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针对紧固件手工方式涂胶存在的加工效率低、涂胶不均匀、胶液浪费等问题,本文对紧固件自动涂胶设备进行了开发设计。采用螺旋槽式输料结构,实现了零件的自动排序和上料;设计了由间隙可调式导轨、气动系统和分离圆盘组成的驱动机构;利用配合运动的方式,设计了紧固件的涂胶机构,包括涂胶片、摆动臂、旋转电机、顶推套筒及驱动气缸,实现了对排序零件的自动连续涂胶。结果表明该设备自动化程度较高,零件加工范围广,涂胶均匀,同时避免了手工涂胶对人体产生的伤害。  相似文献   

朱树玉 《非织造布》2003,11(2):25-25
80年代后期 ,我国的针刺地毯设备主要依赖进口。随着国内设备制造技术的不断提高 ,到了90年代后期 ,针刺地毯设备的选用已转向国内制造厂 ,其主要原因是国产设备性能可行且价格较低。然而国产与进口针刺地毯设备的性能相比 ,还存在相当大的差距。1性能差异( 1 )开混。国产和进口开混设备性能差别较大 ,国产设备时常出现混色不匀的现象。( 2 )梳理。国产和进口梳理机的梳理效果基本相同 ,但国产梳理机的故障率较高 ,特别是轴头绕毛现象严重 ,而进口的梳理机很少发生这种情况。( 3)铺网。国产铺网机生产的产品横向克重偏差较大 ,进口设备生产…  相似文献   

1地毯的污染在宾馆或办公楼内,一般铺设着大面积地毯。地毯是很容易被污染的。在地毯的污染物中,85%是随着步人的人流带进来的,而这中间76%的污迹在干燥以后用吸尘器是可以清除的。但另外9%可能是油污或是粘结在地毯上的脏物,清除它们就需要使用专门的清洁剂和专用设备工具。那么,另外15%的污物呢?它们并非从建筑物外部带入,而是本自室内,比如各种饮料溅洒到地毯上或其他像油、墨水、漆、口香糖等偶然产生的污染物。如果这些难以驱除的污迹没有被及时弄干净,邓么它们将被很快粘上更多的脏物。在所有污染源中,绝人部分集中在入…  相似文献   

1 对地毯底布进行粘合的新工艺采用Fleissner公司已获专利的射流喷网系统将非织造纤网用作簇绒地毯底布 ,可避免产生使用乳胶预涂层而引起的生态危害以及乳胶层的回收利用问题。射流喷网使纤网上的纤维粘入或粘在底布上 ,并可保持绒头层原有特性。这一工艺可采用的纤维类型为PES、PP和PA ,也可以是其他纤维。除了簇绒地毯 ,其他绒头织物 ,如长毛绒织物等 ,也可采用同样的方法固定。采用另一个射流喷头 ,将第二层底布刺入非织造纤网中 ,这样改善了地毯的行走舒适性。这不仅使得地毯的绒头永久地粘合在底布上 ,而且还可获得理想的膨松性…  相似文献   

丙纶簇绒地毯的生产在我国是一个新兴的工业,所用设备多从国外引进。在采用这些设备组织生产中,国内许多厂都曾出现过技术跟不上,质量不过关等问题。其中地毯折皱就是其中一个十分突出的问题。大连麻纺织厂地毯分厂在1989年将这一问题列为攻关课题,经过理论分析,抓住地毯烘干发生折皱的关键因素,对工艺参数进行优选,解决了这个问题,使地毯质量及其经济效益有了明显提高。  相似文献   

韩淑贤 《天津纺织科技》2002,40(2):24-27,36
本文介绍了一种电脑控制的地毯印花设备的组成和工作原理。  相似文献   

黑龙股份有限公司造纸三车间主要生产胶印新闻纸。由制浆车间送来的纸浆,经过打荣,再添加一定数量的辅助原料,配制成抄纸用的浆料,进行抄造。其工艺流程简图如下:l打浆Xi序改造打浆是生产胶印新闻纸的重要组成部分,打浆质量的好坏,直接影响胶印新闻纸的产品质量。造纸三车间原有五台盘磨打浆机,由于生产能力低,磨浆浓度小等因素影响,不能满足生产高强度、低定量胶印新闻纸的需要,往往造成打浆度低、化学浆配比高、生产成本高。从而影响到公司的经济效益。针对这一问题车间把打浆质量放在各项工作的重中之重,组织车间专业技术人…  相似文献   

介绍了黄牛地毯革的生产工艺。  相似文献   

自2010年10月聚丙烯S+BCF地毯纱生产设备投向市场以来,一开始便获得了成功。2011年Oerlikon Neumag(欧瑞康纽玛格)签订了40多份定单,约占聚丙烯BCF设备市场70%的份额。2012年1月,德国汉诺威举办的2012 Domotex展会上推出了聚酯S+BCF地毯纱生产设备,并在Oerlikon Neumag总部举办的BCF技术座谈会上做了详细介绍。  相似文献   

研制了地毯清洁剂,它是由阴、非、阳离子表面活性剂复配而成的泡沫型清洁剂,具有高表面活性、高泡沫、低浓度、抗再沉淀等功效、经测试去污率超过85%,且具有去污力强、渗透力强、干燥时间短、安全性高、对地毯无腐蚀、抗静电与抗再沉淀性好、成本低廉,使用方便的特点,同时也阐述了泡沫微观结构在去污机理中的作用。  相似文献   

