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文本相似度计算的一种新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 引言目前信息检索技术已应用于许多领域,尤其广泛应用在Internet网络、图书馆等领域,为快速查阅文本信息提供极大便利。文本信息检索利用文本相似度描述文本与查询式之间的匹配程度。计算文本相似度的传统方法有向量空间模型,它把文本和查询式表示成以词为元素单位的向量,根据词频tf以及逆文本频率idf,赋予该向量各个分量的权值,与欧氏空间的向量1-1对应,用向量夹角的余弦值定量表示文本和查询式之间的相似度,即  相似文献   

袁晓峰 《计算机时代》2014,(11):40-41,43
计算文本相似度常用基于向量空间计算夹角余弦的方法,该方法忽视了同一文本中词与词之间的语义相似度,因而造成了文本表示模型的高维性以及计算的高复杂性。为此,提出了一种文本相似度算法,利用HNC理论先计算特征词之间的语义相似度,进行必要的降维,进一步计算每个文本向量中的TF*IDF值,最后计算两个向量的空间夹角余弦值并将其作为两个文本之间的相似度。将实验结果与直接计算余弦值的结果比较发现,改进后的算法中VSM的维数明显比改进前小得多,改进后的算法提高了召回率和准确率。因此,改进后的算法是切实有效的。  相似文献   

文本相似度计算是自然语言处理的核心任务之一,传统的文本相似度计算方法只考虑文本的结构或者语义等单方面特征,缺少对文本多特征的深度分析,导致性能较低。提出一种基于多重相关信息交互的文本相似度计算方法,在文本嵌入矩阵中增加余弦相关性特征,使用自注意力机制考虑文本自身的相关性和词语依赖关系,进而使用交替协同注意力机制提取文本之间的语义交互信息,从不同角度获得更深层、更丰富的文本表征。实验结果表明,所提方法在2个数据集上的F1值分别为0.916 1和0.769 5,其性能优于基准方法的。  相似文献   

在文本信息数量迅速增长的环境下,为提升阅读效率,提出一种基于深度学习的多文档自动文本摘要模型。在传统文摘模型的基础上将Siamese LSTM深度学习网络应用到文本相似度计算中,计算曼哈顿距离来表征文本相似度,并采用去除停用词的方法改进该网络模型以提升计算效率。实验结果表明,使用Siamese LSTM与传统余弦相似度等方法相比,生成的文摘在语义方面更贴近主题,质量更高,整个文摘系统的工作效率也显著提升。  相似文献   

传统的基于向量空间模型的文本相似度计算方法,用TF-IDF计算文本特征词的权重,忽略了特征词之间的词义相似关系,不能准确地反映文本之间的相似程度。针对此问题,提出了结合词义的文本特征词权重计算方法,基于Chinese WordNet采用词义向量余弦计算特征词的词义相似度,根据词义相似度对特征词的TF-IDF权重进行修正,修正后的权重同时兼顾词频和词义信息。在哈尔滨工业大学信息检索研究室多文档自动文摘语料库上的实验结果表明,根据修正后的特征词权重计算文本相似度,能够有效地提高文本的类区分度。  相似文献   

在大量的文本数据中,针对不能快速有效地提取或查找有用信息及知识这个问题,以文本相似度计算为基础的文本数据挖掘成为数据挖掘研究领域里的一个重要的课题。论文主要研究两种不同的方法 VSM余弦算法和Simhash来实现文本相似度的计算,首先采用传统的VSM余弦算法和Simhash算法,按照余弦公式通过内积最终计算出文本间的相似度大小n(0相似文献   

文本聚类是文本信息进行有效组织、摘要和导航的重要手段,其中基于余弦相似度的K-means算法是最重要且使用最广泛的文本聚类算法之一。针对基于余弦相似度的K-means算法改进方案设计困难,且众多优异的基于欧氏距离的K-means改进方法无法适用的问题,对余弦相似度与欧氏距离的关系进行探讨,得到标准向量前提下二者的转化公式,并在此基础上定义一种与欧氏距离意义相近关系紧密的余弦距离,使原有基于欧氏距离的K-means改进方法可通过余弦距离迁移到基于余弦相似度的K-means算法中。在此基础上理论推导出余弦K-means算法及其拓展算法的簇内中心点计算方法,并进一步改进了聚类初始簇中心的选取方案,形成新的文本聚类算法MCSKM++。通过实验验证,该算法在迭代次数减少、运行时间缩短的同时,聚类精度得到提高。  相似文献   

