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The main results obtained by means of many physical methods (IR, Raman, UV-Vis and XAFS spectroscopies) concerning the structure of the Ti centre in titanium silicalite and the reaction intermediates in the ammoximation of cyclohexanone are concisely reviewed.

The Ti is in tetrahedral coordination in vacuo and expands its coordination sphere upon interaction with adsorbates. In the presence of H2O and H2O/H2O2 solutions one of the SiOTi bridges is hydrolyzed with formation of (SiO)3L2TiOH (LH2O) and (SiO)3L2TiOOH species, respectively. When NH3 is dosed on (SiO)3L2TiOOH structures (SiO)3L2TiOONH4+ species are formed. These species are thought to play an important role in the ammoximation reaction. The geometries of the peroxidic species (open or bridged) are discussed also on the basis of ab initio calculations.  相似文献   

基于陶瓷膜反应器开发出无有机溶剂的环己酮氨肟化新工艺,探讨TS-1催化剂失活机制。采用XRD及Rietveld全谱拟合、FT-IR、N2吸附-脱附、TGA/DSC、GC-MS等手段对TS-1分子筛的骨架结构、晶胞参数、比表面积和有机物种类进行了表征分析。结果表明,无有机溶剂的环己酮氨肟化反应过程中,存在硅流失的现象,但TS-1骨架完整,晶胞参数未明显变化;环己酮、环己酮肟及反应副产物等吸附在TS-1催化剂的表面及孔道内,使比表面积下降52.6%、孔体积减少了41.6%,是造成TS-1失活的主要原因,空气氛围中于600℃煅烧3 h,可以恢复催化剂的活性。  相似文献   

钛硅分子筛(TS-1)催化环己酮氨肟化合成环己酮肟的新工艺具有工艺流程简单、副产物少及无污染等特点,为己内酰胺的生产开辟了新的工艺路线;经典法合成的TS-1合成成本昂贵,合成条件苛刻,严重制约着其工业化应用;详述了TS-1的合成、改性及其在环己酮氨肟化反应中的应用研究进展,以及TS-1催化环己酮氨肟化的反应机理;在环己酮氨肟化反应中,开发廉价且高效的TS-1合成体系、工业上TS-1的分离和回收技术,以及明确其催化环己酮氨肟化的反应机理等是未来该领域的研究方向。  相似文献   

Submicron-sized titanium silicalite-1 is difficult to recover in industrial process because of their fineness and rapid decrease in catalytic activity due to particle agglomeration. To solve these problems, we present a heterostructured titanium silicalite-1 (TS-1) catalytic composite using bentonite clay as the catalyst support. The catalytic composite is synthesized by hydrothermal treatment which directly crystallizes TS-1 on the bentonite clay surface. The synthesized composite has been characterized using scanning electron microscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The TS-1 crystals have been found on and between the layers of the bentonite with strong attachment. Characterizations suggest that crystallization temperature of 175 °C is the optimum hydrothermal temperature to produce TS-1 on the bentonite support with characteristics necessary to promote selective catalytic reactions. It is found that prolonged crystallization duration does not necessarily increase the crystallinity of TS-1 on the bentonite surface. The heterostructured composite is able to maintain high conversion of cyclohexanone (97%) and oxime selectivity (83%) after three reaction cycles which is contrary to the unsupported TS-1 that shows apparent decrease in activity (>10%), especially in the selectivity to oxime. The synthesized composite also has significant improvement in separation efficiency with respect to the unsupported catalytic system. Therefore, we conclude that the heterostructured TS-1 composite is a promising catalytic material for cyclohexanone ammoximation and potentially for other TS-1 related processes where catalyst recovery and reuse are required.  相似文献   

宋华  关明  史运国 《工业催化》2010,18(4):5-10
综述了分子氧氧化环己烷制取环己酮的催化剂的研究进展,重点介绍了光催化剂、纳米催化剂、仿生催化剂、分子筛催化剂和复合催化剂在环己烷催化氧化方面的应用,其中,负载在分子筛上的纳米金催化剂具有较高的催化活性、选择性及稳定性。  相似文献   

研制了一种应用于环己酮自缩合反应的新型固体催化剂CC-1。与传统的浓硫酸催化剂相比,CC-1催化剂具有更优异的选择性,操作更简便。通过对不同用量的带水剂包括环己烷、正庚烷以及甲苯的使用效果进行考察,发现以用量为50 mL的正庚烷作带水剂的效果最理想,环己酮的转化率和二聚物的选择性分别达到87.5%和97.9%。对CC-1催化环己酮缩合反应的进程研究表明,该反应具有典型的连串反应特点。对CC-1催化剂的再生性能考察表明,该催化剂具有优良的再生性能,至少可以再生8次,维持催化剂活性在转化率85%和选择性96%左右。  相似文献   

