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To understand how expression of IL-8 mRNA is regulated, we studied the effects of Staurosporine, H7, phorbol-myristate-acetate and Dexamethasone in human neutrophils subsequently treated with IFN-gamma. Our results can be summarized as follows: a) IL-8 mRNA steady state levels were enhanced in a dose dependent fashion by both Staurosporine and phorbol-myristate-acetate, were not influenced by H7, but were decreased by Dexamethasone; b) the negative effect of IFN-gamma on IL-8 mRNA accumulation was prevented by Staurosporine and phorbol-myristate-acetate, was not influenced by H7, and was potentiated by Dexamethasone; c) IL-8 mRNA induction caused by Staurosporine was accompanied by a time and dose dependent release of IL-8 into the PMN supernatants.  相似文献   

1. The activation of neutrophils with particulate stimuli such as zymosan induces the generation of the C-X-C chemokine interleukin (IL)-8. There is evidence that neutrophil derived IL-8 plays an important role in human diseases such as the adult respiratory distress syndrome. In the present study, we examined the effects of cyclic AMP elevating agents on the ability of human neutrophils to generate IL-8 in response to zymosan particles. 2. The PDE4 inhibitor rolipram had limited effect on zymosan-induced IL-8 generation. In contrast, the PDE4 inhibitors RP 73401 and SB 207499 concentration-dependently suppressed IL-8 generation. The potency of these inhibitors was RP 73401 > SB 207499 > rolipram which is correlated with their rank order of potency at inhibiting the catalytic site of purified neutrophil PDE4. Pretreatment of neutrophils with the PDE3 inhibitor ORG 9935 or the PDE5 inhibitor zaprinast had no effect on IL-8 generation. 3. The prostanoids prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) and PGE2 inhibited zymosan-induced IL-8 release from neutrophils in a dose-dependent manner, in response to 10(-5) M PGE1 and PGE2 inhibiting IL-8 generation by 89% and 75%, respectively. Similarly, the beta2-adrenoceptor agonist salbutamol also inhibited IL-8 generation, but it was less effective than the prostanoids. 4. Significant synergism between prostanoids or salbutamol and the PDE4 inhibitors to inhibit IL-8 generation was observed. In contrast, there was no significant synergism between PGE2 and the PDE3 inhibitor ORG 9935 or the PDE5 inhibitor zaprinast. 5. In order to evaluate the potential role of protein kinase A in mediating the inhibitory effects of cyclic AMP-elevating agents, we used the protein kinase A inhibitors, H 89 and KT 5720. Pretreatment of neutrophils with these drugs completely reversed the inhibitory effects of a combination treatment with rolipram and PGE2 on zymosan-induced IL-8 release. 6. Microscopic examination revealed that most neutrophils contained one or more zymosan particles and that combination treatment with rolipram and PGE2 noticeably reduced the number of ingested particles. Moreover, there was a significant reduction in the percentage of neutrophils which ingested three or more zymosan particles. 7. Thus, our results demonstrate that cyclic AMP-elevating agents modulate the ability of neutrophils to generate IL-8 in response to a particulate stimulus. However, these agents also modulate the ability of neutrophils to phagocytose zymosan particles. Whether this effect will translate into inhibition of the ability of neutrophils to deal with infectious agents needs to be investigated further.  相似文献   

