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The present paper summarizes the data obtained in studying the mechanisms of glutamate-induced deterioration of neuronal Ca2+ homeostasis. In the cultured mammalian central neurons, a short-term (< 1 min) glutamate (GLU, 100 mu) challenge is known to induce a readily reversible (transient) neuronal [Ca2+]i increase. In contrast, a long-term (15-30 min) GLU exposure leads to the appearance of high [Ca2+]i plateau or to the partial recovery of the increased [Ca2+]i. Experiments show that impaired [Ca2+]i recovery in the postglutamate period cannot be explained by the increased [Ca2+]i permeability of the neuronal membrane, as earlier considered. Moreover, a sustained elevation of [Ca2+]i during and after chronic GLU application is associated with a progressive decrease in Ca2+ permeability. The major cause of GLU-induced Ca2+ overload is the mitochondrial depolarization resulted from excessive Ca2+ influx into the mitochondria, the generation of free radicals and the opening of a "giant pore" in the inner mitochondrial membrane. This in turn suppresses both ATP synthesis and Ca2+ electrophoretic uptake into the mitochondrial matrix. In combination with [Ca2+]i-dependent acidification, this leads to the suppression of Ca2+ release from the cell via Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and Ca2+/H+ pump of the neuronal membrane. Therefore, [Ca2+]i recovery following a long-term GLU treatment becomes strongly or even irreversibly compromised.  相似文献   

Kinetic properties of a native, neuronal glutamate transporter were studied by using rapid applications of glutamate to outside-out patches excised from Purkinje neurons. Pulses of glutamate activated anion currents associated with the transporter that were weakly antagonized by the transporter antagonist kainate. In addition, kainate blocked a resting anion conductance observed in the absence of glutamate. Transporter currents in response to glutamate concentration jumps under a variety of conditions were used to construct a cyclic kinetic model of the transporter. The model simulates both the anion conductance and the glutamate flux through the transporter, thereby permitting several predictions regarding the dynamics of glutamate transport at the synapse. For example, the concentration-dependent binding rate of glutamate to the transporter is high, similar to binding rates suggested for ligand-gated glutamate receptors. At saturating glutamate concentrations, transporters cycle at a steady-state rate of 13/sec. Transporters are predicted to have a high efficiency; once bound, a glutamate molecule is more likely to be transported than to unbind. Physiological concentrations of internal sodium and glutamate significantly slow net transport. Finally, a fixed proportion of anion and glutamate flux is expected over a wide range of circumstances, providing theoretical support for using net charge flux to estimate the amount and time course of glutamate transport.  相似文献   

Cloning and expression of a neuronal rat brain glutamate transporter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent evidence suggests that nitric oxide (NO) may function as a second messenger in the intracellular signal transduction pathways. We explored the possibility that NO was involved in the signal for triggering apoptosis in smooth muscle cells (SMCs). Chemical NO donors induced SMCs apoptosis in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. The membrane-permeable cGMP analogue, dibutyryl-cGMP, did not induce SMCs apoptosis, and the highly selective inhibitor of cGMP-dependent protein kinase, KT5823, was unable to inhibit the induction of NO-induced SMCs apoptosis. Inhibitor of ADP-ribosyltransferase slightly attenuated the induction of SMCs apoptosis by S-nitroso-N-acetyl penicillamine (SNAP). The inhibitor of Na+-H+ antiporter, amiloride, completely inhibited the induction of SMCs apoptosis by SNAP. These results demonstrate for the first time that NO can induce apoptosis in SMCs, suggesting that NO acts as a mediator in the development of atherosclerosis lesion via alterations in the number of SMCs. In addition, the results suggest that NO exert these effects through a pathway that does not involve guanylate cyclase and cGMP-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

Excitatory amino acid overstimulation of neurons can lead to a marked rise in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+])i) and be followed by neuron death from hours to days later. If the rise in [Ca2+]i is prevented, either by removing Ca2+ from the extracellular environment or by placing Ca2+ chelators in the cytosol of the stimulated cells, the neurotoxicity associated with excitotoxins can be ameliorated. We have recently shown that neurons infected with a herpes simplex virus amplicon vector expressing cDNA for calbindin D28k responded to hypoglycemia with decreased [Ca2+]i and increased survival relative to controls. We now report that vector-infected neurons respond to glutamatergic insults with lower [Ca2+]i than controls and with increased survival. Infected neurons exposed to sodium cyanide did not respond with lower [Ca2+]i than controls, nor did they demonstrate increased survival postinsult. We examine these results in light of our earlier report and in the context of the potential of vectors like this for neuronal gene therapy.  相似文献   

