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1引言GSM/GPRS/WCDMA双模无缝网络作为3G网络建设中的两大趋势之一 ,是绝大多数GSM运营商推出3G服务的首要选择。在双模手机的支持下 ,WCDMA能利用现有GSM/GPRS提供全面覆盖和无缝服务。而共享网络则是一方面共享部分或全部网络基础设施 ,另一方面仍能提供不同业务和应用 ,保持竞争关系的一种方案。共享网络不仅能节省初期建网投资 ,加快网络推出的速度 ,加大初期覆盖 ,而且还能在不浪费前期投资的条件下 ,根据业务发展的需要 ,逐步过渡到两个完全独立的网络。2GSM/GPRS/WCDMA双模无缝网… 相似文献
本期中我们就3G网络建设中当前两大趋势作一探讨,共享网络和双模无缝网络。其中,GSM/GPRS/WCDMA双模无缝网络是绝大多数GSM运营商推出3G服务时的选择。在双模手机支持下,从第一天开始,WCDMAg利用现有GSM/GPRS提供全面覆盖和无缝服务。而共享网络则是拥有3G运营证的运营商之间,一方面共享部分或全部网络基础设施,另一方面仍能提供不同业务、应用,保持竞争关系的一种方案。它能节省初期建网投资,加快网络推出速度,加大初期覆盖。另一方面,它能在不浪费任何前期投资的条件下,根据业务发展的需要,逐步过渡到两个完全独立的网络。这对中国的新移动运营商也会有一定借 相似文献
市场形势的变化决定着移动运营商的经营战略,当前在3G的建设中呈现两大趋势:共享网络和双模无缝网络。在建网初期,通过与GSM共用核心网,运营商可以有选择地建立WCDMA覆盖,在双模手机的支持下,通过切换技术,无缝地、透明地为用户提供多种语音和数据业务。而通过与其他运营商共享网络,可以实现快速覆盖,快速启动和运营业务,而且可以在完全保护已有投资的基础上逐步过渡到自己独立的网络。 相似文献
EDGE(增强型数据速率演进技术)是一种3G的无线技术,它可使GPRS网络(通用分组无线业务)的高速数据传输容量增加3倍,并且使GSM运营商能够在现有的基础构架上提供高速的移动互联网业务.运营商采用这种数据通信增强技术,可以将个人用户的数据传输速率提高3倍,或者可以说将使用数据通信的用户数量提高3倍.这样,在一定程度上节约了网络投资的基础上,可以充分满足未来无线多媒体应用的带宽需求.可以说,EDGE技术是GSM技术向3G演进中的重要一步. 相似文献
在GDMA网络剥离后,中国联通是最可能获得WCDMA牌照的运营商,WGDMA网络的建设和运营将给联通GSM网络的发展和运营带来挑战,但同时也会带来机遇。 相似文献
EDGE作为一种从GSM/GPRS到3G的过渡技术,其主要优势在于能够充分利用现有的GSM资源。它除了采用现有的GSM频率外,还利用了大部分现有的GSM设备。由于无线网络规划不会受到很大影响并能够重复利用现有的基站,而网络软件和硬件则只要做一些较小的改动。因此需要的投资很少而且风险也很小。可以说,EDGE的部署能以较少的代价提升GPRS数据业务,使运营商向移动用户提供诸如互联网浏览、视频电话会议和高速电子邮件传输等无线多媒体业务,在第三代移动网络商业化之前提前为用户提供个人多媒体通信服务。正因为如此,EDGE正在吸引越来越多关注的目光,很多运营商都把它作为一种逐步取代GPRS成为与第三代移动通信系统最接近的一项技术。爱立信(中国)有限公司覃雷所撰《利用EDGE技术构建GSM/WCDMA无缝网络》一文介绍了EDGE的技术特点及其发展现状,并简要说明了爱立信公司在该领域的成就,为运营商和相关技术人员提供了较为完备的技术参考。 相似文献
对于从GSM向WCDMA演进的3G运营商,GSM/WCDMA双模手机的存在与发展有一定长期性,而GSM/WCDMA/CDMA多模方案对解决国际漫游问题上也有现实意义。在多种制式正面竞争的区域市场中,PHS/GSM与GSM/CDMA这类双模手机则往往是手机自由发展时代中运营市场竞争不充分的产物,由于自身的局限性及矛盾性,这类双模手机将有它具体的生存空间,而难以成为市场中长期存在的主流产品。 相似文献
随着三网融合、“光进铜退”国家政策推行和用户固网带宽需求增长,以EPON、GPON为代表的无源接入技术成为应用热点.国内PON网络以EPON、GPON共存,本文对E/GPON双模ONU做了研究,提出双模ONU的设计方案,市场应用前景广泛. 相似文献
针对MPLS技术在运营商应用中存在问题的分析,结合SDN思想和概念,将网络抽象为“网络转发”、“业务控制”和“运营支撑”三个平面,提出端到端无缝MPLS组网的解决方案。 相似文献
Masugi Inoue Khaled Mahmud Homare Murakami Mikio Hasegawa Hiroyuki Morikawa 《Wireless Personal Communications》2005,35(1-2):53-70
A context-based adaptive communication system is introduced for use in heterogeneous networks. Context includes the user's
presence, location, available network interfaces, network availability, network priority, communication status, terminal features,
and installed applications. An experimental system was developed to clarify the feasibility of using context information to
flexibly control networks and applications. The system operates on a seamless networking platform we developed for heterogeneous
networks. By using contexts, the system can inform the caller and callee of applications they can access, which are available
through the network before communication occurs. Changes in contexts can switch an on-going application to another during
actual communication. These functions provide unprecedented styles of communication. A business scenario for a seamless networking
provider is also presented.
