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We consider the time scale kth-order differential operators DkΔy{yΔΔk even ,yΔΔk odd ,D˜kΔy{yΔΔk even ,yΔΔk odd ,Dky{yΔΔk even ,yΔΔk odd ,D˜ky{yΔΔk even ,yΔΔk odd , and the higher-order dynamic equations L(y)ν=0n(1)νD˜ν(rν(t)DνΔy)=0,M(y)ν=0n(1)νD˜νΔ(rν(t)Dνy)=0. We will show that these equations can be investigated as special cases of the so-called (delta or nabla) symplectic dynamic systems zΔ=S(t)z,z=S(t)z, whose qualitative theory is well developed. We also suggest further perspectives of the investigation of the qualitative properties of higher-order equations with mixed derivatives.  相似文献   

A well-known lemma of Suslin says that for a commutative ring A if (v1(X),,vn(X))(A[X])n is unimodular where v1 is monic and n3, then there exist γ1,,γEn1(A[X]) such that the ideal generated by Res(v1,e1.γ1t(v2,,vn)),,Res(v1,e1.γt(v2,,vn)) equals A. This lemma played a central role in the resolution of Serre’s Conjecture. In the case where A contains a set E of cardinality greater than degv1+1 such that yy is invertible for each yy in E, we prove that the γi can simply correspond to the elementary operations L1L1+yij=2n1uj+1Lj, 1i=degv1+1, where u1v1++unvn=1. These efficient elementary operations enable us to give new and simple algorithms for reducing unimodular rows with entries in K[X1,,Xk] to t(1,0,,0) using elementary operations in the case where K is an infinite field. Another feature of this paper is that it shows that the concrete local–global principles can produce competitive complexity bounds.  相似文献   

In this paper, we execute elementary row and column operations on the partitioned matrix (GAGGG0) into ((Is000)00?AT,S(2))to compute generalized inverse AT,S(2) of a given complex matrix A, where G is a matrix such that R(G)=T and N(G)=S. The total number of multiplications and divisions operations is T(m,n,s)=2mn2+4m?s?12ns+(m?s)ns+mns and the upper bound of T(m,n,s) is less than 6mn2?32n3?12n2 when nm. A numerical example is shown to illustrate that this method is correct.  相似文献   

Let A+BXC and A+BX+YC be two linear matrix expressions, and denote by {A+BXC} and {A+BX+YC} the collections of the two matrix expressions when X and Y run over the corresponding matrix spaces. In this paper, we study relationships between the two matrix sets {A1+B1X1C1} and {A2+B2X2C2}, as well as the two sets {A1+B1X1+Y1C1} and {A2+B2X2+Y2C2}, by using some rank formulas for matrices. In particular, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the two matrix set inclusions {A1+B1X1C1}?{A2+B2X2C2} and {A1+B1X1+Y1C1}?{A2+B2X2+Y2C2} to hold. We also use the results obtained to characterize relations of solutions of some linear matrix equations.  相似文献   

In this work, we are interested in studying the following Kirchhoff type problem
where Ω?RN(N3) is a smooth bounded domain, 21=2NN?2 is the critical Sobolev exponent, 0<q<1,λ>0, and fL(Ω) with the set {xΩ:f(x)>0} of positive measures, and gL(Ω) with g(x)0,g?0. By the Nehari method and variational method, the existence of positive ground state solutions is obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, we are concerned with the existence of positive radial solutions of the elliptic system {?Δu=uv?λu+f(|x|,u),R1<|x|<R2,xRN,N1,?Δv=μu,R1<|x|<R2,xRN,N1,u=v=0,on |x|=R1 and |x|=R2, where |x|=(i=1Nxi2)12, λ>0 is a constant, μ>0 is a parameter and 0<R1<R2<, f:[R1,R2]×[0,)[0,) is continuous and f(t,s)>0 for all (t,s)[R1,R2]×(0,). Under some appropriate conditions on the nonlinearity f, we show that the above system possesses at least one positive radial solution for any μ(0,). The proof of our main results is based upon bifurcation techniques.  相似文献   

The number of states in a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) recognizing the language Lk, where L is regular language recognized by an n-state DFA, and k?2 is a constant, is shown to be at most n2(k?1)n and at least (n?k)2(k?1)(n?k) in the worst case, for every n>k and for every alphabet of at least six letters. Thus, the state complexity of Lk is Θ(n2(k?1)n). In the case k=3 the corresponding state complexity function for L3 is determined as 6n?384n?(n?1)2n?n with the lower bound witnessed by automata over a four-letter alphabet. The nondeterministic state complexity of Lk is demonstrated to be nk. This bound is shown to be tight over a two-letter alphabet.  相似文献   

Analysis and design of linear periodic control systems are closely related to the periodic matrix equations. The conjugate direction (CD) method is a famous iterative algorithm to find the solution to nonsymmetric linear systems Ax=b. In this work, a new method based on the CD method is proposed for computing the symmetric periodic solutions (X1,X2,,Xλ) and (Y1,Y2,,Yλ) of general coupled periodic matrix equations
for i=1,2,,λ. The key idea of the scheme is to extend the CD method by means of Kronecker product and vectorization operator. In order to assess the convergence properties of the method, some theoretical results are given. Finally two numerical examples are included to illustrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

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