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Hand‐held devices are also becoming computationally more powerful and being equipped with special sensors and non‐traditional displays for diverse applications aside from just making phone calls. As such, it raises the question of whether realizing virtual reality, providing a minimum level of immersion and presence, might be possible on a hand‐held device capable of only relatively “small” display. In this paper, we propose that motion based interaction can widen the perceived field of view (FOV) more than the actual physical FOV, and in turn, increase the sense of presence and immersion up to a level comparable to that of a desktop or projection display based VR systems. We have implemented a prototype hand‐held VR platform and conducted two experiments to verify our hypothesis. Our experimental study has revealed that when a motion based interaction was used, the FOV perceived by the user for the small hand held device was significantly greater than (around 50%) the actual. Other larger display platforms using the conventional button or mouse/keyboard interface did not exhibit such a phenomenon. In addition, the level of user felt presence in the hand‐held platform was higher than or comparable to those in VR platforms with larger displays. We hypothesize that this phenomenon is related to and analogous to the way the human vision system compensates for differences in acuity resolution in the eye/retina through the saccadic activity. The paper demonstrates the distinct possibility of realizing reasonable virtual reality even with devices with a small visual FOV and limited processing power. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The concept of digital game-based learning (DGBL) evolves rapidly together with technological enhancements of virtual reality (VR) and smart phones. However, the mental workload (MWL) that VR-training applications demand and motivational qualities originating from user experience (UX) should be identified in order to create effective and enjoyable training/learning challenges that fit with individual users’ capabilities. This study examined the effects of reality-based interaction (RBI) and VR on measures of student motivation and MWL, in a mental arithmetic game for secondary school pupils. In a randomised controlled trial with sixty school children, a mental arithmetic game was tested with three different interaction and two different presentation methods – VR RBI, VR head-mounted-display tapping and tablet flick-gesture. Results found a significant effect of RBI on MWL but no differences in enjoyment of training were found between VR-experience and tablet training-experience. In fact, adding the gaming-context to the mental arithmetic task created an enjoyable, motivating experience regardless of presentation or interaction-style.  相似文献   

Industries will implement effective training programs to improve training performance, and an ideal training performance occurs under proper mental workload (MWL). Virtual reality (VR) has recently been widely utilized in training; however, only a few studies have investigated its effects on MWL and training performance simultaneously. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of VR training and traditional training methods, such as technical manuals (TM) and multimedia films (MF), on training performance and MWL. The results of the performance measurement show that VR training is considered the best training method compared to TM and MF, particularly in the case of complex tasks. The results of physiological measurements (GSR [galvanic skin response], LF% [low frequency], and LF/HF [high frequency] ratio) show a significant difference between reading TM and using computer (MF and VR), wherein the latter has a lower MWL. However, no significant difference in subjective MWL assessment (NASA‐TLX [task load index]) and HF% measurement is found.  相似文献   

This study investigated changes in learners' motivation, engagement, performance, and spatial reasoning over time and across different levels of virtual reality (VR) immersion. Undergraduate participants explored a virtual solar system via a moderately immersive or highly immersive VR platform over three sessions. In a third condition, participants initially learned with moderate immersion and transitioned to higher immersion after the second session. Following research on novelty effects, we explored whether subjective experiences and performance would decline over time (e.g., decreasing motivation or performance) as participants became familiar with the virtual environment and tools. However, we hypothesized that transitional immersion (i.e., switching from moderate to higher immersion) might lead to a renewed sense of novelty. Results suggested that both moderate and higher levels of immersion were motivating, engaging, and supportive of learning. In contrast to predictions based on novelty effects, these outcomes did not decline overall as learners gained familiarity with the systems. However, transitional immersion emerged as a promising and testable pedagogical approach for future VR education. All participants also showed gains in spatial reasoning.  相似文献   

介绍了虚拟现实技术的国内外研究现状,以及仿真技术与虚拟现实技术结合使用的发展趋势.为了更好地履行反恐使命,适应形势的发展,有必要提高反恐教学训练质量,创新反恐行动教学训练手段.将仿真技术和虚拟现实技术应用于路边炸弹的虚拟及仿真,能使反恐受训者不受时间、空间、经费和器材的限制,利用各种3D虚拟模型任意组装不同起爆方式下的路边炸弹,拓展其想象空间和创新思维,使之对路边炸弹的结构组成、工作原理及爆炸效应等有深刻理解.  相似文献   

文章以虚拟现实 ( VR)系统为核心 ,综合利用全数字摄影测量系统、地理信息系统 ( GIS)和网络技术等 ,研究快速建立虚拟城市的技术和方法。通过这个方法 ,将虚拟现实作为一个开放系统和一门实用技术 ,为城市信息化提供一种可交互操作、集成化和人机和谐的方法  相似文献   

