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He  Xuansen  He  Fan 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2020,79(19-20):13061-13087
Multimedia Tools and Applications - It is difficult to solve the problem of underdetermined blind source separation (UBSS) since the mixing system is not invertible. Therefore, estimating the...  相似文献   

Computational intelligence techniques have widespread applications in the field of engineering process optimization, which typically comprises of multiple conflicting objectives. An efficient hybrid algorithm for solving multi-objective optimization, based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) and artificial bee colony optimization (ABCO) has been proposed in this paper. The novelty of this algorithm lies in allocating random initial solutions to the scout bees in the ABCO phase which are subsequently optimized in the PSO phase with respect to the velocity vector. The last phase involves loyalty decision-making for the uncommitted bees based on the waggle dance phase of ABCO. This procedure continues for multiple generations yielding optimum results. The algorithm is applied to a real life problem of intercity route optimization comprising of conflicting objectives like minimization of travel cost, maximization of the number of tourist spots visited and minimization of the deviation from desired tour duration. Solutions have been obtained using both pareto optimality and the classical weighted sum technique. The proposed algorithm, when compared analytically and graphically with the existing ABCO algorithm, has displayed consistently better performance for fitness values as well as for standard benchmark functions and performance metrics for convergence and coverage.  相似文献   

针对经典人工蜂群(ABC)算法搜索策略存在搜索机制单一、群体全局搜索与局部搜索运算耦合性较高的问题,提出一种基于混合搜索的多种群人工蜂群(MPABC) 算法。首先,将种群按照适应度值进行排序,得到一个有序队列,进而将其划分为随机子群、核心子群和平衡子群三类有序子群;其次,针对不同子群结合相应的个体选择机制与搜索策略,构建出不同的差异向量;最后,在群体的搜索过程中,通过三类子群实现对具有不同适应度函数值个体的有效控制,来增强群体全局搜索和局部搜索的平衡能力。通过对16个标准测试函数进行仿真实验并与具有可变搜索策略的人工蜂群(ABCVSS)算法、基于选择概率的改进人工蜂群(MABC)算法、基于粒子群策略的多精英人工蜂群(PS-MEABC)算法、基于符号函数的多搜索策略人工蜂群(MSSABC)算法和优化高维复杂函数的改进人工蜂群(IABC)算法共五种典型的蜂群算法进行了对比,实验结果显示MPABC具有较好的优化效果;与ABC算法相比,MPABC在求解高维(100维)复杂问题上的收敛速度提高了约23%,且求解精度更优。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new color image segmentation method based on a multiobjective optimization algorithm, named improved bee colony algorithm for multi-objective optimization (IBMO). Segmentation is posed as a clustering problem through grouping image features in this approach, which combines IBMO with seeded region growing (SRG). Since feature extraction has a crucial role for image segmentation, the presented method is firstly focused on this manner. The main features of an image: color, texture and gradient magnitudes are measured by using the local homogeneity, Gabor filter and color spaces. Then SRG utilizes the extracted feature vector to classify the pixels spatially. It starts running from centroid points called as seeds. IBMO determines the coordinates of the seed points and similarity difference of each region by optimizing a set of cluster validity indices simultaneously in order to improve the quality of segmentation. Finally, segmentation is completed by merging small and similar regions. The proposed method was applied on several natural images obtained from Berkeley segmentation database. The robustness of the proposed ideas was showed by comparison of hand-labeled and experimentally obtained segmentation results. Besides, it has been seen that the obtained segmentation results have better values than the ones obtained from fuzzy c-means which is one of the most popular methods used in image segmentation, non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II which is a state-of-the-art algorithm, and non-dominated sorted PSO which is an adapted algorithm of PSO for multi-objective optimization.  相似文献   

针对求解高维约束优化中算法的收敛速度和解的精度不高的缺点,提出一种改进的人工蜂群约束优化算法。该算法在初始化种群和侦察蜂探寻新蜜源时采用了正交实验设计方法,并在采蜜蜂搜索时使用了改进的高斯分布估计,跟随蜂按照采蜜蜂的适应值大小选择一个采蜜蜂,在其蜜源领域内采用差异算法搜索新的蜜源;在处理约束条件时采用自适应优劣解比较方法。最后通过13个标准的Benchmark测试函数进行仿真实验,结果表明该算法在处理高维约束优化问题时具有较好的收敛性和稳定性。  相似文献   

