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Issues in using the Internet as a medium for landscape preference research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A survey has been undertaken using the Internet as a medium for gathering data on landscape scenic preference for a number of Scottish landscapes. This work has raised several issues on the use of the Internet for conducting such visually based surveys. The paper examines these issues in light of the results from the landscape preference questionnaire and discusses the future of the Internet for public input into the decision making process. The major issues addressed are those of the medium of display and the resolution of the display, the sample of respondents that can be obtained using the Internet, and the design of such surveys.  相似文献   

Studies about the relationships between land snail communities and landscape are scarce. The abandonment of many cultivated lands in Provence since the end of the last century gives us the opportunity of an analysis of the organisation pattern of gastropod communities in relation to the recent history and the present day structure of a Mediterranean landscape. The dynamics of a 40 ha landscape, mapped on a raster mode, was studied using cadaster data for seven periods between 1890 and 1990. These data were computed using MCA and PCA. Both floristic and malacological relevés were made at a scale of one grid cell. At the stand level, the patterns of gastropod communities are strongly correlated with the vegetation structure and composition. At the landscape level, the analysis of gastropod communities permits a very good perception of the present day landscape structure, as well as insight into the recent landscape history. However, even if the fits obtained are good, they should be improved in order to take into account scale dependences of snail communities.  相似文献   

The study was designed to test the proposal that Escherichia coli specific bacteriophages might serve as universal faecal pollution indicators in water. A highly specific, sensitive and rapid technique for the detection and quantification of these virus particles was developed. The numerical relationship between E. coli and its parasitic phages was investigated in three different aqueous ecosystems such as sea water in the vicinity of sewage outfalls, river water contaminated by domestic and industrial sewage discharges, and estuarine waters, and found to be very close. In addition, the results obtained indicate that the coliphages are good indicators of the presence of the pathogenic microorganisms studied. In nearly all the water samples tested, the results suggest that coliphages are better indicators of faecal pollution than the classical indicator systems currently employed.  相似文献   

本文以亳州市文化公园规划设计为例,阐述在特定城市文化背景下公园规划设计的一些理念和方法,特别强调:公园与城市环境交融;公园作为场所及城市的历史记忆;公园作为城市本土生态景观的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

街道整治规划是一个系统性的工程,兼具近期性和远期性.本文结合同集路集美段道路整治规划的实践,就项目特点、规划理念、技术路线以及实施对策等方面进行探讨,制定规划远景控制目标,明确整治时限和要求,通过技术工程手段短期改善市容市貌,为今后街道景观整体提升,建设合理有序、协调发展提供规划依据和引导方向.  相似文献   

加入《华盛顿协议》后,中国工程教育开始进入全新的发展阶段。立足于服务区域经济发展,黑龙江八一农垦大学水利水电工程专业以人才培养目标、培养要求和课程体系为着手点,将工程教育理念与区域经济发展要求相融合,构建人才培养方案,为地方高校在工程教育背景下开展特色内涵建设,实现同类院校间的错位竞争探索有效的路径。  相似文献   

Landscape-level metrics can be used to measure changes in landscape structure over time. Four landscape-level metrics and rank-size distributions were used to describe changes in landscape structure caused by urbanization in a portion of the Tucson, Arizona metropolitan area between 1984 and 1998. This analysis describes what each metric conveys regarding how urbanization affects landscape structure. It also compares the efficacy of rank-size distributions with the other metrics. Results indicate all five metrics provided information about a specific aspect of landscape structure including patch size, shape, or dispersion. Results indicate that rank-size distributions and their scaling exponents are useful because they provide information not available from the other metrics. Rank-size distributions describe the patch-size scaling properties of specific land-cover types, the relative effect of large and small patches on the distribution of patch sizes, the magnitude of change in patch size, where patch sizes differ from what is expected by the regression model, and the range of patch sizes displaying fractal patterns.  相似文献   