The virtual image distance in an augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) device is an important factor in determining its performance. In this paper, a method for measuring the virtual image distance and its uniformity is proposed. The setup for measurement consists of a two-dimensional spatial sensor array on the translational stage and a pinhole array plate placed in front of the AR or VR device. As the distance between the pinhole plate and the two-dimensional spatial sensor array were changed, the positions of the rays through each pinhole were measured by a two-dimensional spatial sensor array. The ray trajectories through each pinhole were obtained by fitting these positions to straight lines. The relative distances between these ray trajectories were calculated with respect to the distance from the pinhole plate. This method is effective for measuring the uniformity, such as the azimuthal dependence of the virtual image distance or the dependence of the virtual image distance on the distance from the optical axis of the VR lens.  相似文献   

Virtual Reality: A State-of-the-Art Survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a survey on virtual reality systems and provides an in-depth understanding toward the notion of immersion, according to the semantic meanings of the terms ``virtual' and ``reality'. The paper analyses the structure and functions of a virtual reality system and takes the three dimensional display as the immersive medium to identify the key issues for construction of virtual environments. The paper also reviews the development of virtual reality technology and introduces new image processing techniques into the design of virtual reality systems and virtual environments.  相似文献   

This paper is written from a human factors perspective and discusses research into some of the side-effects of head-coupled immersive virtual reality. The paper provides a broad overview of the history of virtual reality and highlights some of the important current human factors issues. Reasons why side-effects of virtual reality technology may be expected are then discussed with particular reference to the literature on motion sickness and simulator sickness. A study is described which set out to document the frequency of occurrence and severity of side-effects of immersion in virtual reality. One hundred and fifty subjects took part in this study and were immersed in a virtual environment for 20 minutes. Sixty-one percent of the subjects were documented as reporting symptoms at some point during the 20 minute immersion period and a 10 minute post-immersion period. Five percent of the subjects had to withdraw from the study due to the severity of their symptoms. This finding led to further research that attempted to reduce the side-effects observed. Studies investigating the use of adaptation and the anti-motion sickness drug hyoscine hydrobromide are described. Both of these methods of reducing the side-effects of virtual reality proved successful with the hyoscine proving to be a very rapid method of symptom reduction.  相似文献   

虚拟工厂现实场景系统平台设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代化工业不断发展,模拟过程工业真实环境,并在此基础上进行地理信息显示与空间分析等成为当前的研究热点。构建基于虚拟现实(VR)和地理信息系统的(GIS)的虚拟工厂现实场景系统是进行工业生产仿真的一条有效途径,为此,设计开发一个三维的、可维护性强并具有一定扩展性的虚拟工厂现实场景系统具有重要的实用价值。本文通过数据准备、数据生成、系统扩展及客户端设计,实现了虚拟工厂现实场景系统开发过程。通过应用分析与对比,结果表明,该平台化系统具有更高的可扩展性且开发成本低,为虚拟工厂现实场景系统平台设计提供了一个良好的、可扩展的开发途径。  相似文献   

目前提出的弹药检测虚拟训练系统接收检测信号接收率较低,检测虚拟训练成功率较低。基于3D虚拟现实技术设计一种新的弹药检测虚拟训练系统,硬件由主控操作机、检测总线接口以及资源测试器组成,软件部分在3D虚拟现实技术下构建虚拟空间,在开放式软件结构构建的基础上进行检测指标划分,对用户界面的文件进行整改,按照弹药检测的指标数据提升整改的方向正确性,选用自检公式对检测的信息进行系统自检,依据检测到的问题的发生形式判断下一次问题发生的触发机制,由此避免下一次问题的产生,从而实现软件流程。实验结果表明,基于3D虚拟现实技术的弹药检测虚拟训练系统能有效提高信号接收率,增强虚拟训练接收成功率,具有较强的应用性。  相似文献   

为了提高教练的指导效率和丰富羽毛球教学与训练的方法,基于虚拟现实技术和KINECT,开发了一套羽毛球辅助训练系统。该系统利用虚拟现实技术,通过3DS MAX工具进行训练场地的虚拟化建模,搭配Cry Engine引擎技术渲染训练场地场景。KINECT被用来识别这些动作以及使用者的位置变化,并将识别结果通过蓝牙模块传输至VR眼镜内,使VR眼镜内的虚拟环境做出图像、声音等相应的改变,以实现虚拟环境下的人机互动。测试表明,本系统能够准确地实现训练场景的虚拟化,对使用者的各个动作的识别率较高,提高了训练者的学习效率。  相似文献   

