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This paper discusses methods for content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systems based on relevance feedback according to two active learning paradigms, named greedy and planned. In greedy methods, the system aims to return the most relevant images for a query at each iteration. In planned methods, the most informative images are returned during a few iterations and the most relevant ones are only presented afterward. In the past, we proposed a greedy approach based on optimum-path forest classification (OPF) and demonstrated its gain in effectiveness with respect to a planned method based on support-vector machines and another greedy approach based on multi-point query. In this work, we introduce a planned approach based on the OPF classifier and demonstrate its gain in effectiveness over all methods above using more image databases. In our tests, the most informative images are better obtained from images that are classified as relevant, which differs from the original definition. The results also indicate that both OPF-based methods require less user involvement (efficiency) to satisfy the user's expectation (effectiveness), and provide interactive response times.  相似文献   

Machine learning techniques have been actively pursued in the last years, mainly due to the increasing number of applications that make use of some sort of intelligent mechanism for decision-making processes. In this context, we shall highlight ensemble pruning strategies, which provide heuristics to select from a collection of classifiers the ones that can really improve recognition rates and provide efficiency by reducing the ensemble size prior to combining the model. In this article, we present and validate an ensemble pruning approach for Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) classifiers based on metaheuristic optimization over general-purpose data sets to validate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach using distinct configurations in real and synthetic benchmark data sets, and thereafter, we apply the proposed approach in remote-sensing images to investigate the behaviour of the OPF classifier using pruning strategies. The image data sets were obtained from CBERS-2B, LANDSAT-5 TM, IKONOS-2 MS, and GEOEYE sensors, covering some areas of Brazil. The well-known Indian Pines data set was also used. In this work, we evaluate five different optimization algorithms for ensemble pruning, including that Particle Swarm Optimization, Harmony Search, Cuckoo Search, and Firefly Algorithm. In addition, we performed an empirical comparison between Support Vector Machine and OPF using the strategy of ensemble pruning. Experimental results showed the effectiveness and efficiency of ensemble pruning using OPF-based classification, especially concerning ensemble pruning using Harmony Search, which shows to be effective without degrading the performance when applied to large data sets, as well as a good data generalization.  相似文献   

In content-based image retrieval (CBIR) using feedback-based learning, the user marks the relevance of returned images and the system learns how to return more relevant images in a next iteration. In this learning process, image comparison may be based on distinct distance spaces due to multiple visual content representations. This work improves the retrieval process by incorporating multiple distance spaces in a recent method based on optimum-path forest (OPF) classification. For a given training set with relevant and irrelevant images, an optimization algorithm finds the best distance function to compare images as a combination of their distances according to different representations. Two optimization techniques are evaluated: a multi-scale parameter search (MSPS), never used before for CBIR, and a genetic programming (GP) algorithm. The combined distance function is used to project an OPF classifier and to rank images classified as relevant for the next iteration. The ranking process takes into account relevant and irrelevant representatives, previously found by the OPF classifier. Experiments show the advantages in effectiveness of the proposed approach with both optimization techniques over the same approach with single distance space and over another state-of-the-art method based on multiple distance spaces.  相似文献   

A new method for the recognition of spoken emotions is presented based on features of the glottal airflow signal. Its effectiveness is tested on the new optimum path classifier (OPF) as well as on six other previously established classification methods that included the Gaussian mixture model (GMM), support vector machine (SVM), artificial neural networks – multi layer perceptron (ANN-MLP), k-nearest neighbor rule (k-NN), Bayesian classifier (BC) and the C4.5 decision tree. The speech database used in this work was collected in an anechoic environment with ten speakers (5 M and 5 F) each speaking ten sentences in four different emotions: Happy, Angry, Sad, and Neutral. The glottal waveform was extracted from fluent speech via inverse filtering. The investigated features included the glottal symmetry and MFCC vectors of various lengths both for the glottal and the corresponding speech signal. Experimental results indicate that best performance is obtained for the glottal-only features with SVM and OPF generally providing the highest recognition rates, while for GMM or the combination of glottal and speech features performance was relatively inferior. For this text dependent, multi speaker task the top performing classifiers achieved perfect recognition rates for the case of 6th order glottal MFCCs.  相似文献   

