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The trunk is frequently modelled as one fixed segment ignoring possible multi-segmental contributions during manual handling. This study compared segmental trunk motion in a young and older population during a lifting task. Twelve elderly and 19 young subjects repeatedly lifted a 5 kg box from bench to shelf under two stance conditions. Displacement and angular trunk segment kinematics were recorded with an electromagnetic tracker system and then analysed. The elderly subjects displayed significantly increased pelvic and trunk displacement and significantly reduced pelvic and lower thorax (T10–L1) range of motion in both stance conditions. Upper thorax (C7–T10) motion was at times greater than lumbar motion and opposite to the lower segments and was related to the task while the lower segments contributed to both equilibrium and task requirements. Decreased segmental trunk angular kinematics may contribute to increased displacement kinematics and place the elderly at increased risk of injury and falling. The pelvis, lumbar spine, low thorax (T10–L1), upper thorax (C7–10) contributed uniquely and synchronously to trunk (C7–S2) mechanics during a lifting task. Reduced angular kinematics of the pelvis and low thorax contributed to increased displacement kinematics and hence increased the risk of falling in the elderly compared to the young. Investigations of trunk mechanics should include multi-segment analysis.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of posture on lifting performance. Twenty-three male soldiers lifted a loaded box onto a platform in standing and seated postures to determine their maximum lift capacity and maximum acceptable lift. Lift performance, trunk kinematics, lumbar loads, anthropometric and strength data were recorded. There was a significant main effect for lift effort but not for posture or the interaction. Effect sizes showed that lumbar compression forces did not differ between postures at lift initiation (Standing 5566.2?±?627.8 N; Seated 5584.0?±?16.0) but were higher in the standing posture (4045.7?±?408.3 N) when compared with the seated posture (3655.8?±?225.7 N) at lift completion. Anterior shear forces were higher in the standing posture at both lift initiation (Standing 519.4?±?104.4 N; Seated 224.2?±?9.4 N) and completion (Standing 183.3?±?62.5 N; Seated 71.0?±?24.2 N) and may have been a result of increased trunk flexion and a larger horizontal distance of the mass from the L5-S1 joint.

Practitioner Summary: Differences between lift performance and lumbar forces in standing and seated lifts are unclear. Using a with-in subjects repeated measures design, we found no difference in lifted mass or lumbar compression force at lift initiation between standing and seated lifts.  相似文献   


The number of older workers in the workforce is increasing substantially, and advanced age is associated with factors that could influence musculoskeletal injury risk and work capacity. This study’s goals were to test whether psychophysical estimates of maximum acceptable weight of lift (liftmax) differed between younger and older workers, and to examine potential explanatory factors. Twenty-four female workers (half 50 + years; half 20–32 years) self-adjusted a box’s mass to their perceived liftmax during four lifting tasks. Older workers’ liftmax values were significantly lower (by approximately 24%) than their younger counterparts. There were no age-related differences in resting heart rate, or peak joint angles and final heart rate during the lifting trials. However, the older group demonstrated lower grip strength (by 24%), and lower heart rate reserve during the trials (by 18%). These results question whether current maximum acceptable lifting weights based on psychophysical information are appropriately protective for female workers greater than 50 years of age.

Practitioner Summary: This psychophysical study demonstrated that older female workers (aged 50–63 years) selected maximum acceptable lift masses that were (on average) 24% lower than younger workers (aged 20–32 years), which corresponded with lower grip strength and heart rate reserve. Current maximum acceptable lifting weights based on psychophysical information may not protect female workers greater than 50 years of age.  相似文献   

We previously studied balance during lateral load transfers, but were left without explanation of why some individuals were successful in novel low friction conditions and others were not. Here, we retrospectively examined lower extremity kinematics between successful (SL) and unsuccessful (UL) groups to determine what characteristics may improve low friction performance. Success versus failure over a novel slippery surface was used to dichotomise 35 healthy working-age individuals into the two groups (SL and UL). Participants performed lateral load transfers over three sequential surface conditions: high friction, novel low friction, and practiced low friction. The UL group used a wide stance with rotation mostly at the hips during the high and novel low friction conditions. To successfully complete the practiced low friction task, they narrowed their stance and pivoted both feet and torso towards the direction of the load, similar to the SL group in all conditions. This successful kinematic method potentially results in reduced muscle demand throughout the task.

