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Many studies have shown that finite element modeling (FEM) can be used to fit experimental load–displacement data from nanoindentation tests. Most of the experimental data are obtained with sharp indenters. Compared to the spherical case, sharp tips do not directly allow the behavior of tested materials to be deduced because these produce a nominally-constant plastic strain impression. The aim of this work is to construct with FEM an equivalent stress–strain response of a material from a nanoindentation test, done with a pyramidal indenter. The procedure is based on two equations which link the parameters extracted from the experimental load–displacement curve with material parameters, such as Young's modulus E, yield stress Y0 and tangent modulus ET. We have already tested successfully the relations on well-known pure metallic surfaces. However, the load–displacement curve obtained using conical or pyramidal indenters cannot uniquely determine the stress–strain relationship of the indented material. The non-uniqueness of the solution is due to the existence of a characteristic point (εc, σc); for a given elastic modulus, all bilinear stress–strain curves that exhibit the same true stress σc at the specific true strain εC lead to the same loading and unloading indentation curve. We show that the true strain εc is constant for all tested materials (Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni), with an average value of 4.7% for a conical indenter with a half-included angle θ=70.3°. The ratio σc/εc is directly related to the elastic modulus of the indented material and the tip geometry.  相似文献   

The effects of mechanical and thermal surface loadings on deformation of elastic–plastic semi-infinite medium were analyzed simultaneously by using the finite element method. Rigid rough surface of a magnetic head and smooth surface of an elastic–plastic hard disk were chosen to perform a comprehensive thermo-elastic–plastic contact analysis at the head–disk interface (HDI). A two-dimensional finite element model of a rigid rough surface characterized by fractal geometry sliding over an elastic–plastic medium was then developed. The evolution of deformation in the semi-infinite medium due to thermomechanical surface loading is interpreted in terms of temperature, von Mises equivalent stress, and equivalent plastic strain. In addition to this, the effects of friction coefficient, sliding, and interference distance on deformation behavior were also analyzed. It is shown that frictional heating increases not only the contact area but also the contact pressure and stresses.  相似文献   

Coupled buckling and plastic instability for tube hydroforming   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, the hydroforming limit of isotropic tubes subjected to internal hydraulic pressure and independent axial load is discussed.Swift's criterion is often used in this case for the prediction of diffuse plastic instability. Here, we first highlight the existence of two different Swift's criteria (for sheets and for tubes).Then, we recall that these types of approaches do not take into account buckling induced by axial loading. In fact, buckling may obviously occur before plastic instability; consequently, Swift's criteria must not be used alone to predict instability in the case of tube hydroforming.Numerical simulation was used to confirm these points and to analyse both the buckling and striction phenomena together. The two types of instability must be treated together in a reasonable approach to the hydroforming process.In this paper, the material verifies a “J2-flow” constitutive rate constitutive law. Jaumann's derivative was chosen and the Prandtl–Reuss equations with von Mises’ yield criterion and the associated flow rule were used. Isotropic hardening was taken into account.  相似文献   

以某型三轴稳定平台中的钢丝滚道球轴承为例,运用赫兹理论进行接触应力求解,并利用对称性在Ansys环境下建立接触模型仿真分析,将结果对比研究,得出接触体发生塑性变形时,利用Ansys求解相对Hertz理论结果更加准确。有限元分析结果显示接触体的最大接触应力发生于钢丝滚道的表面,有力地阐明了实际工程中轴承在钢丝滚道表面易形成点蚀破坏的机理,为进一步开展钢丝滚道的点蚀及磨损的实验研究提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

尚振国  王华 《机械传动》2012,36(5):77-80
提出了一种应用叠加原理计算齿轮箱整体变形的方法,包括箱体、轴承、传动轴和齿轮的变形。重点阐述了利用ANSYS刚体耦合功能生成齿轮箱体柔度矩阵,建立柔度矩阵、载荷向量、变形向量三者关系方程,从而计算箱体变形的方法。以风力发电增速器齿轮箱为例,分析齿轮箱整体变形对支点反力和齿面接触应力及齿根弯曲应力的影响。  相似文献   

A new approach for adhesive wear modeling based on physical principles that eliminate the use of any empirical wear coefficient has been presented. The model predicts dimensionless volume of a potential wear particle that can be detached from an elastic-plastic sphere in contact with a rigid flat at sliding inception. An explicit relation between the dimensionless potential wear volume, material properties, and dimensionless normal load is obtained. An empirical expression for predicting wear coefficient which depends on the normal load and material properties is also presented. Some recommendations for a dynamic modeling to allow actual detachment of wear particle rather than prediction of a potential wear particle are indicated.  相似文献   

应用基于接触摩擦的有限元方法,在Ansys中使用面一面接触单元建立钢板弹簧有限元模型。对三段式渐变刚度钢板弹簧悬架进行刚度特性计算,并与由台架试验得出实际的刚度曲线进行比较,证明模型的准确性。为加快产品的开发与变更提供有效的方法。  相似文献   

The aim of the approach of this paper is to characterise contact stress of a trochoidal-gear set when it works as part of the hydraulic machine. It is important to know that the contact stress forces in a trochoidal-type machine is important because the machine cannot be adjusted for wear. The main difficulty in calculating the contact forces is to determine the forces that are transmitted through each contact point. Since there are many points of contact, at any instant, the problem is statically indeterminate. The first part of this paper presents a simplified analytical model of a trochoidal-type machine when friction at the contact points is neglected. From this study, the performance of the gear set is evaluated through the calculation of the normal maximum contact stress in the gear teeth. Then the second part of the paper presents a finite element model of the same machine. The analysis of both models is for quasi-static conditions. An experimental approach using a prototype model of the gear set provides the maximum contact stress on a pair of teeth through photoelasticity measurement techniques of the same machine. The results from the two models and the experimental work are compared and important conclusions are drawn and discussed.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study is to examine the influence of geometrical parameters in double cup extrusion process (DCEP) on the surface stress profiles such as surface expansion, contact pressure, sliding velocity and distance. The flow modes, sliding over or sticking onto the punch surface, were also investigated to see the possibility of the metal-to-metal contact or the lubricant film breakdown along the punch and workpiece interface. Two major design factors chosen for analysis include the reduction in area in backward direction (RAB) and the wall thickness ratio (TR). A sequential operation has been also simulated to compare the surface stress profiles and flow modes with those in a combined operation.  相似文献   