Effect of nickel ions (Ni2+) on noninactivating calcium channels in squid giant fiber lobe (GFL) neurons were investigated with whole cell voltage clamp. Three different effects of Ni2+ were observed to be associated with distinct Ca2+ channel activation states. 1) Nickel ions appear to stabilize closed channel states and, as a result, slow activation kinetics. 2) Nickel ions block open channels with little voltage dependence over a wide range of potentials. 3) Block of open channels by Ni2+ becomes more effective during an extended strong depolarization, and this effect is voltage dependent. Recovery from this additional inhibition occurs at intermediate voltages, consistent with the presence of two distinct types of Ni2+ block that we propose correspond to two previously identified open states of the calcium channel. These results, taken together with earlier evidence of state-dependent block by omega-agatoxin IVA, suggest that Ni2+ generates these unique effects in part by interacting differently with the external surface of the GFL calcium channel complex in ways that depend on channel activation state.  相似文献   

Fixed and diffusible calcium (Ca) buffers shape the spatial and temporal distribution of free Ca following Ca entry through voltage-gated ion channels. This modeling study explores intracellular Ca levels achieved near the membrane and in deeper locations following typical Ca currents obtained with patch clamp experiments. Ca ion diffusion sets an upper limit on the maximal average Ca concentration achieved near the membrane. Fixed buffers restrict Ca elevation spatially to the outermost areas of the cell and slow Ca equilibration. Fixed buffer bound with Ca near the membrane can act as Ca source after termination of Ca influx. The relative contribution of fixed versus diffusible buffers to shaping the Ca transient is determined to a large extent by the binding rate of each buffer, with diffusible buffer dominating at equal binding rates. In the presence of fixed buffers, diffusible buffers speed Ca equilibration throughout the cell. The concentration profile of Ca-bound diffusible buffer differs from the concentration profile of free Ca, reflecting theoretical limits on the temporal resolution which can be achieved with commonly used diffusible Ca indicators. A Ca indicator which is fixed to an intracellular component might more accurately report local Ca concentrations.  相似文献   

The therapy of fibular ligament ruptures is still a controversial subject. Reports on healing processes following operative or conservative treatment have been verified hitherto by means of clinical examinations and stress tests. The MRT, as a highly sensitive non-invasive method, allows exact documentation of the ligament structures in the ankle joints. This technique was used in a randomized clinical trial over a 6-month period. The 29 patients (ages 17-51 years) had recent ligament rupture [admission criteria: clinical signs of trauma, talar tilt in anteroposterior stress radiographs (15 kp) > or = 10 degrees, talar shift > or = 10 mm] were examined with regard to ligament healing during functional therapy with AIRCAST pneumatic leg braces. Within the first week an MRT was done for verification of ligament injury. Treatment was conservative and functional: lower leg cast for 2 weeks and subsequent mobilization with protection provided by an AIRCAST brace. Follow-up examination was 3 months after injury, taking the form of clinical examination, a-p-radiographs with stress tests, and MRT. In all patients both clinical and radiological examination confirmed that ligament structures had healed, as was also verified by MRT.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the role of ionotropic glutamate receptors in the modulation of calcium dynamics on both sides of a vertebrate plastic synapse. Retrograde labeling of neuronal elements with high-affinity calcium-sensitive dyes was used in conjunction with confocal imaging techniques in an in vitro lamprey brain stem preparation. A prolonged calcium transient was measured both pre- and postsynaptically in response to a period of high-frequency ("tetanic") stimulation to the vestibulospinal-reticulospinal synapse. The ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonists 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (10 microM) and D,L-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoate (D,L-AP5; 100 microM) reduced the calcium signal in both compartments of the synapse. The presynaptic D,L-AP5-sensitive component was enhanced markedly by the removal of Mg2+ from the superfusate. Increasing the extracellular stimulus intensity progressively augmented the presynaptic calcium signal, suggesting the recruitment of excitatory axo-axonic inputs onto these fibers. Further, the presence of an excitatory amino acid-mediated presynaptic potential underlying a component of the Ca2+ signal was demonstrated by electrophysiological recordings from vestibulospinal axons. Bath application of agonist, in the presence of tetrodotoxin (1 microM), confirmed the existence of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors at the presynaptic element capable of modulating calcium levels. The postsynaptic Ca2+ response, which is known to be necessary for long-term potentiation (LTP) induction at this synapse, was localized to areas of the dendritic tree that correlated with the location of known synaptic inputs; thus the synaptically activated rise in postsynaptic calcium may confer the synapse specificity of LTP induction previously demonstrated. In summary, we have demonstrated the existence of physiologically activated presynaptic ionotropic glutamate receptors that are capable of modulating levels of intracellular calcium and have highlighted the importance of receptor-mediated increases in postsynaptic calcium for neuronal plasticity in the lamprey.  相似文献   