针对快速分类算法最优路径森林(OPF)分类算法进行了研究。进行了OPF分类算法研究及应用现状的调查。OPF算法是近期兴起的一种基于完全图的分类算法。在一些公共数据集上与支持向量机(SVM)、人工神经网络(ANN)等算法的对比中,该算法能取得类似或更好结果,速度更快。该算法不依赖于任何参数、不需要参数优化、不需要对各类别的形状做任何假设、能够处理多类问题。旨在全面系统的向国内读者介绍OPF算法的研究及应用进展。  相似文献   

Today data acquisition technologies come up with large datasets with millions of samples for statistical analysis. This creates a tremendous challenge for pattern recognition techniques, which need to be more efficient without losing their effectiveness. We have tried to circumvent the problem by reducing it into the fast computation of an optimum-path forest (OPF) in a graph derived from the training samples. In this forest, each class may be represented by multiple trees rooted at some representative samples. The forest is a classifier that assigns to a new sample the label of its most strongly connected root. The methodology has been successfully used with different graph topologies and learning techniques. In this work, we have focused on one of the supervised approaches, which has offered considerable advantages over Support Vector Machines and Artificial Neural Networks to handle large datasets. We propose (i) a new algorithm that speeds up classification and (ii) a solution to reduce the training set size with negligible effects on the accuracy of classification, therefore further increasing its efficiency. Experimental results show the improvements with respect to our previous approach and advantages over other existing methods, which make the new method a valuable contribution for large dataset analysis.  相似文献   

An important tool for the heart disease diagnosis is the analysis of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals, since the non-invasive nature and simplicity of the ECG exam. According to the application, ECG data analysis consists of steps such as preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction and classification aiming to detect cardiac arrhythmias (i.e., cardiac rhythm abnormalities). Aiming to made a fast and accurate cardiac arrhythmia signal classification process, we apply and analyze a recent and robust supervised graph-based pattern recognition technique, the optimum-path forest (OPF) classifier. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that OPF classifier is used to the ECG heartbeat signal classification task. We then compare the performance (in terms of training and testing time, accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity) of the OPF classifier to the ones of other three well-known expert system classifiers, i.e., support vector machine (SVM), Bayesian and multilayer artificial neural network (MLP), using features extracted from six main approaches considered in literature for ECG arrhythmia analysis. In our experiments, we use the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database and the evaluation protocol recommended by The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. A discussion on the obtained results shows that OPF classifier presents a robust performance, i.e., there is no need for parameter setup, as well as a high accuracy at an extremely low computational cost. Moreover, in average, the OPF classifier yielded greater performance than the MLP and SVM classifiers in terms of classification time and accuracy, and to produce quite similar performance to the Bayesian classifier, showing to be a promising technique for ECG signal analysis.  相似文献   

We present an accurate and fast approach for MR-image segmentation of brain tissues, that is robust to anatomical variations and takes an average of less than 1 min for completion on modern PCs. The method first corrects voxel values in the brain based on local estimations of the white-matter intensities. This strategy is inspired by other works, but it is simple, fast, and very effective. Tissue classification exploits a recent clustering approach based on the motion of optimum-path forest (OPF), which can find natural groups such that the absolute majority of voxels in each group belongs to the same class. First, a small random set of brain voxels is used for OPF clustering. Cluster labels are propagated to the remaining voxels, and then class labels are assigned to each group. The experiments used several datasets from three protocols (involving normal subjects, phantoms, and patients), two state-of-the-art approaches, and a novel methodology which finds the best choice of parameters for each method within the operational range of these parameters using a training dataset. The proposed method outperformed the compared approaches in speed, accuracy, and robustness.  相似文献   

Confidence measures are computed to estimate the certainty that target acoustic units are spoken in specific speech segments. They are applied in tasks such as keyword verification or utterance verification. Because many of the confidence measures use the same set of models and features as in recognition, the resulting scores may not provide an independent measure of reliability. In this paper, we propose two articulatory feature (AF) based phoneme confidence measures that estimate the acoustic reliability based on the match in AF properties. While acoustic-based features, such as Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC), are widely used in speech processing, some recent works have focus on linguistically based features, such as the articulatory features that relate directly to the human articulatory process which may better capture speech characteristics. The articulatory features can either replace or complement the acoustic-based features in speech processing. The proposed AF-based measures in this paper were evaluated, in comparison and in combination, with the HMM-based scores on phoneme and keyword verification tasks using children’s speech collected for a computer-based English pronunciation learning project. To fully evaluate their usefulness, the proposed measures and combinations were evaluated on both native and non-native data; and under field test conditions that mis-matches with the training condition. The experimental results show that under the different environments, combinations of the AF scores with the HMM-based scores outperforms HMM-based scores alone on phoneme and keyword verification.  相似文献   

