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邓小平同志南巡讲话发表以后,省委、省政府不失时机地提出全面实施名牌产品战略,集中力量培植一批名牌产品,增强竞争能力,振兴龙江经济。几年来,这一战略思想已被越来越多的人所认识,使人们的思想观念和商品竞争意识发生了深刻变化。更为重要的是名牌产品战略已在电子行业生根、开花、结果。企业创名牌、消费者认名牌的氛围已初步形成,为  相似文献   

电信运营企业在转型的新形势下,知识产权是自主创新的基础,也是市场竞争的重要手段。增强企业创新能力,积极实施自主知识产权发展策略,形成拥有知名品牌的电信业务产品,已成为企业成功转型的关键。当前,电信运营企业实施的转型业务已受到国  相似文献   

加快建设数字化图书馆为实施科教兴国战略服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施科教兴国战略是党和国家的一项重大决策,它对我国的经济、社会、科学技术文化教育事业的发展将产生重大影响。21世纪是信息化的时代,图书馆将成为信息社会的文献数据中心,在现代信息技术的推动和支持下,实现图书馆文献资源数字化、服务手段网络化,这既是信息领域的一场变革,也是图书馆事业发展的一个新阶段,这也必将对我国科教兴国战略产生重要影响。1数字图书馆和与传统图书馆的区别数字图书馆(DigitalLibraryDL)是进入90年代以后产生的一个全新的概念。随着计算机技术的迅猛发展,特别是网络技术、数码存储与传输技术等的全面普及,使…  相似文献   

两年多的时间来,习近平总书记做了5次关于“网络强国”的论述,最近一次是在中共中央政治局10月9日就实施网络强国战略进行第三十六次集体学习会上.习近平总书记在主持学习时强调,加快推进网络信息技术自主创新,加快数字经济对经济发展的推动,加快提高网络管理水平,加快增强网络空间安全防御能力,加快用网络信息技术推进社会治理,加快提升我国对网络空间的国际话语权和规则制定权.  相似文献   

侯利 《中国信息界》2004,(4S):14-15
电子信息产业是我国信息化建设的一个重要组成部分。年初,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理黄菊表示。我国要向“电子强国”迈进——我们是否已经具备了向“电子强国”迈进的条件?本对此作了分析。  相似文献   

完善的政策体制环境 改革开放以来,我国历届政府都很重视以电子信息产业为核心的高新技术产业的发展.伴随着市场化改革的深入和加入WTO,我国的改革开放进入了一个新的历史阶段,国有企业、资本市场以及社会保障等领域的改革将会取得重大突破.社会主义市场经济体制将会进一步健全,多层次、多领域、全方位的开放格局将进一步形成;同时,在十六届三中全会精神的指引下,今后我国电子信息产业发展所面临的市场环境会进一步改善,政府管理会更加透明高效.国有资产管理体制的创新将理顺国有企业的产权关系,资本市场改革深化、创业板市场的推出将拓宽企业的融资渠道,促进风险投资等措施将有利于电子信息技术企业发展的融资方式的成长.  相似文献   

在我们全面、胜利地完成了国家“十五”计划之际,举国上下又迎来了“十一五”开局之年的第一件大事--全国科技大会的胜利召开。根据《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》,部署了推进自主创新,建设创新型国家的重大战略任务。其中把“掌握装备制造业和信息产业核心技术的自主知识产权,作为提高我国产业竞争力的突破口”列为5个战略重点之第二位提出,并将“极大规模集成电路制造技术及成套工艺”列入16个重大专项之中。本文结合当前形势,提出了组建国家电子制造装备与工艺研发中心,加快我国电子专用装备制造业的一些看法。  相似文献   

建设单片机应用平台,实施平台开发战略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
北航何立民教授在本文中全面论述实施单片微机产品平台开发的意义、概念和方法,有助于读者了解国内外电子产业的发展趋势及如何迎接新的挑战;同时,本文亦提出知识产业与“傻瓜”产业的分工现象,希望能引起业界的关注与讨论。  相似文献   

对如何利用计算机进行《电力电子技术》课程的辅助教学进行了探讨,并利用C++开发出相应软件。该仿真软件由于采用了实时输入、实时分析的设计结构,参数修改前后的波形具有很强的对比性。可以在时域和频域内仿真分析电力电子课程所涉及到的所有典型电路,达到了实验过程仿真化、参数设定即时化、学习自测一体化的目标,能够有效地提高学生的波形分析能力和计算机应用能力。该软件采用单机实现方案,基于Windows操作系统,不依赖其他软件平台的支持,具有良好的可兼容性、系统扩展性、人机交互性和数据安全性。  相似文献   

The evolution of power electronics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Distinctive attributes of power electronics equipment are high power capability, controllability and static switching to meet the goals of high efficiency and high dependability. Aspects of the early history of power electronics are traced from magnetic amplifiers, thyratrons, and ignitrons to power semiconductors  相似文献   

