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能源生产和能源消费活动是温室气重要的排放源.准确编制温室气体清单,对政府确认节能减排机会、制定节能减排政策,应对气候变化决策意义重大.文中分析了当前温室气体核查存在的不足,建议发挥节能监察优势和作用,协助温室气体排放清单核查、核实,从而提升温室气体排放核查效能.  相似文献   

该文通过对作物生长环境因素的剖析,确定了蔬菜作物最佳生长发育的环境条件,并以引进的意大利玻璃温室为研究对象,设计了以8031单片机为核心的温室内温度环境的闭环控制系统.  相似文献   

温室生产是一种耗能型产业,节约能源、提高能源利用率是降低生产成本,提高经济效益的重要途径.文章指出,节能工作必须贯穿于温室建设和管理的各个环节中.从建设和管理两方面介绍了南方林木育苗温室各种节能措施.  相似文献   

带地下卵石床蓄热装置的日光温室增温实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建成了带有卵石床地下蓄热装置的示范温室,并与对照温室进行了比较.实验实测结果表明:卵石床地下蓄热系统的蓄热功率为94W/m2左右,大于蓄热功率为76W/m2的地下埋管蓄热系统,该日光温室夜间最低温度比无蓄热装置的对照温室提高了5~8℃,降低了温室的昼夜温差,为喜温作物越冬生产创造了有利的温度条件.  相似文献   

对钢铁行业生产过程温室气体排放源进行解析,采用《中国钢铁生产企业温室气体排放核算方法与报告指南(试行)》中核算方法,对福建省钢铁行业的温室气体排放量进行初步核算。得出结果:近年来福建省钢铁行业温室气体排放总量在不断增加,吨钢CO2排放强度总体趋势是逐年降低的,化石燃料消耗引起的排放占总排放量的主要部分。  相似文献   

沼渣对能源生态模式日光温室改立作用的研究辽宁省农科院陈维志,丁秀华温室生产中往往施用较多的化肥以求得较高的产量,而温室生产最大的特点是由于覆盖使温室土壤得不到雨水的冲刷,多年后必然造成盐类在土壤中积累,导致土壤性质恶化,对作物生产造成危害,生育不良而...  相似文献   

以我国哈尔滨地区的节能型日光温室为例,分析了利用太阳能为其供暖的可行性。太阳能集热系统可为温室保持适宜的温度提供能量,光伏发电系统所产生的电能可用来满足温室热风机及水泵的用电需求,剩余电量并入电网。利用PVsyst软件进行模拟,结果显示,当温室面积为600m2、光伏组件为9.5kWp时,每年可有12.0MWp的电量并入电网,占全部发电量的82.8%。光伏发电系统冬季较高的发电量确保了温室控制系统的有效运行。  相似文献   

<正>中国化工节能技术协会拟于11月召开首届低碳化学品发展论坛。现公开征集论文:一、征文范围温室气体减排政策为低碳化学品发展提供的机遇;碳金融与低碳化学品发展;低碳化学品发展与实现2020年温室气体减排目标;以CO2等温室气体为原料生产低碳化学品的新技术;生产过程可显著降低温室气体排放的化学品生产技术;温室气体的捕获封存、分解、深加工在CDM项目的应用;低碳化学品的市场需求及发展;低碳化学品的下游产品生产技术及发展趋势;低碳化学品的下游产品市场需求及对低碳化学品市场的影响;低碳化学品下游产品研发动态;低碳化学品发展的机遇与障碍;低碳化学品的研发及政策建议。  相似文献   

李子旭 《上海节能》2023,(3):362-366
通过明确海上油气田新建项目固定资产投资评价范围,在对全过程进行物流分析的同时辨识了温室气体排放源,并结合《中国石油天然气生产企业温室气体排放核算方法与报告指南(试行)》评价项目范围内各排放源温室气体的排放量,预估该项目固定资产投资年均温室气体排放量为30 397 tCO2e,净购入电力排放为最主要的排放源。  相似文献   

温室增温节能措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张树声 《太阳能》1995,(3):7-7,31
温室增温节能措施黑龙江省冬季漫长,气候严寒,最低气温在-30℃以下,温室生产蔬菜需用煤炉加热4个多月,而当地煤价很高,因此温室采取增温节能措施十分重要。一、温室的设计与建造温室要建造在背风向阳的地方,北侧利用天然屏障或建筑物,或加防风屏障,这对保温有...  相似文献   

In this paper, heat loss is precisely computed by a proposed code considering different climates. Estimating the costs of different central heating system, unit heaters were selected as the most feasible system. Finally, considering the heating capacity and unit heater's dimensions a computational fluid dynamics model was developed to find the optimized configuration of unit heaters in a typical greenhouse. Using this model, the required thermal load for a greenhouse based on the daily temperature of Arak city in 2017 was computed with a smart control system. It was found that savings in energy consumption were approximately 5447 m3 of natural gas each year.  相似文献   