Recently, a great deal of attention and interest has been directed toward the hypothesis that exposure, particularly in utero exposure, to certain environmental chemicals might be capable of causing a spectrum of adverse effects as a result of endocrine modulation. In particular, the hypothesis has focused on the idea that certain organochlorine and other compounds acting as weak estrogens have the capability, either alone or in combination, to produce a variety of adverse effects, including breast, testicular and prostate cancer, adverse effects on male reproductive tract, endometriosis, fertility problems, alterations of sexual behavior, learning disability or delay, and adverse effects on immune and thyroid function. While hormones are potent modulators of biochemical and physiological function, the implication that exposure to environmental hormones (e.g., xenoestrogens) has this capability is uncertain. While it is reasonable to hypothesize that exposure to estrogen-like compounds, whatever their source, could adversely affect human health, biological plausibility alone is an insufficient basis for concluding that environmental endocrine modulators have adversely affected humans. Diethylstilbestrol (DES) is a potent, synthetic estrogen administered under a variety of dosing protocols to millions of women in the belief (now known to be mistaken) that it would prevent miscarriage. As a result of this use, substantial in utero exposure to large numbers of male and female offspring occurred. Numerous studies have been conducted on the health consequences of in utero DES exposure among the adult offspring of these women. There are also extensive animal data on the effects of DES and there is a high degree of concordance between effects observed in animals and humans. The extensive human data in DES-exposed cohorts provide a useful basis for assessing the biological plausibility that potential adverse effects might occur following in utero exposure to compounds identified as environmental estrogens. The effects observed in both animals and humans following in utero exposure to sufficient doses of DES are consistent with basic principles of dose response as well as the possibility of maternal dose levels below which potential non-cancer effects may not occur. Significant differences in estrogenic potency between DES and chemicals identified to date as environmental estrogens, as well as an even larger number of naturally occurring dietary phytoestrogens, must be taken into account when inferring potential effects from in utero exposure to any of these substances. The antiestrogenic properties of many of these same exogenous compounds might also diminish net estrogenic effects. Based on the extensive data on DES-exposed cohorts, it appears unlikely that in utero exposure to usual levels of environmental estrogenic substances, from whatever source, would be sufficient to produce many of the effects (i.e., endometriosis, adverse effects on the male reproductive tract, male and female fertility problems, alterations of sexual behavior, learning problems, immune system effects or thyroid effects) hypothesized as potentially resulting from exposure to chemicals identified to date as environmental estrogens.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial activity of a new super-oxidized water, Sterilox, has been tested against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare, Mycobacterium chelonae, Escherichia coli (including type O157), Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis var niger spores, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, poliovirus type 2 and human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1. Under clean conditions, freshly generated Sterilox was found to be highly active against all these micro-organisms giving a 5 log10 (99.999%) or greater reduction in two minutes or less.  相似文献   

We used immunogold electron microscopy to examine the distribution of human defensins 1-3 (HNP1-3) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) in the cytoplasmic granules of thin-sectioned, normal human neutrophils. The presence of MPO, defensins, or both was noted in 388 (62.3%) of 623 granule profiles. Whereas MPO and defensins colocalized in 32.5% of such granules, 32.7% demonstrated only MPO and 34.8% demonstrated only defensins. The staining densities of MPO and HNP1-3 showed a low correlation, even when both molecules were present in the same granules (r = 0.09), indicating that they were not present in fixed relative proportions even when colocalized. The low partial correlation coefficient (r = -0.23) between MPO and HNP1-3 for the 388 labeled granules controlling for granule area suggested that the deposition of MPO and defensins might even be negatively correlated. The distribution of MPO and defensins within the cytoplasmic granules of human neutrophils followed a "non-colocalization and multi-compartmental" model that conflicts with the classical notion of azurophil granules as a homogeneous population of organelles marked by the presence of MPO.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in older men and the major cause of death from prostate cancer is metastatic disease. The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play a significant role in the growth, invasion and metastasis of many tumors, including those of the prostate. We previously demonstrated that doxycycline, a synthetic tetracycline, inhibits MMPs and cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in several cancer cell lines. We also demonstrated that in an in vivo model of metastatic breast cancer in athymic mice doxycycline inhibits tumor size and regrowth after resection. In the present study, gelatinolytic activity in the human prostate cancer cell line, LNCaP, was suppressed and significant inhibition of cell growth occurred after exposure to 5 or 10 microg/ml of doxycycline, while cell growth was normal in untreated cells. Radioisotope incorporation into proteins was reduced by doxycycline. DNA fragmentation, consistent with apoptosis, was demonstrated in cells treated with doxycycline. These data suggest that doxycycline may have potential utility in the management of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