Conservation of biodiversity requires information at many spatial scales in order to detect and preserve habitat for many species, often simultaneously. Vegetation structure information is particularly important for avian habitat models and has largely been unavailable for large areas at the desired resolution. Airborne LiDAR, with its combination of relatively broad coverage and fine resolution provides existing new opportunities to map vegetation structure and hence avian habitat. Our goal was to model the richness of forest songbirds using forest structure information obtained from LiDAR data. In deciduous forests of southern Wisconsin, USA, we used discrete-return airborne LiDAR to derive forest structure metrics related to the height and density of vegetation returns, as well as composite variables that captured major forest structural elements. We conducted point counts to determine total forest songbird richness and the richness of foraging, nesting, and forest edge-related habitat guilds. A suite of 35 LiDAR variables were used to model bird species richness using best-subsets regression and we used hierarchical partitioning analysis to quantify the explanatory power of each variable in the multivariate models. Songbird species richness was correlated most strongly with LiDAR variables related to canopy and midstory height and midstory density (R2 = 0.204, p < 0.001). Richness of species that nest in the midstory was best explained by canopy height variables (R2 = 0.197, p < 0.001). Species that forage on the ground responded to mean canopy height and the height of the lower canopy (R2 = 0.149, p < 0.005) while aerial foragers had higher richness where the canopy was tall and dense and the midstory more sparse (R2 = 0.216, p < 0.001). Richness of edge-preferring species was greater where there were fewer vegetation returns but higher density in the understory (R2 = 0.153, p < 0.005). Forest interior specialists responded positively to a tall canopy, developed midstory, and a higher proportion of vegetation returns (R2 = 0.195, p < 0.001). LiDAR forest structure metrics explained between 15 and 20% of the variability in richness within deciduous forest songbird communities. This variability was associated with vertical structure alone and shows how LiDAR can provide a source of complementary predictive data that can be incorporated in models of wildlife habitat associations across broad geographical extents.  相似文献   

The Journal of Supercomputing - A learning automaton (LA) can be considered as an abstract system with a finite set of actions. LA operates by choosing an action from the set of its actions and...  相似文献   


The World Health Organization estimated that around 300 million people have asthma, and 210 million people are affected by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Also, it is estimated that the number of deaths from COPD increased \(30\%\) in 2015 and COPD will become the third major cause of death worldwide by 2030. These statistics about lung diseases get worse when one considers fibrosis, calcifications and other diseases. For the public health system, the early and accurate diagnosis of any pulmonary disease is mandatory for effective treatments and prevention of further deaths. In this sense, this work consists in using information from lung images to identify and classify lung diseases. Two steps are required to achieve these goals: automatically extraction of representative image features of the lungs and recognition of the possible disease using a computational classifier. As to the first step, this work proposes an approach that combines Spatial Interdependence Matrix (SIM) and Visual Information Fidelity (VIF). Concerning the second step, we propose to employ a Gaussian-based distance to be used together with the optimum-path forest (OPF) classifier to classify the lungs under study as normal or with fibrosis, or even affected by COPD. Moreover, to confirm the robustness of OPF in this classification problem, we also considered Support Vector Machines and a Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network for comparison purposes. Overall, the results confirmed the good performance of the OPF configured with the Gaussian distance when applied to SIM- and VIF-based features. The performance scores achieved by the OPF classifier were as follows: average accuracy of \(98.2\%\), total processing time of 117 microseconds in a common personal laptop, and F-score of 95.2% for the three classification classes. These results showed that OPF is a very competitive classifier, and suitable to be used for lung disease classification.