Dr. Morikawa has also been in charge of NICT's Mobile Networking Group.
Masugi Inoue received his B.E. from Kyoto University in 1992 and his M.E. and D.E. from the University of Tokyo in 1994 and 1997, all
in the field of Electrical Engineering. He is currently a senior researcher at the Yokosuka Radio Communications Research
Center under the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan, and has been engaged in R&D
on ultrahigh-speed WLANs and mobile networking. He joined the Communications Research Laboratory (CRL) of the Ministry of
Posts and Telecommunications, Japan, in 1997, which was reorganized as NICT in April 2004. He was a visiting researcher at
Polytechnic University in Brooklyn, New York in 2000.
Khaled Mahmud received his B.Sc. (Eng.) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
in Dhaka in 1991. He received his M.E. and Ph.D. in the same field from Shizuoka University in Japan, in 1997 and 2000, respectively.
He was a research fellow at NICT, Japan, from 2000 to 2004. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering at North South University, Bangladesh. His research interests include modulation-demodulation techniques,
software radio, mobile communication systems, wireless Internet, and IP mobility technologies.
Homare Murakami received his B.E. and M.E. in Electronic Engineering from Hokkaido University in 1997 and 1999. In 2004, he received the
Young Investigators Award from IEICE. He is currently a researcher at NICT's Mobile Networking Group. He is also an industrial
PhD student in Aalborg University since 2003. His interest areas are naming scheme, wireless TCP and new transport protocol,
IP mobility, fast handover method, and location management.
Mikio Hasegawa received his B. Eng, M. Eng., and Dr. Eng. in 1995, 1997, and 2000 from Science University of Tokyo. From 1997 to 2000, he
was a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). He is currently a senior researcher in Mobile
Networking Group, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, and a technical advisor in ChaosWare Inc.
His research interests include applications of chaotic dynamical theory, combinatorial optimization, mobile networks, and
ubiquitous computing.
Hiroyuki Morikawa received his B.E., M.E., and D.E. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1987, 1989, and 1992. He is currently
an Associate Professor in the Department of Frontier Informatics at the University of Tokyo and is in charge of NICT's Mobile
Networking Group. His research interests are in the areas of computer networks, mobile computing/networks, ubiquitous computing,
and network services. He serves as Editor of Transactions of the IEICE and has been on the technical program committees of
IEEE/ACM conferences and workshops. He sits on numerous telecommunications advisory committees and frequently serves as a
consultant to the government. 相似文献
目前,专用移动通信网(简称专网)大多采用集群通信系统,主要功能局限在语音和低速数据,网络覆盖范围有限,各专网之间也难以实现漫游和互通。如何利用一个共用的技术平台实现不同专网之间、专网与公网之间的融合,并且支持宽带互联网应用例如高分辨率图像、视频和大数据量传输,是目前各国政府和相关行业、产业面临的重要课题。LTE是公认的未来移动宽带发展的主流技术,具有高吞吐量、低延时、无线频谱适应性强等优势。本文提出泛在共享移动宽带网(ubiquitous shared mobile broadband network)的概念,介绍了其设计的基本思想、全新的网络架构、严格的安全管理机制、提供的业务和优势,最后提出了泛在共享移动宽带网的发展策略。 相似文献
无线广域网(WWAN)与无线局域网(WLAN)都是近期发展比较成熟的无线网络,将它们很好的结合,是下一代网络(NGN)发展趋势与主题。使用虚拟用户识别模块(SIM)卡认证是在SIM/用户服务识别模块(USIM)模式基础上提出的一种可行性设想,利用蓝牙技术组成无线个人通信网,快速找到虚拟SIM,不需要通过繁复的设置认证,通过把通信任务和进程从应用处理中分离出来,加速了针对无缝漫游新应用的创新。 相似文献
网络移动通过移动路由器实现边缘移动网络节点间及其与骨干网络节点间的会话连续性。移动路由器在嵌套接入环境下的接入安全与切换延时已经成为网络移动发展的最大障碍。在分析网络移动无缝切换研究现状的基础上,提出基于协同模型的网络架构、基于移动模型的预切换方法等需要突破的关键技术以及相应的无缝切换技术思路,支持轻量可信切换、多穴负载均衡、嵌套路由优化,为设计具有服务质量和安全保证的端到端网络移动通信协议提供技术支撑。 相似文献
李明春 《电信工程技术与标准化》2004,(12):20-25
移动通信的特点是要在任何时间、任何地点、接入任何业务,因此3G网络如何在较短的建设期内达到比较好的覆盖直接影响到3G的发展,本文对城市密集区、高业务区、郊区、农村、铁路/公路、隧道等几个区域的无线网络覆盖解决方案进行了阐述,其中对农村区域又根据地形的不同分为平原环境、丘陵/山区环境、水域/荒漠环境分别进行描述. 相似文献