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The aim of this article is to investigate the effect of a physical rest-frame, habituation and age on simulator sickness in an advanced mobility scooter driving simulator. Twenty-six young and 34 older adults completed a total of 12 drives in an advanced mobility scooter driving simulator over two visits. A 2x2 crossover design was used to measure the effect of a rest frame that was added to the driving simulator on either the first or second visit. The Simulator Sickness Questionnaire was used to measure simulator sickness symptoms. A significant decrease in simulator sickness was observed between the first and the second visit. Older adults reported more severe simulator sickness symptoms compared to younger participants. No effect of rest-frame could be found. Habituation appears to be the most effective method to reduce simulator sickness in an advanced mobility scooter driving simulator. More research is needed to investigate simulator sickness in patient groups.

Practitioner summary: Experiencing simulator sickness is a major problem across all types of simulators. The present experiment investigated the effect of a rest-frame, habituation and age on developing simulator sickness symptoms in an advanced mobility scooter driving simulator. Habituation appeared to be the most effective method to reduce simulator sickness.  相似文献   

In this article, a real-time, visual and force environment for a 5-dof haptic urological training simulator is presented that deals with a low-force, high-deformation environment. A real-time graphical representation of the male urethra during the insertion of an endoscope is developed. Smooth urethra deformations are produced by a mesh of piece-wise Bézier interpolations, while its inner wall is simulated by realistic tissue textures. Efficient real-time techniques are developed that introduce endoscope camera depth-of-field effects. A novel particle-based model computes in real-time the forces fed to the haptic device. A 13 fps refresh rate is achieved on a 2-GHz computer with the depth-of-field effect activated, while the rate is doubled to 26 fps with this feature disabled. It is expected that the simulator will contribute to ethical, efficient, and modern surgical training.  相似文献   

Rockfall accidents are an important determinant of safety performance in deep level mining. Previous research which is reviewed suggests that a lack of skill in perceiving warnings of imminent danger may be an important factor contributing to this kind of accident. The perceptual task of mine workers is described briefly and a survey of the visual characteristics of dangerous rock is reported upon. The visual search performance of mine workers in a stope simulator, designed on the basis of the survey results, was studied. The findings show not only that novice mine workers, when compared with experienced men, lack the ability to search adequately in a simulation of dangerous rock, but also that their search skills can be improved significantly by training.  相似文献   

根据某型海上雷达的多目标、多体制、多模式的要求,提出一种采用DSP作为主控部件的方案实现雷达目标模拟.经过系统联调,该模拟器可实现雷达目标的模拟,并取得了满意的效果.  相似文献   

Acknowledging the lack of studies examining both visual and linguistic anthropomorphic cues and the underlying mechanisms of their effects, we investigated how the different modalities of anthropomorphic cues in a health website influenced information disclosure. In a 2 (visual cues: human vs. non-human image) × 2 (linguistic cues: conversational vs. impersonal language) × 2 (question type: less vs. more sensitive questions) between-subjects experiment (N = 254), participants registered with a mock-up health website. We assessed a behavioral outcome of not disclosing personal information and psychological outcomes of social perception and self-awareness as potential mediators. Results revealed distinctive effects of the two modalities of the anthropomorphic cues. Anthropomorphic images, on one hand, increased public and private self-awareness, and public self-awareness in turn led to less information disclosure. Anthropomorphic language, on the other hand, heightened social perception and promoted information disclosure, but social perception did not predict the disclosure. These results indicate unique underlying mechanisms of the effects of anthropomorphism: priming effect of visual cues, and communicative effects of linguistic cues.  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(2):171-188
Several kinds of knee motion simulator systems have been developed for the accurate analysis of knee biomechanics. Knee motion simulators, however, are not recognized for their practical use because of difficulties in design and control. In this study, a wire-driven knee simulator which generates physiological knee motion has been developed. Physiological three-dimensional tibia motion against the femur can be generated by the simulator. Many clinical studies have been performed to analyze the length displacement pattern of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). We assume that the physiological knee motion can be realized if the length displacement patterns of the ACL and PCL against the knee flexion angle are the same as the experimental data obtained from the literature. A fuzzy neural control policy, one of the most effective intelligent control policies, has been applied for control of the simulator. Applying the fuzzy neural control policy, human knowledge and experience can be reflected and adaptive/learning ability can be incorporated in the controller. On-line learning of the fuzzy neural controller is carried out to minimize a fuzzy controlled evaluation function using the back-propagation learning algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed simulator has been evaluated by experiments using a model bone.  相似文献   

