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传统模式的J2EE架构以其不足之处严重影响着WEB技术的发展。根据Struts、Hibernate、Spring三种开源框架各自不同的特点,采用基于J2EE架构的SSH(Struts+Hibernate+Spring)组合架构,Struts实现表示层,Spring实现业务层,Hibernate实现持久层,使开发系统高效率、易维护和扩展。应用SSH架构完成INQAS,取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

基于J2EE框架的电子商务近年来在国内外得到了广泛应用.本文对当前J2EE框架存在的局限和问题进行了简要分析,采用了一种轻量J2EE框架Struts(整合Ajax) Spring Hibernate开发高效、可靠、实用的电子商务应用.该系统采用三层Web体系结构模式,其中表现层采用Struts技术,核心业务逻辑采用Spring框架,而数据持久层采用时下流行的Hibernate O/R Mapping技术.  相似文献   

该文在分析了J2EE的轻量级架构技术优势的基础上,介绍J2EE的分层结构及各层的主流框架,深入研究了基于MVC设计模式的表示层框架Struts2、业务逻辑层框架Spring和数据持久层框架Hibernate的特点及发挥的作用。探讨Struts+Spring+Hibernate(SSH)多层Web应用整合架构,并详细介绍三种框架整合的方法及整合的优势,以期达到层次和组件之间的松散耦合,提高系统的可重用性和可维护性。  相似文献   

杜远坤  张跃虎 《福建电脑》2011,27(5):130-131,143
本文阐述基于J2EE轻量级框架的高校课程设置的设计与实现过程,分析Struts、Spring和Hibernate三大轻量级框架在实际应用中的优势,并给出表现层基于Struts框架、业务逻辑处理层基于Spring框架、数据持久层基于Hibernate框架的系统设计方案.  相似文献   

J2EE技术在业界内被一致认为是非常优秀的软件构架,并在许多大型项目中得到了广泛应用,本文分析了基于J2EE技术的表现层开源构架Struts,业务层开源构架Spring和数据持久层开源构架Hibernate的相关技术特点,并把这种基于Struts Spring Hibernate的轻量级J2EE构架,在高校教务管理系统的开发中得到了实现.  相似文献   

基于Struts和Hibernate框架的Web应用的设计与实现   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
基于J2EE平台的框架技术是目前开发Web应用的主流技术。其中,Struts框架基于MVC设计模式,清晰地划分了控制部分、业务逻辑和视图,实现了各层之间的解耦;而Hibernate对JDBC提供了轻量级的对象封装,降低了业务模型部分开发的难度。整合这两种框架的J2EE架构是Web应用开发的完美选择。本文以某企业办公系统E-WORK的开发为背景,重点阐述了Struts和Hibernate框架技术,并通过分析这两种框架各自的优缺点,设计了整合Struts和Hibernate框架技术的E-WORK系统的J2EE架构。最后以系统中一个模块的实现为例说明系统开发过程。  相似文献   

基于Struts+Hibernate技术的网上选课系统设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贾兰兰  王秀义 《福建电脑》2009,25(1):141-141
本文介绍了Struts和Hibernate的机制,提出了一种基于Struts和Hibernate的J2EE应用开发策略,设计并实现了基于Struts+Hibernate技术的网上选课系统。  相似文献   

本文介绍了Struts和Hibernate的机制,提出了一种基于Struts和Hibernate的J2EE应用开发策略,设计并实现了基于Struts+Hibernate技术的网上选课系统。  相似文献   

付学敬  张熔 《计算机系统应用》2012,21(7):135-138,159
针对企业网上年检系统的建设和应用要求,提出了基于J2EE技术平台和分层设计的思想,采用业界成熟的SSH(Struts+Spring+Hibernate)应用开发框架完成系统设计与实现的方法,对系统的表示层、业务逻辑层和数据持久层的主要功能设计做了阐述,对基于PKI技术的应用安全设计以及系统实施中的应用服务器配置做了概要说明。基于J2EE技术平台的SSH应用开发框架的应用,提高了系统开发的效率,增强了系统的可靠性和可维护性,系统开发和应用达到了预期效果。  相似文献   

基于Hibernate和Struts的J2EE应用开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了Hibernate和Struts的机制,提出了一种基于Hibernate和Struts的J2EE应用开发策略。在这种策略中,模型层用Hibernate实现,视图和控制器则用Struts框架实现。这样可大大降低代码的耦合性以及提高系统的开发效率。  相似文献   

高校Linux课程体系建设研究与实践   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
作为最具代表性的开源软件,Linux的价值日益得到重视和认可。本文首先介绍了国内高校中Linux类课程的开设现状,然后对Linux课程体系的结构和内容进行了较系统的归纳和总结,最后结合我校的实际情况,对Linux课程体系的建设进行了较全面的讨论和分析。  相似文献   

“3+1”应用型人才培养模式的研究与探索   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
"3+1"人才培养模式是目前高校培养应用型人才的成功模式。建立基于校企合作的"3+1"人才培养,是高校发展的必然趋势,本文将以信息管理与信息系统专业为例从"3+1"的教学体系、双师型师资队伍、先进的教学方法及手段、多元化的校企合作模式等方面研究"3+1"应用型人才培养模式。  相似文献   

针对广东水利信息化工作存在感知不全面,共享不充分,资源使用效率不高,智能应用不广泛,民生服务水平不高等问题,根据国家和水利部的部署,结合广东省"数字政府"建设的机遇,研究确定广东省"互联网+现代水利"4个建设目标、5个建设任务和总体框架,成果已用于"互联网+河长制""互联网+水政执法""互联网+绿色小水电"等项目,可实现各项目平台框架的统一、业务应用的智能协同、资源的集约共享和服务周到泛在。  相似文献   

