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The ocular lens fiber cell assembles a novel cytoskeletal element, the Beaded Filament, from CP49 and filensin, two proteins expressed only in the differentiated lens fiber cell. We report the primary sequence, secondary structural analysis, gene structure and Yeast Two Hybrid interaction data for human filensin, and develop a consensus model of filensin from the human and previously reported bovine and chicken filensin sequences. This consensus model, combined with gene structure and Yeast Two Hybrid studies establish that filensin is a member of the Intermediate Filament family of proteins. Specifically, filensin exhibits (1) divergence at amino acid sequence motifs otherwise highly conserved among intermediate filament proteins, (2) a loss of 29 amino acids from the central rod domain which is unique among cytoplasmic intermediate filament proteins, (3) an absence of sequence identity with any existing class of intermediate filament protein, (4) a gene structure unique among intermediate filament family, (5) an inability to dimerize with representatives of Type I, II, and III intermediate filament proteins. Thus, at each level of analysis, we find that filensin is similar to the consensus model of intermediate filament proteins, supporting our conclusion that filensin's relatedness to the IF family is not the consequence of convergent evolution. However, filensin also shows unique or extreme distinctions from the consensus intermediate filament protein at each level of analysis, indicating that filensin constitutes a novel class of IF protein. Some of filensin's unique features are incompatible with current models of IF assembly. Analysis of filensin gene structure suggests that the 29 amino acid reduction in the central rod domain was not the result of a single splice site mutation, the mechanism suggested for the transition between nuclear lamins and cytoplasmic intermediate filament proteins.  相似文献   

Mutation in the Caenorhabditis elegans gene osm-6 was previously shown to result in defects in the ultrastructure of sensory cilia and defects in chemosensory and mechanosensory behaviors. We have cloned osm-6 by transposon tagging and transformation rescue and have identified molecular lesions associated with five osm-6 mutations. The osm-6 gene encodes a protein that is 40% identical in amino acid sequence to a predicted mammalian protein of unknown function. We fused osm-6 with the gene for green fluorescent protein (GFP); the fusion gene rescued the osm-6 mutant phenotype and showed accumulation of GFP in ciliated sensory neurons exclusively. The OSM-6::GFP protein was localized to cytoplasm, including processes and dendritic endings where sensory cilia are situated. Mutations in other genes known to cause ciliary defects led to changes in the appearance of OSM-6::GFP in dendritic endings or, in the case of daf-19, reduced OSM-6::GFP accumulation. We conclude from an analysis of genetic mosaics that osm-6 acts cell autonomously in affecting cilium structure.  相似文献   

AIMS: The current study was conducted to (a) replicate previous findings regarding the effect of patient/therapist race and sex-matching as this relates to the early dropout rate of substance abusers, and (b) to extend previous work by examining the impact of such matching on treatment retention and 9-month outcome. DESIGN: Patient and therapist characteristics were crossed in a 2 x 2 factorial design. Matching effects were then tested using retrospective data. PARTICIPANTS: Participants were 967 African-American cocaine-dependent people. SETTING: The study site was a university sponsored outpatient treatment facility located in an economically depressed section of a large Northeastern US city. MEASUREMENTS: Follow-up data were drawn from the Addiction Severity Index, the Risk for AIDS Behavior Inventory, and a questionnaire measuring post-discharge need for treatment, employment and education. Retention was defined as the number of days inclusive between the last date of service and the date of admission. FINDINGS: No significant differences in early dropout rates were found after initial contact with 10 different therapists. Matching therapist and patients with respect to gender and race did not decrease the premature dropout rate, but partial support for gender matching was noted. CONCLUSION: Matching therapist and substance abusing patients on gender and race may not be essential to improving retention and outcome.  相似文献   

Excitable cells use ion channels to tailor their biophysical properties to the functional demands made upon them. During development, these demands may alter considerably, often associated with a change in the cells' complement of ion channels. Here we present evidence for such a change in inner hair cells, the primary sensory receptors in the mammalian cochlea. In mice, responses to sound can first be recorded from the auditory nerve and observed behaviourally from 10-12 days after birth; these responses mature rapidly over the next 4 days. Before this time, mouse inner hair cells have slow voltage responses and fire spontaneous and evoked action potentials. During development of auditory responsiveness a large, fast potassium conductance is expressed, greatly speeding up the membrane time constant and preventing action potentials. This change in potassium channel expression turns the inner hair cell from a regenerative, spiking pacemaker into a high-frequency signal transducer.  相似文献   