The protein C/protein S anticoagulant pathway has been proposed to be a common link between coagulation and inflammation. Studies have suggested that a component of the anticoagulant pathway, activated protein C (APC), may play a role in the inflammatory response by modulating the effects of cytokines such as TNF and by blocking neutrophil activation. Cytokines are known to be intimately involved in the inflammatory response and to function in part to restore hemostatic balance. To begin to delineate what role APC may have in the inflammatory response, we have investigated the effect of APC on the production of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-8 in primary HUVEC, human microvascular endothelial cells, and human coronary artery endothelial cells. Our results have demonstrated that physiologic concentrations of APC significantly up-regulated the production of both IL-6 and IL-8. This increase, which was seen at both the RNA and protein level, was not due to either thrombin or LPS contamination of the APC preparation. Additional studies also showed that the APC-mediated up-regulation of IL-6 and IL-8 was IL-1 independent. Although neither purified protein C nor protein S alone had an effect on cytokine production, protein S, the cofactor for APC, significantly enhanced the ability of APC to up-regulate IL-6/IL-8 production. These results provide further evidence for a role for APC in the inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that Borrelia burgdorferi, the spirochetal agent of Lyme disease, promotes inflammation by stimulating endothelial cells to upregulate adhesion molecules for leukocytes and to produce a soluble agent that is chemotactic for neutrophils. We determined that interleukin-8 (IL-8) was the chemotactic agent for neutrophils present in conditioned media from cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells stimulated with B. burgdorferi. As few as one spirochete per endothelial cell stimulated production of IL-8 within 8 h of coincubation. When 10 spirochetes per endothelial cell were added, IL-8 was detected after 4 h of coculture. Production of IL-8 continued in a linear fashion for at least 24 h. Neutralizing antibodies against IL-8 reduced migration of neutrophils across spirochete-stimulated endothelial monolayers by 93%. In contrast, pretreatment of neutrophils with antagonists of platelet-activating factor did not inhibit migration. Increases in production of IL-8 and expression of the adhesion molecule E-selectin by endothelial cells in response to B. burgdorferi were not inhibited by IL-1 receptor antagonist or a neutralizing monoclonal antibody directed against tumor necrosis factor alpha, used either alone or in combination. These results suggest that activation of endothelium by B. burgdorferi is not mediated through the autocrine action of secreted IL-1 or tumor necrosis factor alpha. Rather, it appears that B. burgdorferi must stimulate endothelium either by a direct signaling mechanism or by induction of a novel host-derived proinflammatory cytokine.  相似文献   

In mammalian species, the fetal adrenal gland plays a key role during late gestation since fetal glucocorticoids are involved in the maturation of the fetus and in the adaptation of the neonate to extra-uterine life. Moreover, in domestic ruminants as well as in the pig, the onset of parturition is triggered by an increased level of fetal plasma glucocorticoids. This prepartum rise of fetal glucocorticoids, which conveys growth and differentiation of adrenocortical cells, is not only under pituitary control but also involves local regulations. We review the actual knowledge of the modalities of fetal adrenal development in the sheep and its regulation by the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and other factors.  相似文献   

Near-haploidy is a rare cytogenetic finding in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) and is associated with a poor prognosis. A second hyperdiploid line, occurring presumably by endoreduplication of the near-haploid stemline, is often observed. We present a case of common ALL in relapse characterized morphologically by a dual population of small and large lymphoblasts. Cytogenetic analysis supplemented with fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) studies localized near-haploidy and hyperdiploidy to the small and large blast population respectively. DNA ploidy determination confirmed two abnormal clones with near-haploidy as the predominant one. A novel t(9;12)(q11;q13) was present in the near-haploid clone and was duplicated in the hyperdiploid clone. This finding identified cells bearing near-haploidy to be the clonogenic population following malignant transformation and confirmed endoreduplication as the mechanism for the presence of associated hyperdiploidy.  相似文献   

Fura-2 and its lipid analogue, FFP-18, were used to measure changes in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration within human neutrophils. Whereas fura-2 was employed to monitor cytosolic Ca2+ increases throughout the cytosol, FFP-18 was used to monitor Ca2+ changes only near the membrane. This latter probe was incorporated into the plasma membrane as its acetoxymethyl ester (FFP-18-AM) but as de-esterification was catalysed by cytosolic esterases, the Ca(2+)-sensing probe (FFP-18 acid) accumulated on the inner face of membrane. The fluorescence of esterified probe on the extracellularly facing membrane leaflet was quenched by the membrane-impermeant ion Ni2+. Under these conditions, near membrane Ca2+ changes which resulted from the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores was possible by conventional ratio fluorescence measurement of FFP-18. From the timing of arrival of Ca2+ at the plasma membrane, it was proposed that there were two Ca2+ storage sites, liberated by different stimuli, one close to the plasma membrane and the other more distant. In order to discover whether organelles within the neutrophil had distributions which correlate with the Ca2+ release sites, fluorescent dyes for structures within the cytosol were employed. We have previously shown that the location of the intracellular membrane stain, DiOC6 (3) corresponds to the distant Ca2+ release site. Here a second stain, BODIPY-C5 ceramide, has also been used and is shown to stain a peripheral region of the neutrophil, in a similar pattern to the near membrane Ca2+ storage site. These data therefore raise the question of whether these stains mark the organelles in neutrophils which are the two Ca2+ storage and release sites.  相似文献   