The ammoximation in gas phase of cyclohexanone is a reaction with an oxidation step performed on an insulator oxide such as amorphous silica. Conventional mechanisms for such a kind of reaction are not useful. This paper reviews the efforts carried out to understand the catalytic behavior of the silica and highlights the particular catalytic features of the tars, the carbonaceous products formed during the ammoximation, in the oxidation step of the reaction. The catalytic behavior and the role of the acid sites, of the tars and of the activated forms of molecular oxygen were investigated on several commercial amorphous silicas and on pure and doped silicas prepared by sol-gel method. The silica catalyst shows a bifunctional behavior: acid sites are necessary for the formation of imine, the intermediate of the reaction, and oxidizing sites for the formation of oxime. For the first step the presence of silanols of the right acidity results is essential. For the oxidative step the carbonaceous products formed during the reaction seem to play an essential role. It has been suggested that the tars are formed by a polymerization reaction which occurs at the silica surface and involves, in the initiation stage, activated oxygen species generated by the silica surface. The reaction progression with time involves increasing amounts of the carbonaceous products, with a corresponding decline in access to the active sites by pore blockage and, as a consequence, with a corresponding decline in the catalytic activity.  相似文献   

杨一可  王皓  周慧  陈丹云 《应用化工》2011,40(8):1340-1342
以30%H2O2为氧源,NaHSO4.H2O、KHSO4为酸性配体,磷钨酸为催化剂催化氧化环己酮合成了己二酸。考察了催化剂用量、H2O2用量、酸性配体用量、反应时间以及催化剂重复使用性等因素对己二酸收率的影响。结果表明,磷钨酸在反应体系中有良好的催化活性,并且具有操作方便,条件温和等优点。适宜反应条件为n(环己酮)∶n(磷钨酸)=1∶0.002(摩尔比),硫酸氢钠0.1 g,30%H2O245 mL,回流反应6 h,己二酸收率66.7%;以KHSO4为酸性配体时,己二酸的收率可达71.2%。  相似文献   

以氢氧化铝、正磷酸和钛酸四异丙酯为原料,N-甲基二环己基胺为模板剂,采用水热晶化法合成一系列具有不同Ti含量的TAPO-5分子筛,通过XRD、N_2物理吸附-脱附、DR UV-Vis和XRF分别对分子筛结构、织构性质、Ti的存在状态以及Ti含量等进行表征。结果表明,TAPO-5分子筛为微孔-介孔材料,其中,Ti以骨架、非骨架和锐钛矿相3种形式存在;随着Ti含量增加,3种形式的Ti含量均增加,伴随着TAPO-5分子筛的结晶度、比表面积和孔容降低。环己酮氨肟化结果表明,随着Ti含量增加,环己酮转化率和环己酮肟选择性逐渐提高,当Ti质量分数为14.8%时,环己酮转化率和环己酮肟选择性分别为92.5%和95.4%,优于目前过渡金属掺杂磷酸铝分子筛催化环己酮氨肟化的最佳结果。  相似文献   

催化氧化法合成环己酮技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了以环己烷为原料催化氧化合成环己酮的主要方法,分析了环己烷氧化采用的主要催化剂。环己烷硼酸催化氧化法和钴盐催化氧化法存在环己烷转化率低及结渣现象;分子筛催化氧化法、金属氧化物以及金属络合物仿生催化氧化法可提高环己烷转化率及醇酮选择性;金属络合物仿生催化氧化法具有良好的开发应用前景。  相似文献   

钛硅分子筛TS- 1催化的环己酮氨氧化反应是一个绿色过程。介绍了TS- 1分子筛的合成、TS- 1分子筛催化的环己酮氨氧化及环己酮氨氧化与过氧化氢生产的集成。指出提高催化剂的性能、降低其生产成本是今后研究的重点 ,绿色氧化剂过氧化氢的生产与氨氧化过程的集成是今后环己酮肟生产的发展方向  相似文献   

江雪源  宋华 《工业催化》2005,13(11):41-46
综述了从不同原料出发通过氧化法制备环己酮的最新研究进展以及未来的发展方向。重点介绍了目前国内外生产环己酮的主要方法——环己烷催化氧化法,提出探索一种高效、高选择性的环己烷绿色氧化技术是今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

环己酮氨肟化工艺是制取化工原料的重要工艺,但该反应具有放热失控风险。为了确定氨肟化反应的最危险场景,筛选了环己酮氨肟化工艺可能存在的6个危险场景,并对每一危险场景设定了实验方案。采用泄放设计装置Ⅱ(VSP2)绝热量热仪对每一场景对应的方案进行了量热实验,实验发现:环己酮氨肟化反应为快速强放热反应,能够使反应体系的温度瞬间提高至200℃左右。反应结束后,继续升高温度,无二次反应失控。双氧水质量分数过高是环己酮氨肟化工艺最危险场景。针对氨肟化反应的泄放设计,必须以此场景作为设计依据。建议对双氧水进料线进行重点监控,以防止反应失控发生。  相似文献   