为了响应国家节能减排的号召,食用改性淀粉行业从自身特点出发,研究出该行业清洁生产的方案:实际投资37万元,将车间耗电量大的电机加装变频器,使电机在运行过程中减少电量的消耗,年节省约7万元,从而减少生产成本,增加企业的效益.该方案由于投资额较大,对淀粉行业原来的生产工艺影响十分明显.为了科学、全面地论证其可行性方案,从技...  相似文献   

Pattern generation for carpets is an expensive and time-consuming task that requires skills, imagination, and creativity. In recent years, interactive genetic algorithm (IGA) has been successfully utilized in generating patterns in different fields such as architecture, graphic art, and music among many others. In these applications, fitness functions cannot mathematically be defined, and the fitness value of each pattern combination is required to be evaluated by designer. Therefore, IGA can be utilized to serve as an effective tool to accelerate the design process. In the present work, a modified IGA is developed to generate patterns for machine-made carpets. Each pattern consists of a set of basic elements. Some basic pattern elements are collected, categorized, and coded as gene values. In each generation, new population is formed on the basis of observer's evaluation. All generated patterns are simultaneously shown for observer to assign a fitness value to each one. Hence, a new population can be achieved using the genetic algorithm. Our results show that acceptable patterns can be obtained after a limited number of generations. The system is designed in such a way that it can be used by unprofessional users.  相似文献   


The reflectance spectra and color properties of yarn when used in carpet are different from its cross-sectional direction as the pile of hand-woven carpet. This paper presents a comprehensive study of reflectance spectra and color properties of the pile in longitudinal direction and hand-woven carpet. For this purpose, the wool yarns were dyed with madder as a natural dye in various concentrations from 10% to 100% on the weight of sample. In order to study of the optical properties of the pile of hand-woven carpet, the dyed yarns were used to weave the hand-woven carpet. The obtained results showed that the yarn in longitudinal direction is lighter than the pile of hand-woven carpet, and so, the color strength of hand-woven carpet is more than the color strength of yarn. The spectrophotometric properties of samples were also studied by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The difference between reflectance spectra of yarn in longitudinal direction and reflectance spectra of the pile of hand-woven carpet was also shown by PCA results.  相似文献   

介绍了玻璃纤维湿法薄毡的生产工艺、纤维分散与设备状况。  相似文献   

为解决空间结构复杂的多圈高簇绒地毯在实现其外观三维仿真时缺乏真实感的问题,利用Rhino环境下的PythonScript实现了簇绒地毯外观的三维仿真。将绒圈中心线及截面曲线分段后局部求解相关控制点坐标,再由B样条曲线对二者进行拟合。同时考虑到地毯绒圈之间的相互挤压导致绒圈发生了随机偏转变形,通过设计算法模拟了绒圈产生形变后的状态。在此基础上添加绒圈表面纹理及光照模型,进一步渲染输出仿真结果。测试结果表明:利用B样条曲线拟合原理并借助于Rhino-Python平台的簇绒地毯三维仿真方法是可行的,且易于实现;与实际地毯样品相比,能够较为真实地模拟不同排纱规律下多种花型图案、绒圈高度变化的簇绒地毯。  相似文献   

以高压低密度聚乙烯、无规立构聚丙烯、碳酸钙、三元乙丙橡胶、氢氧化镁为主要原料,采用混炼、硫化的方法制成的方块地毯背衬,具有绿色环保、性能良好、成本低的特点。研究与分析了氢氧化镁质量分数对背衬材料性能的影响。  相似文献   

With a view to producing carpets that could be used to determine the ease of particulate aerosolisation during domestic activity, we measured the cross-sectional distribution of dust-mite allergen, Der p 1, produced using American Society for Testing and Materials method (ASTM F608–89) for embedding house dust in carpets with that produced by several alternative protocols. Allergen concentrations produced at different levels within the pile using the different techniques were also compared with those in carpets from actual houses – in which the majority of allergen is typically found towards the base of the pile. To obtain profiles of allergen, horizontal sections, 2-mm thick, were taken from new carpets after they had been seeded with dust and embedded using one of four following techniques: (1) dragging a fixed roller across the surface of the carpet four times, (2) using the same roller but following it up with 200 revolutions in a hexapod wear simulator, (3) dragging the fixed roller across the carpet surface 30 times (the ASTM method), and (4) 2 minutes under a commercial plate compactor. Fibre from each 2-mm-thick section was collected and the Der p 1 content determined using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and results expressed as ng Der p 1 per area in each section. Embedding with a fixed roller alone was not found to be particularly effective, resulting in roughly equal amounts of dust being apportioned within each pile layer, irrespective of the number of embedding passes used. In contrast, a distribution biased towards the base of the pile was found after roller-embedding/hexapod wear, although still to a lesser extent than has been observed in used carpets. Plate compaction gave a similar allergen distribution profile to combined roller/hexapod treatment but was considerably easier to perform. Thus, both techniques offer promise for researchers seeking to replicate the cross-sectional distribution of dust mite allergen found in carpets after actual use (and conceivably other particulate pollutants also).  相似文献   

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