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档案管理中,诸如数码照片、实物、设备、学生学籍、人事档案管理等,都有图像与其属性信息图文一体显示于同一窗体中以方便查看或著录的需求,但Excel内置的记录单和一般通用型管理系统都未能提供图文在同一界面上方便著录的功能,本文探讨一种基于Excel VBA的数码照片图文一体著录界面的实现方法.  相似文献   

目前,大量数码照片的采集在各方面有广泛的应用,使用常用的摄像头结合数据库技术进行批量数码照片的采集,可以降低成本,提高效率,解决现有数码照片采集中的一系列问题.介绍了一种使用PowerBuilder工具开发的基于摄像头和数据库技术实现的批量照片采集方法,实现了快速大批量的照片采集,解决了目前照片采集方式存在的问题,满足大量照片采集的需要,提高了工作效率、节约了时间和成本.该方法在考试系统的考生照片采集中进行了应用,取得了较好效果.  相似文献   

Excel和Word是Microsoft Office办公软件系列中最常用的两款软件,Word有强大的文字处理、图文排版等功能;Excel是功能强大的数据管理工具,可以将数据按需整理成整齐、规整的信息,它可以进行批量数据的整理、统计分析等操作,为广大的办公族节省了许多加班的时间,深得办公人士的喜爱.主要介绍了在整理在线试题库数据中,综合运用Word和Excel软件,快速批量处理庞大数据的方法.  相似文献   

如果你需要一款方便的处理数码照片的软件,那么选择PhotoCap一定不会错,它不仅完全免费,而且功能超级强大,可以为数码照片批量添加日期,文字,外框,可以批量更改数码照片的尺寸大小,锐化,去噪,还可以截取大头照呢。  相似文献   

江珊 《网友世界》2008,(19):16-17
家中拥有数码相机的用户,PC中肯定储存了大量的数码照片,这些照片可能记录了孩子的成长历程,亲朋好友相聚的时光,和自己游览过的风景名胜等。如果为这些照片加上详实的文字或语音说明,不难将其变成一个个动人的故事。有这样一个网站:它所具有的容量无限、不限制图片大小、可批量上传及简单的图文、语音混排功能,足以让我们的美梦成真。  相似文献   

本文从新技术条件下维护数码照片真实性的视角,分析了数码照片的特点和归档管理的难度,提出了做好数码照片归档管理,必须在收集、整理、鉴定、修改、存储载体等过程中,注意严格按照照片档案管理以及数码照片管理的国家标准,在做好数码照片的图像载体与内容信息归档的基础上,确保数码照片数据的准确性、完整性、可用性和完全性。  相似文献   

结合Word的域以及邮件合并功能,介绍了在Word文档窗口内实现图文数据批量处理的方法。  相似文献   

作为微软历时六年时间精心打造的新一代桌面级操作系统,Windows Vista在数码照片和视频的整理、管理、编辑等方面有着令人心动的改进。下面,我们就一起来体验Windows Vista在数码照片导入、浏览、整理以及数码影像后期制作方面的全新功能。[编者按]  相似文献   

基于数据库的图文文档的摹本识别是办公自动化的一个重要研究内容。文章利用多元统计中的聚类分析,提出了一种对批量到达的图文文档进行摹本识别的方法。该方法首先把已读入计算机的单页图文文档转换为单色位图,给出若干互不相交的同心圆盘(固盘的中心按页的边缘计算),计算出各轴像素密度(各圆环内“on”象素的个数)作为图形的特征向量。在页面的特征向量之间建立一种距离,再进行聚类分析以识别文档的摹本。通过对从网上下栽的批量图形文档利用MATLAB进行多次仿真实验,单页文档的正确分类率达到了85%~98%。  相似文献   

青狼 《网友世界》2009,(3):17-19
喜欢旅游,在游历了祖国大好河山的同时,也抓拍了不少精彩瞬间。日子一久,就很难将这些数码照片进行归类了,比如哪些风景是在黄山拍的,哪些人情是出自丽江。看来照片也只能欣赏了,不能做为日后整理成旅游城市日记了。不过没关系,我们可以给数码照片请一个大管家——PicaJet,让它来帮助我们管理杂乱的数码照片,并按照岁月的时间轴,将照片一一排列好。  相似文献   

