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在《生物多样性公约》(CBD)“人与自然和谐共生”的2050年愿景背景下,乡村地区生物多样性保护与社会经济发展的协同尤为重要。地方生物多样性行动计划有潜力推进乡村发展与生物多样性保护协同。以英国为例,阐述地方生物多样性行动计划的背景及决策步骤,剖析其在基础、目标、措施及保障4个层面的乡村发展与生物多样性保护协同路径。针对中国地方生物多样性行动计划编制中面临的问题,从明确地方生物多样性行动计划前置地位、增设乡村生物多样性专项内容、加强协同措施落地性,以及提升农民积极性四方面提出建议,以期实现乡村生物友好的可持续发展。 相似文献
<正>在城市化发展的宏观背景下,我国乡村仍处于传统型向现代型转变的过程中,乡村景观风貌的改造提升正如火如荼地开展。相比于城市景观,乡村景观的人为干预和介入较少,自然属性更强;相比于城市中的各种硬质设施,乡土植物在乡村景观中起到了更重要的景观风貌塑造作用。乡土植物不仅能从视觉效果的层面上给人们带来享受,更能有效支撑本土鸟类、昆虫等动物的生存和繁衍,提升乡村生物多样性,赋予乡村景观归属感和生命力。但是近年来,各地区在改善乡村生产生活条件、重塑乡村景观风貌的同时,产生了硬质场地过多、传统农林用地锐减、景观均质化程度严重等问题,导致乡土植物种类和数量急剧减少、生物多样性降低、 相似文献
长三角一体化绿色发展是中国的重大战略,乡村生态状况是长三角城市群生态健康发展的基础。针对长三角城市群乡村植被生物多样性保育和生态系统服务功能提升需求展开研究,调研了28个乡村共256个植物群落样地,分别进行了科属种构成和生活型分析;通过群落聚类,划分出47个群落类型和8个植被型,分析了植物群落构成和分布特征;进行了物种生物多样性分析,并将长三角乡村植被特征与城市区域和自然区域的植被特征进行比较;最后,从物种保护、生境维护、群落保育和生态美学引导等方面提出了长三角乡村植被生物多样性保育与构建的具体对策。 相似文献
【目的】生物多样性是乡村景观的重要生态基础,无论是在乡村自然景观、生产景观,还是在乡村聚落景观中,生物多样性都是非常重要的组成要素,发挥着重要的生态服务功能。乡村生物多样性的概念、变化、维持机制及保护策略亟待研究。【方法】通过综述国内外乡村生物多样性研究现状及发展趋势,阐述乡村生物多样性概念构架,探讨乡村生物多样性现状及特征,分析乡村生物多样性变化趋势及其影响因子。【结果】乡村生物多样性维持机制既包括由非生物因子调节和生物因子调节的自然机制,也包括人与自然的协同调节机制。【结论】提出乡村生物多样性保护的创新策略,并以重庆梁平区印屏村为例,进行乡村景观营建及生物多样性保育的案例分析。最后,对乡村生物多样性保护的未来发展趋势进行展望,提出乡村生物多样性研究的发展方向和重点研究内容。 相似文献
【目的】昆虫传粉服务功能对乡村生物多样性至关重要,亦是中国乡村生态振兴的基础。目前,昆虫传粉服务功能的快速衰退对乡村生物多样性造成威胁,亟待对其保护对策展开深入研究。【方法】通过文献分析,针对国际上昆虫传粉功能保护研究进行系统性梳理。【结果】基于传粉昆虫科学研究协同不同尺度乡村景观特征,已形成“国际—国家—地方”的多层级保护策略体系,其保护途径包括乡村生态系统传粉服务评估、传粉者友好型乡村景观格局优化、作物生境与非作物生境协同管控及多元的支撑措施体系。【结论】提出针对中国农业景观规划实践中传粉昆虫及其传粉服务功能保护策略的优化建议:深化基于传粉昆虫的乡村生物多样性保护政策体系;推动基于传粉者友好型的乡村景观多样性规划;完善基于传粉服务功能提升的生态基础措施。 相似文献
来自美国各地不同部门和组织的20多位资深保护者,在林肯学院和其他相关团体的共同组织下,开展了关于北美土地和生物多样性保护的重要对话。他们关注的问题是面对21世纪的重大挑战,保护团体如何倡导创新性的保护行动。 相似文献
来自美国各地不同部门和组织的20多位资深保护者,在林肯学院和其他相关团体的共同组织下,开展了关于北美土地和生物多样性保护的重要对话.他们关注的问题是面对21世纪的重大挑战,保护团体如何倡导创新性的保护行动. 相似文献
Timothy Beatley 《Journal of the American Planning Association. American Planning Association》2013,79(1):5-20
Lyn Sedlak-For?s The Great Return reflects both the beauty of salmon and their plight in finding it increasingly difficult to return to their spawning grounds each year (represented by their swimming in opposing directions). Several species of salmon throughout the Pacific Northwest are threatened or endangered. Timothy Beat-ley's article proposes a new approach to helping these and other endangered species survive. The artist, who holds degrees in psychology and art therapy, has been creating works in clay since 1989 after working 9 years as an art therapist. She resides on Lacamas Lake in Camas, Washington, and her works can be seen in galleries throughout Washington and Oregon and in private collections across North and South America. Thanks to the Riversea Gallery in Astoria, Oregon, for their help in putting us in touch with this artist. Preserving biodiversity represents a major challenge for American planners, as threats to biodiversity are increasingly the result of urbanization and land use change. Present and past conservation strategies, including the federal Endangered Species Act, have not been successful; new, bolder strategies are needed. Long-range land use planning, aimed at creating large-scale integrated ecological systems of connected greenspace and habitat, is the key. Nested approaches in which regional systems of protected green-space connect with and link to larger statewide and continental systems are necessary. Habitat conservation goals must be more ambitious and wasteful development patterns must be checked if biodiversity is to be preserved. Other elements of the conservation strategy must include new approaches to funding acquisition, creative incentives for conservation on private lands, envisioning new roles for cities in restoring and conserving biodiversity, and giving greater attention to biodiversity conservation in planning curricula. 相似文献
