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消息中间件的性能与系统资源的消耗之间存在着一定的矛盾.一般采用人工配置的方法平衡矛盾,不仅难于配置,而且不能很好地适应系统的动态性.本文提出了一种基于模糊控制理论的自适应框架,可以在消息中间件的性能与其稳定性、可靠性之间作较好的平衡.本框架引入AOP的思想,可以与不同类型的消息中间件集成,具有一定的普适性.  相似文献   

提高产品的可靠性成为企业在今后相当长的时间内生存和发展的必要条件之一.推动可靠性技术的普及与应用必须有相关的专业队伍和机构,本文从五个方面阐述了建设机电产品可靠性与测试技术工程中心的必要性,结合重庆工业自动化仪表研究所的实际情况,从五个方面论述了建立工程中心的可行性.期望通过本文,能推动重庆市建立这样的机构,协助企业有效提高产品的可靠性水平,从而在市场竞争中占据有利的地位.  相似文献   

柯建伟  周嘉农  姚雪峰  汤峰 《测控技术》2004,23(Z1):360-363
描述了TI的C5000系列的DSP的主机接口(HPI)与PC机的并行接口(ECP模式PS/2子模式)进行连接的硬件设计方案,并提出在各种Windows操作系统下对接口进行操作的驱动软件的解决方法.该方案充分利用了DSP的HPI接口的特点,采用了少量的逻辑电路,实现了PC并行接口和DSP的主机接口的双向连接,使PC机能实时读写DSP任意片内存储单元的内容,控制DSP系统的运行.  相似文献   

传统的营销方式在网络时代已经不再占有优势,网络时代的营销也不仅仅是做个网站来展示自己的商品,而是通过人性化的服务来进一步推销自己的产品.传统意义上的市场营销,是指个人和群体通过创造并同他人交换产品和价值,以满足需求和欲望的一种社会和管理过程.  相似文献   

一曲美妙动听的音乐不仅能陶冶人们的情操,还可以缓解人们压抑的心情,使人们的身心得以放松。音乐不但可以敲开封闭的心灵,缓解忧郁苦闷的心情,甚至还可以做到某些程度的心灵治疗。而一首激情高昂的音乐,不但可以提高人们的凝聚力,还能激发人们奋发向上的精神。  相似文献   

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2随着Firefox 3的推出,微软的IE 8的研发工作也在紧锣密鼓的进行着。之前Beta 1版本在标准的支持和兼容性上有了很大的改进,而8月中旬放出的Bela 2除了在Web标准方面做了更多的改进,在功能方面又有了很大的提高。例如在结构上的调整使得IE更加稳定、对WebSlice的支持、自动恢复、Session Cookie等。此外,在性能方面也有很大的提高。  相似文献   

维护国家安全 规制网络舆论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近期发生的家乐福、CNN 报道事件,引起了一连串的反应,先是网络上网民的激烈讨论,接着是媒体的报道,之后是蔓延到全国各地的有组织的活动,直至最后政府的表态。这一连串的事件波及国家政治和经济,对社会秩序造成了一定的冲击。在这次事件中,网络舆论再次展示了其强大的力量,通过网络舆论展示了中国人民的巨大凝聚力,有力反击了西方敌对势力的无稽言论。但在看到网络舆论成为维护国家权益的工具的同时,网络舆论中存在的巨大安全隐患也让人担忧。  相似文献   

热敏电阻器的非线性是导致测温准确度下降的主要原因.为解决这一问题,提出了一种实现智能线性化的新方法,它通过少量的样本点的学习,建立与热敏电阻器传输特性相对应的逆函数.通过逆函数,结合查表和插值的算法反演算出测量点的温度.因此,可大幅度地提高测温准确度,一个应用实例验证了本方法的有效性.  相似文献   

巴菲特用信赖建立了一个新的宗教,基本教义就是他从格雷厄姆和费雪身上汲取的价值投资理念。他的想法影响了包括中国在内的全世界的投资者。12年中,巴菲特和中国发生的重要的直接关系,就是他在中国石油上的成功投资。但最终为他带来40亿美元利润的中国石油没能成为他永远不卖出的企业,而这并不妨碍12年间巴菲特在中国赢得无数人的尊重和追随,就如同他在美国和全世界一样。  相似文献   

坤耀  Ella 《电脑》2008,(6)
在中国的汽车音响发展史上,如果说到坤耀恐怕会没有几个人不知道,因为从汽车音响在中国的起步、发展到今天,有太多的人和太多的事和坤耀有着密切的关系。作为中国汽车音响的擎旗手和中国汽车音响行业的黄埔军校,坤耀的每一步发展及动向势必引起行业的关注,而其代理的每一个品牌也自然值得大家期待。作为坤耀公司2008年刚引进的新产品NXS,内置功能强大的DSP远程控制系统,集数字音效处理和功率放大的功能于一声,功能  相似文献   