在图像分割中,为了准确地把目标和背景分离出来,提出了一种基于多目标粒子群和人工蜂群混合优化的阈值图像分割算法。在多目标优化的框架下,将改进的类间方差准则和最大熵准则作为适应度函数,通过粒子群和蜂群混合优化这2个适应度函数来获得1组非支配解。同时,为了提高全局和局部搜索能力,在蜂群进化时,将粒子群的全局最优解引入到人工蜂群算法的雇佣蜂阶段蜜源的更新中,并对搜索方程进行改进。最后通过类间差异和改进的类内差异的加权比值,从一组非支配解中选取最优阈值。实验结果表明,该算法能够取得理想的分割结果。  相似文献   

针对当前云计算负载平衡调度过程中出现的虚拟机迁移效率低和能耗高问题,提出了一种基于渗透式人工蜂群与蚁群混合优化负载平衡算法,该算法将化学渗透行为与生物启发的负载平衡算法相结合,在充分利用人工蜂群和蚁群两种优化算法优点的同时,将渗透技术应用于负载均衡。由于渗透技术支持通过云基础设施迁移的虚拟机的自动部署,从而克服了现有仿生算法在实现物理机之间负载平衡方面的缺点,提高了迁移效率。实验结果表明,以现有负载平衡算法相比,提出的算法在迁移性能上提升明显。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于人工蜂群算法的运动目标检测方法。利用将运动目标检测问题转化为独立成分分析问题的原理,选用峭度作为求解信号独立成分的判据,使用人工蜂群算法对基于峭度的目标函数进行优化求解,通过去相关方法从序列图像中剔除分离出的信号成分,进而实现对运动目标轨迹的成功提取。针对模拟运动物体和实际运动物体图像的仿真实验表明,该方法可以很好地检测出序列图像中运动物体清晰的运动轨迹。  相似文献   

Hough transform has been the most common method for circle detection, exhibiting robustness, but adversely demanding considerable computational effort and large memory requirements. Alternative approaches include heuristic methods that employ iterative optimization procedures for detecting multiple circles. Since only one circle can be marked at each optimization cycle, multiple executions ought to be enforced in order to achieve multi-detection. This paper presents an algorithm for automatic detection of multiple circular shapes that considers the overall process as a multi-modal optimization problem. The approach is based on the artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm, a swarm optimization algorithm inspired by the intelligent foraging behavior of honeybees. Unlike the original ABC algorithm, the proposed approach presents the addition of a memory for discarded solutions. Such memory allows holding important information regarding other local optima, which might have emerged during the optimization process. The detector uses a combination of three non-collinear edge points as parameters to determine circle candidates. A matching function (nectar-amount) determines if such circle candidates (bee-food sources) are actually present in the image. Guided by the values of such matching functions, the set of encoded candidate circles are evolved through the ABC algorithm so that the best candidate (global optimum) can be fitted into an actual circle within the edge-only image. Then, an analysis of the incorporated memory is executed in order to identify potential local optima, i.e., other circles. The proposed method is able to detect single or multiple circles from a digital image through only one optimization pass. Simulation results over several synthetic and natural images, with a varying range of complexity, validate the efficiency of the proposed technique regarding its accuracy, speed, and robustness.  相似文献   

The Journal of Supercomputing - This study proposes a set of new robust parallel hybrid metaheuristic algorithms based on artificial bee colony (ABC) and teaching learning-based optimization (TLBO)...  相似文献   

针对标准粒子群算法存在收敛速度慢和易陷入局部最优等问题,提出了一种基于健康度的人工蜂群粒子群算法。通过动态地对各个粒子的健康状况进行评价,对正常粒子和病态粒子分别进行处理,避免无效搜索,提高算法的收敛速度;在处理病态粒子时,一方面以大概率借鉴人工蜂群的搜索策略提高算法的探索能力,另一方面以小概率增加粒子群的多样性,避免陷入局部最优。实验结果表明,与标准粒子群算法和其他改进算法相比,该算法收敛速度快、寻优精度高。  相似文献   

The Journal of Supercomputing - Over the past few decades, there has been a surge of interest of using swarm intelligence (SI) in computer-aided optimization. SI algorithms have demonstrated their...  相似文献   