The liquid phase direct ammoximation of 5-isooctyl salicylaldehyde with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide was studied using titanium silicalite-1 (TS-1) catalyst. The effect of reaction parameters on the yield of the product was studied, which include reaction temperature, reaction time, molar ratio of ammonia to aldehyde as well as hydrogen peroxide to aldehyde. The influence of the amount of catalyst on the reaction results was also investigated. The maximum 5-isooctyl salicylaldoxime yield of 98.76% was achieved under the following optimal reaction conditions:the molar ratio of 5-isooctylaldehyde to hydrogen peroxide and ammonia of 1:1.4:1.6, the reaction temperature of 70℃, the amount of TS-1 of 17.5 g·mol-1 (5-isooctyl salicylaldehyde), and the feeding time of 2 h. This method has the mild reaction conditions and avoids the shortcomings of traditional methods. Moreover, useless inorganic salts by-products are avoided, and there is no environmental pollution.  相似文献   

吡啶磷钨酸盐的制备及其催化环己酮氨肟化反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别以氯代辛基毗啶、氯代十四烷基吡啶、氯代十六烷基吡啶与磷钨酸为原料制备了3种不同阳离子大小的吡啶磷钨酸盐,采用傅里叶红外光谱仪、TGA/DSC同步热分析仪及元素分析等技术对催化剂进行了表征,3种催化剂都保持了磷钨酸的keggin结构,且为A_3B型组成.考察了不同催化剂在环己酮氨肟化反应中的催化性能,并进行了催化剂的回收和重复使用实验.结果表明,吡啶磷钨酸盐表现出了很好的催化活性,能够回收和重复使用.  相似文献   

采用气相色谱法测定了环己酮氨肟化反应尾气中氨气含量,探讨了气相色谱操作条件,并与奥氏气体化学吸收法进行了比较。结果表明:采用Porapark Q,Porapark N混合色谱柱,柱温80℃,汽化温度120℃,检测温度150℃,检测器为热导检测器,桥流100 mA,载气为H2,流量为25 mL/min,以外标法定量,能够准确测定环己酮氨肟化反应尾气中的氨气;该方法的回收率为97.6%~100.5%,相对标准偏差为0.46%~0.92%;该方法较奥氏气体化学吸收法误差小、准确度高。  相似文献   

采用无机法,以水玻璃为硅源,硫酸铝为铝源,钨酸为钨源,在酸性条件下合成了具有ZSM-5结构的微孔分子筛(WZSM-5),经过离子交换合成了WHZSM-5分子筛。通过X射线衍射、红外吸收光谱等手段对催化剂进行了表征。结果表明:所制得的分子筛具有ZSM-5的特征结构,钨原子进入了ZSM-5骨架;以质量分数30%双氧水为氧化剂,环己酮与双氧水体积比为1:5时,催化剂用量为5 g/L,反应温度100℃,反应时间为6 h,催化氧化效果最好,环己酮转化率达93%;催化剂连续使用5次,反应活性基本不变。  相似文献   

杨立斌  辛峰  金颖  王军政 《应用化工》2007,36(12):1166-1168
采用间歇反应器,对液相环己酮氨肟化过程中TS-1分子筛的催化活性变化规律进行了考察,在失活原因分析的基础上建立失活动力学模型:rde=1.01×1014exp(-1.17R×T105)C0A.76C0B.82C0C.38a1.64,并对模型参数进行估值。  相似文献   

氨肟化装置膜分离系统的应用和优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了环己酮肟生产中氨肟化装置膜分离系统运行不稳定的原因;提出了技术改造和工艺优化措施。结果表明:膜分离系统膜管表面污染导致其运行不稳定,原因是生产中弱碱性条件下破碎的催化剂颗粒附着在膜表面形成沉积层。通过提高错流速率,稳定反冲压力,改变反冲方式和反冲介质等优化措施,可实现膜分离系统的稳定运行。  相似文献   

The oxidation of cyclohexane to cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone are investigated using supported gold catalysts using mild conditions of temperature and pressure. These catalysts are found to show some limited activity at 70 °C. However, the gold catalysts do not exhibit significantly different behaviour from supported Pt or Pd catalysts, and the selectivity observed is solely a function of conversion which in turn is a function of reaction time. It is clear that at very low conversions very high selectivities can be observed, but high selectivity under these mild reaction conditions cannot be maintained at higher conversions.  相似文献   

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