机器人足球比赛截球策略设计   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
顾晓锋  张代远 《计算机应用》2005,25(8):1858-1860
在机器人世界杯足球锦标赛(TheRobotWorldCup,简称RoboCup)中,截球效率直接影响到比赛的结果。通过足球截球模型,建立方程,从而求出截球位置。解方程的根是提高截球效率的关键,本文采用高效的弦割法来快速计算方程的根。试验发现方程曲线的变化对弦割法解方程根的效率有很大影响,曲线的形状直接影响了弦割法的收敛速度。为加速收敛性,对弦割法进行了优化。最后与优化前的弦割法以及二分法进行了比较,结果表明优化后整体性更为高效,很好地满足了比赛的要求。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of optimally controlling the reorientation of a spacecraft (SC) from an arbitrary initial angular state into a given final angular position. We study the case when the minimized functional joins, in the given proportion, the time spent and the integral of the squared modulus of the angular momentum on the reorientation of a SC. The problem is solved in a kinematic setting. We consider two versions of the problem of the optimal rotation of a SC, with bounded and unbounded control. Using the necessary optimality conditions in the form of the Pontryagin maximum principle and the quaternion method for solving control problems on the motion of spacecrafts, we obtain an analytical solution of the posed problem. The solution of the problem is based on the quaternionic differential equation relating the angular momentum vector of a SC with the orientation quaternion of the related coordinate system. We present formalized equations and give computational expressions for constructing the optimal control program. We state the control law as an explicit dependence of the control variables on the phase coordinates. Using the transversality condition as a necessary optimality condition, we determine the maximal value of the modulus of the angular momentum for the optimal motion. For a dynamically symmetric SC, the problem of reorientation in space is solved completely: we obtain the dependences for the optimal law of the change of the angular momentum vector as explicit time functions. We give the results of the mathematical modeling of the motion for optimal control which demonstrate the practical realizability of designed algorithm for controlling the spatial orientation of a SC.  相似文献   

The status of pollution of the Arctic basin is studied in ecological terms, and the interactions of the Arctic ecosystem with the global system are estimated. A spatial simulation model for the kinetics of pollutants in the Arctic basin is proposed in which the ecological and spatial distribution of the hydrological parameters is taken into account. The model includes blocks describing the flows of pollutants in the trophic chains, the exchange between the water–ice system and the atmosphere and the interaction of the water ecosystem with the global biosphere–climate system. A global model controls the inputs of the simulation model and makes it possible to compute the dynamics of the distribution of pollutants between the Arctic aquatories, which include the Central basin and the peripheral seas. The model uses both published data and the data of the US/Russian expedition to Siberia accomplished in the summer of 1995. Climatic and anthropogenic processes are described in the form of scenarios. The results of computer experiments are given demonstrating the advantages of the simulation model to forecast and to estimate the dynamics of radionuclides, heavy metals and oil hydrocarbons in the Arctic Seas. The total and local pictures of the spatial distribution of pollutants in the Arctic basin are given as functions of various environmental and anthropogenic parameters. It is concluded that the use of the global biospheric model enables the consideration of the interactions between the Arctic basin environment and adjoining territories. This allows estimates to be made of the consequences of the anthropogenic impact on the Arctic ecosystem.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the mathematical methods for calculating the parameters of Hidden Markov Models (HMM) used in conjunction with the map coordinates measured by the global positioning systems (GPSs) of mobile navigation systems. These methods are analyzed and compared. There is considered an example of calculating of emission probability of observations emissions and transition probabilities for the Hidden Markov Model of a road network. The example is accompanied by the construction of a states diagram of the HMM and a trellis diagram of the Viterbi algorithm. Using the example, there is estimated the influence of the choice of the value of the standard deviation for the probability density distribution of the minimum distances and the angles difference between the direction of the road element and the direction of the velocity of the vehicle on the probability of the path on the Viterbi trellis. It is proposed to use the functional dependence of the optimal path on the standard deviations and the orthogonal distances for the correction in the process of testing and the practical application of the algorithm of map matching based on the HMM.  相似文献   

The dynamics of psycho-physiological characteristics of participants of laboratory markets in the process of making economical decisions in the decentralized control system is analyzed. For this purpose, the method based on the comparison of stabilographic data with the history of market actions recorded in the course of the experiment is used. The key tool for data analysis is the new segmentation algorithm, which provides efficient partitioning of the stabilographic time series into homogeneous fragments. The segmentation algorithm is obtained as the solution of the problem of estimation of the parameters of the hidden Markov model. The application of this algorithm on the level of individual decision making proves the hypothesis of connection of the stabilogram segmentation time instants of the participant with the time instants of signal actions on the laboratory market. On the level of group decisions, the effect of synchronization of stabilographic time series of participants at the time instant of auction culmination connected with revelation of private information is supported. The degree of synchronization is estimated using a proximity factor calculated based on the specially aggregated canonical correlation.  相似文献   