接触角和横向载荷对轮轨粘着的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用多层多支子结构技术建立轮对与轨道的多体接触模型,采用参变量变分原理和数学二次规划法求解轮轨接触力,根据不同的接触角和横向载荷计算得出轮轨接触力分布,分析接触角和横向载荷对纵向摩擦力(牵引力)以及粘着系数的影响。计算结果表明,轮对承受横向载荷时,轮轨接触点对之间摩擦力的方向在粘着区和蠕滑区有明显的不同,在粘着区其方向与钢轨纵向夹角较小,而在蠕滑区其方向与钢轨纵向夹角较大;当接触角较小时,粘着系数随着横向载荷的增加而减小;当接触角较大时,随着横向载荷的增加,粘着系数先增加后减小;在直线段粘着系数随着轮对承受横向载荷的增加而减小,在曲线段选取适当的横向载荷能够提高粘着系数。  相似文献   

Elastic–plastic analysis of plane strain pure bending of a strain-hardening curved beam has been presented. Only a linear hardening case has been analyzed as the nonlinear equations for a general hardening case could not be solved analytically. A numerical scheme for the computation of stresses and displacements in different stages of deformation has been given and limited FEM verifications have been presented.  相似文献   

分析了提升设备中踏步结构特点及其受力特点,对几种分析方法进行了对比,提出了利用结构已有简单单元特性模拟踏步的接触状况,并进行迭代计算求解接触问题的方法,并对实例进行分析计算.  相似文献   

Oblique impact of a slider with a rotating disk in a hard disk drive was analyzed using the finite element method. A three dimensional, thermomechanical, impact model was developed to study the mechanical and thermal response during the impact of a spherical slider corner with a rotating disk. The model was validated by comparing the finite element results with analytical solutions for a homogeneous glass substrate disk. Impact penetration, stress and incurred flash temperature were obtained for various normal impact velocities. The effects of material layers on the disk were also investigated by introducing layers with different material properties and thicknesses. It was found that for a rounded slider corner and a critical normal impact velocity of 0.03 m/s studied in this work, the layers have insignificant effects on the mechanical response and small but predictable effects on the flash temperature.  相似文献   

基于ANSYS的斜齿轮接触有限元分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过接触问题有限元基本理论的研究,应用大型有限元分析软件ANSYS建立多齿对啮合斜齿轮接触有限元模型,对其进行接触非线性有限元分析。计算结果准确直观,为斜齿轮接触应力分析和强度校核提供了更加快速有效的方法。  相似文献   

ANSYS在齿轮设计和计算中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文利用ANSYS对齿轮变形和齿根应力进行了有限元计算,并利用ANSYS的面面接触单元进行齿轮接触仿真分析,计算了齿轮啮合中的接触应力和变形分布,说明了ANSYS在齿轮计算尤其在接触分析上的有效性,为齿轮CAE提供了又一途径。  相似文献   

O形圈轴对称超弹性接触问题的有限元分析   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17  
本文采用罚单元接触算法,建立了O形橡胶密封圈的轴对称超弹性接触问题的非线性有限元分析模型,结合国际上通用的有限元分析系统ANSYS程序,对多种型号的O形圈进行了有限元分析,为橡胶密封件的设计计算提供了一条新途径。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of scaled tests on mild steel square plates with different edge restraint subjected to uniformly distributed triangular pulse pressure loading producing large inelastic deformations without tearing or rupture. The loading is representative of overpressure loading arising from a confined hydrocarbon explosion. A scale factor of 0.5 was examined in this series of tests on 16 plates, eight 1 m by 1 m × 2 mm thick and eight 0.5 m × 0.5 m × 1 mm thick. Both static and dynamic test results are presented. A quasi-static rigid–plastic and elastic–plastic analysis of a fully restrained square plate is also presented and compared with the test results. The transient response of the plates under dynamic loading show some divergence from the laws of geometrically similar scaling while the permanent deformations in both the static and dynamic tests show good compliance with the laws of similitude, within the accuracy expected in such tests.  相似文献   

尹长城  陈伯超 《机械传动》2011,35(12):76-79
建立斜齿轮接触的有限元模型,基于非线性接触算法对斜齿轮进行有限元分析,得到斜齿轮的齿根弯曲应力和啮合齿面的接触应力结果,在此基础上,将仿真与传统理论计算结果进行比较,结果表明,利用有限元法分析齿轮接触问题是可行的.  相似文献   

基于冲头与自由圆管碰撞过程的高度非线性,采用非线性显式有限元分析法对其进行了仿真计算.分析了圆管所受冲击力的时间历程曲线和圆管的变形情况;探讨了在不同速度下,冲头质量、管径厚比对圆管变形的影响.同时也分析了冲头对圆管碰撞时,导致圆管由弹性变形向塑性变形转化学的临界速度值.  相似文献   

采用有限元—线性规划法对弧齿锥齿轮的三维接触应力进行了计算和分析,在对载荷分布不加任何假设的条件下,先粗划轮齿网格,然后再在可能的接触点域细划网格,线性规划法求出了接触区域的载荷分布,有限元法求出了接触区内的接触应力分布.  相似文献   

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