一种结合词项语义信息和TF-IDF方法的文本相似度量方法   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
黄承慧  印鉴  侯昉 《计算机学报》2011,34(5):856-864
传统的文本相似度量方法大多采用TF-IDF方法把文本建模为词频向量,利用余弦相似度量等方法计算文本之间的相似度.这些方法忽略了文本中词项的语义信息.改进的基于语义的文本相似度量方法在传统词频向量中扩充了语义相似的词项,进一步增加了文本表示向量的维度,但不能很好地反映两篇文本之间的相似程度.文中在TF-IDF模型基础上分...  相似文献   

基于统计的文本相似度量方法大多先采用TF-IDF方法将文本表示为词频向量,然后利用余弦计算文本之间的相似度。此类方法由于忽略文本中词项的语义信息,不能很好地反映文本之间的相似度。基于语义的方法虽然能够较好地弥补这一缺陷,但需要知识库来构建词语之间的语义关系。研究了以上两类文本相似度计算方法的优缺点,提出了一种新颖的文本相似度量方法,该方法首先对文本进行预处理,然后挑选TF-IDF值较高的词项作为特征项,再借助HowNet语义词典和TF-IDF方法对特征项进行语义分析和词频统计相结合的文本相似度计算,最后利用文本相似度在基准文本数据集合上进行聚类实验。实验结果表明,采用提出的方法得到的F-度量值明显优于只采用TF-IDF方法或词语语义的方法,从而证明了提出的文本相似度计算方法的有效性。  相似文献   

利用《知网》计算词语的语义相似度,通过提取关键词进行文本相似度计算.将文本分词并过滤停用词后,结合词语的词性、词频和段频计算词语的权值,以便提取文本的关键词,通过计算关键词之间的相似度来计算文本之间的相似度值.实验结果与对比值进行差异显著性分析表明,本文提出的方法相比传统的语义算法和向量空间模型算法,其精确性有了进一步的提高.  相似文献   

With the growing availability of online information systems, a need for user interfaces that are flexible and easy to use has arisen. For such type of systems, an interface that allows the formulation of approximate queries can be of great utility since these allow the user to quickly explore the database contents even when he is unaware of the exact values of the database instances. Our work focuses on this problem, presenting a new model for ranking approximate answers and a new algorithm to compute the semantic similarity between attribute values, based on information retrieval techniques. To demonstrate the utility and usefulness of the approach, we perform a series of usability tests. The results suggest that our approach allows the retrieval of more relevant answers with less effort by the user.  相似文献   

查询推荐是搜索引擎系统中的一项重要技术,其通过推荐更合适的查询以提高用户的搜索体验。现有方法能够找到直接通过某种属性关联的相似查询,却忽略了具有间接关联的语义相关查询。该文将用户查询及查询间直接联系建模为查询关系图,并在图结构相似度算法SimRank的基础上提出了加权SimRank (简称WSimRank)用于查询推荐。WSimRank综合考虑了查询关系图的全局信息,因而能挖掘出查询间的间接关联和语义关系。然而,WSimRank复杂度太高而难以实用,该文将WSimRank转换为一个状态层次图的遍历和计算过程,进而采用动态规划、剪枝等策略对其进行优化从而可以实际应用。在大规模真实Web搜索日志上的实验表明, WSimRank在各项评价指标上均优于SimRank和传统查询推荐方法,其MAP指标接近0.9。  相似文献   

探讨了如何为CBR(基于范例的推理)增加对一种特殊的范例类型——时间序列数据的支持.分析了基于谱分析的时间序列相似度比较算法不适用于CBR检索的缺点,并在此基础上设计了一种综合性能很好的CBR检索算法.思路是把时间序列相似度比较转化成一个卷积问题,并用DFT来简化这个卷积的计算.通过对这种CBR检索算法进行了深入的理论分析和认真的实验,结果证明,提出的算法是一个高效的算法.在这个检索算法的基础上,CBR就能够席用到时序数据的分析推理中,具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

Approximation-Based Similarity Search for 3-D Surface Segments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The issue of finding similar 3-D surface segments arises in many recent applications of spatial database systems, such as molecular biology, medical imaging, CAD, and geographic information systems. Surface segments being similar in shape to a given query segment are to be retrieved from the database. The two main questions are how to define shape similarity and how to efficiently execute similarity search queries. We propose a new similarity model based on shape approximation by multi-parametric surface functions that are adaptable to specific application domains. We then define shape similarity of two 3-D surface segments in terms of their mutual approximation errors. Applying the multi-step query processing paradigm, we propose algorithms to efficiently support complex similarity search queries in large spatial databases. A new query type, called the ellipsoid query, is utilized in the filter step. Ellipsoid queries, being specified by quadratic forms, represent a general concept for similarity search. Our major contribution is the introduction of efficient algorithms to perform ellipsoid queries on multidimensional index structures. Experimental results on a large 3-D protein database containing 94,000 surface segments demonstrate the successful application and the high performance of our method.  相似文献   