This paper proposes a novel approach to discover options in the form of stochastic conditionally terminating sequences; it shows how such sequences can be integrated into the reinforcement learning framework to improve the learning performance. The method utilizes stored histories of possible optimal policies and constructs a specialized tree structure during the learning process. The constructed tree facilitates the process of identifying frequently used action sequences together with states that are visited during the execution of such sequences. The tree is constantly updated and used to implicitly run corresponding options. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated empirically by conducting extensive experiments on various domains with different properties.  相似文献   

Machine Learning - Automatic face recognition (AFR) has gained the attention of many institutes and researchers in the past two decades due to its wide range of applications. This attention...  相似文献   

A spatial feature extraction method was applied to increase the accuracy of land-cover classification of forest type information extraction. Traditional spatial feature extraction applications use high-resolution images. However, improving the classification accuracy is difficult when using medium-resolution images, such as a 30 m resolution Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) image. In this study, we demonstrated a novel method that used the vegetation local difference index (VLDI) derived from the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), which were calculated based on the topographically corrected ETM+ image, to delineate spatial features. A simple maximum likelihood classifier and two different ways to use spatial information were introduced in this study as the frameworks to incorporate both spectral and spatial information for analysis. The results of the experiments, where Landsat ETM+ and digital elevation model (DEM) images, together with ground truth data acquired in the study area were used, show that combining the spatial information extracted from medium-resolution images and spectral information improved both classification accuracy and visual qualities. Moreover, the use of spatial information extracted through the proposed method greatly improved the classification performance of particular forest types, such as sparse woodlands.  相似文献   

Gender recognition has been playing a very important role in various applications such as human–computer interaction, surveillance, and security. Nonlinear support vector machines (SVMs) were investigated for the identification of gender using the Face Recognition Technology (FERET) image face database. It was shown that SVM classifiers outperform the traditional pattern classifiers (linear, quadratic, Fisher linear discriminant, and nearest neighbour). In this context, this paper aims to improve the SVM classification accuracy in the gender classification system and propose new models for a better performance. We have evaluated different SVM learning algorithms; the SVM‐radial basis function with a 5% outlier fraction outperformed other SVM classifiers. We have examined the effectiveness of different feature selection methods. AdaBoost performs better than the other feature selection methods in selecting the most discriminating features. We have proposed two classification methods that focus on training subsets of images among the training images. Method 1 combines the outcome of different classifiers based on different image subsets, whereas method 2 is based on clustering the training data and building a classifier for each cluster. Experimental results showed that both methods have increased the classification accuracy.  相似文献   

Ensemble learning has attracted considerable attention owing to its good generalization performance. The main issues in constructing a powerful ensemble include training a set of diverse and accurate base classifiers, and effectively combining them. Ensemble margin, computed as the difference of the vote numbers received by the correct class and the another class received with the most votes, is widely used to explain the success of ensemble learning. This definition of the ensemble margin does not consider the classification confidence of base classifiers. In this work, we explore the influence of the classification confidence of the base classifiers in ensemble learning and obtain some interesting conclusions. First, we extend the definition of ensemble margin based on the classification confidence of the base classifiers. Then, an optimization objective is designed to compute the weights of the base classifiers by minimizing the margin induced classification loss. Several strategies are tried to utilize the classification confidences and the weights. It is observed that weighted voting based on classification confidence is better than simple voting if all the base classifiers are used. In addition, ensemble pruning can further improve the performance of a weighted voting ensemble. We also compare the proposed fusion technique with some classical algorithms. The experimental results also show the effectiveness of weighted voting with classification confidence.  相似文献   

Machine vision based inspection systems are in great focus nowadays for quality control applications. The proposed work presents a novel approach for classification of wood knot defects for an automated inspection. The proposed technique utilizes gray level co-occurrence matrix and laws texture energy measures as texture feature extractors and feed-forward back-propagation neural network as classifier. The proposed work involves the comparison of gray level co-occurrence matrix based features with laws texture energy measures based features. Firstly it takes contrast, correlation, energy and homogeneity as input parameters to a feed-forward back propagation neural network to predict wood defects and then it take energy calculated from laws texture energy measures based energy maps as input feature to a feed-forward back propagation neural network. Mean Square Error (MSE) for training data is found to be 0.0718 and 90.5% overall average classification accuracy is achieved when laws texture energy measures based features are used as input to the neural network as compared to gray level co-occurrence matrix based input features where MSE for training data is found to be 0.10728 and 84.3% overall average classification accuracy is achieved. The proposed technique shows promising results to classify wood defects using a feed forward back-propagation neural network.  相似文献   

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