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Meta-analysis provides a structured method for combining results from several studies and accounting for and differentiating between study variables. Numerous food safety consumer research studies often focus on specific behaviors among different subpopulations but fail to provide a holistic picture of consumer behavior. Combining information from several studies provides a broader understanding of differences and trends among demographic subpopulations, and thus, helps in developing effective risk communication messages. In the illustrated example, raw/undercooked ground beef consumption and hygienic practices were evaluated according to gender, ethnicity, and age. Percentages of people engaging in each of the above behaviors (referred to as effect sizes) were combined using weighted averages of these percentages. Several measures, including sampling errors, random variance between studies, sample sizes of studies, and homogeneity of findings across studies, were used in the meta-analysis. The statistical significance of differences in behaviors across demographic segments was evaluated using analysis of variance. The meta-analysis identified considerable variability in effect sizes for raw/undercooked ground beef consumption and poor hygienic practices. More males, African Americans, and adults between 30 and 54 years (mid-age) consumed raw/undercooked ground beef than other demographic segments. Males, Caucasians, and Hispanics and young adults between 18 and 29 years were more likely to engage in poor hygienic practices. Compared to traditional qualitative review methods, meta-analysis quantitatively accounts for interstudy differences, allows greater consideration of data from studies with smaller sample sizes, and offers ease of analysis as newer data become available, and thus, merits consideration for its application in food safety consumer research.  相似文献   

上海市食用油消费调查及消费者需求偏好研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对上海市一般食用油和高端食用油的消费现状、消费者需求偏好进行了深入研究,提出了上海市食用油企业市场发展的合理建议。上海市一般食用油消费主要集中在花生油、大豆油、葵花籽油和调和油,高端食用油消费主要集中在橄榄油、核桃油和山茶油。一般食用油消费者偏好食用油的营养价值和功效,而高端食用油消费者偏好产品品牌。调查结果可为食用油经营者提供决策依据,为进驻食用油市场的商家提供参考。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of functional labelling on the consumers acceptability and purchase intentions of blueberry functional beverages (BFB). A 2‐day consumer acceptance test was conducted independently with functional information (n = 60) and without any information (n = 80). The presence of functional labelling did not influence the liking attributes of BFBs (P > 0.05). However, functional information positively affected consumer perception of health‐related perceptions associated with BFBs, such as ‘aiding eye health improvement’ and ‘eye fatigue relief’. Subjects perceived more health‐related perceptions when informed test was conducted. The first‐order effect was observed, in which the degree of the first‐order effect was greater for BFBs that had a thicker mouthfeel. Findings from the results can practically guide product developers and marketers in the functional drink industry by providing the strategy for how to evaluate reformulated functional beverages for the consumer acceptance test by warning a counter‐balanced sample presentation.  相似文献   

Previous research on health care costs among former smokers suggests that quitters incur greater health care costs for up to 4 years after cessation compared with continuing smokers. However, little is known about the relationship between health care costs and utilization in the periods before as well as after cessation. The present study used a retrospective cohort design with automated health plan and primary data to examine the health care costs and clinical experiences before and after smoking cessation among former smokers compared with a sample of continuing smokers. Subjects were a random sample of adults (aged 25 and older) whose smoking status was identified by a physician during a primary care visit to the Group Health Cooperative (GHC), a nonprofit, integrated health care delivery system in western Washington state. Total direct health care costs among former smokers began to rise in the quarter prior to cessation and were significantly greater (p < .001) than those of continuing smokers in the quarter immediately following cessation. This difference dissipated within one quarter following cessation. We replicated the postquit cost spike among former smokers found by other research and showed that this spike dissipated within the first year postquit. Smoking cessation did not result in sustained cost increases among former smokers.  相似文献   

餐饮从业人员食品安全知识、态度、行为调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的掌握餐饮从业人员食品安全相关知识及危险因素现状,为采取有效的干预措施提供依据。方法随机抽取餐饮从业人员720名,进行食品安全相关知识、态度、行为问卷调查。结果餐饮从业人员食品安全相关知识知晓率为60.8%,不同单位、不同工作岗位人群知晓率无差异,不同文化程度、不同专业、不同工作年限、不同培训次数人群知晓率有差异;98.8%的餐饮从业人员充分认识到食品安全的重要性;89.7%的调查对象已经总体养成良好的食品安全行为习惯。结论要保障广大人民群众的食品安全,应加强从业人员食品安全知识的培训,提高其食品安全的知识水平,培养其良好的食品安全习惯,规范其职业行为。  相似文献   