针对电子商务系统中传统协同过滤算法普遍存在的稀疏性问题,提出一种基于增强相似度和隐含信任的协同过滤算法(ETCF).首先提出一种融合JMSD和用户偏好的增强相似度计算方法;然后提出一种融合交互经验的直接信任计算方法,基于直接信任和信任传播提出一种隐含信任计算方法;最后提出一种将用户的增强相似度和隐含信任进行融合的评分预测模型.Movielens和Epinions数据集下的实验表明,与基准算法相比本文方法具有更低的MAE值,更高的覆盖率,提高了推荐质量.  相似文献   

探讨了如何增强CBR对一种常见的时态信息,即时间序列数据的检索能力;分析了已有的基于傅里叶频谱分析的时间序列检索算法应用于CBR时遇到的问题,并根据时态CBR检索的需要,提出了一种新的基于循环卷积和傅里叶变换时间序列检索算法.理论分析和数值实验结果都证明,提出的算法在检索效率上有一定的优势.将采取这种检索方法的时态CBR应用于时间序列的预测问题中,取得了较好的预测效果且具有较高的预测效率.  相似文献   

Keyword Search Over Relational Databases (KSORD) enables casual or Web users easily access databases through free-form keyword queries. Improving the performance of KSORD systems is a critical issue in this area. In this paper, a new approach CLASCN (Classification, Learning And Selection of Candidate Network) is developed to efficiently perform top-κ keyword queries in schema-graph-based online KSORD systems. In this approach, the Candidate Networks (CNs) from trained keyword queries or executed user queries are classified and stored in the databases, and top-κ results from the CNs are learned for constructing CN Language Models (CNLMs). The CNLMs are used to compute the similarity scores between a new user query and the CNs from the query. The CNs with relatively large similarity score, which are the most promising ones to produce top-κ results, will be selected and performed. Currently, CLASCN is only applicable for past queries and New All-keyword-Used (NAU) queries which are frequently submitted queries. Extensive experiments also show the efficiency and effectiveness of our CLASCN approach.  相似文献   

Image retrieval based on regions of interest   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Query-by-example is the most popular query model in recent content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systems. A typical query image includes relevant objects (e.g., Eiffel Tower), but also irrelevant image areas (including background). The irrelevant areas limit the effectiveness of existing CBIR systems. To overcome this limitation, the system must be able to determine similarity based on relevant regions alone. We call this class of queries region-of-interest (ROI) queries and propose a technique for processing them in a sampling-based matching framework. A new similarity model is presented and an indexing technique for this new environment is proposed. Our experimental results confirm that traditional approaches, such as Local Color Histogram and Correlogram, suffer from the involvement of irrelevant regions. Our method can handle ROI queries and provide significantly better performance. We also assessed the performance of the proposed indexing technique. The results clearly show that our retrieval procedure is effective for large image data sets.  相似文献   

We present a general rank-aware model of data which supports handling of similarity in relational databases. The model is based on the assumption that in many cases it is desirable to replace equalities on values in data tables by similarity relations expressing degrees to which the values are similar. In this context, we study various phenomena which emerge in the model, including similarity-based queries and similarity-based data dependencies. Central notion in our model is that of a ranked data table over domains with similarities which is our counterpart to the notion of relation on relation scheme from the classical relational model. Compared to other approaches which cover related problems, we do not propose a similarity-based or ranking module on top of the classical relational model. Instead, we generalize the very core of the model by replacing the classical, two-valued logic upon which the classical model is built by a more general logic involving a scale of truth degrees that, in addition to the classical truth degrees 0 and 1, contains intermediate truth degrees. While the classical truth degrees 0 and 1 represent nonequality and equality of values, and subsequently mismatch and match of queries, the intermediate truth degrees in the new model represent similarity of values and partial match of queries. Moreover, the truth functions of many-valued logical connectives in the new model serve to aggregate degrees of similarity. The presented approach is conceptually clean, logically sound, and retains most properties of the classical model while enabling us to employ new types of queries and data dependencies. Most importantly, similarity is not handled in an ad hoc way or by putting a “similarity module” atop the classical model in our approach. Rather, it is consistently viewed as a notion that generalizes and replaces equality in the very core of the relational model. We present fundamentals of the formal model and two equivalent query systems which are analogues of the classical relational algebra and domain relational calculus with range declarations. In the sequel to this paper, we deal with similarity-based dependencies.  相似文献   

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