Peptide toxins have proved to be useful agents, both in discriminating between different components of native calcium channel currents and in the molecular isolation and designation of their cloned channel counterparts. Here, we describe the isolation and characterization of the biochemical and physiological properties of a novel 74-amino acid peptide toxin (DW13.3) extracted from the venom of the spider Filistata hibernalis. The subtype specificity of DW13.3 was investigated using calcium channel currents recorded from two separate expression systems and several different cultured mammalian cell preparations. Overall, DW13.3 potently blocked all native calcium channel currents studied, with the exception of T-type currents recorded from GH3 cells. Examination of transiently expressed calcium channels in oocytes showed that DW13.3 had the highest affinity for alpha1A, followed by alpha1B > alpha1C > alpha1E. The affinity of DW13.3 for alpha1B N-type currents varied by 10-fold between expressed channels and native currents. Although block occurred in a similar 1:1 manner for all subtypes, DW13.3 produced a partial block of both alpha1A currents and P-type currents in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Selective occlusion of the P/Q-type channel ligand omega-conotoxin MVIIC (but not omega-agatoxin IVA) from its binding site in Purkinje neurons suggests that DW13.3 binds to a site close to the pore of the channel. The inhibition of different subtypes of calcium channels by DW13.3 reflects a common "macro" binding site present on all calcium channels except T-type.  相似文献   

Fura-2 fluorescence was used to investigate the effects of H2O2 on [Ca2+]i in the insulin-secreting cell line CRI-G1. H2O2 (1-10 mM) caused a biphasic increase in free [Ca2+]i, an initial rise observed within 3 min and a second, much larger rise following a 30-min exposure. Extracellular calcium removal blocked the late, but not the initial, rise in [Ca2+]i. Thapsigargin did not affect either response to H2O2, but activated capacitive calcium entry, an action abolished by 10 microM La3+. Simultaneous recordings of membrane potential and [Ca2+]i demonstrated the same biphasic [Ca2+]i response to H2O2 and showed that the late increase in [Ca2+]i coincided temporally with cell membrane potential collapse. Buffering Ca2+i to low nanomolar levels prevented both phases of increased [Ca2+]i and the H2O2-induced depolarization. The H2O2-induced late rise in [Ca2+]i was prevented by extracellular application of 100 microM La3+. La3+ (100 microM) inhibited the H2O2-induced cation current and NAD-activated cation (NSNAD) channel activity in these cells. H2O2 increased the NAD/NADH ratio in intact CRI-G1 cells, consistent with increased cellular [NAD]. These data suggest that H2O2 increases [NAD], which, coupled with increased [Ca2+]i, activates NSNAD channels, causing unregulated Ca2+ entry and consequent cell death.  相似文献   