中国正在发生的快速城市化导致了生态热点地区土地被侵占,热点内关键生物多样性地点的面积持续减小,其生物多样性和生态服务功能受到严重影响。笔者基于关键生态系统合作基金的《印缅生态热点地区》的研究报告,介绍了印缅生态热点地区(中国区)的生态系统状况。接着,通过梳理全国及有关省、自治区的主体功能区规划,发现印缅生态热点地区(中国区)正处在生物多样性保护与城市化发展、农业生产相冲突的规划定位。最后,测算了印缅生态热点地区(中国区)相关省级行政区和生态区的保护区面积与国土面积的比率,发现各省级行政区的保护区占整个地区的陆地面积的比率全部没有达到爱知目标要求的保护面积占国土面积的17%的要求。印缅生态热点地区(中国区)保护区面积占国土面积的比率约在15.02%,也是没有达到爱知目标的要求,其国家级的保护区面积比率只有8.2%,也低于全国12.5%的比率。 相似文献
Angold PG Sadler JP Hill MO Pullin A Rushton S Austin K Small E Wood B Wadsworth R Sanderson R Thompson K 《The Science of the total environment》2006,360(1-3):196-204
We examined the biodiversity of urban habitats in Birmingham (England) using a combination of field surveys of plants and carabid beetles, genetic studies of four species of butterflies, modelling the anthropochorous nature of the floral communities and spatially explicit modelling of selected mammal species. The aim of the project was to: (i) understand the ecological characteristics of the biota of cities model, (ii) examine the effects of habitat fragment size and connectivity upon the ecological diversity and individual species distributions, (iii) predict biodiversity in cities, and (iv) analyse the extent to which the flora and fauna utilise the 'urban greenways' both as wildlife corridors and as habitats in their own right. The results suggest that cities provide habitats for rich and diverse range of plants and animals, which occur sometimes in unlikely recombinant communities. The studies on carabids and butterflies illustrated the relative importance of habitat quality on individual sites as opposed to site location within the conurbation. This suggests that dispersal for most of our urban species is not a limiting factor in population persistence, although elements of the woodland carabid fauna did appear to have some geographical structuring. Theoretical models suggested that dormice and water voles may depend on linear habitats for dispersal. The models also indicated that other groups, such as small and medium sized mammals, may use corridors, although field-based research did not provide any evidence to suggest that plants or invertebrates use urban greenways for dispersal. This finding indicates the importance of identifying a target species or group of species for urban greenways intended as dispersal routeways rather than as habitat in their own right. Their importance for most groups is rather that greenways provide a chain of different habitats permeating the urban environment. We suggest that planners can have a positive impact on urban biodiversity by slowing the pace of redevelopment and by not hurrying to tidy up and redevelop brownfield sites. 相似文献
文章介绍了由意大利著名设计师斯坦法诺·博埃里设计的米兰垂直森林双塔.“垂直森林”是一个高层建筑的新概念,它使树木和人类得以在城市中共生.“垂直森林”是对创新建筑的鼓励和宣言,它邀请人们憧憬建筑与人类的和谐未来.“垂直森林”不仅可以节约能源,还能够提升周边环境质量,是一个适宜植入全世界各个城市中心的,竖向种植不同尺寸和种类树木的高密度塔楼.它将超越传统的地标身份,成为城市中调节环境的重要装置,并启发人类去解决高密度城市发展和生物多样性的矛盾. 相似文献