基于VRML-Java的网络虚拟现实的实现   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
受到网络速度的限制,传统的网页只能显示文本和图片等二维信息,而网络虚拟现实技术把交互的、逼真的虚拟三维场景引入网络.虚拟现实建模语言(VRML)是一种在互联网上构筑三维虚拟场景的语言标准,通过VRML脚本节点及Java小应用程序实现了用户与虚拟场景更好的交互,并通过Java数据库连接(JDBC),系统实现了三维场景与二维信息的集成.  相似文献   

The aircraft maintenance industry is a complex system consisting of several interrelated human and machine components. Recognizing this, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has pursued human factors related research. In the maintenance arena the research has focused on the aircraft inspection process and the aircraft inspector. Training has been identified as the primary intervention strategy to improve the quality and reliability of aircraft inspection. If training is to be successful, it is critical that we provide aircraft inspectors with appropriate training tools and environment. In response to this need, the paper outlines the development of a virtual reality (VR) system for aircraft inspection training.

VR has generated much excitement but little formal proof that it is useful. However, since VR interfaces are difficult and expensive to build, the computer graphics community needs to be able to predict which applications will benefit from VR. To address this important issue, this research measured the degree of immersion and presence felt by subjects in a virtual environment simulator. Specifically, it conducted two controlled studies using the VR system developed for visual inspection task of an aft-cargo bay at the VR Lab of Clemson University. Beyond assembling the visual inspection virtual environment, a significant goal of this project was to explore subjective presence as it affects task performance. The results of this study indicated that the system scored high on the issues related to the degree of presence felt by the subjects. As a next logical step, this study, then, compared VR to an existing PC-based aircraft inspection simulator. The results showed that the VR system was better and preferred over the PC-based training tool.  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术在工程设计与分析上有很大的应用潜力。可是 ,虚拟环境的创建时间长、成本高,极大地限制了虚拟现实技术在工程上的应用。为此 ,提出了虚拟现实脚本生成器的概念,将虚拟现实技术与过程的设计、分析集成化,创造性地提出了一种自上而下的设计方法———VR-IEDA,以便高效、快速地创建虚拟原型,提高计算机虚拟复杂系统工程的性价比。在 VR-IEDA中复杂系统的结构和行为被计算机捕捉并自动生成可执行的 VR仿真代码 ,从而减少了创建虚拟环境的时间,便利了基于仿真的过程分析和设计。最后 ,以武器系统的维修过程为  相似文献   

基于船舶工程虚拟现实平台建设过程中的技术与应用问题提出相应的解决办法.介绍了作为船舶工程虚拟现实系统所应达到的功能要求,以及与船舶设计、制造的相关问题.对虚拟现实应用和船舶工程仿真有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

分布式虚拟现实系统简称DVR,是虚拟现实系统的一种类型,它是基于网络的虚拟环境。在这个环境中,位于不同物理环境位置的多个用户或多个虚拟环境通过网络相连接,或者多个用户同时参加一个虚拟现实环境,通过计算机与其他用户进行交互,并共享信息。在分布式虚拟现实系统中,多个q用户可通过网络对同一虚拟世界进行观察和操作,以达到协同工作的目的。简单地说是指一个支持多人实时通过网络进行交互的软件系统,每个用户在一个虚拟现实环境中,通过计算机与其它用户进行交互,并共享信息。  相似文献   

分布式虚拟现实系统简称DVR,是虚拟现实系统的一种类型,它是基于网络的虚拟环境。在这个环境中,位于不同物理环境位置的多个用户或多个虚拟环境通过网络相连接,或者多个用户同时参加一个虚拟现实环境,通过计算机与其他用户进行交互,并共享信息。在分布式虚拟现实系统中,多个q用户可通过网络对同一虚拟世界进行观察和操作,以达到协同工作的目的。简单地说是指一个支持多人实时通过网络进行交互的软件系统,每个用户在一个虚拟现实环境中,通过计算机与其它用户进行交互,并共享信息。  相似文献   

This experiment compared the value of real-world training, virtual reality training, and no training in the transfer of learning to the same task performed in real-world conditions. Results provide no evidence of transfer from a virtual reality training environment to a real-world task. There was no significant difference between the virtual reality training group and the group that received no training on the task. The group that received real-world training performed significantly better than both of the other two groups. The results question the utility of virtual training and suggest that in the present configuration, individuals learn performance characteristics specific only to the virtual reality context. Needed improvements to virtual reality for the purpose of enabling the transfer of training are indicated.  相似文献   

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