.3414μm双波长Nd:YAP激光和频的相位匹配条件。计算结果与实验结果相当一致。并得到连续和脉冲的0.5981μm和频相干辐射。  相似文献   

The authors propose and first demonstrate an LiNbO3 waveguide device with cascading quasi-phase-matched second harmonic generation and quasi-phase-matched sum-frequency generation for generation of a third harmonic wave. Ultraviolet light of 355 nm wavelength, which was the shortest value ever reported for LiNbO3 waveguide wavelength-convertors, was obtained with Nd:YAG laser light  相似文献   

中频溅射技术制备镱铒共掺Al2O3光波导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在硅单晶(100)衬底上用热氧化法氧化一层SiO2做缓冲层,在高纯铝靶上镶嵌金属Yb,Er,然后用中频磁控溅射法制备了镱铒共掺杂氧化铝薄膜。讨论了靶电压及沉积速率随氧流量的变化的磁滞回线效应,分析得出了沉积氧化物薄膜的最佳氧流量。在室温下检测到了薄膜的位于1535nm的很强的光致发光光谱(PL),并在光学掩模下用BCl3离子束对薄膜样品进行刻蚀,得到条形光波导。  相似文献   

Based on a calculation for the Raman gain coefficient of the S0(2) transition in ortho-D2, we have demonstrated the generation of first Stokes waves in the 15-16-μm spectral region. Use of ortho-D enriched by a catalytic converter enabled us to realize efficient conversion at room temperature. Stokes energies as high as 400 mJ were obtained  相似文献   

Efficient generation of high-power difference-frequency radiation, continuously tunable over the range of4.4-5.7 mum, has been achieved by mixing the Nd :YAG laser and Nd :YAG pumped infrared dye-laser outputs in LiIO3. Peak pulse powers as high as 550 kW with an average power output of 45 mW were obtained around 4.9μm.  相似文献   

High efficiency 160 Gbit/s wavelength conversion and optical phase conjugation using cascaded nonlinearities in periodically poled LiNbO 3 waveguides is reported. The authors also report on use of this device as a dispersion compensator for transmission of 100 Gbit/s OTDM data through 160 km of singlemode fibre  相似文献   

应用变分法修正计算表面折射率增量的计算公式 ,并计算Z切Ti:LiNbO3光波导在中红外波长 3 .0、3 .3 9μm导模的有效折射率 ,给出了单模、截止、多模的制备参数。  相似文献   

The authors describe low-loss proton-exchanged channel waveguides in MgO-doped LiNbO3. The authors demonstrate the application of a Ta2O5 film for the protective mask material in proton-exchanging instead of a Ta film in order to reduce the propagation loss. A Ta2O5 sputtered film was applied as a protective mask with pyrophosphoric acid. The propagation loss of the waveguide, measured with laser diode light (λ=0.83 μm) was 0.5 dB/cm. It is shown that the use of a Ta2O5 mask reduces the propagation loss compared with the use of a Ta mask (1.5 dB/cm)  相似文献   

The conversion of a 3.9 ps optical pulse into a train of six 450 fs pulses within a 37 mm length of a highly nonlinear chalcogenide (As2S3) waveguide Bragg grating is reported. Here, the initial pulse develops into a sixth-order soliton and is split into its six fundamental solitons through soliton fission. The very large optical nonlinearity and strong photosensitivity of As2S3 enables the use of pulses that are 25 x shorter than in previous experiments, and have 500 x less energy. The results are compared to numerical modelling using the nonlinear coupled mode equations and find satisfactory agreement between experiment and theory after accounting for imperfections observed in the grating.  相似文献   

Wavelength demultiplexer fabricated on electrooptic LiNbO3 is demonstrated. Reflection structure was employed to halve the device length. The full width at half maximum of the transmission peak was around 1 nm. The crosstalk was -12 to -25 dB. Polarization independence was attained using a reflective quarter-wave plate  相似文献   

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