Managing a large number of digital photos is a challenging task for casual users. Personal photos often don’t have rich metadata, or additional information associated with them. However, available metadata can play a crucial role in managing photos. Labeling the semantic content of photos (i.e., annotating them), can increase the amount of metadata and facilitate efficient management. However, manual annotation is tedious and labor intensive while automatic metadata extraction techniques often generate inaccurate and irrelevant results. This paper describes a semi-automatic annotation strategy that takes advantage of human and computer strengths. The semi-automatic approach enables users to efficiently update automatically obtained metadata interactively and incrementally. Even though automatically identified metadata are compromised with inaccurate recognition errors, the process of correcting inaccurate information can be faster and easier than manually adding new metadata from scratch. In this paper, we introduce two photo clustering algorithms for generating meaningful photo groups: (1) Hierarchical event clustering; and (2) Clothing based person recognition, which assumes that people who wear similar clothing and appear in photos taken in one day are very likely to be the same person. To explore our semi-automatic strategies, we designed and implemented a prototype called SAPHARI (Semi-Automatic PHoto Annotation and Recognition Interface). The prototype provides an annotation framework which focuses on making bulk annotations on automatically identified photo groups. The prototype automatically creates photo clusters based on events, people, and file metadata so that users can easily bulk annotation photos. We performed a series of user studies to investigate the effectiveness and usability of the semi-automatic annotation techniques when applied to personal photo collections. The results show that users were able to make annotations significantly faster with event clustering using SAPHARI. We also found that users clearly preferred the semi-automatic approaches.  相似文献   

利用Photoshop可以很方便地将数码照片做成各种绘画作品。如中国画、水彩画、油画、素描、铅笔画、炭笔画、蜡笔画、粉笔画、壁画、版画、雕刻画、涂抹画等作品,它们的处理方法简单易学并且十分有趣。  相似文献   

为了对日益增多的数码照片进行有效管理,提出并设计一种可以对大量数码照片进行智能分类的相册管理系统. 关键技术包括照片附加信息提取、人脸检测、人脸标注、人脸识别和特征匹配,主要通过OpenCV 视觉库有效实现. 实验表明,该系统可以有效全自动的实现时间分类和人数分类,并通过人机交互的方式半自动实现人物分类和场景分类,有较高的实用价值.  相似文献   

Digital photo classification methodology for groups of photographers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Digital cameras have become an essential product when traveling or attending events. Because of its popularity and low cost, it is increasingly likely that more than one camera will be used at an event. The total number of photos captured is also increasing. Although the cost of digital photographs is low, managing numerous digital photos is burdensome to most users. Thus, an intelligent management tool for digital photos is required. In this paper, we propose novel clustering algorithms for concurrent digital photos obtained from multiple cameras. Since previous studies only considered a single user’s photo collection, they are not applicable to concurrent photos obtained from a group of photographers. To handle this situation, we define temporal/spatial combined clustering for the set of group photos taken from different cameras. If photos are submitted from a camera whose user has shown a preference between spatial and temporal clustering, we can obtain customized clustering output from other photo sets according to the reference clustering characteristics. We also propose unsupervised methods for general clustering output. Input concurrent photos are processed without a user’s true clusters, which can be a burden when the number of photos in the true clusters is huge. We tested our methods via more than one thousand photos taken by tourist groups. The final result was satisfactory compared to previous methods based on temporal (spatial) criteria only.  相似文献   

The uptake of digital photos vs. print photos has altered the practice of photo-sharing. Print photos are easy to share within the home, but much harder to share outside of it. The opposite is true of digital photos. People easily share digital photos outside the home, e.g., to family and friends by e-mail gift-giving, and to social networks and the broader public by web publishing. Yet within the home, collocated digital photo-sharing is harder, primarily because digital photos are typically stored on personal accounts in desktop computers located in home offices. This leads to several consequences. (1) The invisibility of digital photos implies few opportunities for serendipitous photo-sharing. (2) Access control and navigation issues inhibit family members from retrieving photo collections. (3) Photo viewing is compromised as digital photos are displayed on small screens in an uncomfortable viewing setting.To mitigate some of these difficulties, we explore how physical memorabilia collected by family members can create opportunities that encourage social and collocated digital photo-sharing. First, we studied (via contextual interviews with 20 households) how families currently practice photo-sharing and how they keep memorabilia. We identified classes of memorabilia that can serve as memory triggers to family events, trips, and times when people took photos. Second, we designed Souvenirs, a photo-viewing system that exploits memorabilia as a social instrument. Using Souvenirs, a family member can meaningfully associate physical memorabilia with particular photo-sets. Later, any family member can begin their story-telling with others through the physical memento, and then enrich the story by displaying its associated photos simply by moving the memento close to the home's large-format television screen. Third, we re-examined our design premises by evoking household reactions to an early version of Souvenirs. Based on these interviews, we redesigned Souvenirs to better reflect the preferences and real practices of photo and memorabilia use in the home.  相似文献   