To explore the role of cell adhesion molecules in the innervation of the inner ear, antibody perturbation was used on histotypic co-cultures of the ganglionic and epithelial anlagen derived from the otocyst. When unperturbed, these tissues survived and differentiated in this culture system with outgrowth of fasciculated neuronal fibers which expressed neural cell adhesion molecule and L1. The fibers exhibited target choice and penetration, then branching and spreading within the otic epithelium as individual axons. Treatment of the co-cultures, or of the ganglionic anlagen alone, with anti-neural cell adhesion molecule or anti-L1 Fab fragments produced a defasciculation of fibers but did not affect neurite outgrowth. In the co-cultures this defasciculation was accompanied by a small increase in the number of fibers found in inappropriate tissues. However, the antibodies did not prevent fiber entry to the otic epithelium. In contrast, removal of polysialic acid from neural cell adhesion molecule with endoneuraminadase-N, while producing a similar fiber defasciculation, also increased the incidence of fibers entering the epithelium. Nevertheless, once within the target tissue, the individual fibers responded to either Fab or to desialylation by spreading out more rapidly, branching, and growing farther into the epithelium. The findings suggest that fasciculation is not essential for specific sensory fibers to seek out and penetrate the appropriate target, although it may improve their tracking efficiency. Polysialic acid on neural cell adhesion molecule appears to limit initial penetration of the target epithelium. Polysialic acid as well as neural cell adhesion molecule and L1 function are involved in fiber-target interactions that influence the arborization of sensory axons within the otic epithelium.  相似文献   

Clinical military psychologists (CMPs) hold one of the most difficult positions within professional psychology. Given their exposure to a variety of environmental, physical, psychosocial, and emotional stressors, professional burnout (PB) can be a serious issue for CMPs. In order to (a) protect job satisfaction, (b) increase professional confidence, (c) facilitate a long and rewarding military career, and (d) ensure competent care is provided to our clients, a two-pronged approach of CMPs taking care of themselves on the one hand, and the military providing effective assessment, prevention, and intervention, on the other hand, is needed. Such an approach to protecting the military's limited mental health resources could ultimately ensure that service members receive proper care. In this article, the authors discuss the challenges experienced by CMPs as potential contributors to PB during all three phases of the deployment cycle. Several recommendations are offered for addressing such challenges. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Neurofilaments are an important structural component of the axonal cytoskeleton and are made of neuronal intermediate filament (nIF) proteins. During axonal development, neurofilaments undergo progressive changes in molecular composition. In mammals, for example, highly phosphorylated forms of the middle- and high-molecular-weight neurofilament proteins (NF-M and NF-H, respectively) are characteristic of mature axons, whereas nIF proteins such as alpha-internexin are typical of young axons. Such changes have been proposed to help growing axons accommodate varying demands for plasticity and stability by modulating the structure of the axonal cytoskeleton. Xefiltin is a recently discovered nIF protein of the frog Xenopus laevis, whose nervous system has a large capacity for regeneration and plasticity. By amino acid identity, xefiltin is closely related to two other nIF proteins, alpha-internexin and gefiltin. alpha-Internexin is found principally in embryonic axons of the mammalian brain, and gefiltin is expressed primarily in goldfish retinal ganglion cells and has been associated with the ability of the goldfish optic nerve to regenerate. Like gefiltin in goldfish, xefiltin in Xenopus is the most abundantly expressed nIF protein of mature retinal ganglion cells. In the present study, we used immunocytochemistry to study the distribution of xefiltin during optic nerve development and regeneration. During development, xefiltin was found in optic axons at stage 35/36, before they reach the tectum at stage 37/38. Similarly, after an orbital crush injury, xefiltin first reemerged in optic axons after the front of regeneration reached the optic chiasm, but before it reached the tectum. Thus, during both development and regeneration, xefiltin was present within actively growing optic axons. In addition, aberrantly projecting retinoretinal axons expressed less xefiltin than those entering the optic tract, suggesting that xefiltin expression is influenced by interactions between regenerating axons and cells encountered along the visual pathway. These results support the idea that changes in xefiltin expression, along with those of other nIF proteins, modulate the structure and stability of actively growing optic axons and that this stability is under the control of the pathway which growing axons follow.  相似文献   