In case of battery electric cars, market data show a traditional exponential gradient of sales figures, known from other technology transitions. The worldwide installed wind and photovoltaic capacity show also an exponential gradient. Even the power density of power electronics is growing exponentially.Power electronics is a prerequisite to enable the exponential growth of power density.Requirements on power electronic packaging technologies are electric performance, thermal performance and robust design. Due to the lack of bond wires, SMD capacitors can be mounted close to semiconductors, resulting in a minimization of parasitic inductance. Thermally, the packaging technology benefits from heat spreading inside the copper leadframe and thin dielectric layers. It obtains a thermal resistance of 0.5 K/W, and there is potential to further reduce the thermal resistance by alternative dielectric material. The thermal resistance can be further reduced to at least 0.42 K/W by the construction of a double side chip cooling.A robust design can be offered by the combination of a chip copper metallization connecting to copper microvias connecting to the top copper layer, which means no difference in coefficients of thermal expansion. On the bottom side, a silver sinter layer offers a reliable connection between chip and leadframe.This paper describes production process optimizations, thermal optimization possibilities, power cycling lifetime measurements and first conductive anodic filament lifetime measurements at 1000 V DC. The outlook onto an integrated 120 A 700 V SiC MOSFET demonstrator is given.  相似文献   

A high reliability of power electronic modules is an essential requirement for hybrid traction applications. This includes a high capability to withstand the stress of repeated active and passive thermal cycles in order to meet the lifetime requirements. Active power cycling requirements are not especially severe for hybrid traction applications compared to many industrial applications. The lifetime for passive thermal cycles by a change of ambient conditions in contrast is defined by the materials and the architecture of a power module. The classical module design with Cu base plates is limited in lifetime particularly with respect to passive temperature cycles due to CTE mismatch. The advanced pressure contact design eliminates the base plate together with the base plate solder and the terminal solder interconnections and thus enhances the thermal cycling capability. As a synergy effect, this design establishes a very balanced static and transient current distribution for paralleled chips. Finally, the last remaining solder interface – the chip solder layer – can be replaced by an Ag diffusion sinter technology. The presented cycling test results will confirm, that the first 100% solder-free module shows an improved performance in passive and active cycling tests.  相似文献   

PXI平台已发展了7年,最近几年,使用PXI的用户迅猛增长,2004年PXI的增长甚至比分析家预测的还高出了40%。在许多测量应用中,PXI已成为用于测量和自动化最为成功的工业标准平台之一。商业化标准促进了PXI在测试、控制等应用中快速增长,而基于PCI Express的PXI未来技术则将使该平台更加强大,用于更多的应用领域,同时保持向前的兼容性。  相似文献   

1999年,我以中国电源学会理事长和南京航空航天大学教授的名义,受台湾工业技术研究院、能源与资源研究所的邀请,和我校胡育文教授赴祖国宝岛台湾进行了访问,回来途径香港时,又顺访了香港大学和香港城市大学。此间,我们了解到一些有关信息,特别是他们正在研究的电力电子(电源)技术课题信息,想在这里作一介绍。台湾工业技术研究院台湾工业技术研究院有6000人,属民间团体、财团法人,院长由董事会产生。该研究院的主要任务是将理论研究成果转化成产品,是理论研究单位与工厂之间的桥梁。能源与资源研究所的业务,包含三个方…  相似文献   

The state-of-the-art of power electronics in Japan   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Since the late 1950s, power electronics has been developing by leaps and bounds without saturation to become the key technology essential to modern society and human life as well as to electrical engineering. This paper mainly focuses on the state-of-the-art of power electronics technology and its medium to high-power applications because the author cannot survey the whole spectrum of power electronics ranging from a 5 W switching regulator to a 2.8 GW high-voltage DC transmission system now under construction in Japan. This paper also presents prospects and directions of power electronics in the 21st Century, including the personal views and expectations of the author  相似文献   

Design for reliability of power electronics modules   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Power electronics uses semiconductor technology to convert and control electrical power. Demands for efficient energy management, conversion and conservation, and the increasing take-up of electronics in transport systems has resulted in tremendous growth in the use of power electronics devices such as Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT’s). The packaging of power electronics devices involves a number of challenges for the design engineer in terms of reliability. For example, IGBT modules will contain a number of semiconductor dies within a small footprint bonded to substrates with aluminum wires and wide area solder joints. To a great extent, the reliability of the package will depend on the thermo-mechanical behavior of these materials. This paper details a physics of failure approach to reliability predictions of IGBT modules. It also illustrates the need for a probabilistic approach to reliability predictions that include the effects of design variations. Also discussed are technologies for predicting the remaining life of the package when subjected to qualification stresses or in service stresses using prognostics methods.  相似文献   

A power electronics packaging technology utilizing chip-scale packaged (CSP) power devices to build three-dimensional (3-D) integrated power electronics modules (IPEMs) is presented in this paper. The chip-scale packaging structure, termed die dimensional ball grid array (D2BGA), eliminates wire bonds by using stacked solder joints to interconnect power chips. D2BGA package consists of a power chip, inner solder caps, high-lead solder balls, and molding resin. It has the same lateral dimensions as the starting power chip, which makes high-density packaging and module miniaturization possible. This package enables the power chip to combine excellent thermal transfer, high current handling capability, improved electrical characteristics, and ultralow profile packaging. Electrical tests show that the VCE(sat) and on-resistance of the D2BGA high speed insulated-gate-bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are improved by 20% and 30% respectively by eliminating the device wirebonds and other external interconnections, such as the leadframe. In this paper, we present the design, reliability, and processing issues of D2BGA package, and the implementation of these chip-scale packaged power devices in building 30 kW half-bridge power converter modules. The electrical and reliability test results of the packaged devices and the power modules are reported  相似文献   

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