In experimental studies using flight simulations subjects’ duration estimates have shown to be an effective indicator of cognitive task demands. In this study we wanted to find out whether subjective time perception could serve as a measure of cognitive workload during simulated car driving. Participants drove on a round course of a driving simulator consisting of three different environments with different levels of task demands. Drivers were required to perform a time-production task while driving the vehicle. Electrodermal activity and subjective ratings of mental workload (SWAT) were recorded simultaneously. The length of produced intervals increased significantly in more complex driving situations, as did electrodermal activity and subjective ratings of mental workload. Thus, time production is a valid indicator of cognitive involvement in simulated driving and could become a valid method to measure the current mental workload of car drivers in various traffic situations.  相似文献   

Technological developments have led to increased visual fidelity of driving simulators. However, simplified visuals have potential advantages, such as improved experimental control, reduced simulator discomfort and increased generalisability of results. In this driving simulator study, we evaluated the effects of visual fidelity on driving performance, gaze behaviour and subjective discomfort ratings. Twenty-four participants drove a track with 90° corners in (1) a high fidelity, textured environment, (2) a medium fidelity, non-textured environment without scenery objects and (3) a low-fidelity monochrome environment that only showed lane markers. The high fidelity level resulted in higher steering activity on straight road segments, higher driving speeds and higher gaze variance than the lower fidelity levels. No differences were found between the two lower fidelity levels. In conclusion, textures and objects were found to affect steering activity and driving performance; however, gaze behaviour during curve negotiation and self-reported simulator discomfort were unaffected.

Practitioner Summary: In a driving simulator study, three levels of visual fidelity were evaluated. The results indicate that the highest fidelity level, characterised by a textured environment, resulted in higher steering activity, higher driving speeds and higher variance of horizontal gaze than the two lower fidelity levels without textures.  相似文献   

In the study, we checked: 1) how the simulator test conditions affect the severity of simulator sickness symptoms; 2) how the severity of simulator sickness symptoms changes over time; and 3) whether the conditions of the simulator test affect the severity of these symptoms in different ways, depending on the time that has elapsed since the performance of the task in the simulator.  相似文献   

视觉感知模块能够利用摄像机等视觉传感器获取丰富的图像和视频信息,进而检测自动驾驶汽车视野中的车辆、行人与交通标识等信息,是自动驾驶最有效、成本最低的感知方式之一。运动规划为自主车辆提供从车辆初始状态到目标状态的一系列运动参数和驾驶动作,而端到端的模型能够直接从感知的数据获取车辆的运动参数,因而受到广泛的关注。为了全面反映视觉感知的端到端自动驾驶运动规划方法的研究进展,本文对国内外公开发表的具有代表性和前沿的论文进行了概述。首先分析端到端方法的应用,以及视觉感知和运动规划在端到端自动驾驶中的作用,然后以自主车辆的学习方式作为分类依据,将视觉感知的端到端自动驾驶运动规划的实现方法分为模仿学习和强化学习两大类,并对各类方法的不同算法进行了归纳和分析;考虑到现阶段端到端模型的研究面临着虚拟到现实的任务,故对基于迁移学习的方法进行了梳理。最后列举与自动驾驶相关的数据集和仿真平台,总结存在的问题和挑战,对未来的发展趋势进行思考和展望。视觉感知的端到端自动驾驶运动规划模型的普适性强且结构简单,这类方法具有广阔的应用前景和研究价值,但是存在不可解释和难以保证绝对安全的问题,未来需要更多的研究改善端到端模型存在的局限性。  相似文献   

磁流变液(Magnetorheological fuild)是一种新型的智能材料,属于可控流体,具有在外加磁场作用下快速可逆地改变流变性能的特点。本文选择剪切阀式作为本文阻尼器的工作模式,对磁流变阻尼器的磁路进行了设计;优化设计了磁流变阻尼器的结构参数,在此基础上,根据理论分析选择阻尼器的结构尺寸,设计制作了单出杆磁流变阻尼器。对本文设计的磁流变阻尼器的特性进行了实验研究,本文的研究结果对于磁流变阻尼器在摩托车悬挂系统中的应用具有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