Anterior patterning of the Drosophila embryo depends on localization of bicoid (bcd) mRNA to the anterior pole of the developing oocyte, and bcd mRNA localization requires both the exuperantia (exu) gene and an intact microtubule cytoskeleton. To gain insight into the mechanism of anterior patterning, we have used time lapse laser scanning confocal microscopy to analyze transport of particles containing a Green Fluorescent Protein-Exu fusion (GFP-Exu), and to directly image microtubule organization in vivo. Our observations indicate that microtubules are required for three forms of particle movement within the nurse cells, while transport through the ring canals linking the nurse cells and oocyte appears to be independent of both microtubules and actin filaments. As particles enter the oocyte, a final microtubule-dependent step directs movement to the oocyte cortex. However, our observations and previous studies suggest that the polarity of the oocyte microtubule network is not in itself sufficient to generate anterior asymmetry, and that additional factors are required to restrict morphogens to the anterior pole. Based on these observations, we propose a multi-step anterior localization pathway.  相似文献   

The indications for a video-assisted lobectomy are currently ill-defined. Clinicians recommend based on the extent of lymph node involvement. Fifty-nine patients with clinical stage I non-small cell lung cancer underwent lobectomies with systemic lymph node dissections through a standard thoracotomy (Group C), and 26 patients underwent lobectomies with lymph node dissections using the video-assisted procedure (Group V). The number of dissected lymph nodes at all node levels were compared between the two groups. There was no significant difference between groups in the total number of dissected lymph nodes in patients with right lung cancer. The number of dissected hilar and interlobar lymph nodes, however, was less in Group V than that in Group C (hilar: 1.2 +/- 0.4 vs. 2.8 +/- 0.6, interlobar: 1.1 +/- 0.4 vs. 2.1 +/- 0.4). The total number of dissected lymph nodes in patients with left lung cancer was significantly less in Group V than that in Group C (18.5 +/- 0.3 vs. 28.7 +/- 2.4). In addition, the number of dissected lymph nodes in pratracheal, pretracheal, tracheobronchial, subcarinal, hilar, and interlobar lymph nodes were significantly less in the group V than those in Group C. Although there was no significant difference in the actual survival rates between the groups in this preliminary study, a sufficiently small number of dissected lymph nodes in the video-assisted lobectomy may have resulted in inaccurate staging and poor prognosis in these patients.  相似文献   

A number of steroids seem to have anesthetic effects resulting primarily from their ability to potentiate currents gated by gamma-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) receptor activation. One such compound is (3alpha,5alpha, 17beta)-3-hydroxyandrostane-17-carbonitrile [(+)-ACN]. We were interested in whether carbonitrile substitution at other ring positions might result in other pharmacological consequences. Here we examine effects of (3beta,5alpha, 17beta)-17-hydroxyestrane-3-carbonitrile [(+)-ECN] on GABAA receptors and Ca2+ channels. In contrast to (+)-ACN, (+)-ECN does not potentiate GABAA-receptor activated currents, nor does it directly gate GABAA-receptor mediated currents. However, both steroids produce an enantioselective reduction of T-type current. (+)-ECN blocked T current with an IC50 value of 0.3 microM with a maximal block of 41%. (+)-ACN produced a partial block of T current (44% maximal block) with an IC50 value of 0.4 microM. Block of T current showed mild use- and voltage-dependence. The (-)-ECN enantiomer was about 33 times less potent than (+)-ECN, with an IC50 value of 10 microM and an amount of maximal block comparable to (+)-ECN. (+)-ECN was less effective at blocking high-voltage-activated Ca2+ current in DRG neurons (IC50 value of 9. 3 microM with maximal block of about 27%) and hippocampal neurons. (+)-ECN (10 microM) had minimal effects on voltage-gated sodium and potassium currents in rat chromaffin cells. The results identify a steroid with no effects on GABAA receptors that produces a partial inhibition of T-type Ca2+ current with reasonably high affinity and selectivity. Further study of steroid actions on T currents may lead to even more selective and potent agents.  相似文献   