Practitioner Summary: The reason for this paper is to retrospectively examine the different load transfer strategies that are used in a low friction lateral load transfer. We found stance width to be the major source of success, while sagittal plane motion was altered to potentially maintain balance.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether the effects of initial horizontal object position on peak L5/S1 total moment (PTM) are affected by task type or familiarity with alternative lifting strategies during manual lifting. Nine subjects lifted low-lying boxes from far and close initial horizontal positions in a typical laboratory lifting task (without any transportation of the load) and in a more realistic lifting task in which the box was transported to a location at a few metres distance. Subsequently, subjects were familiarised with alternative lifting strategies (e.g. shifting and tilting) and they then repeated the more realistic lifting task. Compared with the typical laboratory lifting task, the more realistic lifting task resulted in 6% larger PTMs for the close-positioned box. Familiarisation with alternative lifting techniques resulted in a 10% reduction in PTMs for the far-positioned box. As a result, the effect of initial horizontal box position on PTMs was smaller for the more realistic lifting task than for the typical laboratory lifting task and vanished after familiarisation with alternative lifting strategies.

Statement of Relevance:This study showed that the effect of horizontal box position on peak L5/S1 moments is dependent on the type of lifting task (comparing a typical laboratory simulated lifting task with a more realistic task involving carrying the load for a short distance) and familiarity with alternative lifting strategies. Therefore, it is recommended that back loading should be evaluated in a realistic simulation of the work situation or at the workplace itself.  相似文献   

This study, a part of the PRedicting Occupational biomechanics in OFfice workers (PROOF) study, investigated whether there are differences in field-measured forces, muscle efforts, postures, velocities and accelerations across computer activities. These parameters were measured continuously for 120 office workers performing their own work for two hours each. There were differences in nearly all forces, muscle efforts, postures, velocities and accelerations across keyboard, mouse and idle activities. Keyboard activities showed a 50% increase in the median right trapezius muscle effort when compared to mouse activities. Median shoulder rotation changed from 25 degrees internal rotation during keyboard use to 15 degrees external rotation during mouse use. Only keyboard use was associated with median ulnar deviations greater than 5 degrees. Idle activities led to the greatest variability observed in all muscle efforts and postures measured. In future studies, measurements of computer activities could be used to provide information on the physical exposures experienced during computer use. Practitioner Summary: Computer users may develop musculoskeletal disorders due to their force, muscle effort, posture and wrist velocity and acceleration exposures during computer use. We report that many physical exposures are different across computer activities. This information may be used to estimate physical exposures based on patterns of computer activities over time.  相似文献   

As unexpected sudden unloading of the trunk may cause low-back injury, the objective of the present study was to investigate whether handle height and the expectation of cart movement in pushing affect trunk control at movement onset. Eleven healthy male participants pushed a 200-kg cart with handles at shoulder and hip heights. The cart would suddenly move when externally released (externally triggered condition) or when static friction was overcome (self-initiated condition). Before self-initiated cart movement, trunk stiffness and muscle activity were significantly higher than before an externally triggered onset at comparable pushing force. Lower muscle activity and trunk stiffness at shoulder height compared with the hip height before the onset resulted in higher trunk inclination after the onset. In conclusion, higher preparatory activation of trunk muscles serves to increase trunk stiffness in anticipation of cart movement and may reduce the impact of the perturbation associated with the onset of cart movement.

Statement of Relevance: Sudden cart movement in pushing causes an unexpected unloading perturbation to the trunk. This perturbation was shown to cause uncontrolled trunk movement, which may explain how pushing tasks can be associated with low-back injury. Effects of handle height and awareness of the subjects of the possible cart movement suggest directions for prevention.  相似文献   


US large-herd dairy parlour workers experience a high prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms in the upper extremity. The purpose of this study was to estimate and compare full-shift and task-specific muscle activity of the upper extremity among parlour workers. Surface electromyography data were recorded continuously throughout a full work shift for each participant (n = 60). For a subset of participants (n = 33), muscular effort was estimated for milking task cycles. Lower muscle activity levels and higher per cent muscular rest was observed among rotary parlour participants as compared to herringbone and parallel parlour participants for anterior deltoid, forearm flexor and forearm extensor muscles. These findings suggest rotary parlours may offer workstation designs or work organisational dynamics which may be more beneficial to the health and performance of the worker, as compared to parallel or herringbone parlours.