不论从什么渠道获得的数码照片,绝大部分需要进行后期加工和处理后才能使用,将欠缺的图像变的完美。而Adobe Photo-shop是目前最流行的图像处理软件。该文就Photoshop CS2中对色阶调整命令的使用和色阶直方图进行了分析和概括。  相似文献   

With the popularization of digital cameras, the use of several cameras by group photographers at the same event is becoming common. Photographers can share their contents and even take pictures of each other. So it is becoming important to manage concurrent photos from multiple cameras in order to classify many accumulated photos into proper clusters. In this paper, we propose a novel photo clustering method based on the max-flow network algorithm, and we visualize a network graph for cluster verification. To apply our algorithm, input concurrent photos are used to create an edge-weighted graph structure. In order to transform the photo clustering problem into a graph partition one, first we need to construct an Augmented Concurrent photo Graph (ACG) and then rewrite our original problem in terms of the graph partition one using the min-cut max-flow network model. The previous methods dealt with photo clustering as a 1-D problem using a linear partition. But we consider clustering for concurrent group photos as a 2-D partition based on other users’ photo contents. Each photo is used to create a node and similarities between photos are used to create the edge weights (capacities) of the network. We partition the network into two subgraphs according to the min-cut, which represents the weakest edge connections between the photos. Using repeated graph partitions for each subgraph (sub-network), we can obtain suitable subgraphs corresponding to photo clusters. The graph construction or partition can be adjusted according to user preferences in order to obtain the intended results.  相似文献   

基于 TD_SCDMA 电子相框的照片分享方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着数码相机的普及,拍摄的数码照片呈几何级数增加,除了少部分会被冲洗成纸质照片以外,大部分数码照片都会被保存在电子存储设备中。电子相框是非常适合的存储设备,兼具展示数码照片的功能,近年来正在蓬勃发展。本文分析了电子相框发展的现状和业务需求,针对传统电子相框面临照片更新与共享的问题,提出了一种基于TD_SCDMA(Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access)的照片分享方案,将电子相框接入UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunications System,通用移动通信系统),采用电子相框统一服务平台实现了照片在手机、电脑和电子相框之间的无缝分享。  相似文献   

With the proliferation of digital cameras and mobile devices, people are taking much more photos than ever before. However, these photos can be redundant in content and varied in quality. Therefore there is a growing need for tools to manage the photo collections. One efficient photo management way is photo collection summarization which segments the photo collection into different events and then selects a set of representative and high quality photos (key photos) from those events. However, existing photo collection summarization methods mainly consider the low-level features for photo representation only, such as color, texture, etc, while ignore many other useful features, for example high-level semantic feature and location. Moreover, they often return fixed summarization results which provide little flexibility. In this paper, we propose a multi-modal and multi-scale photo collection summarization method by leveraging multi-modal features, including time, location and high-level semantic features. We first use Gaussian mixture model to segment photo collection into events. With images represented by those multi-modal features, our event segmentation algorithm can generate better performance since the multi-modal features can better capture the inhomogeneous structure of events. Next we propose a novel key photo ranking and selection algorithm to select representative and high quality photos from the events for summarization. Our key photo ranking algorithm takes the importance of both events and photos into consideration. Furthermore, our photo summarization method allows users to control the scale of event segmentation and number of key photos selected. We evaluate our method by extensive experiments on four photo collections. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves better performance than previous photo collection summarization methods.  相似文献   

With advances in digital imaging, the amount of digital images will increase tremendously. To locate relevant images in a large collection of images presents a challenging and genuine problem for content-based retrieval research. This paper presents a novel framework called visual keywords for image indexation and query formulation. Visual keywords are flexible and intuitive visual prototypes specified perceptually from sample domain images. A visual content is described and indexed by flexible spatial aggregation of the soft presence of visual keywords. A new query method based on visual constraints is also proposed to allow direct and explicit content specification. Last but not least, we have developed a digital album prototype to demonstrate query and retrieval on both home photos and stock photos based on visual keywords.  相似文献   

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