Contamination from untreated wastewater leakage and related bacterial contamination poses a threat to drinking water quality. However, a quantification of the magnitude of leakage is difficult. The objective of this work is to provide a highly sensitive methodology for the estimation of the mass of untreated wastewater entering karst aquifers with rapid recharge. For this purpose a balance approach is adapted. It is based on the mass flow of caffeine in spring water, the load of caffeine in untreated wastewater and the daily water consumption per person in a spring catchment area. Caffeine is a source-specific indicator for wastewater, consumed and discharged in quantities allowing detection in a karst spring. The methodology was applied to estimate the amount of leaking and infiltrating wastewater to a well investigated karst aquifer on a daily basis. The calculated mean volume of untreated wastewater entering the aquifer was found to be 2.2 ± 0.5 m3 d−1 (undiluted wastewater). It corresponds to approximately 0.4% of the total amount of wastewater within the spring catchment.  相似文献   

陈锋 《规划师》2004,20(11):63-66
柳州市河北半岛景观空间规划以创造人性化城市边界线为指导,结合自然山水格局,以天际线、水际线景观的设计,形成“实—空—实—空”的节奏变化和城市形象的多条“风景带”。  相似文献   

Scenarios for the Austrian food chain in 2020 and its landscape impacts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
How the future landscape will look depends particularly on the outcome of the socio-economically motivated decisions of farmers, food processors, retailers and consumers, all members of the food supply chain. However, a long-term perspective on the food supply chain and its landscape effects is confronted with a great deal of uncertainty and data constraints. These difficulties can be partly avoided by using the personal judgements of agents whose decisions control the structure of present and future food supply chains. A well-established agent-based method for dealing with and describing variation in the future is the method of scenario planning. The aim of this paper is to present the application of the scenario approach to the Austrian food supply chain in 2020 and its landscape impacts. A critical discussion of the scenarios should reflect their explanatory power regarding future development options for landscapes. The first section of the paper outlines the interactions between society, the food supply chain and the landscape in a conceptual model. It describes the applied scenario technique and the research setting involving agents from agriculture, the food industry, retailing, gastronomy, and consumer organisations. Four scenarios for the food chain in 2020 are presented (Liberal Market Scenario, Protective Policy Scenario, Fast World Scenario, Slow World Scenario) and their respective consequences and strategies are discussed. The scenario technique used is found to be a useful means of gathering and structuring disperse expert knowledge. The paper concludes that—despite some methodological limitations—scenarios can deal with uncertainty concerning the socio-economic driving forces of landscape change and therefore can be used as a preliminary step in formulating robust strategies for landscape management.  相似文献   

The extent to which urban open space corridors meet recreational, habitat and wildlife needs is highly dependent on the degree to which the interactive effects of these uses are identified and incorporated into planning, design and management decisions. For managers who aim to enhance compatibility between people and wildlife, the challenge is to bridge the gap between established practice and a more multi-functional approach. Ultimately the aim should be to put in place an enlightened and sympathetic management regime that supports indigenous biodiversity maintainable at an acceptable cost and is compatible with providing sufficient access to cater for a wide range of recreational activities. Principles relating to site evaluation and corridor management are discussed in the context of a case study in Singapore.  相似文献   

从生态学的角度,回顾了城市景观规划的发展历程,总结了城市景观规划的生态学原则与方法,并以三峡库区忠县新城景观规划为例,探析了城市景观规划的生态学方法及实践应用。  相似文献   

以无锡市环城四公园景观规划为例,探讨古运河环境景观设计。古运河环境景观设计宗旨为:水脉、绿脉、文脉,三脉合一。其中水脉、绿脉是古运河的生态主体、景观空间载体,文脉则是体现古运河的精髓、底蕴、景观时间的载体,三脉融为一体才能再创古运河的辉煌。  相似文献   