Neuropathic pain accompanies peripheral nerve injury following a variety of insults including metabolic disorders, traumatic injury, and exposure to neurotoxins such as vincristine and taxol. Vincristine, a microtubule depolymerizing drug, produces a peripheral neuropathy in humans that is accompanied by painful paresthesias and dysesthesias (Sandler et al., [1969] Neurology 19:367-374; Holland et al. [1973] Cancer Res. 33:1258-1264). The recent development of an animal model of vincristine-induced neuropathy provides an opportunity to investigate mechanisms underlying this form of neuropathic pain. Systemic vincristine (100 microg/kg) produces hyperalgesia to mechanical stimuli during the second week of administration, which persists for more than a week (Aley et al. [1996] Neuroscience 73:259-265). To test the hypothesis that changes in microtubule structure in nociceptive sensory neurons accompany vincristine-induced hyperalgesia, we analyzed unmyelinated axons in saphenous nerves of vincristine-treated rats. This study constitutes the first quantitative ultrastructural analysis of the cytoskeleton of unmyelinated axons in peripheral nerve during neuropathic hyperalgesia. There was no evidence of unmyelinated fiber loss or a decrease in the number of microtubules per axons. There was, however, a significant decrease in microtubule density in unmyelinated axons from vincristine-treated rats. This decrease in microtubule density was due to a significant increase in the cross-sectional area of unmyelinated axons, suggesting swelling of axons. In addition, vincristine-treated axons had significantly fewer microtubules cut in cross-section and significantly more tangentially oriented microtubules per axon compared to controls. These results suggest that vincristine causes disorganization of the axonal microtubule cytoskeleton, as well as an increase in the caliber of unmyelinated sensory axons.  相似文献   

We recruited 111 patients who were considered to be at significantly increased risk of preeclampsia on the basis of previous obstetric history or preexisting medical disorders. All patients were treated with low dose aspirin (75 mg/day) from the first occasion the patient attended the antenatal clinic, regardless of gestational age. If the maternal mean platelet volume (MPV) increased significantly (by > 0.8 fl) from the baseline, antiplatelet treatment was increased. Five pregnancies were lost during the second trimester and 106 of the treated patients had live infants. The incidence of neonatal death (3/106 infants) was much lower than in the previous pregnancies in these patients (32/134 infants). Patients who were treated from the first trimester of pregnancy (group A, 89 patients) did substantially better than those treated from the second trimester (group B, 17 patients) as assessed by the incidence of pre-eclampsia or intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), gestational age and birthweight at delivery. These data suggest that longitudinal monitoring of the MPV may identify the women who could benefit from increased antiplatelet treatment, and that antiplatelet treatment may be more effective when initiated in the first trimester rather than later in pregnancy.  相似文献   

EP37 family proteins are non-lens members of the betagamma-crystallin superfamily, of which expression is observed in integumental tissues of the Japanese newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster. In the present study, a gene was isolated that has high homology with ep37 and is transcribed mainly in the gastric epithelial cells and hence designated gep. The predicted amino acid sequence of the gep cDNA contains four betagamma-crystallin motifs in the N-terminal half, as is the case in the integumental EP37 proteins. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that GEP protein was mainly localized on the luminal content of the surface mucous cells of the gastric epithelium in both premetamorphic larvae and adults. In addition, GEP protein was also expressed in fundic glands after metamorphosis. Considering the fact that beta- and gamma-crystallins are evolutionarily related to stress-induced proteins, this localization suggests that GEP protein may have an evolutionarily conserved role in protection against physico-chemical stresses, such as physical abrasion and autodigestion, during assimilation.  相似文献   