The new method of defuzzification of output parameters from the base of fuzzy rules for a Mamdani fuzzy controller is given in the paper. The peculiarity of the method is the usage of the universal equation for the area computation of the geometric shapes. During the realization of fuzzy inference linguistic terms, the structure changes from the triangular into a trapezoidal shape. That is why the universal equation is used. The method is limited and can be used only for the triangular and trapezoidal membership functions. Gaussian functions can also be used while modifying the proposed method. Traditional defuzzification models such as Middle of Maxima − MoM, First of Maxima − FoM, Last of Maxima − LoM, First of Suppport − FoS, Last of Support − LoS, Middle of Support − MoS, Center of Sums − CoS, Model of Height − MoH have a number of systematic errors: curse of dimensionality, partition of unity condition and absence of additivity. The above-mentioned methods can be seen as Center of Gravity − CoG, which has the same errors. These errors lead to the fact that accuracy of fuzzy systems decreases, because during the training root mean square error increases. One of the reasons that provokes the errors is that some of the activated fuzzy rules are excluded from the fuzzy inference. It is also possible to increase the accuracy of the fuzzy system through properties of continuity. The proposed method guarantees fulfilling of the property of continuity, as the intersection point of the adjustment linguistic terms equals 0.5 when a parametrized membership function is used. The causes of errors and a way to delete them are reviewed in the paper. The proposed method excludes errors which are inherent to the traditional and non- traditional models of defuzzification. Comparative analysis of the proposed method of defuzzification with traditional and non-traditional models shows its effectiveness.  相似文献   

The air-pressure-controlled shock absorber is capable of changing its damping force depending on the air pressure in the air springs. Due to the possibility of improving dynamic properties of all vehicles that use the axles’ air suspensions, BRANO Inc. (the Czech producer of shock absorbers) started to develop semi-active air-pressure-controlled hydraulic telescopic shock absorbers. The SOR C 12 intercity bus is the reference vehicle for which the research and development of controlled shock absorbers is done and on which the shock absorbers are verified. Force–velocity characteristics of the controlled shock absorbers of the axles’ air suspension were designed on the basis of results of computer simulations with the bus multibody models created in the alaska simulation tool. Multibody models of an empty vehicle, a fully loaded vehicle and three variants of a partly loaded vehicle were created. For each weight of the bus two multibody models of various levels of complexity were created. Since the bus multibody models should be used especially for designing force–velocity characteristics of air-pressure-controlled shock absorbers, great attention (in the framework of the possibilities of multibody dynamics) was paid to the correct interpretation of the real behaviour of hydraulic shock absorbers and air springs of the axles’ suspension. As a criterion for the design of the optimum force–velocity characteristics of the controlled shock absorbers, the maximum similarity of the dynamic responses of multibody models of the bus of all the considered weights to dynamic response of the reference multibody model of the bus with the same load as during the experimental measurements on the real vehicle (approx. 71.5% of the maximum loaded vehicle weight) was chosen. In the course of the measurements the non-controlled shock absorbers’ characteristics were optimally tuned for that vehicle weight. Time histories of relative deflections of the axles’ air springs determined during the simulations of the vehicle running over the vertical artificial obstacle were compared. The approach based on the evaluation of the correlation coefficient of two time series was used for the evaluation of the dynamic responses accordance.  相似文献   

人工免疫在未知木马检测中的应用研究*   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对传统木马检测技术比较被动这一缺陷,提出一种基于人工免疫原理的木马检测方法。利用人工免疫具有自适应以及免疫学习能力的特点,将人工免疫原理应用到木马检测中。分析了数据来源特征,给出了计算抗体与抗原或抗体与抗体之间相似度以及抗体的适应度公式,建立了一个木马检测系统模型;实验测试了利用人工免疫的方式检测木马能有效提高木马检测的检测率,减少误报率。  相似文献   

A mathematical model of tumor growth dynamics based on the Gompertz model is considered. It is assumed that tumor cells are affected by a chemotherapeutical agent capable of killing these cells. The degree of action is characterized by the therapy function. Two types of therapy functions are studied: the monotonic and the threshold ones. In the first case, the action of the chemotherapeutical agent is the larger, the higher its concentration. In the second case, the degree of action decreases if the concentration exceeds some threshold value. It is assumed that the concentration of the chemotherapeutical agent is controlled using the control function; the maximum value of this function is limited. The problem of synthesis of optimal control for minimization of the number of tumor cells at the end of the process is formulated. The problem is solved using the dynamic programming method. Exact solutions to the corresponding Hamilton-Jacoby-Bellman equations, which make the synthesis of optimal control possible, are obtained. The results of calculations for optimal therapy strategies are presented.  相似文献   

差分像运动图像的处理是大气相干长度测量的关键环节,而大气相干长度测量通常需要实时获取数据。因此,差分像运动图像的处理速度与测量仪器的性能有直接的联系。为提高大气相干长度仪的实时测量能力,根据差分像运动图像的特点设计一种改进的遗传算法,对目标光斑进行快速识别。改进的遗传算法为提高收敛速度,取消交叉算子,同时为避免早熟收敛,改进染色体结构,使其在仅使用变异算子的情况下仍具有全局探索能力。Schaffer函数模拟寻优实验验证该方法的可行性。使用改进遗传算法的大气相干长度仪实现实时快速测量。  相似文献   

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