Practitioner Summary: Study findings suggest milking parlour configurations present different biomechanical demands on workers which may influence worker health and performance. Our findings will enable more informed decisions regarding both engineering (e.g. parlour configuration or milking equipment) and administrative (e.g. work organisation) control strategies for large-herd milking parlours.  相似文献   


Manual material handling is associated with shoulder musculoskeletal disorders, especially for women. Sex differences in glenohumeral muscle activity may contribute to women’s higher injury risk by affecting shoulder load and stability. We assessed the effects of sex (25 women vs 26 men) and lifting load (6?kg vs 12?kg) on muscle activation during box lifting from hip to eye level. Surface and intramuscular electromyography were recorded from 10 glenohumeral muscles. Most muscles were more activated for the heavier box and for women. These effects were larger for ‘prime movers’ than for stabilisers and antagonists. Despite their apparently heterogeneous effects on muscle activity, sex and mass did not affect Muscle Focus, a metric of coactivation. This may be partly related to the limited sensitivity of the Muscle Focus. Nevertheless, sex differences in strength, more than in coactivation patterns, may contribute to the sex imbalance in the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders.

Practitioner summary: We studied sex differences in glenohumeral muscle activity in a lifting task to eye level. Women lifting a 6-kg box activated their muscles similarly to men lifting a 12-kg box, i.e. up to 48% of their maximum capacity. Interventions minimising shoulder load should be implemented, especially for women.

Abbreviations: BB: biceps brachii; DeltA: anterior deltoid; DeltL: lateral deltoid; DeltP: posterior deltoid; DoF: degrees of freedom; ED: effect duration; EMG: electromyography; ES: effect size; Infra: infraspinatus; Lat: latissimus dorsi; MF: muscle focus; MMH: manual material handling; MVA: maximal voluntary activation; Pect: pectoralis major; Subscap: subscapularis; Supra: supraspinatus; TB: triceps brachii  相似文献   

Saman Madinei 《Ergonomics》2018,61(6):831-838
The performance of manual material handling tasks is one major cause of lower back injuries. In the current study, we investigated the influence of the weight configuration of hand loads on trunk muscle activities and the associated spinal stability. Thirteen volunteers each performed static weight-holding tasks using two different 9 kg weight bars (with medial and lateral weight configurations) at two levels of height (low and high) and one fixed horizontal distance (which resulted in constant spinal joint moment across conditions). Results of the current study demonstrated that holding the laterally distributed load significantly reduced activation levels of lumbar and abdominal muscles by 9–13% as compared with holding the medially distributed load. We believe such an effect is due to an elevated rotational moment of inertia when the weight of the load is laterally distributed. These findings suggest that during the design and assessment of manual material handling tasks, such as lifting and carrying, the weight configuration of the hand load should be considered.

Practitioner summary: Elevated trunk muscle activities were found when holding a medially distributed load vs. a laterally distributed load (with an equivalent external moment to the spine), indicating a reduced spinal stability due to the reduced rotational moment of inertia. The configuration of the hand load should be considered when evaluating manual material handling tasks.  相似文献   

A participative ergonomics approach to reducing injuries associated with manual tasks is widely promoted; however only limited evidence from uncontrolled trials has been available to support the efficacy of such an approach. This paper reports on a randomized and controlled trial of PErforM, a participative ergonomics intervention designed to reduce the risks of injury associated with manual tasks. One hundred and seventeen small to medium sized food, construction, and health workplaces were audited by government inspectors using a manual tasks risk assessment tool (ManTRA). Forty-eight volunteer workplaces were then randomly assigned to Experimental and Control groups with the Experimental group receiving the PErforM program. Inspectors audited the workplaces again, 9 months following the intervention. The results showed a significant decrease in estimates of manual task risk and suggested better legal compliance in the Experimental group.  相似文献   

A hierarchical taxonomy was developed for identifying differences among microvascular surgeons and cases and for investigating the impact of those differences on case outcome. Hierarchical task analysis was performed on eight microvascular anastomosis cases. The analysis was simplified by redefining subtasks and elements to only describe actions and adding attributes to describe the work object, method, tool, material, conditions and ergonomics factors. The resulting taxonomy was applied to 64 cases. Differences were found among cases for the frequency and duration of subtask, elements, attributes and element sequences. Observed variations were used to formulate hypotheses about the relationship between different methods and outcomes that can be tested in future studies. The taxonomy provides a framework for comparing alternative methods, determining the best methods for given conditions and for surgical training and retraining.