The provision of high speed, reliable Internet access and the ability to support secure and flexible on-line systems for research, teaching and administration has become critical to the success of Australian Universities. An exponential growth in Internet traffic has led to ever increasing costs for the provision of these services at a time when most Australian Universities have been experiencing tighter budgetary conditions. Significantly, alongside these financial concerns, Universities have started to recognise the emergence of a range of other issues related directly to the nature of on-line behaviours engaged in by the diversity of users that Universities are now expected to support. These on-line behaviours are challenging Universities to find responses to balancing users’ right to privacy and freedom of speech with the need to protect against legal action arising from criminal, illegal or inappropriate behaviours by some users on University networks. As part of the responses being developed, many Universities have introduced Internet Management Systems (IMS), similar to the systems used by many Internet Services Providers (ISPs). This paper presents a case study on the experience of the University of Tasmania (UTAS) in introducing an IMS. The case study covers the period from the initial ‘call for proposals’ through to the deployment of the new IMS system. The paper highlights that decisions pertaining to the IMS systems have direct implications for balancing the competing rights, interests and requirements of different stakeholders. More specifically the case study highlights the impact of the changing nature of users’ relationships with the Internet and the need for vigilance on the part of users, network administrators, service providers and policy makers. The dangers of failing to get the right balance are presented and the paper argues for the importance of user education, change management and communication throughout the University and its broader community of users. The paper also briefly considers how Australia’s planned accession to the Council of Europe’s Convention on Cybercrime may impact on these issues. More broadly, this paper suggests that additional changes will emerge as IPV6, companies like Google and cloud computing architectures reconfigure individual users relationships with ‘their’ information and access to the Internet. These developments will continue to transform the meaning of concepts such as ownership and control, privacy and freedom of speech within and beyond on-line environments.  相似文献   

Using the concept of selectors of random sets, we provide an interpretation for numerical degrees of possibility. The axioms (and hence the calculus of possibilities) of possibility measures are justified, in the context of random sets, on the basis that possibility distributions, as covering functions, lead to maxitive capacity functionals of random closed sets. Also, possibility measures appear as limits of probability measures in the study of large deviations principle, and as such, the idempotent operator max is justified. The problem of admissibility of possibility measures is also discussed.This work was partially carried out while H. T. Nguyen was at the University of Paris VI, October 2001, as an Invited Professor, and on the Visiting Distinguished Lukacs Professorship at Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, Spring 2002.  相似文献   

越来越多的大学开设Java语言作为计算机程序设计类基础课程,但对本课程的学时分配以及对学完Java语言后的后续课程安排是否合理,还有待于进一步的研究。文章通过对加拿大Alberta大学计算机科学系程序设计教学的调查研究,阐述该校程序设计教学中的几大特点。  相似文献   

蒋维 《计算机应用与软件》2010,27(3):144-145,164
针对传统Web应用对批量数据显示采取分页技术在页面切换过程中存在用户等待时间长的突出问题,提出了基于Ajax平台的异步传输方法,并详细讨论了基于Ajax的拖拽表格的设计方法,最后在基金支持项目高校组织人事管理信息系统上得到成功应用。结果发现使用拖拽表格显示大量数据有效减少了用户交互过程中的等待时间,提高了系统的响应速度。同时由于客户端分担部分业务层逻辑,从而减轻了服务器压力。  相似文献   

Much lip service is paid to the idea of Universities collaborating with industry. There are perhaps as many modes of such collaboration as there are Universities. The paper describes an experiment in University/Industrial Collaboration in which the relationship between four partners involved was unusually close and the commitment by the University exceptionally large.The project concerned the development of an integrated computer control scheme for a 5-stand steel cold rolling mill. The four parties were a user, a supplier, the University and a government ministry who underwrote the research and development costs in the first instance. The main novelty of the arrangement has been the role of the Control Group at Imperial College, whose work on control theory modelling and design has led to the possibility of practical and advanced control systems. They were firmly associated with the management of the project under a special development contract and in the end provided the project director.The project is of some technical interest since it represents a good example of the application of advanced control ideas to a working installation. The evolution of the project is described.The experience of close collaboration between firms with an industrial commitment and a University has led to some lessons being learnt which we would be well advised to note if this mode of working is to become a permanent feature of industrial life. From the academic point of view the requirement of commercial confidentiality means that there will be delays in publication of results. The question of continuity at the end of a contract of this sort can raise problems also. None of these problems is insuperable but they need to be resolved. Not all the problems of collaboration lie on the one side of the fence. The question of contractual obligations would be a difficult one for a firm dependent on a University. However, with this project we have been demonstrating with some success that it can be worthwhile for an industrialist to resolve his problems of collaboration.  相似文献   

随着近期世界大学城网站在院校的兴起,制作者对界面美化的要求日益提升.提高网站界面的美观,同时提高首页主界面的美感,是每个想做个世界大学城教师和学生迫切需要解决的问题.从网站界面的通用性和世界大学城能够自由插入Flash发布的swf格式文件功能,讲述构建世界大学城网站界面的一般设计方法和Flash AS编程技术.  相似文献   

本文在分析目前高等院校信息化建设过程中存在问题的基础上,确定校园云计算应用推广思路,并设计了一种校园云计算逻辑架构,为高等院校加快实施教育信息化进程提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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