The complex biochemical interactions following acute spinal cord injury have undergone considerable investigation recently. Progress has been made in discovering both primary and secondary injury cascades that combine to produce the ultimate neurologic insult. Traditionally, neuronal and supporting cell death following spinal cord injury have focused on necrotic death pathways resulting passively from the actual mechanical tissue damage and inflammatory processes which follow. However, the occurrence of programmed apoptotic cell death which is an actively mediated cellular process may occur following acute spinal cord injury and, if present, may play a role in the ultimate neurologic insult. In this study, we document a chronologically-specific course of apoptotic cell death by the TUNEL assay technique following an acute experimental spinal cord injury in the rat model. In this manner, apoptotic cell death following acute spinal cord injury may play a pivotal role in the secondary injury cascade which produces the ultimate neurologic insult and may allow potential for mediating neuronal survival via anti-apoptotic factors such as the protooncogene Bcl-2.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that corticotrophin-releasing factor receptor 1 (CRF-R1) mRNA levels can be down-regulated via activation of the cyclic AMP pathway in CATH.a cells, a neuronal cell line. In this study, we show evidence for down-regulation of CRF-R1 mRNA levels via activation of the protein kinase C (PKC) and calcium second messenger pathways. Incubation of CATH.a cells with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), an activator of PKC, resulted in a time- and concentration-dependent down-regulation of CRF-R1 mRNA levels. Pretreatment with the inactive phorbol ester 4alpha-phorbol failed to influence significantly CRF-R1 mRNA levels. Incubation with carbachol, a cholinergic agonist known to activate PKC and increase intracellular calcium levels via phosphatidylinositol breakdown, also down-regulated CRF-R1 mRNA levels. Intracellular calcium levels were directly increased using A23187, a calcium ionophore, and thapsigargin, a calcium-ATPase inhibitor. Elevation of intracellular calcium content using either A23187 or thapsigargin significantly down-regulated levels of CRF-R1 mRNA. Furthermore, chelation of calcium with EGTA or blockade of voltage-dependent calcium channels with nifedipine inhibited agonist-mediated down-regulation of CRF-R1 mRNA levels. These results indicate that activation of PKC or calcium signal transduction pathways is sufficient to cause down-regulation of CRF-R1 mRNA levels and that calcium is required for agonist-mediated down-regulation of this receptor.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of having a safe person present on artificially induced anxiety following a biological challenge among panic-disordered patients. Anxiety symptoms were induced using a 5.5% CO?-inhalation procedure. Panic patients underwent the inhalation procedure either in the presence or absence of their safe person. Nonanxious controls underwent the procedure without a safe person. Panic patients exposed to CO? without their safe person present reported greater distress, a greater number of catastrophic cognitions, and a greater level of physiological arousal than did panic patients exposed with their safe person. The latter group did not differ from controls on most measures at postexposure. The attenuation of self-reported anxiety and catastrophic cognitions is consistent with the safety-signal theory and the cognitive model of panic, respectively. The results, however, are inconsistent with a biological model of panic. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Using perforated patch recordings in combination with intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) fluorescence measurements, we have identified a delayed Ca(2+)-dependent Cl- current in a mammalian sympathetic ganglion cell. This Cl- current is induced by the synergistic action of Ca2+ and diacylglycerol (DAG) and is blocked by inhibitors of protein kinase C. As a result, the current can be induced by acetylcholine through the conjoint activation of nicotinic receptors (to produce a rise in [Ca2+]i) and muscarinic receptors (to generate DAG). This demonstrates an unusual form of synergism between the two effects of a single transmitter mediated via separate receptors operating within a time scale that could be of physiological significance.  相似文献   

This study examined the nature of cognitive reactivity to mood changes in formerly depressed patients. Patients who recovered either through cognitive–behavior therapy (CBT; N?=?25) or through pharmacotherapy (PT; N?=?29) completed self-reported ratings of dysfunctional attitudes before and after a a negative mood induction procedure. In response to similar levels of induced sad mood, PT patients showed a significant increase in dysfunctional cognitions compared with patients in the CBT group. To evaluate the effects of such cognitive reactivity on the subsequent course of depression, follow-up analyses reassessed 30 patients several years after initial testing. Results indicated that patients' reactions to the mood induction procedure were predictive of depressive relapse. These findings argue for differential effects of treatment on cognitive reactivity to mood induction and for the link between such reactivity and risk for later depressive relapse. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Nematode infection of cattle treated in their first year at pasture with the fenbendazole slow release bolus ('Bolus group') was compared during the second year with that of untreated cattle. Ostertagia was the most prevalent parasite associated with Cooperia. Except for the Dictyocaulus spp. which caused clinical signs of bronchitis in the 'Bolus' group, the infection during the second year resulted in a moderate response of the cattle whatever the group. Rises in both pepsinogen and gastrin levels were correlated with the number of Ostertagia L3 on herbage. Damages in the abomasal mucosa were more frequent and severe in the 'Bolus' group where more inflammatory signs were observed in spite of a smaller number of worms. Nevertheless, the differences in total weight gains were not significant thanks to a compensatory effect during the second part of the grazing season in the 'Bolus' group. Hypotheses related to a minimum threshold of infection during the first year necessary to develop high enough protection during the second year are discussed. The pathological effects of gastrointestinal nematodes seem to vary more according to the inflammatory response than to the number of worms.  相似文献   