In the real world, vision operates in harmony with self-motion yielding the observer to unambiguous perception of the three-dimensional (3D) space. In laboratory conditions, because of technical difficulties, researchers studying 3D perception have often preferred to use the substitute of a stationary observer, somehow neglecting aspects of the action-perception cycle. Recent results in visual psychophysics have proved that self-motion and visual processes interact, leading the moving observer to interpret a 3D virtual scene differently from a stationary observer. In this paper we describe a virtual environment (VE) framework which presents very interesting characteristics for designing experiments in visual perception during action. These characteristics arise in a number of ways from the design of a unique motion capture device. First, its accuracy and the minimal latency in position measurement; second, its ease of use and the adaptability to different display interfaces. Such a VE framework enables the experimenter to recreate stimulation conditions characterised by a degree of sensory coherence typical of the real world. Moreover, because of its accuracy and flexibility, the same device can be used as a measurement tool to perform elementary but essential calibration procedures. The VE framework has been used to conduct two studies which compare the perception of 3D variables of the environment in moving and in stationary observers under monocular vision. The first study concerns the perception of absolute distance, i.e. the distance separating an object and the observer. The second study refers to the perception of the orientation of a surface both in the absence and presence of conflicts between static and dynamic visual cues. In the two cases, the VE framework has enabled the design of optimal experimental conditions, permitting light to be shed on the role of action in 3D visual perception.  相似文献   

动态3维场景中多角色动画的交互式模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
当前角色动画的合成大多是在预设的场景中,采用导入与角色骨骼模型匹配的运动捕获数据的方法,这就满足不了多种拓扑结构的骨骼模型和实时变化场景的需要。针对上述问题,提出重定向运动捕获数据到多个任意骨骼拓扑结构的算法,通过采用以实时3维动态寻径算法为基础的角色智能寻径模型,结合语音用户接口代替图形用户接口的方法,实现虚拟角色在动态3维场景中的真实感运动。实验结果表明,本方法可以合成流畅而逼真的,与环境实时交互的角色动画,提高了数据重用性,降低了动画合成成本,满足不同动态3维场景中动画合成的需要。  相似文献   

飞行模拟器具有真实飞行训练无法比拟的优势,其结构设计是优化飞机设计,改善飞行性能的关键问题,故飞行模拟器的建模与仿真研究工作是飞行器设计的难点。通过与液压缸驱动的六自由度飞行模拟器对比分析,以3-RPS机构为基础,以在UG环境下建立的电动缸驱动的三自由度飞行模拟器运动平台模型为研究对象,在ADAMS/View模块下,对其添加约束和驱动后,进行了运动学特性仿真。对于给定的运动学特性曲线,运用ADAMS/Post Processor模块,对测量结果进行后处理,得到各种飞行姿态下的运动学曲线。仿真实验结果验证了该设计可实现升降、横滚、俯仰三种姿态的运动,且符合民航飞行模拟器的技术指标要求。上述分析过程为飞行模拟器的设计提供了一套有效的研究方法。  相似文献   

The explosive growth of social media has intrigued many scholars to inquire into why people willingly share information with others. However, relatively little attention has been devoted to how people determine which information they share in the networked environment. In this study, a 2 (network density – dense vs. sparse) × 2 (knowledge – expert vs. novice) × 3 (information valence – negative vs. neutral vs. positive) online experiment was performed to examine how the three factors interact and cross over in shaping individuals’ perceptions of the value of information for themselves and for others in the network. Results show that individuals’ perceptions of information value are influenced not just by their level of knowledge, but also by how the network environment is structured. Implications for the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the magnitudes and sources of errors associated with the visual estimation of postural classification displayed on TV screens. This study was conducted to address this issue. Sixty-three subjects participated in the experiments. The findings indicate that: (1) subjects found it difficult to evaluate upper extremity postures (particularly the elbow and the wrist), while the postures around the lower back were the easiest to evaluate; (2) the lower extremity positions affected the ability of the subjects to accurately classify postures around the wrist, elbow, shoulder, neck, and lower back, with the estimates being > 70% for sitting and > 60% for standing (except for the elbow); and (3) in general, flexion and extension are easier to evaluate than neutral and non-neutral postures.  相似文献   

Visual perception is typically performed in the context of a task or goal. Nonetheless, visual processing has traditionally been conceptualized in terms of a fixed, task-independent hierarchy of feature detectors. We explore the computational implications of allowing early visual processing to be task modulated. Using artificial neural networks, we show that significant improvements in task accuracy can be obtained by allowing the weights to be modulated by task. The primary benefits are obtained under resource-limited processing. A relatively modest task-based modulation of weights and activities can lead to a large performance boost, suggesting an efficient means of increasing effective cortical capacity.  相似文献   

IP组播技术是个新兴领域,在发展的过程中,涌现了大量的组播路由协议。为了有效的测试和比较这些不断被提出的组播协议的性能,本文提出了一个全新的、基于离散事件驱动的专门测试组播路由的网络仿真平台Msimulator。该平台通过建立网络模型为组播路由协议性能的验证和比较提供了一个更为真实可靠、经济有效的测试手段,大大减少了网络建设中的盲目性以及投资风险,对促进组播技术的研究有极大的推动作用。  相似文献   

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