The primary objective of a greenhouse is to produce good plant-growth conditions such as temperature and humidity. One of the hot issues for the greenhouse is to provide an appropriate heating system which can achieve favorable temperature condition and save energy. In this study, the performance of a ground-coupled multi-heat pump system for the greenhouse heating was investigated. The ground-coupled multi-heat pump system was composed of GLHX (ground loop heat exchanger) and multi-heat pump unit which had one outdoor unit and two or more indoor units. The temperature distribution within the greenhouse using the ground-coupled multi-heat pump system was represented relatively uniform comparing to when the conventional heating system and GCHP system were adopted, because the capacity of each indoor unit could be changed linearly according to the variation of load. The temperature difference between the maximum and minimum temperatures and the standard deviation of inside temperature for the greenhouse were 2.1 °C and 1.2 °C, respectively. It is necessary to develop the multi-heat pump unit which can be operated with high performance at relatively low temperature setting conditions. The system COP of the ground-coupled multi-heat pump unit decreased greatly at part load condition due to relatively high power consumption of the ground circulation pump. Therefore, it is suggested that a control algorithm of the ground circulation flow rate has to be developed to maximize energy saving by applying the ground-coupled multi-heat pump system to the greenhouse.  相似文献   

余情  杨金明 《新能源进展》2015,3(4):251-255
温室的高能耗有碍于其发展,引入可再生能源是温室节能减排的有效举措。本文介绍了一种将光伏发电及控制技术应用于温室的方法,太阳电池组件直接安装在温室室顶,通过与市电并联及少量蓄电池配置保证供电可靠性和功率平滑性,并基于无线通信技术实现温室环境因子参数的采集和远程监控。该系统不但能够根据设定目标自动地调节温室内部环境,而且能够监视整个系统的能量流动情况。温室运行结果表明,该系统能够满足冬季温室用电,并部分解决夏季温室用电,大大减少对化石能源的需求,达到节能减排的效果。  相似文献   

The commercial greenhouse has the highest demand for energy as compared to all other agricultural industry sectors. Here, energy management is important from a broad sustainability perspective. This paper presents the state-of-the-art regarding one energy management concept; the closed greenhouse integrated with thermal energy storage (TES) technology. This concept is an innovation for sustainable energy management since it is designed to maximize the utilization of solar energy through seasonal storage. In a fully closed greenhouse, there is no ventilation which means that excess sensible and latent heat must be removed. Then, this heat can be stored using seasonal and/or daily TES technology, and used later in order to satisfy the heating demand of the greenhouse. This assessment shows that closed greenhouse can, in addition to satisfying its own heating demand, also supply the demand for neighboring buildings. Several energy potential studies show that summer excess heat of almost three times the annual heating demand of the greenhouse. However, many studies propose the use of some auxiliary system for peak load. Also, the assessment clearly point out that a combination of seasonal and short-term TES must be further explored to make use of the full potential. Although higher amount of solar energy can be harvested in a fully closed greenhouse, in reality a semi-closed greenhouse concept may be more applicable. There, a large part of the available excess heat will be stored, but the benefits of an integrated forced-ventilation system are introduced in order to use fresh air as a rapid response for primarily humidity control. The main conclusion from this review is that aspects like energy efficiency, environmental benefits and economics must be further examined since this is seldom presented in the literature. Also, a variety of energy management scenarios may be employed depending on the most prioritized aspect.  相似文献   

针对北方日光温室夜间室内低温问题,该文以收集利用温室内白天富余太阳能为目标,在理论分析相变材料特性的基础上,开发基于管材封装方式的两级相变储放热系统,并通过对比试验,在北京地区的日光温室中开展冬季应用效果试验。结果表明,所开发系统对冬季室内空气温度和土壤温度均有良好的增温效果。其中,空气温度方面,在试验周期内,试验温室夜间(17:00—次日08:00期间)平均室内气温比对照温室平均提高1.0 ℃,最低气温平均提高1.2 ℃;在晴天、多云不同天气条件下,试验温室的夜间平均气温分别提高1.3、1.2 ℃,最低气温分别提高1.5、1.7 ℃;在两天一夜未盖保温被的阴雪天气条件下,试验温室的室内气温全程高于对照温室,最大温差仍有1.9 ℃。在土壤温度方面,晴天和多云天气下,试验温室10和15 cm处的土壤温度平均提高0.6和0.8 ℃,研究表明所开发系统具有良好的持续储放热能力,能改善日光温室的冬季热环境。  相似文献   