We examined the hypothesis that superoxide mediates infiltration of neutrophils to the airways through nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB and interleukin-8 (IL-8) after acute exposure to cigarette smoke (CS) in vivo. Male Hartley strain guinea pigs were exposed to air or 20 puffs of CS and killed 5 h after the exposure. The differential cell count of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and specific myeloperoxidase enzyme assay demonstrated that acute exposure to CS caused neutrophil accumulation to the airways and parenchyma, respectively. Acute exposure to CS increased DNA-binding activity of NF-kappaB in the lung. Acute exposure to CS also increased IL-8 messenger RNA (mRNA) expression in the lung. Pretreatment of guinea pigs with recombinant human superoxide dismutase (rhSOD) aerosols reduced the CS-induced neutrophil accumulation to the airways. Both activation of NF-kappaB and increased IL-8 mRNA expression were also inhibited by the pretreatment of rhSOD aerosols. Strong immunoreactivities for p65 and p50 were detected in the nuclei of alveolar macrophages after acute exposure to CS. The signal for IL-8 mRNA expression was demonstrated in the alveolar space after acute exposure to CS. Neither significant immunoreactivities for p65 and p50 nor IL-8 mRNA signals were observed in airway epithelium. These observations suggest that acute exposure to CS initiates superoxide-dependent mechanism that, through NF-kappaB activation and IL-8 mRNA expression, produces infiltration of neutrophils to the airways in vivo. It was also suggested that the alveolar macrophage is one potential source of NF-kappaB activation and IL-8 mRNA expression after acute exposure to CS.  相似文献   

Interleukin 2 (IL-2) interacts with a receptor (IL-2R) composed of three subunits (IL-2R alpha, IL-2R beta and IL-2R gamma). IL-2R beta plays a critical role in signal transduction. An anti-human IL-2 mAb (H2-8) produced after immunization with peptide 1-30 of IL-2 was found to recognize the region occupied by Asp20, at the exposed interface between alpha-helices A and C. Muteins at position 17 and 20 are not recognized by mAb H2-8. mAb H2-8 specifically inhibits the IL-2 proliferation of TS1beta cells which are dependent on the expression of human IL-2R beta chain for IL-2 proliferation. Substitution at internal position Leu17 demonstrates that this position is essential for IL-2 binding and IL-2 bioactivity. New IL-2 mutants at position Asp20 have been analysed. Substitutions Asp --> Asn, Asp --> Lys, Asp --> Leu, show a correlation between diminished affinity for IL-2 receptor and reduced bioactivity measured on TS1beta cells. Mutein Asp Arg lose affinity for IL-2R and bioactivity simultaneously. Furthermore, during the course of the study we have found that mutein Asp20 --> Leu is an IL-2 antagonist. The biological effects of mAb H2-8 and the properties of new mutants at positions 17 and 20 demonstrate that this region of alpha helix-A is involved in IL-2-IL-2R beta interactions.  相似文献   

Tumor-specific TCR can serve as an effective target for active immunotherapy of T cell malignancies. Using the murine T cell tumor model C6VL, vaccination with C6VL TCR protected mice from a subsequent lethal dose of tumor cells. This study characterizes the immune mechanisms involved in the tumor protection, and the influence of immunologic adjuvants in inducing a protective immune response. Immune responses induced by TCR vaccines formulated with various adjuvants: QS-21, IL-12, SAF-1, CD40L, and GM-CSF were compared. QS-21, IL-12, and SAF-1 biased the humoral immune response toward Th1-type, reflected by the induction of IgG2a and IgG2b anti-C6VL TCR Abs. CD40L and GM-CSF exclusively produced IgG1 Abs, reflecting a Th2-type immune response. In our tumor model system, only vaccines containing adjuvants that induced a Th1-type immune response favored tumor protection. Furthermore, we demonstrated that CD8+ T cells were necessary and sufficient for tumor protection using anti-CD8 mAb depletion and adoptive cell transfer experiments. Transfer of hyperimmune serum containing anti-C6VL TCR Abs into na ive mice had modest anti-tumor effects and was not sufficient to prevent tumor growth. TCR-vaccinated B cell-deficient mice were not protected against C6VL tumor, and tumor protection was not completely restored after hyperimmune serum transfer. Thus, B cells may serve as important APCs in inducing a protective immune response. Based on these results future TCR vaccines should be designed to maintain native TCR conformation, as well as induce a strong Th1-type immune response.  相似文献   

Our goal was to evaluate 3 different designs of synthetic corneas in vivo. All devices had a transparent hydrogel center molded to a porous peripheral skirt. Over 30 devices were implanted into rabbits and followed for up to 6 months. The devices were preseeded with rabbit stromal fibroblasts, which enhanced the rate of fibroplasia. The anterior surface of the hydrogel was modified using argon rf plasma treatments. Clinical examinations were performed, and histological analyses were conducted on tissue throughout the time course. Our optimal model ranged from 4.5 to 6 mm and had an extended porous skirt increasing the surface area for fibroplasia and ultimate anchorage of the device. Fibroplasia occurred in this model, and collagen was detected by 28 days. The anterior chamber was normal with no detectable leakage of aqueous humor. Glycosaminoglycans were detected and followed the time course outlined previously when porous material itself was inserted into the stroma. We present the first demonstration that rabbit limbal epithelial cells can migrate onto the synthetic cornea in vivo.  相似文献   