针对包含约束条件的工程优化问题,提出了基于人工蜂群的粒子群优化PSO-ABC算法。将PSO中较优的粒子作为ABC算法的蜜源,并使用禁忌表存储其局部极值,克服粒子群优化算法易陷入局部最优的缺陷。采用可行性规则进行约束处理,将粒子种群分为可行子群和不可行子群,并在ABC算法产生蜜源的过程中保留部分较优的可行解和不可行解的信息,弥补了可行性规则处理最优点位于约束边界附近的问题时存在的不足。四个典型工程优化设计的实验结果表明,该算法能够寻得更优的约束最优化解,且稳健性更强。  相似文献   

针对一类最小化最大完工时间的同类机调度问题,考虑到机器的加工效率和产品的交付时间,引入同类机调度问题的数学模型,提出一种改进的离散型人工蜂群算法(IDABC)求解该问题。首先,引入种群初始化策略,得到均匀分布的种群,并获得待优参数的生成策略,加快种群的收敛;其次,借鉴差分进化算法的变异算子和模拟退火算法的思想,改进雇佣蜂和跟随蜂的局部搜索策略,并利用最优解的优质信息改进侦察蜂,增加种群多样性、防止算法陷入局部最优;最后,分析算法的性能和参数,并将改进的算法应用于同类机调度问题,在15个算例上的实验结果表明,与混合离散人工蜂群(HDABC)算法相比,IDABC的求解精度和稳定性分别平均提高了4.1%和26.9%,且具有更好的收敛性,表明在实际场景中IDABC可以有效求解同类机调度问题。  相似文献   

针对多区域电力系统经济调度问题,在满足联络线传输限制、多种燃料特征、阀点效应和禁止运转区的约束条件下,综合考虑多区域电力负载成本最小的要求,建立数学计算模型,利用人工蜂群优化法快速地寻找全局最优解。通过两个不同规模、不同程度复杂性的仿真测试系统进行计算,结果验证了所提算法的可行性。考虑获得解的质量,将人工蜂群优化算法与DE、EP、RCGA算法进行对比分析,结果表明所提算法在实际电力系统中解决多区域经济分配问题具有有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

轨道交通运营组织作为轨道交通运营企业管理的核心,在降低企业运营成本、提升服务水平和旅客出行效率方面起着非常重要的作用。提出一种基于人工蜂群(ABC)优化算法的列车行车间隔优化策略,在考虑运营企业和旅客各自利益的基础上,以列车发车间隔为决策变量,建立旅客平均候车时间最小和列车等候时间最大的双目标非线性规划模型。采用ABC算法对模型进行优化求解,结合京津城际铁路某日不同时段客流基础数据进行仿真,实例验证了所提算法和模型的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we put forward a hybrid approach based on the life cycle for the artificial bee colony algorithm to generate dynamical varying population as well as ensure appropriate balance between exploration and exploitation. The bee life-cycle model is firstly constructed, which means that each individual can reproduce or die dynamically throughout the searching process and population size can dynamically vary during execution. With the comprehensive learning, the bees incorporate the information of global best solution into the search equation for exploration, while the Powell’s search enables the bees deeply to exploit around the promising area. Finally, we instantiate a hybrid artificial bee colony (HABC) optimizer based on the proposed model, namely HABC. Comprehensive test experiments based on the well-known CEC 2014 benchmarks have been carried out to compare the performance of HABC against other bio-mimetic algorithms. Our numerical results prove the effectiveness of the proposed hybridization scheme and demonstrate the performance superiority of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Improved artificial bee colony algorithm for global optimization   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The artificial bee colony algorithm is a relatively new optimization technique. This paper presents an improved artificial bee colony (IABC) algorithm for global optimization. Inspired by differential evolution (DE) and introducing a parameter M, we propose two improved solution search equations, namely “ABC/best/1” and “ABC/rand/1”. Then, in order to take advantage of them and avoid the shortages of them, we use a selective probability p to control the frequency of introducing “ABC/rand/1” and “ABC/best/1” and get a new search mechanism. In addition, to enhance the global convergence speed, when producing the initial population, both the chaotic systems and the opposition-based learning method are employed. Experiments are conducted on a suite of unimodal/multimodal benchmark functions. The results demonstrate the good performance of the IABC algorithm in solving complex numerical optimization problems when compared with thirteen recent algorithms.  相似文献   

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