An aquifer coupled cavity flow heat exchanger system (ACCFHES) was designed using underground aquifer water for the heating as well as cooling of a composite climatic greenhouse. The performance of ACCFHES was experimentally evaluated for a full winter and a summer season. The ACCFHES makes use of constant temperature aquifer water (24 °C) available at an agricultural field through an irrigation tube well for heating in winter nights and cooling in summer days. The results showed that the average greenhouse room air temperature was maintained 7–9 °C above the outside air during extreme winter nights and 6–7 °C below the outside air in extreme summer days, and temperature fluctuations inside the greenhouse also decreased daily. The average relative humidity (RH) inside the greenhouse also decreased by 10–12% in the winter and increased by more than double in the extreme summer conditions as compared to the outside conditions. A comparison of economic feasibility of the ACCFHES coupled greenhouse was also conducted with conventional greenhouse and open field condition based on the yield of Capsicum annum. The ACCFHES was also compared economically with other existing heating/cooling technologies such as earth-to-air heat exchanger system (EAHES), ground air collector, evaporative cooling using foggers and fan & pad system in terms of net present worth (NPW) and pay back period. It was observed that the NPW of the ACCFHES coupled greenhouse was much higher as compared to the conventional greenhouse and open field condition. The payback period of the ACCFHES coupled greenhouse was the lowest among all other existing heating/cooling systems.  相似文献   

If electric power is supplied using an independent micro-grid connected to renewable energy, it can flexibly match the energy demand characteristics of a local area. And an independent micro-grid is expected to be effective in cutting greenhouse gas discharge and energy costs, as well as in eliminating the need for an emergency power supply system. Since the output of renewable energy is unstable, other energy equipment needs to cover the stability of output. Thus, the operating conditions of an independent micro-grid that supplies power with natural power sources and fuel cells are investigated. The operation conditions of a fuel-cell independent micro-grid with wind power generation were investigated by numerical analysis. Step loads and an apartment house power load model were analyzed using the dynamic characteristics of a fuel cell obtained from experiments. The output of wind power generation and fuel cells is controlled by proportional-integral control of an independent micro-grid for rapid power demand change.  相似文献   

A greenhouse for crop production is a complex thermodynamic system where the indoor temperature and the humidity conditions have a great impact on the crop yields. This system can be considered a multivariable input output system MIMO. This paper aims at presenting a physical model of a greenhouse, experimentally validated, in order to propose a fuzzy-based controller to manage the indoor climate of a greenhouse using some actuators (induction motors, heating system etc.…) for ventilation, heating, humidifying, and dehumidifying purposes. In addition, a novel approach is presented for energy management by involving the photovoltaic energy in order to minimize the use of conventional electrical grid and to lower costs of agriculture production. The photovoltaic (PV) generator will serve to power a direct torque control (DTC) controlled induction motor which drive a variable speed fan. The validation of the physical model shows a high agreement with the experimental measurement. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the fuzzy controller as well as the PV generator for saving the energy and lowering the costs of crop production into greenhouses.  相似文献   

China is well aware of the advantages of quantity-based economic instruments (i.e., emissions trading) for domestic pollution control, but pilot studies and experimental programs in Taiyuan, Hong Kong/Guangdong, and other locations have not been successful. This paper proposes a very different type of emissions trading program, designed with Chinese implementation concerns in mind. It has three component parts: (1) a real-time intermittent control system (ICS) strategy designed to address public health concerns in the near term; (2) software-oriented Predictive emissions monitoring systems (PEMS) targeting process parameter (rather than emission) reporting from individual emission sources; and (3) real-time emissions markets responding to the ICS constraint. The technical and political difficulties associated with implementing such a system are recognized as daunting. However, such an approach would ‘leapfrog’ over existing systems, allowing the country to develop a comprehensive air pollution control strategy as economic growth occurs, continuously improving air quality in a cost efficient manner, utilizing both advanced technology and market-based control approaches in a manner consistent with China's unique environmental needs. It would also lay the groundwork for the eventual pricing of CO2 and other greenhouse gases within China.  相似文献   

K. Sumathy 《Applied Energy》1999,64(1-4):175-180
A greenhouse of semi-circular shape was employed to study the effect of spectral light response on the stem-cutting propagation of horticultural plants. The number of days taken for the root formation were noted and it was observed that the stem cuttings showed earlier root formation under a red-tinged greenhouse followed by a blue-tinged greenhouse. The UV-stabilised sheet prolonged the formation of well-formed roots by an additional three days over that for the control system. The study shows that the temperature gradient is not only a minimum at canopy level but also negative throughout in blue cladded greenhouse and a maximum vertical heat flux of zero is noticed.  相似文献   

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