Since urbanisation and fragmentation result in a decrease in larger forests, the importance of isolated trees as habitat in urban landscapes is increasing. This study investigated the contribution of trees in urban landscapes to the abundance and variety of arthropod taxa. Ants and other arthropods were surveyed on the bark of 341 trees in three types of arrangement: isolated trees, trees in linear corridors and trees in patches. Ant species and other arthropods were identified and the numbers on each tree were counted. In order to determine the effects of host tree properties (size and plant species) and the surrounding environment (arrangement of trees, surrounding land cover), an analysis of covariance was conducted. Tree species was the most important influence, followed by tree size, on ants and other arthropods in the urban landscape, with little effect from the arrangement of trees. Thus, in order to increase arthropod diversity in urban landscapes, it is important to select tree species that attract a large number of arthropod taxa.  相似文献   

The focal species approach to nature conservation provides a method for identifying management actions required to meet the needs of the most vulnerable species in a landscape with respect to the threatening processes responsible for their decline. For each threat, a focal species is identified as the one with the most critical requirement pertaining to the threat. With multiple threats, the resulting suite of focal species can be regarded as a “focal community”, whose combined needs are used to address a range of management actions. In this paper, the critical requirements of a focal community of resident land birds are identified with respect to the threats arising from the loss, fragmentation and degradation of habitat in the central wheat-belt of Western Australia. This knowledge of their critical requirements is then used to guide a landscape design procedure for the enhancement of bird habitat in the Gabbi Quoi Quoi sub-catchment of Western Australia. The landscape design procedure is framed against the concept of the ecological neighbourhood, where the necessary size, spatial arrangement, area of influence and connectivity of existing landscape elements are used as a starting point for habitat restoration and re-vegetation.  相似文献   

针对当前在线性绿色开放空间中普遍存在着片面追求绿化、美化的形式感,而失去本身应有的特点和作用等弊端,通过对诸暨市入口段绿化景观设计分析,对在线性绿色开放空间的规划设计中如何贯彻绿道设计理念,实现生态、游憩及社会文化等功能有机结合,做了有益的探索.  相似文献   

引言城市迅速发展带来了人口的大量聚集,污染、噪声、拥挤和城市的恶性膨胀,使城市生态环境遭到了巨大的破坏。生活在钢筋混凝土丛林里的城市居民厌倦了都市生活,渴望回归自然。北京郊区一些自然环境比较优美的地方,例如妙峰山镇的永定河沿岸,便成为人们旅游度假的热点。但是,就目前情况来看,旅游实践远远超前于旅游理论,使得旅游实践存在很大的盲目性,对环境、生态、社会产生了一些负面影响,损害了旅游业赖以生存和发展的环境基础,降低了旅游地可持续发展的能力。生态旅游作为一种维护人与自然和谐统一的旅游形式,逐渐引起人们的广泛重视。…  相似文献   

陈明明 《中外建筑》2013,(11):55-58
随着资源、气候和环境等问题日益严峻,发展低碳生态城市迫在眉睫。如何将低碳生态规划落实到土地利用及其空间环境的发展上,有效地引导城市实现低碳生态化的开发建设,成为现今研究的重要问题。本文以长沙市天心区解放垸的低碳生态控制性详细规划方案为例,从控制性详细规划的层面进行探析,望通过一系列的低碳生态指标来控制、引导城市建设低碳生态化,促进我国城市的低碳生态化可持续发展,实现“人-城市-自然环境”和谐共生的最终目标。  相似文献   

张青萍  冯佳  潘良  王琦 《风景园林》2013,(3):101-105
以《城市园林绿化评价标准》(以下简称《标准》)的颁布为研究背景,针对《标准》中与公园绿地规划相关的评价体系进行研究。以南京市公园绿地规划为研究载体,对规划成果进行自评估。通过这一过程总结出《标准》出台初期在实际运用中出现诸如概念模糊、精度误差、统计口径争议、公平性缺失等问题,并针对这些问题提出调整完善建议,以期对《标准》进行优化和补充,从而更好地指导城市公园绿地的规划建设。  相似文献   

余军 《规划师》2004,20(9):37-39
以渝中半岛城市设计为例,以山水城市设计为重点,现代城市设计应从点、线、面3个方面分析城市要素,构建城市框架,在要素的表达方式上应坚持控制与引导相结合的原则,突出设计的过程和弹性。  相似文献   

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