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产品几何量技术规范与认证(GPS)是目前国际上最具影响力的标准与计量体系,贯穿于几何产品生命周期的全过程.为了实现从设计工程师头脑中的产品构思到真实产品转化过程的经济管理,第二代GPS以计量数学为基础,应用物理学中的物像对应原理,使用不确定度作为经济杠杆,以控制不同层次和不同精度功能要求的产品规范,使产品控制和检验的资源能合理、高效地进行分配.重点对各种不确定度与GPS模型的关系,以及测量不确定度的评定与管理进行了介绍.为尽快赶上国际GPS标准与计量体系的研究步伐,建议我国自主开展第二代GPS标准与计量体系的专项基础研究,以创建一个能全面与国际接轨的、具有可操作性的、以虚拟智能控件为依托的标准与计量体系,为我国民族工业的振兴提供重要契机.  相似文献   

测量不确定度是目前对于误差分析的最新理解和阐述,用测量不确定度来表述测量获得结果的可信赖程度更具有实际意义。通过对钢弦式锚索测力计标定装置和标定方法的研究,分析了影响钢弦式锚索测力计标定结果的各项因素,进而对钢弦式锚索测力计标定结果的测量不确定度进行了分析和评定。  相似文献   

乌新平 《中华建设》2015,(2):119-121
<正>一、概述1.测量依据:JJG124-2005《电流表、电压表、功率表及电阻表检定规程》。2.测量环境条件:环境温度(20±2)℃,相对湿度(40%~60%)RH,交流畸变因数为零,全无电磁干扰。3.测量标准测量标准:DO30-3a数字多功能校验仪量程:交直流电压:0~1000V;交直流电流:0~20A;中值电阻:10Ω-20MΩ准确度:DCV:±(0.03%读数+0.01%满量程)  相似文献   

介绍水文测报信息管理系统的建设目标、系统组成和水文基础设施技术装备建设达标评估体系,并阐述珠江水文测报信息管理系统建设情况。  相似文献   

Dealing with uncertainties in water management is an important issue and is one which will only increase in light of global changes, particularly climate change. So far, uncertainties in water management have mostly been assessed from a scientific point of view, and in quantitative terms. In this paper, we focus on the perspectives from water management practice, adopting a qualitative approach. We consider it important to know how uncertainties are framed in water management practice in order to develop practice relevant strategies for dealing with uncertainties. Framing refers to how people make sense of the world. With the aim of identifying what are important parameters for the framing of uncertainties in water management practice, in this paper we analyze uncertainty situations described by decision-makers in water management. The analysis builds on a series of “Uncertainty Dialogues” carried out within the NeWater project with water managers in the Rhine, Elbe and Guadiana basins in 2006. During these dialogues, representatives of these river basins were asked what uncertainties they encountered in their professional work life and how they confronted them. Analysing these dialogues we identified several important parameters of how uncertainties get framed. Our assumption is that making framing of uncertainty explicit for water managers will allow for better dealing with the respective uncertainty situations.  相似文献   

水文巡测在我国开展于20世纪70年代,由于受传统水文观念和技术因素的制约,水文巡测发展步伐缓慢。分析了制约水文巡测发展的原因,结合陆水流域水文站点巡测管理经验,提出了陆水流域水文巡测发展方式,推行以巡测为主、驻测为辅、巡驻结合的模式。实践证明:开展水文巡测研究,要以水文测验产品服务对象的需要为目的,以资料分析为依据,使巡测方案经得起历史的检验。  相似文献   

深圳市水土保持管理信息系统GPS应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简单介绍全球定位系统(GPS)的研制、定位原理及其特点,结合深圳市水土保持管理信息系统,对GPS在水土保持监测应用中的设备选型和实施过程两方面作了详细阐述。  相似文献   

Fusegates are independent units held only by the gravity installed on the free spillway of existing dams in order to increase reservoir storage and/or discharge capacity. Increasing reservoir storage in many dams can partly sacrifice dam’s reliabilities. So considering the failure risk of a dam together with the amount of increase in the reservoir capacity can prevent selecting fusegates which seriously endanger a dam safety. However, Lack of accurate information on various damage functions and difficulty in quantifying failure consequences are among principal limitations that hinder practical application of conventional approaches which account failure risk in real world hydrosystems problems. This study develops two effective multi-objective frameworks to optimize fusegates’ configuration in order to eliminate the need for such hard-to-get mathematical damage functions and provide valuable information on the failure risk, total cost, and increased water volume of a reservoir. The proposed models find trade-off solutions between two sets of conflicting objectives. The first competing objectives is investment cost and water storage and the second conflicting goals are water storage and failure probability under the inherent and parameter hydrologic uncertainties. Complicated flood routing phenomenon within a reservoir equipped with fusegates is explicitly taken into account to attain a more cost-effective and reliable design without jeopardizing the dam safety. Applicability and performance of the developed optimization schemes are discussed and demonstrated on a real life case study. The multi-objective optimization results represented as an ensemble of diverse trade-off solutions provide decision makers with more insight and understanding of system behavior and different design alternatives.  相似文献   

为解决河道管理单位在采砂管理工作中的问题,郯城河道管理局将GPS技术应用在采砂管理中.介绍了GPS在砂场现场划界,采砂证办理和采砂日常管理工作中的应用,并提出对采砂管理的几点建议.通过应用GPS技术,解决了传统管理手段中的难题,使砂场管理更科学、规范.  相似文献   

本文以国网新源控股有限公司水电生产管理信息系统建设为背景,阐述了公司水电厂检修标准作业流程,提出了水电厂检修作业修前策划、修中过程控制、修后总结信息管理设计,将水电厂检修作业指导手册、作业策划、开工报告、修中实施、竣工报告、修后总结、自查报告结构化,实现了检修作业管理的信息化,通过系统在国网新源控股有限公司大集中应用,提升了公司水电厂检修管理的标准化水平,提升了水电厂服务电网的可靠性。  相似文献   

针对配电网调度在计划检修及事故处理中对操作安全性、快速性以及方便性的要求,实现了与配电管理系统(DMS)平台一体化的配电网调度图形辅助开票及管理系统。系统实现基于图票一体化的设计思想,规则库描述了图票一体化的基本框架,快速拓扑分析与规则库配合实现了图形辅助开票、安全校核、操作模拟等功能。系统在南京供电公司配调中心的使用情况表明:与DMS平台一体化设计保证了开票环境真实可靠性;图中开票、票上执行实现了操作的方便性;对调度计划进行校验和交互式模拟操作保证了操作的安全性和合理性。  相似文献   

针对黄河流域水利工程巡检业务中存在的问题和对无线移动巡检的需求,利用无线通信网络和地理信息系统技术,探讨了基于手机的无线移动巡检模式,阐述了无线移动巡检模式的整体解决方案,详细分析了手机终端系统和指挥服务中心基本功能设计,介绍了黄河流域的推广应用情况。实际应用表明,无线移动巡检在水利工程中有很好的应用前景,也可推广应用到防汛和水政等业务应用中。  相似文献   

本文就GPS技术在大伙房输水二期工程的具体应用做了介绍,指出了GPS在静态控制测量中的注意事项,同时就如何采用GPSRTK技术进行纵断面测量作了说明,对该方法与传统作业方式进行了效益对比,就该技术在今后的应用领域作了推广。  相似文献   

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