The whole cell variant of the patch clamp technique was used to investigate the actions of two novel insect peptides on high voltage-activated Ca2+ currents in cultured dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurones. The insect peptides (PMP-D2 and PMP-C) were isolated originally from insect brains and fat bodies, and have been found to have similar three-dimensional structures to the N-type Ca2+ channel inhibitor omega-conotoxin GVIA (omega-CgTx GVIA). High voltage-activated Ca2+ currents were activated from a holding potential of -90 mV by depolarizing step commands to 0 mV. Extracellular application of synthetic PMP-D2 or PMP-C (1 microM) attenuated high voltage-activated Ca2+ currents. The effects of PMP-C were strongly dependent on the frequency of current activation, but inhibition was apparent and reached a steady state after 20 steps when currents were evoked for 30 msec at 0.1 Hz. The actions of the two insect peptides overlapped both with each other and with omega-CgTx GVIA, suggesting that N-type Ca2+ current was predominantly sensitive to these peptides. Low voltage-activated T-type current and 1,4-dihydropyridine sensitive L-type Ca2+ currents were insensitive to 1 microM PMP-D2 and PMP-C, which indicates a degree of selectivity. The presence of a fucose group on PMP-C abolished the ability of this peptide to attenuate high voltage-activated Ca2+ currents, which may reflect a mechanism by which peptide function could be regulated in insects. The electrophysiological data are supported by studies on 45Ca2+ influx into rat cerebrocortical synaptosomes. Both PMP-D2 (10 microM), PMP-C (10 microM) and omega-CgTx GVIA (1 microM) attenuated a proportion of 45Ca2+ influx into the synaptosomes, but additive effects of these peptides were not observed. We conclude that these naturally occurring peptides obtained from invertebrate preparations have inhibitory effects on N-type Ca2+ channels. Although the peptides have related three-dimensional structures, they have distinct amino acid sequences and appear to have different mechanisms of action to produce inhibition of mammalian neuronal high voltage-activated Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

A clonal, neuronally-differentiating cell line, RN33B, was previously developed by retroviral infection of neural tissue derived from embryonic Sprague-Dawley raphé nuclei with a retrovirus encoding the temperature-sensitive allele of SV40 large T-antigen. In the present study, RN33B cells were transplanted into two target areas of the raphé nuclei, the spinal cord and hippocampal formation, of adult allogeneic hosts. Prior to transplantation, RN33B cells were infected in vitro with a retroviral vector carrying the Escherichia coli lacZ reporter gene and were visualized in vivo using a beta-galactosidase immunohistochemical technique. RN33B cells were seen throughout the spinal cord and hippocampal formation of the adult hosts at 15 days post-transplantation. T-antigen-immunoreactive nuclei were detected where RN33B cells were observed, but in much greater numbers than beta-galactosidase-immunoreactive cells. Bipolar RN33B cells were found in the spinal cord grey matter. RN33B cells with multipolar morphologies were visualized in the hippocampal and subicular pyramidal cell layers, and also in the dentate gyrus granule cell and polymorph layers, while bipolar RN33B cells were seen in the remainder of the hippocampal formation. The results suggest that immortalized neural cell lines of CNS origin can differentiate in the adult CNS with their ultimate morphology being determined by local tissue signals. We speculate that endogenous neutrophins may significantly influence RN33B cell differentiation in vivo.  相似文献   

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