Practitioner Summary: A hierarchical taxonomy, created from a hierarchical task analysis and work attributes, was applied to describe technique variations among microsurgery cases. Variations in time, frequency and sequence were used to form hypotheses on best methods for standardising procedures.  相似文献   

This study compared three-dimensional trunk and pelvis range of motion (ROM) during a sustained asymmetric box lift/lower task between a group with a history of low back pain (HBP, n = 9) and a group with no history of low back pain (NBP, n = 9). Participants lifted an 11-kg box for 10 min at 12 cycles/min from ankle height in front to shelves 45 deg off-centre at waist height. Kinematic data were collected at the beginning (min1), middle (min5) and end of the bout (min9). Two-way analyses of variance were performed for all variables. Pelvis and trunk transverse ROM were similar at min1. By min9, HBP group did not change (31.9 ± 9 deg); however, ROM decreased in NBP group (21.6 ± 6 deg, p < 0.05). Therefore, despite no current pain, the HBP group demonstrated protective lifting mechanics compared to controls. Also discussed are implications for studying lifting paradigms at sub-maximal effort over longer periods of time.

Practitioner summary: Differences between groups over time demonstrate residual consequences of low back pain (LBP) in a manual materials handling scenario. Individuals with a history of LBP (pain free for 6 months) demonstrated more conservative lifting mechanics towards the end of the bout compared to controls with no history of LBP.  相似文献   

Musculoskeletal shoulder load among baggage handlers measured by combining duration and intensity based on biomechanical and epidemiological information may be a stronger predictor of subacromial shoulder disorders than baggage handler seniority. In 2012, a cohort of baggage handlers employed at Copenhagen Airport in 1990–2012, and a cohort of unskilled otherwise employed men answered a survey. Self-reported information on work tasks during employment in the airport in combination with work task specific biomechanically modelled forces in the shoulder joint was used to estimate shoulder load. Exposure measures were accumulated shoulder abduction moment, accumulated shoulder compression force, accumulated supraspinatus force and baggage handler seniority. The outcome was subacromial shoulder disorder registered in the Danish National Patient Register. When analyses were adjusted by all confounders except age, exposure variables showed close to significant associations with subacromial shoulder disorder. Results could not confirm our hypothesis that combined information on work task duration and shoulder load intensity was stronger associated with subacromial shoulder disorder than seniority.

Practitioner Summary: In this study we sought to identify if the exposure to work-related musculoskeletal shoulder loading including duration and intensity among baggage handlers was associated with subacromial shoulder disorder. We found that there was an association but this was not stronger than that between baggage handler seniority and subacromial shoulder disorder.  相似文献   

Designing one-handed carrying tasks based on biomechanical findings has a considerable effect on preventing musculoskeletal injuries. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of height difference of team members on their head and trunk angles in two-person carrying with one hand and compared to individual carrying. In this experimental study, 25 male volunteers performed no-load, 3.5, 7, and 10.5 kg walking trials individually and 7, 14, and 21 kg in teams with one hand in a distance of 30 m. A commercial IMU was used for analyzing the participants' head and trunk angles in frontal, sagittal, and transverse planes. The mean and standard deviation related to the participants' age was 21.24 ± 1.42years. A significant difference was observed in the lateral bending of head and trunk in the frontal plane in taller members of the team compared to individual carrying. In addition, in team carrying, with an increase in weight, extension of the trunk increased significantly. In team carrying, right twisting of the head was reduced significantly. The motion of head and trunk in individual and team carrying, similar to the no-load trial, was reversed in all three planes. In one-handed team carrying, when there is a difference in height between the team members, lateral bending of the head and trunk in the frontal plane will be greater for the taller team member compared to individual carrying. Therefore, in designing these tasks, enough attention needs to be paid to team members’ height differences to prevent the likely injuries.  相似文献   


