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A single Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) image sensor based on 0.35 μm process along with its design and implementation is introduced in this paper. The pixel architecture of Active Pixel Sensor (APS) is used in the chip, which comprises a 256×256 pixel array together with column amplifiers, scan array circuits, series interface, control logic and Analog-Digital Converter (ADC). With the use of smart layout design, fill factor of pixel cell is 43%. Moreover, a new method of Dynamic Digital Double Sample (DDDS) which removes Fixed Pattern Noise (FPN) is used.The CMOS image sensor chip is implemented based on the 0.35 μm process of chartered by Multi-Project Wafer (MPW). This chip performs well as expected.  相似文献   

传统太赫兹探测器仅能获取信号幅值信息,为此提出一种正交外差混频结构,可同时获得信号的幅值、相位和极化信息,有效提升探测器的灵敏度和信息量。该探测器基于40 nm互补金属氧化物半导体(CMOS)工艺,在传统吉尔伯特双平衡混频结构的开关级与跨导级之间串联电感,输出级联cascode中频放大器,进一步提高探测器响应电压。经过仿真优化,该探测器在 -50 dBm射频功率,0 dBm本振功率条件下,1 GHz中频信号的电压响应度为1 100 kV/W,噪声等效功率为26.8 fW/Hz1/2,输出波形显示了良好的正交性。同时,设计了一个1∶8层叠式功分器用于分配本振功率,在150 GHz频率处,该功分器的插入损耗约为5 dB,四路差分输出信号的幅值差为0.8~1.2 dB,相位差为0.4°~1.7°。  相似文献   

针对机器人系统任务的特点,设计了一种单目视觉系统。采用CMOS图像传感器,通过CPLD形成控制时序,搭建了30万像素分辨力的硬件系统。基于简化的HSI颜色模型,并采用抽样方法,实现了对象状态的判断;系统采用高性能DSP器件,在进行图像处理的同时实施机器人的运动控制。系统软件算法在Matlab下进行了仿真并移植于DSP。实验结果表明,该系统实现了特定对象的状态判别功能,并具有良好的实时性。  相似文献   

Single-Pole Double-Throw (SPDT) broadband switch has been designed in a 0.25gm Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) process. To optimize the performance of isolation and insertion loss, based on normal design, the effects of Gate Series Resistances (GSR) on insertion loss and switching time are analyzed for the first time. The compatible GSRs are chosen by the analyses. The fabricated chips were tested and the results show the switch isolation from DC (Direct Current) to 1GHz exhibits 55dB and insertion loss lower than 2.1 dB.  相似文献   

A systemic solution for radiation hardened design is presented. Besides, a series of experiments have been carried out on the samples, and then the photoelectric response characteristic and spectral characteristic before and after the experiments have been comprehensively analyzed. The performance of the CMOS image sensor with the radiation hardened design technique realized total-dose resilience up to 300 krad(Si) and resilience to single-event latch up for LET up to110 MeV·cm2/mg.  相似文献   

An analysis of high-frequency noise in RF active CMOS mixers including single-balanced and double-balanced architectures is presented. The analysis investigates the contribution of non-white gate-induced noise to the output noise power as well as the spot noise figure (NF) of the RF CMOS mixer. It accounts for the non-zero correlation between the gate-induced noise and the channel’s thermal noise. The noise contribution of the RF transconductor and the switching pair to the output noise power is studied. Experimental results verify the accuracy of the analytical model. Payam Heydari (S’98–M’00) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the Sharif University of Technology, in 1992, 1995, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California, in 2001. During the summer of 1997, he was with Bell-Labs, Lucent Technologies, where he worked on noise analysis in deep submicrometer very large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. During the summer of 1998, he was with IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, where he worked on gradient-based optimization and sensitivity analysis of custom-integrated circuits. Since August 2001, he has been an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of California, Irvine, where his research interest is the design of high-speed analog, RF, and mixed-signal integrated circuits. Dr. Heydari has received the 2005 National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award, the 2005 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Darlington Award, the 2005 Henry Samueli School of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, the Best Paper Award at the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), the 2000 Honorable Mention Award from the Department of EE-Systems at the University of Southern California, and the 2001 Technical Excellence Award in the area of Electrical Engineering from the Association of Professors and Scholars of Iranian Heritage (APSIH). He was recognized as the 2004 Outstanding Faculty at the EECS Department of the University of California, Irvine. His name was included in the 2006 Who’s Who in America. Dr. Heydari Professor Heydari has been the Associate Editor of IEEE TRANS. ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, I, since 2006. He currently serves on the Technical Program Committees of International Symposium on Low-Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), and the Local Arrangement Chair of the ISLPED conference. He was the Student Design Contest Judge for the DAC/ISSCC Design Contest Award in 2003, the Technical Program Committee member of the IEEE Design and Test in Europe (DATE) from 2003 to 2004, and International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD) in 2003.  相似文献   

一种实时CIS暗电流校正方法及系统实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了减弱暗电流对互补型金属氧化物半导体(CMOS)图像传感器(简称CIS)图像质量的影响,本文基于图像处理的方式提出了一种实时校正CMOS图像传感器暗电流的方法,并在一个最高帧频(50f/s)的4晶体管像素结构CMOS图像传感器内集成了该方法的电路。测试结果表明,该方法获得了准确的暗电平,并且实时消除了75%以上暗电流引入的固定模式噪声(FPN,fixed pat-tern noise),大大改善了图像质量。  相似文献   

垂直双扩散金属-氧化物半导体场效应晶体管(VDMOS)器件是一种以多子为载流子的器件,具有开关速度快、开关损耗小、输入阻抗高、工作频率高以及热稳定性好等特点。提出一款60 V平面栅VDMOS器件的设计与制造方法,开发出一种新结构方案,通过减少一层终端层版图的光刻,将终端结构与有源区结构结合在一张光刻版上,并在终端工艺中设计了一种改善终端耐压的钝化结构,通过使用聚酰亚胺光刻胶(PI)钝化工艺代替传统的氮化硅钝化层。测试结果表明产品满足设计要求,以期为其他规格的芯片设计提供一种新的设计思路。  相似文献   

为使汽车发生车祸时可在最短的时间内得到援救,以达到减少车祸伤亡的目的,设计了一种基于加速度的车祸报警系统,主要包括车载终端和上位机。车载终端以AVR单片机作为核心,它具有两个串行通讯口,一个接GPS模块,另一个接GSM模块。一旦判断发生车祸,车载终端会立即生成短信,通过GSM将信息发送至已设置的号码,同时上位机会很快收到短信而获得车祸的时间、地点、速度、加速度,接收号码也可以设置多个。车载终端同时也支持手动报警和呼叫功能,即发生车祸后现场人员可通过车载终端与监控中心联系,让监控中心获得更为详细的车祸情报。  相似文献   

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