This paper is about methods for combining design variables, consumer preference and additional information about consumers in conjoint analysis. Methods which are based on combination of ANOVA and PCA will be given main attention. Advantages and disadvantages of the methods will be analysed. The methods will be illustrated using an example from a conjoint study of dry cured ham. The methods tested give similar information about tendencies, but in different ways.  相似文献   

An objective, digital-imaging method of measuring corneal staining was evaluated in 24 subjects wearing soft contact lenses. The method was used to compare the clinical performance of common multipurpose care systems (MPS) for soft contact lens care. Subjects used three different MPS, one containing polyquaternium-1 (PQ) and two containing polyhexanide (PX1 and PX2), for 2 weeks in a randomised, single-masked (investigator) crossover study. Corneal staining induced with the three MPS was analysed using an image-processing program (ImageTool, UTHSCSA Version 2, University of Texas, USA). Conjunctival hyperaemia and papillae were also evaluated. The intraclass correlation coefficient was similar with image analysis to that of investigator grading (0.876, 0.879, respectively). Significant differences in staining response were detected using the objective method. There was significantly less staining area with polyquaternium-1 (PQ) than polyhexanide (PQ: 0.12 mm(2), PX2: 0.91 mm(2)). Inferior palpebral papillae were significantly greater with PX2 than with PQ (1.0, 0.7 (0-4), respectively). The technique was shown to be an effective method of evaluating different corneal staining responses. Bilateral corneal staining in three or more quadrants is useful in the diagnosis of MPS-related staining.  相似文献   

The electronic health record (EHR) may be an effective tool to help clinicians address tobacco use more consistently. To evaluate the impact of EHR-generated practice feedback on rates of referral to a state-level tobacco quitline, we conducted a cluster randomized clinical trial (feedback versus no feedback) within 19 primary care clinics in Oregon. Intervention clinics received provider-specific monthly feedback reports generated from EHR data. The reports rated provider performance in asking, advising, assessing, and assisting with tobacco cessation compared with a clinic average and an achievable benchmark of care. During 12 months of follow-up, EHR-documented rates of advising, assessing, and assisting were significantly improved in the intervention clinics compared with the control clinics (p<.001). A higher case-mix index and presence of a clinic champion were associated with higher rates of referral to a state-level quitline. EHR-generated provider feedback improved documentation of assistance with tobacco cessation. Connecting physician offices to a state-level quitline was feasible and well accepted.  相似文献   

This study is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial examining the effects of an intensive cognitive-behavioral mood management treatment (CBTD) and of bupropion, both singularly and in combination, on smoking cessation in adult smokers. As an extension of our previous work, we planned to examine the synergistic effects of CBTD and bupropion on smoking cessation outcomes in general and among smokers with depression vulnerability factors. Participants were 524 smokers (47.5% female, M (age) = 44.27 years) who were randomized to one of four 12-week treatments: (a) standard, cognitive-behavioral smoking cessation treatment (ST) plus bupropion (BUP), (b) ST plus placebo (PLAC), (c) standard cessation treatment combined with cognitive-behavioral treatment for depression (CBTD) plus BUP, and (d) CBTD plus PLAC. Follow-up assessments were conducted 2, 6, and 12 months after treatment, and self-reported abstinence was verified biochemically. Consistent with previous studies, bupropion, in comparison with placebo, resulted in better smoking outcomes in both intensive group treatments. Adding CBTD to standard intensive group treatment did not result in improved smoking cessation outcomes. In addition, neither CBTD nor bupropion, either alone or in combination, was differentially effective for smokers with single-past-episode major depressive disorder (MDD), recurrent MDD, or elevated depressive symptoms. However, findings with regard to recurrent MDD and elevated depressive symptoms should be interpreted with caution given the low rate of recurrent MDD and the low level of depressive symptoms in our sample. An a priori test of treatment effects in smokers with these depression vulnerability factors is warranted in future clinical trials.  相似文献   