Historically, the neutrophil has been perceived as a terminally differentiated leukocyte with limited ability to produce de novo proteins. Furthermore, in the context of acute inflammation the activated neutrophil has been appreciated only for its ability to release various proteases, reactive oxygen, and arachidonic acid metabolites. Recently, the neutrophil has been shown to have the capacity to produce a number of cytokines that may be instrumental in orchestrating the progression of acute inflammation to a more chronic and specific immune response. These cytokines include IFN-alpha, M-CSF, G-CSF, TNF, IL-1, and IL-6. Our laboratory and others have shown that neutrophils produce IL-8 in response to LPS or a phagocytic challenge. Although these studies have shown the induction of IL-8 from polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN), relatively little is known regarding the regulation of PMN-derived IL-8. Because PMN and monocytes share the same stem cell, and monocyte-derived IL-8 is regulated by prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), glucocorticoids (dexamethasone; DEX) and the T-Lymphocyte-derived IL-4, we postulated that PMN-derived IL-8 production may be regulated in a similar manner. To test this hypothesis, PMN were isolated (> 99% pure) from peripheral blood and cultured in media with 5% FCS in the presence or absence of LPS (10 ng/ml; a concentration of LPS that induced the half-maximal production of PMN-derived IL-8) and in the presence or absence of DEX (10(-6) M to 10(-10) M), PGE2 (10(-6) M to 10(-10) M), or IL-4 (100 ng/ml to 100 pg/ml). PMN-derived IL-8 was measured using a specific sandwich ELISA. DEX and IL-4 in the presence of LPS were found to inhibit PMN-derived IL-8 in both a dose- and time-dependent fashion. DEX and IL-4 in concentrations of 10(-6) M and 10 ng/ml resulted in maximal inhibition of LPS-induced PMN-derived IL-8, respectively. Moreover, both DEX and IL-4 administration could be delayed 4 hr post-stimulation with LPS and result in significant suppression of PMN-derived IL-8. Interestingly, in contrast to the regulation of monocyte-derived IL-8 by PGE2, PGE2 treatment of PMN failed to inhibit the generation of LPS-induced IL-8. Northern blot analysis of steady-state IL-8 mRNA demonstrated that both DEX and IL-4 treatment of PMN resulted in a 40 and 52% reduction in LPS-stimulated PMN-derived IL-8 mRNA, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Impressive inhibition of tumor growth has been observed after transduction of cytokine genes into tumor cells. Secreted cytokines do not affect the proliferation of a tumor directly but activate a host immune reaction strong enough to overcome its oncogenic capacity. However, the reaction mechanisms activated are difficult to interpret; because these mechanisms have been derived from experiments with different tumors, comparisons are hindered. To compare the reactive mechanisms induced by each cytokine, BALB/c mice were challenged with the parental cells of the syngeneic spontaneous mammary adenocarcinoma TSA, or with TSA cells engineered to release IL2, IL4, IL7, IL10, IFN alpha, IFN gamma, and TNF alpha, and the tumor growth area was studied histologically, ultrastructurally, and immunohistochemically. These observations were integrated with data on the growth and rejection patterns of TSA cells in mice depleted of natural killer (NK) cells, granulocytes, CD4+, or CD8+ lymphocytes. The rejection of TSA-IL2 and TSA-TNF alpha cells was associated with the massive presence of neutrophils, that of TSA-IL4 and TSA-IL7 cells with neutrophils and very small areas of colliquative necrosis, and that of TSA-IFN alpha and TSA-IL10 cells with extensive areas of ischemic-coagulative necrosis and some neutrophils. TSA-IFN gamma cells displayed a delay in growth, but were not rejected. Their growth areas comprised necrotic zones of ischemic necrosis devoid of neutrophils. The selective depletion experiments demonstrated that rejection of engineered TSA cells depends on several leukocyte populations. The weight of each population varied with the secreted cytokine, although neutrophils and CD8+ lymphocytes constantly played the major role. Employment of the same tumor line engineered with the genes of different cytokines showed that each cytokine evokes a distinct reaction and that tumor inhibition results from a complex mechanism in which neutrophils and CD8+ lymphocytes and ischemic necrosis are of primary importance.  相似文献   

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