In spite of the palpable benefits to organizations of applying the principles of ergonomics, it appears that a majority of employers, whether through ignorance or neglect, fail to do so (Simpson 1990). The present study sought to assess the impact of ergonomics on a broad cross-section of organizations in Northern Ireland from three perspectives: (1) knowledge and awareness of ergonomics; (2) attitudes towards ergonomics; and (3) the extent to which the principles of ergonomics were put into practice in the work-place. In all, 700 organizations were surveyed, representing manufacturing, service, and public sectors and ranging in size from 10 to more than 1000 employees. A total of 417 questionnaires (59·7%) were returned and, of these, 152 (36·5%) claimed no knowledge whatever of ergonomics. The extent to which knowledge was claimed tended to depend on the nature of the organizations. Analysis of the remaining 263 questionnaires revealed that, while only 36 organizations employed ergonomic specialists or engaged outside ergonomic consultants, 163 respondents reported specific instances of addressing ergonomic issues during the previous 12 months. Respondents exhibited generally positive attitudes towards ergonomics, although some cynicism was evident. Principal components analysis of the questionnaire items revealed several factors, most notably a general concern for ergonomic issues, cynicism towards ergonomics and, arguably, an attitude of helplessness concerning the state of the organization. Implications of these findings for promoting implementation of ergonomics within organizations are discussed.  相似文献   

Forestry is among the most hazardous of all industry sectors internationally. In New Zealand, highest work-related morbidity and mortality incidence rates are found in the logging sector. The New Zealand Forest Industry Accident Reporting Scheme (ARS) is a forestry injury surveillance system maintained by the Centre for Human Factors and Ergonomics (COHFE). The paper highlights the pivotal role of an industry-wide injury surveillance system in an industry-specific strategic research programme, giving examples of the use of ARS data in identification of priority areas for ergonomics, safety and health research attention, for safety awareness feedback to the industry, and in the evaluation of injury countermeasures. An analysis of injury patterns and trends for one high-risk forestry operation (skid work) is presented to illustrate both the capabilities and limitations of the ARS in its present stage of development.  相似文献   

The behaviour of short term interest rates has been the focus of extensive studies in economics and finance. This paper analyses the duration between changes in the Intended Federal Funds Rate (IFFR) taking into account different factors and the possibility of two outcomes (rate increase and rate decrease). Due to the lack of independence between these outcomes, the use of traditional survival analysis was ruled out and a novel approach based on competing risks is used. The estimation results show the influence of the current interest rate level, US GDP growth rate, US inflation rate, inflation rate differential with Euro-zone and the sign of the previous interest rate change. Test results also confirm that the duration previous to small changes (of a quarter point) and to large changes (above a quarter point) are statistically different for both rate hikes and rate cuts. Accurate confidence intervals for the Cumulative Incidence Function (CIF) are provided even with small sample size under non-normality.  相似文献   

Task-related factors such as frequency and duration are associated with musculoskeletal disorders in office settings. The primary objective was to compare various task recording methods as measures of exposure in an office workplace. A total of 41 workers from different jobs were recruited from a large urban newspaper (71% female, mean age 41 years SD 9.6). Questionnaire, task diaries, direct observation and video methods were used to record tasks. A common set of task codes was used across methods. Different estimates of task duration, number of tasks and task transitions arose from the different methods. Self-report methods did not consistently result in longer task duration estimates. Methodological issues could explain some of the differences in estimates seen between methods observed. It was concluded that different task recording methods result in different estimates of exposure likely due to different exposure constructs. This work addresses issues of exposure measurement in office environments. It is of relevance to ergonomists/researchers interested in how to best assess the risk of injury among office workers. The paper discusses the trade-offs between precision, accuracy and burden in the collection of computer task-based exposure measures and different underlying constructs captures in each method.  相似文献   

BackgroundHigher injury rates of workers with specific characteristics can show areas of interest for intervention. Worker characteristics can be a risk factor because there is a differential distribution of exposure or because a particular worker characteristic affects the worker's behavior and the effects of work in the musculoskeletal system.ObjectiveTo estimate the relative risk for the most frequent accident mechanisms and to present the usefulness of the information from the Continuous Sample of Working Lives for a better estimation of the relative risk based on epidemiological analysis of specific types of accident controlling for possible confounders.Materials and methodsThe most frequent accident mechanisms were identified by analyzing the official accident notifications. To estimate the exposed workers, the Continuous Sample of Working Lives dataset is used. The dataset contains employment variables such as occupational levels, sector of activity, contract type and duration of employment. It also includes relevant variables related to demographics such as location, age, sex and nationality.ResultsAdjusted relative risk confirms that female workers, foreign, non-manual and older workers have lower injury rates.ConclusionsThe use of the Continuous Sample of Working Lives is useful in the analysis of the risk factors for particular types of accidents and allows a better estimation of the relative risks of accident.  相似文献   

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