Cognitive aging research has documented a strong increase in the covariation between sensory and cognitive functioning with advancing age. In part, this finding may reflect sensory acuity reductions operating during cognitive assessment. To examine this possibility, the authors administered cognitive tasks used in prior studies (e.g., Lindenberger & Baltes, 1994) to middle-aged adults under age-simulation conditions of reduced visual acuity, auditory acuity, or both. Visual acuity was lowered through partial occlusion filters, and auditory acuity through headphone-shaped noise protectors. Acuity manipulations reduced visual acuity and auditory acuity in the speech range to values reaching or approximating old-age acuity levels, respectively, but did not lower cognitive performance relative to control conditions. Results speak against assessment-related sensory acuity accounts of the age-related increase in the connection between sensory and cognitive functioning and underscore the need to explore alternative explanations, including a focus on general aspects of brain aging. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Paying attention to an object facilitates its storage in working memory. The authors investigate whether the opposite is also true: whether items in working memory influence the deployment of attention. Participants performed a search for a prespecified target while they held another item in working memory. In some trials this memory item was present in the search display as a distractor. Such a distractor has no effect on search time if the search target is in the display. In that case, the item in working memory is unlikely to be selected as a target for an eye movement, and if the eyes do land on it, fixation duration is short. In the absence of the target, however, there is a small but significant effect of the memory item on search time. The authors conclude that the target for visual search has a special status in working memory that allows it to guide attention. Guidance of attention by other items in working memory is much weaker and can be observed only if the search target is not present in the display. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The whole cell patch-clamp technique in combination with the slice preparation was used to investigate the electrophysiological properties of pigeon semicircular canal sensory and supporting cells. These properties were also characterized in regenerating neuroepithelia of pigeons preinjected with streptomycin to kill the hair cells. Type II hair cells from each of the three semicircular canals showed similar, topographically related patterns of passive and active membrane properties. Hair cells located in the peripheral regions (zone I, near the planum semilunatum) had less negative resting potentials [0-current voltage in current-clamp mode (Vz) = -62.8 +/- 8.7 mV, mean +/- SD; n = 13] and smaller membrane capacitances (Cm = 5.0 +/- 0.9 pF, n = 14) than cells of the intermediate (zone II; Vz = -79.3 +/- 7.5 mV, n = 3; Cm = 5.9 +/- 1.2 pF, n = 4) and central (zone III; Vz = -68.0 +/- 9.6 mV, n = 17; Cm = 7.1 +/- 1.5 pF, n = 18) regions. In peripheral hair cells, ionic currents were dominated by a rapidly activating/inactivating outward K+ current, presumably an A-type K+ current (IKA). Little or no inwardly rectifying current was present in these cells. Conversely, ionic currents of central hair cells were dominated by a slowly activating/inactivating outward K+ current resembling a delayed rectifier K+ current (IKD). Moreover, an inward rectifying current at voltages negative to -80 mV was present in all central cells. This current was composed of two components: a slowly activating, noninactivating component (Ih), described in photoreceptors and saccular hair cells, and a faster-activating, partially inactivating component (IK1) also described in saccular hair cells in some species. Ih and IK1 were sometimes independently expressed by hair cells. Hair cells located in the intermediate region (zone II) had ionic currents more similar to those of central hair cells than peripheral hair cells. Outward currents in intermediate hair cells activated only slightly more quickly than those of the cells of the central region, but much more slowly than those of the peripheral cells. Additionally, intermediate hair cells, like central hair cells, always expressed an inward rectifying current. The regional distribution of outward rectifying potassium conductances resulted in macroscopic currents differing in peak-to-steady state ratio. We quantified this by measuring the peak (Gp) and steady-state (Gs) slope conductance in the linear region of the current-voltage relationship (-40 to 0 mV) for the hair cells located in the different zones. Gp/Gs average values (4.1 +/- 2.1, n = 15) from currents in peripheral hair cells were higher than those from intermediate hair cells (2.3 +/- 0.8, n = 4) and central hair cells(1.9 +/- 0.8, n = 21). The statistically significant differences (P < 0.001) in Gp/Gs ratios could be accounted for by KA channels being preferentially expressed in peripheral hair cells. Hair cell electrophysiological properties in animals pretreated with streptomycin were investigated at approximately 3 wk and approximately 9-10 wk post injection sequence (PIS). At 3 wk PIS, hair cells (all zones combined) had a statistically significantly (P < 0.001) lower Cm (4.6 +/- 1.1 pF, n = 24) and a statistically significantly (P < 0.01) lower Gp(48.4 +/- 20.8 nS, n = 26) than control animals (Cm = 6.2 +/- 1.6 pF, n = 36; Gp = 66 +/- 38.9 nS, n = 40). Regional differences in values of Vz, as well as the distribution of outward and inward rectifying currents, seen in control animals, were still obvious. But, differences in the relative contribution of the expression of the different ionic current components changed. This result could be explained by a relative decrease in IKA compared with IKD during that interval of regeneration, which was particularly evident in peripheral hair cells. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

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