Gender data for bupropion suggest that it may be a particularly effective smoking cessation medication for women. It is not known whether the efficacy of this pharmacotherapy differs as a function of the psychotherapy with which it is administered. This study used a two level factorial design to examine the independent and interactive effects of medication (bupropion 300 mg/day vs. placebo) and psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral therapy [CBT] vs. supportive therapy [ST]). In addition to testing the hypothesis that bupropion with CBT would be most effective of all the treatments, we examined medication compliance and its role in the efficacy of bupropion. Participants were 154 women, aged at least 30 years and smoking more than 10 cigarettes/day. Compliance with study medication was assessed using Medication Event Monitoring Systems (MEMS) over 7 weeks of treatment. Psychological interventions were delivered in 60-min weekly group sessions. Longitudinal analysis of abstinence outcomes from end of treatment (EOT) through 12 months after treatment revealed a significant interaction of medication and therapy. Higher abstinence rates at EOT and 3-, 6-, 9-, and 12-month follow-ups were observed when bupropion was delivered concurrently with CBT (44%, 24%, 30%, 23%, 17%) rather than with ST (18%, 1%, 8%, 5%, 2%). The bupropion-CBT combination, however, was not clearly superior to placebo, regardless of therapy assignment. Higher rates of medication compliance were positively predictive of abstinence, and this effect was most evident in the placebo condition. Findings provide only modest support for CBT as the preferred type of intensive therapy in conjunction with bupropion in women.  相似文献   

Participant recruitment and retention have been identified as challenging aspects of adolescent smoking cessation interventions. Problems associated with low recruitment and retention include identifying smokers, obtaining active parental consent, protecting participants' privacy, respecting participants' autonomy, and making participation relevant and accessible to adolescents. This paper describes nine strategies for minimizing these recruitment and retention problems via a proactive telephone counseling intervention, and reports on their simultaneous implementation among 1,058 smokers from 25 high schools in Washington state. Results are as follows: (a) 85.9% of parents of minor-age seniors provided active consent for their teen's participation, (b) 89.8% of eligible smokers were successfully contacted by counselors, (c) 86.5% of contacted smokers consented to participate in the cessation counseling, (d) 93.8% of consented smokers participated in smoking cessation counseling calls, and (e) 72.2% of participating smokers completed their full intervention. These results demonstrate that older teens who smoke, and their parents, are receptive to confidential cessation counseling that is personally tailored, supportive of their autonomy, and proactively delivered via the telephone.  相似文献   

海洋多糖是生物体内重要的生物大分子,重要的能量来源,而且具有多种多样的生物活性.应用在护肤品中保湿性能较好,还可以保护皮肤,延缓皮肤衰老.同时为优良的重金属解毒剂,对重金属离子有较好的螯合作用.对于极易侵染人皮肤的金黄色葡萄球菌和絮状表皮癣菌有极强的抗菌作用,对白色念珠菌和石膏样癣菌也有较强的抗菌作用,是一种对皮肤无毒、无刺激的优良的天然护肤品原料.  相似文献   

海洋多糖是生物体内重要的生物大分子,重要的能量来源,而且具有多种多样的生物活性。应用在护肤品中保湿性能较好,还可以保护皮肤,延缓皮肤衰老。同时为优良的重金属解毒剂,对重金属离子有较好的螯合作用。对于极易侵染人皮肤的金黄色葡萄球菌和絮状表皮癣菌有极强的抗菌作用,对白色念珠菌和石膏样癣菌也有较强的抗菌作用,是一种对皮肤无毒、无刺激的优良的天然护肤品原料。   相似文献   

Oil bodies (OBs), one of the major components of soymilk, are very important for the properties of soymilk and its related products. In this study, the properties and the related protein behaviors of OBs in the soymilk preparation were systematically examined. Raw soymilk OBs could keep their natural integrities after grinding, and they were bound by many soybean proteins (mainly β-conglycinin, glycinin, and Gly m Bd 30K) that could be removed by pH 11.0 washing. Heated soymilk OBs, including heat-induced coalesced OBs (>1 μm) and modified OBs (around 400 nm), were strongly bound by β-conglycinin and glycinin that even could not be removed by pH 11.0 washing. The oleosins (24 kDa, P29530 and P29531; 18 kDa, C3VHQ8) of raw soymilk OBs were hydrolyzed to 16 kDa polypeptides (on SDS–PAGE gel) when exposed to room temperature, while immediately heating, the raw soymilk could prevent the oleosin hydrolysis. Then, the isolated raw and heated soymilk OBs revealed different dispersion stabilities as a function of pH. At last, tofu curds were made from two reconstituted soymilks containing non-lipid soymilk and raw or heated soymilk OBs (pH 11.0 isolation), and one trend was found that tofu curds containing heated soymilk OBs had lower breaking stress and Young’s modulus than those containing raw soymilk OBs. It is considered that this study is meaningful for designing new strategies to improve the qualities of soymilk and its related products.  相似文献   

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